War God Supreme

Chapter 1127: Lineup, 9th house...

Li Lingtian came to the ban on the eighth floor, Tiandao Roulette Festival came out, and began to find the location of the node.

With the glance of Tiandao breath, and the familiarity of opening the space-time channel five or six times, he quickly found the location of the node. After finding the location of the node, Li Lingtian put away the Tiandao roulette.

Immediately suspended in the air, sitting cross-legged in the air, eyes looked at the strong in the distance.

My heart was at the extreme calm, and Nangong Mingyue was also suspended in the air at a distance of two miles from Li Lingtian. Zi Yin and Yunxin were resting below, but cultivation to reach their level, even if they were cultivation, they were very clear about the situation outside.

As long as there is a slight movement, it will receive the power, so that it can also respond.



At this moment, the earth trembles like waves of earth.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue changed their expressions on their faces.

Looking at the outside in the distance, he was astonished at the situation outside.

I saw that the eighth floor beyond the thousands of miles forbids the front, where the warrior strongman and the metamorphosis monster and the metamorphosis sea monster battle together.

But in this war, there is no destruction at all, just like a competition.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue glanced at each other.

"They are competing, is it the winners and losers who decide to enter the eighth floor?"

Nangong Mingyue spoke out tentatively, looking at Li Lingtian.

"That should be it."

Li Lingtian nodded. Although he could see the situation outside, he could not hear the voice of the outside. The sound of the explosion was also passed by the super powers, and the distance between the two places was not far away.

After the two had finished speaking, they looked at the opposite side seriously, as if they were appreciating a war between the human race and the demon race.

Eleven monster monsters and sea beasts, play against the ten human gods of the Nine Heavens.

The war seemed chaotic, but two warfare groups were formed between each other.

Between the human race and the monster beast sea race, the human race is united, and the sea race and the monster race are united.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue watched a lot of super power battles, and their faces showed excitement. Because of this situation, it is a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity.

It is forbidden to be isolated, but you can see with your own eyes that the other party can't suffer them. Such an opportunity, except for the other party in Wanhua Holy Palace, it is impossible for other places to encounter such a thing.

Moreover, in Shenzhou, Wushen Jiuzhongtian gathered in so many together, it is absolutely rare.

Time, a second and a second passed, and half an hour, finally got the winner.

A sea clan strongman, a demon clan strongman, and a Wushen strongman are out first. The three get three pieces of the break symbol. Otherwise, they enter the eighth floor to start the formation.

The three super powerful beings enter the eighth floor, and the inside and outside together will be forbidden to get rid of it and let all the strongmen enter the eighth floor.

Seeing the end of the war, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue also put all their attention to the front. As long as the opponent entered the formation, they would have to make a choice.

Because the three entered into the formation, they were either trapped by the formation, or prohibited, or selfishly came to the ninth floor to attack Li Lingtian and swallow Li Lingtian's wealth.

Any situation of the other party will cause different effects, and the results will naturally be different.

This is the most critical time, and no care should be taken.


Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and Tiandao Roulette Festival came out.

Heavenly Roulette is the key to this formation, he can start the formation according to the decision made by the opponent.

In the air, the three haloes rotated a little, and I saw three figures landing in the eighth floor.

A demon clan strong man, a sea clan strong man, a human strong man.

"Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, turn on!"

Li Lingtian played out a final decision, and immediately the final decision landed on Tiandao roulette.

Heavenly Roulette is the core of the array, and in an instant, the entire eighth floor of the Wanhua Holy Palace was covered.

However, the emergence of the formation did not affect the three incoming strong men.

Seeing this situation, the faces of the three powerful men who came in changed a few times, and hesitated a little. The three looked at each other, and at the same time they performed a shocking attack, and vigorously walked away from the forbidden bombardment.

At the same time, the outsiders also exhibited terrorist attacks.

Suddenly, twenty-one powerful attacks simultaneously bombarded the prohibition.




A shocking popping sound appeared, and the ban shivered.

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's mouth, which was crazy.

"Why don't you do it?"

Nangong Mingyue was puzzled when she saw that Li Lingtian had not dealt with the three strong men who had come in.

"If the three of them were killed, the outsiders would not be able to enter."

"Don't wipe out part of them. When we leave, we will definitely be endlessly chased."

"I will never be chased and killed alone, even if I get any wealth, I have to let other people look away."

Li Lingtian opened his mouth and explained his thoughts.

He is very sure of his position, even if he cannot kill these strong men, but he can also trap them for a period of time. In case of any danger, he can also retreat into the ninth floor.

Moreover, he has discovered that although the other party has a delimiter, it is not much. Otherwise, the other party will directly use the delimiter to enter it.

You don't need to let the human and the demon clan fight.

After letting those strong men come in, they will find a way to keep them here.

"This trick is too risky."

"Let's not say we are not sure about going out. Just because these powerful people come in, it is enough for us to be busy for a while. If we fail, we will disappear."

The look on Nangong Mingyue's face changed several times, and she did not expect Li Lingtian to bet so much this time.

"This time, you must take risks."

"Do you know the origin of this?"

Li Lingtian said seriously, when he spoke, he pointed the heavenly roulette in front of him.

"do not know."

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, even more puzzled.

She didn't know what made Li Lingtian decide to take risks like this. She was very curious and looked at the heavenly roulette in front of Li Lingtian.

"It's called Tiandao Roulette."

"An unknown secret, it is the Happy Immortal Palace."

"Last time, when I was in Xuanzhou, I entered the Xiaoyao Xian Palace. After spending half a year in the Xiaoyao Xian Palace, the harvest was huge."

"But after leaving, Xiaoyao Immortal Palace became this heavenly roulette, and I realized the heaven and the road, and the battlefield also improved this time."

"I'm worried that this Wanhua Holy Palace is just like the Xiaoyao Xian Palace. When we leave the Wanhua Holy Palace, we will be chased by all the strongmen, so I risk introducing them to divert the attention of other strongmen. "

Li Lingtian simply recounted the experience of Xiaoyao Xiangong.

While speaking, my eyes kept watching the situation in the distance, watching the three strong men and the outside strong men teaming up to forbid the attack.


With the continuous attack and prohibition of the 21 super powers, the prohibition was finally destroyed, and a void space of 100 meters in size appeared. At the moment this void space appeared, all the powers entered into it.

At the moment when these strong men enter, the formation prohibits bridging together.

All the strongmen and monsters and beasts entered the eighth floor of Wanhua Holy Palace.

"Nine Palaces are coming."

"The world is one."

At this moment, Li Lingtian's eyes flashed with a hint of fineness, and he entered the Tiandao Roulette with one hand and a true element.

Suddenly, the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams array opened, and another world appeared on the eighth floor of the Wanhua Holy Palace.

A powerful world, the world is extremely wide, far beyond the previous size of the eighth floor.

At the same time, all incoming strongmen are also separated by this formation.

The eighth floor of the Wanhua Holy Palace is not the eighth floor, but another endless world.

What's more, the things that appeared in the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace in Li Palace, Zhen Palace and Kan Palace also appeared here.

This change shocked all the strong.

Because the transparent world is gone, and it has become a world of overlapping mountains.

"No, this is the ancient **** array."

"It is possible to show such a position."

"so horrible."

"It's finished, how could such a **** array appear."

"Trouble, really trouble this time."

"Is it Divine Array Master?"

"Is this the legendary heaven and earth array?"


The strong men and monsters who came in saw the change of the eighth floor and suddenly changed their faces.

However, it is too late.

All my companions also disappeared, and there was no strong man beside me.

It is completely in a world. Seeing such a situation, all the strongmen who came in the eighth floor are exclaimed, and there is no longer a super strongman style.

Because, in such a position, there is simply no way to crack it.

To know that such a formation is a world completely, there is no way to crack it.

"It's done."

Li Lingtian looked at the changes in the array, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but a trace of excitement appeared on his face.

For the first time, such a world-like formation was performed, and I was naturally excited.

However, it takes a heavy price to display this position. It takes nearly 100 years of life to perform such a position.

"I didn't expect such a miraculous position."

"Princess Ben despised you."

Nangong Mingyue was also very happy, and when he was happy, he joked.

"Of course, how does the son exist."

Li Lingtian also responded to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The smile on his face was more intense.

If other people were here, it would be weird not to despise them.

However, no one dares to despise, because Li Lingtian has such strength, that is, Nangong Mingyue dare to say this, if other strong people, it is strange that Li Lingtian is not killed.

Moreover, no one dared to talk to Li Lingtian in this way.

"Master, are we now on the ninth floor, or are we waiting for them here?"

Ziyin looked at his master and his uncle, and looked at the smiles on their faces, and knew that it was safe now, at least now.

So he asked, knowing his plan later.

[Yesterday’s monthly tickets reached one hundred, plus more today, and a total of ten chapters have been updated. Friends throwing tickets if they have tickets. If there are more tickets, they will break out again tomorrow]



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