War God Supreme

Chapter 1128: Chi Yan【第8...

"The person who comes in is naturally one who can't stay."

The look on Li Lingtian's face became cold, whether it was a human race, orc, or demon race, or sea race, when he came here, he was the enemy.

In such a place, killing treasure is the survival of the fittest.

He does not kill each other, and the other party will also kill them.

Because, he has now become the target of other strong men, as long as he kills him, he will be able to get the formidable wealth.

Therefore, even if they did not come to him, Li Lingtian would go to them.

Taking advantage, you can't miss it. If you miss the opportunity, you will never be able to get rid of it.

"Master wants to erase them all?"

There was a horrified look on Ziyin's face, but this is the twenty-one strong and ninth level of the Wushen God.

His own master said that killing kills killing, but it is a little too horrible.

"Remember the words of being a teacher, in this world, being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself."

"In this world, there are only two kinds of people, one kind of friends and loved ones, and the other kind of enemies."

"The enemy will cut the grass and remove the roots. If the grass is not removed, the spring breeze blows again."

Li Lingtian looked at Ziyin coldly and said sternly.

With the supreme majesty in his voice, let his words enter the bottom of Ziyin's heart, let Ziyin always remember, just like inscribed in the heart, never forget.

This is his disciple, and he wouldn't care if he was someone else.

Even if your own disciples are waste, they are not bullied by others, and they cannot be taught by others.

Being harsh to her now is also for her good.

"Disciples know."

Zi Yin shivered when she saw the dignity of her teacher.

Rather than feel the slightest grievances in her heart, she respects Li Lingtian because she knows that her master is for her good.

During this time, no matter how she did, Li Lingtian spoiled her, but now, it is so fierce that even a fool knows that Li Lingtian is really right.

When answering, the expression on his face was extremely serious, his head was lowered, and he looked extremely respectful.

"The disciples in this seat can be the devil, but they cannot be bullied by the devil."

"So, no matter when, we must work hard to survive, the only goal is to survive, at any time, anywhere.

Li Lingtian looked at Zi Yin to understand his pain, and there was a trace of comfort on his face, and then continued to speak.

Although there are many things now, in order to teach his disciples, other things do not matter.

Later, Li Lingtian took the Nongming Mingyue three women towards the distance and flew away.

The Tiandao roulette in the hand is constantly spinning. On the Tiandao roulette, 21 red light spots are clearly seen. Some of the light spots have moved, and some are in place.

These light spots are the marks left by the strong men who come in. No matter where they go, they can't escape the control of Li Lingtian. In this formation, Li Lingtian is the real master.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian thought of what he had encountered in the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace a few years ago. At that time, he should be just like these light spots, and just a chess piece.

However, in the end, he became the master of the world.

It is also now, now also the master of this lineup, if you want to break away from this world, as long as you kill him, but as long as these strong men do not join forces, it is impossible to kill him.

Moreover, the traces of these powerful men are under his control, and the initiative is in his hands.




A gray figure ran across the air, very fast.

Where the figure passed, it brought a burst of demon power, countless flowers and trees trembling in front of this power.

The creatures in heaven and earth are spiritual, and they are afraid of the power of demon.

When the extraordinary speed cuts through the space, the space produces a sense of tearing, just like the space can't bear the rapid flight of this figure to collapse.

"Damn, humble human beings, they did some tricks."

"If you are caught by the king, the king will definitely put you down, and then you can eliminate the hatred of the king."

Chi Yan flew while roaring, and the power of the terrifying flame turned the air into water vapor.

After training to the 7th level, it turned into a human form, and the power was terrifying. Now it has reached the point where the 9th level and 9th level peaks are completed. The news was known to the strong human beings.

Now the demon clan and the sea clan join forces, and they can only compete with the strong clan.

I didn't expect to be occupied by a human after coming to the Wanhua Holy Palace, and myself and others were calculated by this human into the formation, and I couldn't find a bit of clue when I wanted to go out.


At this time, Chi Yan was startled, and his fast-flying body forced himself to stay in the air.

The terrifying magical power of the whole body was exerted, and between the waving of the palms, a powerful flame magical power bombarded into the air.

At the same time the look on his face became terrified.

Because I don’t know when a ruined sword awn erupted in the air. The sword awn was terrifying, and there was a black hole 100 meters in front.

It can evolve the power to the level of a black hole. This power does not need to be thought of and how terrible it is.

Jian Mang suddenly appeared in front of him, scaring Chi Yan.




At the moment when the flames of destruction were bombarded, a shocking explosion erupted in the air.

The demon power and Jianmang bombarded together, and the black hole swallowed the demon power flame.

The space trembles and tears, the sword qi and the sword rages, the strong wind stirs the air, and the whole scene is terrifying.

At the moment when the black hole swallowed the demon power, Jianmang was like a flash of light, and a scene of blood rose into the sky.

Chi Yan burst into a roar, full of pain in his voice.

I saw Chi Yan's body thrown up, one arm was gone, and his body fell **** the ground.

The ruined Jianmang cut the ground, and a gap of ten miles appeared.

A young man in white appeared in the air. The young man in white was extremely chic. The long sword in his hand was suspended in front of him, and his eyes looked coldly at the red inflammation on the ground.

Beside him, there are three women.

This young man in white is naturally Li Lingtian. The people around him are naturally Nangong Mingyue and Ziyin Yunxin.

The four flew all the way, found the nearest red dot, hid in front of the red dot flying, and then bombed out with a ruined void.

The void in the Sky Sword Formation is destroyed, coupled with ancient artifacts, and the cultivation of the Li Lingtian Wushen Peak Sixth Peak's consummation. Under a single attack, the power is terrifying.

"Damn humanity."

"Come to Wanhua Holy Palace, dare to secretly count this king, this king wants to crush your bones."


Chi Yan looked at Li Lingtian high in the sky and suddenly became furious.

It was this man who had searched for treasures in the Wanhua Holy Palace, and counted them. Now he is also attacked and wounded, and suddenly the whole person is violent.

The horrible and violent demon burst out, and at the same time a roar burst.

Body shape, from personification to deity, a huge flame monster appeared in front of Li Lingtian three people.

The flaming monster is 100 meters in size, and the whole body is flaming, but only one claw is missing at this time.

The transformation of monsters and animals just means that it is convenient to communicate with humans, but after transformation, the strength is not as powerful as the deity.

The most powerful of the demon clan is the physique and attack of the deity. The physique is a natural powerful weapon treasure and a powerful and stable defense shield.

Now I see the abominable enemy, and this enemy has brought him a terrible death threat. I dare not care any more, and the most powerful demon power is exerted.

"Play with fire in front of this seat, this seat will play with you."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was stunned, but he didn't expect that he was the first to encounter the complete red flame, the nature of the fire system.

At the same time, I was also shocked. I didn't expect to make a surprise attack, but I couldn't kill this red flame.

This red inflammation is indeed powerful, and there is also a trace of luck. If this shot is not on the hand, most of the red inflammation will also disappear.


The Shenwu Xuantian sword was put away, and the true element of the whole body burst out.

The terrifying real element and the demon power bombarded together, and the space suddenly exploded.

The red flames of the 9th-ranked 9th-level pinnacles are complete and terrifying. Although they are injured, their strength cannot be underestimated.

With a stroke of both hands, the whole person suddenly became a world of flames, and a magical and powerful flame in his hands.

Within a thousand kilometers of him, there were all the flames of destruction. The whole person was suspended in the air like a flame of war, and the flames in his hands constantly changed into a magical shape.

"Flame Eucharist?"

"Human flame holy body, did not expect to be human flame holy body."

"This king swallowed you today."

Chi Yan looked at the flames around Li Lingtian and the changes in Li Lingtian's body, and was shocked.

Because the human in front of him is indeed the legendary flame body.

A strong man with a flame sacred body has a natural control over the attributes of the fire system, and is naturally not afraid of fire.

The human flame sacred body, like his Chiyan family, is a fire attribute. Now when it encounters an opponent, it will naturally not be let go, and as long as the strong man of the human flame sacred body is swallowed, it can be repaired. .

Although dangerous, the situation in front of us ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ either fell by itself or swallowed up our opponents for a surge.

"Chi Yan, the ninth-ranked ninth-level pinnacle of the monster."

"This seat will use your inner pill to break through and use your body as a material for refining weapons."

Li Lingtian looked at Chi Yan, and the look on his face became crazy.

It is difficult to encounter such a natural fire monster, and naturally will not let go.

And in front of it is a terrible monster of level nine and level nine. When the time comes to kill this monster and refine its inner pill, his cultivation can definitely be further refined.

The premise is that this inner dan is complete, and if the inner dan is destroyed, this red inflammation will not help him any more, at most it is only a little material.

It's just that the real element of terror in the whole body has exploded to the extreme, and the blood in his eyes is like a scary monster.



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