War God Supreme

Chapter 1152: Leaving Bihai



Li Lingtian's devouring light swallowed Tian He and Li Tianyu's true yuan and Shou Yuan in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Li Lingtian's movements, Zi Yin and Yun Xin were terrified.

The Black Dragon King was also shocked, but then understood.

It turned out that Li Lingtian came out to do it himself, in order to absorb the real and longevity of the strong.

Seeing this situation, the Black Dragon King roared with a roar, and the terrifying dragon Weishi exhibited. The huge claws bombarded the two martial gods, Nine Heavens.

The remaining two Wushen Jiuzhongtians were stunned by Li Lingtian’s movements and the strong one. In the face of the Black Dragon King’s attack, there was no slight resistance. The two Wushen strong men were caught by the Black Dragon King.

Satisfied look appeared on Li Lingtian's face. This Black Dragon King's wisdom is really not comparable to that of the average strong man.

Without saying anything, the light of engulfing swallowed the true and shouyuan of the two martial gods Jiu Zhongtian.

Then he waved in the air with one hand, four storage bags returned to his hand, and four treasures came to him.

Impressed by the consciousness, he put the storage bag and treasure in the dragon ring.

As soon as the figure flashed, he returned to the spaceship.

Enter alone into the spaceship's room, leaving a terrified face of Zi Yin and Yun Xin, and a shocked Black Dragon King.

They were shocked by the actions Li Lingtian had just made.

"Your master is eating the constitution."

"Refining the celestial halberd, it is necessary to use the real elements of the strong to warm up the celestial halberd."

"Control the spacecraft and leave Bihai early."

When Ningong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian go back to the room alone, she also understood that Li Lingtian had devoured the Zhenyuan and Shouyuan of the four strong men. To adjust the interest rate, she had to convert the Zhenyuan and Shouyuan into the Sky Killer. If it was delayed, it would affect Li Lingtian.

He glanced at the Black Dragon King and Zi Yin Yunxin, and said lightly.

In this way, Ziyin and Yunxin, as well as the Black Dragon King, will never understand.

But I was still a little shocked in my heart. I didn't expect that there is such a horrible engulfing body in this world. It is not against the sky to restore the truth.

Immediately thinking of the identity of Li Lingtian's first holy pill master, the rebellious refining pill was instantly restored to the true element, which is more terrifying than the light swallowed. It is strange to think of this here.

Li Lingtian returned to the spaceship room, sat cross-legged, and began to release the absorbed Zhenyuan and Shouyuan.


Impressed by the consciousness, the celestial halberd nourished in Shangdantian turned into a streamer and appeared in front of Li Lingtian, then suspended in the air.

At the same time, the Divine Array and Heavenly Roulette appeared in front.

After a series of decisions, less than a moment's effort, a mysterious formation appeared, surrounding itself with the formation.

After doing everything, with one hand, a horrible truth and mysterious atmosphere flew out.

When the real element and breath appeared, the celestial halberd shivered with excitement, and then continuously absorbed these real elements and breath. For a moment, the real elements and breath in the formation were completely absorbed.

After absorbing all the real elements and breath, a faint halo appeared on the celestial halberd. This halo looked dazzling, and there was a feeling of devouring the mind.


Li Lingtian sighed with a sigh of relief, and then received the celestial halberd into it.

Between one-handed waving, the formation disappeared.

After finishing these things, Li Lingtian felt a little tired.

He also understood that the Zhenyuan and Shouyuan he had absorbed were finally absorbed by the Destroyer. He was only a transit point. For him, not only did he not have the slightest benefit, but also made him tired like a dog.

However, in order to destroy the innate artifact of the celestial halberd, you only have to fight.

When the celestial halberd is activated, its own strength can be greatly improved. When faced with the power of the pseudo-god realm, there is some capital, and at least there is a chance to escape.

The pseudo-sacred realm is too much against the sky, too horrible, and it is impossible to imagine how powerful it is.



The reincarnation of heaven and earth works to restore the true yuan that was consumed.

After the restoration of the true unit, the eyes of the gods and souls were displayed, slowly recovering the consciousness and spirit, and the spirit and the consciousness, after consumption, it was countless times more difficult to recover than the true unit.

The spaceship, like a leaf in the vast and endless waters, is going to disappear at any time.

However, even for a small spaceship, in this boundless sea area, there are only surprises and dangers. On the spaceship, Li Lingtian is practicing several magical powers and enlightenment of the five elements in the sky every day. Road.

In addition to cultivation, I exchanged my cultivation experience with Nangong Mingyue, and cultivated the heavens and the dead together.

When he met the strong man, the Black Dragon King cooperated with Li Lingtian, and finally Li Lingtian devoured Zhenyuan and Shouyuan and transformed them into the celestial halberd.

After many times, Ziyin and Yunxin were both surprised, and they could also get some experience and experience from Li Lingtian's hands-on. Their knowledge and cultivation were also continuously improved.

With the help of Black Dragon King, Li Lingtian was able to devour Zhenyuan and Shouyuan smoothly.

Above the sea, chasing and killing treasure are everywhere.

Human race, demon race, sea race, and strong race of the three races are constantly killing on the sea area. This has completely become a ruined battlefield. I don’t know how many strong people swallowed in the sea area.

This is totally a monster that devours the strong, and the dead strong cannot see the shadow or the breath.

For a short time, the East Fall and Tianmu areas near the edge of the sea, the strongmen of the two major areas entered the blue sea, looking for treasures, killing people and winning treasures.

Because a secret message reached the ears of the super powerhouse, Bihai appeared a powerful treasure that was obtained by a human powerhouse.

Although not many people got the news, the people who got the news were all super martial arts strongmen.

Bihai fell into a period of undercurrent surge.

Except for a few strong people who knew this person might be Li Lingtian, the other strong people did not know who the treasure was in their hands.

Moreover, these powerful people who know Li Lingtian will not spread the news, because it will increase competition.

Although Li Lingtian met a lot of powerhouses, with the passage of time, the spacecraft also broke away from the center of Bihai, and the powerhouses against him gradually decreased.

In the past two months, almost no one has worked on his spaceship.

The Black Dragon King also rarely started, leaving the center, which is gradually safe.

Similarly, there are more and more powerful men encountered, but these powerful men are no longer Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

But some martial gods and martial arts, the more they went outside, they met some martial arts warriors.

Three months later, the spacecraft entered the deep sea.

Four months later, the spacecraft entered the edge of the Bihai. In the fifth month, the spacecraft finally flew out of the Bihai and entered the territory of Tianmu.

The Tianmu region is vast and boundless. No one does not believe that it is wider than the Bihai. Even if it is wider than the Bihai, some people object.

Because this Tianmu region is said to be more than a hundred times larger than the Cangnan region, and there are countless powerful people in it.

And there are ten super families and ten super powers in it, and there are some mysterious hermit powerhouses, just superficial powerhouses, which are all terrifying numbers.

"Finally down to earth."

"I have a good rest."

Nangong Mingyue and others landed and talked about the spaceship.

Feeling the sense of down-to-earth ground, Nangong Mingyue couldn't help getting excited.

When I entered the sea area for more than two years, I was really not used to it. Even when I was in the Wanhua Holy Palace, I always felt floating above the sea area, just like the aquatic life without roots.

Now back to the land, it really makes people happy.

"it is good."

"Yun Xin, you go to find an inn, we will take a break here for a while, and wait for the wind to pass and reappear."

"You also hide the demon spirit from your body."

Li Lingtian nodded, with a smile on his face, and could not help reaching out to scrape on the round nose of Nangong Mingyue.

Then he said to Yun Xin, although fighting above can't help him, but some trivial matters are nothing to Yun Xin at all.

After instructing Yunxin, he said to the Black Dragon King, with one hand, a powerful True Element entered the Black Dragon King. As long as the Black Dragon King did not use the monster spirit, this breath was enough to cover up its monster spirit.

Within a moment, Yun Xin came back.

On the coast, although the warriors are everywhere, Wu Sheng is also regarded as a top strong man.

Yunxin Wusheng is one of the most important things in the world.


"This is a small town on the coast of Bihai, which is specialized in the trading of sea resources."

"A hundred thousand miles away, there is a Tianhai City."

"Why don’t we go to Tianhai City to rest, so that it won’t be noticed."

After paying a courtesy to Li Lingtian, Yun Xin respected the general information about this place.

After speaking, he stood respectfully and waited for Li Lingtian's instructions.

Nangong Mingyue and others are also waiting for Li Lingtian's answer.

"Then we fly over."

Li Lingtian nodded, then Yukong flew, and flew away into the distance.

The Black Dragon King and others also quickly followed Li Lingtian, and the group disappeared in place and appeared on the sky in a blink of an eye.

One hundred thousand miles, it takes one day for ordinary low-level warriors, and it takes only one hour for Li Lingtian to reach the power of Wudi.

An hour later, Li Lingtian stopped, suspended in the air, and looked at a large city thousands of miles away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a satisfied look on his face.

Although this city is not a top-tier city, it is comparable to those of Xuanzhou.

This is not the key, the key is that this place has a strong aura and the warrior is powerful.

Emperor Wu Zun and Wu Emperor were everywhere. They weren't considered powerful at all. Even the powerful Wu Shen could be seen casually. However, the strong Wu Jiuzhong had never seen it.

After all, this place is not Bihai. The strongmen in all parts of Bihai are gathered together by treasures. Otherwise, the slightly more powerful Wushen strongmen will not be encountered.


A group of people came to the city and stopped ten miles away, because no matter what the city was, it would be prohibited to use flying techniques to enter and exit.

Li Lingtian and others are no exception and will not affect the overall situation for a little bit.



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