War God Supreme

Chapter 1153: Amami Castle

Tianhai City

Tianmuyu is the closest city to the Bihai. Although the strength of the whole city is not very strong, it has gathered forces from all sides.

It is because of the sea resources of the Bihai, countless major forces and large gates, there are peripheral forces here.

It can also be said that this city is one of the most chaotic places, and all three religions and nine streams appear here.

There is no big family in Tianhai City and no big forces, but there is a strong backstage behind each force, in this place,

The competition between forces is also fierce.

Here, you can see the most powerful forces and family shadows in the Tianmu region everywhere.

Li Lingtian and others came outside the city and looked at the tall Tianhai City. Their faces showed a look of anticipation. They didn't need any resources and transactions. They only needed quiet practice for a while.

After Yunxin applied for the access token, a group of people entered the city.

In the city, there was no discord on the surface.

The whole city is very lively, and Li Lingtian and others have broad insights, and these are no longer attractive.

"Seniors, do you need to stay in the store to rest?"

Li Lingtian and others came to the front of a relatively quiet inn, and a Wu Wang's buddy quickly greeted him.

In the Shenwu Continent, no matter who it is, it is for survival.

The strong have the survival method of the strong, the weak have the survival method of the weak.

Like these low-level warriors, in such a city, if you want to survive, you have to have a skill. Even if you are to attract guests, you need a venomous vision and thoughtful service.

Seeing the dress and temperament of Li Lingtian and his party, the guy knew that these people were not short of money.

If you can leave these strong people to live, you will have a lot of commissions, maybe you can still get a reward after being thoughtful.

"A separate courtyard with the best environment."

Yun Xin said, outside, all these things are handled by her.

As a junior, naturally dare not let Li Lingtian do these trivial things.

And for her, it is a great honor to be able to do this.

"Senior, alone, the courtyard will have 10,000 grades of spirit stones a day, and 250,000 grades of spirit stones a month."

The buddy saluted Yun Xin respectfully.

Although I don't know the relationship between Li Lingtian and his party, I can see Yun Xin's cultivation behavior. A Wu Shengqiang would do these things, and the other people around him must be more simple. He, a man, naturally dare not provoke Li Lingtian.

Seeing that Li Lingtian didn't speak, but it was extremely elegant, calm and calm, noble temperament, absolutely a super-powerful genius disciple.

Nangong Mingyue, like Li Lingtian, is both noble and unparalleled, so beautiful that makes people tremble.

Although Ziyin is a bit green, it is definitely a beautiful beauty embryo.

The Black Dragon King on one side is a powerful guard. No matter how you look at it, she is inseparable from the guard.

"Live for a month now."

"This reward is for you."

Yun Xin threw out a storage bag, and then threw a piece of high-grade spirit stone to his buddies, said lightly.

Very skillful in doing things, is completely a survivor floating on the verge of life and death.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian's face remained unchanged, but he nodded in satisfaction.

He couldn't help but look at Ziyin around him, it seemed that Ziyin was following Yunxin together, and it was all in the wind and rain.

"Thank you senior, thank you senior."

"Seniors will check you in, please wait."

Seeing the Lingshi, the buddies were immediately excited and hurriedly thanked Yunxin.

A top-grade spirit stone is equivalent to one hundred middle-grade spirit stones and equivalent to ten thousand inferior spirit stones.

For a Wu Wang disciple, in the face of such a fiercely competitive environment, it would be difficult to get a little training resources.

In Shenzhou, even a disciple of King Wu, a month of welfare is only a thousand pieces of inferior spirit stones.

It is absolutely uncommon for Yun Xin to reward 10,000 inferior spirit stones at a time.

Soon, the buddy will go through the formalities and take Li Lingtian and his party towards the back of the inn.

After passing through several corridors, I came to a secluded courtyard with countless formations over it. These formations are also very simple, preventing peeping and playing a defensive role.

In Shenzhou, almost every inn is like this.

After looking at one side in the courtyard, they all lived in satisfaction.

This single courtyard has everything in it. For the warrior, this is already very good, because here is only a temporary stop.

After seeing a simple prohibition in the courtyard, Li Lingtian chose a room to live in.

Back in the room, after a little breath adjustment, I lay in bed and fell asleep.

Came here, temporarily safe, you can rest for a while.

Although there is a Black Dragon King in the sea, he is always uneasy and worried that he will encounter the strong power of the pseudo-spiritual realm against the sky. Now he comes to the Tianmu region. Some of those strong people have some fear.

And here, no one knows their existence and can rest at ease.

This consciousness fell asleep for three days before waking up on the third day.

After waking up, I felt that my spirit had really recovered.

The spirit is radiant, with a faint smile on his face.

In the same way, Zi Yin and others took a good rest for a few days. When a warrior had a good chance to rest, he could not give up, because he might encounter strong enemies and dangers.


After Li Lingtian woke up, he went out to look around in the separate courtyard and found that Nangong Mingyue was practicing.

He didn't bother, so he had to go back to his room.

As soon as the consciousness moved, all the storage bags in the dragon dragon ring were taken out. These storage bags were all obtained in the Bihai, mainly in the Wanhua Holy Palace, which was left by the former strongman, and Li Lingtian killed more than a dozen Wushen Nine Heavenly Strong in it.

These are a fortune against the sky. From entering Bihai to leaving Bihai, Li Lingtian spent three years in full, and three years spent on Bihai.

He did not expect that this time it would only cross the blue sea, and it would take up to six months at most, but it did take three years.

However, in the past three years, his cultivation base has achieved Wushen Yazhong Heaven Great Completion, not far from Wushen Yazhong Heaven Peak Great Consummation, and it is only a matter of time before entering the Great Consummation.

Cultivation is a breakthrough and countless wealth. This is luck and accident. Life is often unimaginable.

When I was on the sea, I was not in a mood to sort out the wealth, but now I'm idle. I just took advantage of this break to sort my wealth and plan for the next things.

Because I am now advancing with cultivation, the opponents I meet are also against the sky. If you want to compete with these opponents, you need powerful wealth and resources.

After seeing this large pile of storage bags, the look on Li Lingtian's face couldn't help but stunned.

With so many storage bags, I don't know when it will be sorted out.

However, when he smiled bitterly, a sweet voice came from outside.

"Ling Tian."

"Are you practicing?"

The voice of Nangong Mingyue sounded. With her cultivation behavior, she naturally knew that Li Lingtian was awake and wandering around in the courtyard, but she was at the time of cultivation and was unable to take credit.

Knowing that Li Lingtian was awake, he was very happy.

So, after the cultivation was completed, he hurried to Li Lingtian.

"Moon Moon."

"come in."

Li Lingtian heard the voice of Nangong Mingyue, and the bitter smile on his face became a happy smile.

Rather than slowly sorting out by yourself, it is better to let Ziyin come to them, so that it can be much easier.

Although the strength is not good, it is still a question of sorting out these trivial matters. It is not a waste to put them at this time. Isn't this a waste? Thinking of this, the smile on his face is even more intense.


The wooden door opened gently, and Ningong Mingyue's shadow appeared in Li Lingtian's line of sight.

Watching Nangong Mingyue come in, Li Lingtian did not get up, but looked at Nangong Mingyue.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

Nangong Mingyue entered the door and saw a large pile of storage bags in the room, suddenly stunned.

There are tens of thousands of these storage bags. The storage bag is completely a small world, and there are storage bags in the storage bag. In this way, it is impossible to imagine how much wealth has reached.

She didn't know what Li Lingtian did to take these storage bags out of the room by herself. She was naturally curious.

"You came just right."

"Mingyue, you will find Ziyin and Yunxin. I will take advantage of this time to rest and count all the wealth."

Li Lingtian smiled and pointed to a large number of storage bags in front of him.


After listening to Li Lingtian's words, Nangong Mingyue, Yingying's ritual, looked extremely lovely.

This situation caused Li Lingtian's heart to tremble. In front of him, the Nangong Mingyue was originally the tallest princess. Although Qingzhou was gone, she didn't have the princess's shelf, but her long princess identity has always existed in Li Lingtian's heart~www. wuxiaspot.com~ This way, it really made him feel trembling, and a stimulus appeared in his heart.

He naturally knew that Nangong Mingyue was joking with him. Between the two, this is also a kind of fun.

Soon, Ziyin and Yunxin came to Li Lingtian's room and were surprised when they saw the storage bags on the ground, but they didn't ask anything and stood by and waited for Li Lingtian to ask.

"Yunxin counts the spirit stones in the storage bag, and counts the treasures in the moon."

"Zi Yin inventoryed medicinal materials and materials, and sorted these materials and treasures, as well as spirit stones."

Li Lingtian pointed to the storage bag on the ground and said to Ziyin and Yunxin.

There are tens of thousands of storage bags here, some of which were left by the strong men millions of years ago, and some left by the strong men of today. Only after they are counted, will there be a bottom in my heart.



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