War God Supreme

Chapter 1159: Skytop


Located in the west of the Tianmu region, there are mountains and hills everywhere, and the thick fog is constant all the year round, just like being in the sky, and the place is very high. The mountains and peaks are tens of miles to hundreds of miles high. Cloud, so known as the top of the sky.

Tens of millions of miles away are endless dense mountains and rivers. When you enter the top of the sky, even the strongman may not be able to come out and be lost in it, let alone the powerful monster and unknown danger. There are horrible strongmen.

Due to the terrain, the top of the sky has also become a place of refuge for some powerful people.

With the passage of time, there are more and more people in the Tianmu domain, even the east fall domain, and the death domain.

Gradually, there are countless powerful people in the top of the sky, even if the big family forces do not dare to easily provoke.

In the end, even the top ten super powers and top ten super family powerhouses, chasing opponents can only stop outside the top of the sky, and enter the inside to be killed by the people inside.

Huangfu's family, Duanmu's family, Gongsun's family, Tiandihui, Xiaotianmeng, these five behemoths existed, and they also attacked the top of Yuntian, but none succeeded.

Later, Yuntianzhi became more and more famous, and gradually formed its status today, almost fighting against the super powers.

In the top of the sky, all are super powers, or super geniuses, or fierce devil heads, or rebellious people, or cultivators.

The only common feature here is the deep strength, no family and sect repair.

Even in such a place, although there is no family and power in it, and there is no discipline, there is a rule that the strong should be respected.

There are countless powerhouses in it, and even countless powerhouses have settled down here, taking the top of the sky as their home.

On this day, three figures appeared at the entrance to the top of the sky.

In fact, there are many people who come here almost every day, all come here to take refuge.

At the entrance of the cave, anyone can be seen chased and killed at any time.




Three sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and when the sound fell, the three figures landed.

The people coming here are Li Lingtian, Nangong Mingyue and Black Dragon King.

After the three of them landed, their faces were all surprised.

I saw that there was endless mist in front of my eyes, and even the consciousness could not penetrate, and my eyes could only see a place 100 meters away.

The mist is full of mountains, not so much a cave entrance as it is a canyon entrance.

Because on both sides are cliffs that rise into the clouds, the canyon in front of you enters the only passage to the top of the sky.

When he came here, Li Lingtian and the three of them suddenly felt dozens of horrible consciousnesses. The consciousness glanced unscrupulously on the three people. After the glance, dozens of consciousnesses disappeared.

Just like monitoring and inspecting three people, Li Lingtian felt a chill in his heart, but he could not bear it.

In Shenwu Continent, in general, they dare not blatantly use their consciousness to glance at others, because this is an impolite behavior and a behavior of indulgence.

Moreover, use your consciousness to glance at others. If you encounter a strong person, the counterattack of the consciousness will destroy your consciousness, the weaker will lose your consciousness, and the more serious will become an idiot. .

"Sign up."

"Who is the Chou?"

Just as all the consciousness disappeared, a cold voice sounded, like a questioning.

And there was a hostility in it, which made Li Lingtian feel uncomfortable.

"Li Lingtian, Qiu Family Duanmu Family, Gongsun Family."

"Nangong Mingyue is my lover."

"Black Dragon, is my friend."

Li Lingtian said aloud, telling his name to the Chou family.

Since coming here, there is no need to disguise his identity.

What's more, the people in the top of the sky are all super powers from all major domains. Everyone has it. If you want to hide them, it is impossible.

Rather than being doubted by the other party, it is better to say his true identity.

When speaking, he also introduced Nangong Mingyue and Heilong.

"Li Lingtian?"

"Is it Li Lingtian, who is known as the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Mainland?"

Hearing Li Lingtian's name, there was a startling sound in the entrance, and the man asked.

Confirming Li Lingtian's identity, this shock and the other party's understanding of him shocked Li Lingtian.

"It is this seat."

Li Lingtian was shocked, but the look on his face was calm.

When you come here, the people inside can't be measured by the thinking of normal people. If you are weak, you can only trample like ants. If you are strong, the other party will not provoke you.

"It turned out to be Sheng Ling Shi, His Excellency Ling Tian.

"With the identity of Your Excellency Ling Tian, ​​you don't need to enter the top of Yuntian at all, you have to have an explanation."

The people in the passage confirmed Li Lingtian's identity, and the tone became a little more polite.

It would be strange if other powerful people in the top of the sky heard this tone and did not drop their chins.

But even in this case, the people inside did not allow Li Lingtian to enter. The person of the other party naturally knew that, with the identity of the First Saint Master of the Shenwu Continent, there was the Dan Master Guild behind, and no one dared to easily provoke Li Lingtian what.

"Although Dan Dao has some confidence, he will not rely on the help of others."

"The Duanmu family and the Gongsun family have grievances with this seat, and this seat can temporarily stay at the top of the sky for a while."

Li Lingtian said lightly, passing his voice inside.

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, the inside was temporarily quiet, and finally fell into silence.

After a full minute or two, the sound came again.

"The top of the sky is welcome to join Ling Tian."

"Although Ling Tian is the first holy princess of the Shenwu Continent and the strong contender of the Shenwu Continent, he must abide by the convention of the top of the sky."

It was still the voice, with a hint of politeness.

Even in the top of the sky, everyone is reckless, but for more powerful people, naturally they dare not easily provoke.

Someone has heard of Li Lingtian's reputation.

"This seat naturally understands."

"Thank you."

Satisfied look appeared on Li Lingtian's face and thanked him.

Although the people inside knew that Li Lingtian was just a courtesy, they were all happy and did not want to take advantage of it.

"Congratulations to His Excellency Ling Tian who has become the 99th and 99th person who joined the top of Yuntian."

After the sound fell, there was no more movement.

The three of Li Lingtian froze for a moment, then flickered and flew towards the entrance.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the dense fog of the entrance. This entrance, like a monster that was eaten by others, wanted to devour the heavens and the earth.

After entering the entrance to the top of the sky, Li Lingtian and the three did not stay at all, flying directly inside.

Although there is only one entrance to the top of the sky, there are tens of millions of miles in it.

The figures of the three quickly disappeared into the clouds.

"Nine is the ultimate, nine and nine are one."

"If other people get to the top of the sky, nothing will happen."

"But it was him when he was unified, and it was more coincident that the three of them were together."

"Brother Dong Guo, do you know him?"

"I obtained Li Lingtian from a population who just came to the top of Yuntian some time ago. This Li Lingtian is really not simple. It is the fifth day of Wushen before he is thirty years old."

"Just broke through the God of War and defeated the God of Sword and killed the Eight Gods of the God of War. Later, the war frightened the Son of Thunder, and countless of the powerful God of War fell into his hands.

"Moreover, he is a strong Dan Dao strongman. He was granted the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent by the Elder Regiment of the Danshi Guild. The refined elixir is unrivaled."

"The place this person has been through is shocking. No one has beaten him."

"I just didn't expect this person to come to the top of the sky. This is something I didn't expect."

"Is there really such a man in this world?"

"So, Brother Bai Ming must not say the identity of the three of them, otherwise the pattern will be messed up in my hands."

"Why is he?"

"The top of the sky is nine, nine, one, why is it him?"

The entrance to the top of the sky, the voice that started, talked to another voice.

The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappears, and the entrance to the top of the sky has entered the silence.





The three of Li Lingtian turned into streamers and shuttled through the top of the sky.

Inside, I heard the sound of fighting from time to time.

Soon Li Lingtian discovered that after entering the top 100,000 miles of Yuntian, the consciousness will not be affected, and it is completely a paradise.

The rich fairy spirit, even if it is compared to the nine mountains, is almost the same.

Apart from the fog, there is no connection between killing and human hell.

After flying for half a day, he finally came to the center of the top of the sky.

This place is also one of the places with the strongest spirit.

However, Li Lingtian did not stop, continued to fly forward, and finally came to the deepest part of Yuntian Peak before stopping.

When I came here, I obviously felt a little bit different, because the spirit of fairy spirit was not as rich as it started, on the contrary, there was a hint of death.

Seeing such a situation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Lingtian no longer flew inside and stopped.

"We are staying in this place."

"Black Dragon, you go find some boulders."

Li Lingtian looked at this place, and there was no human breath within a hundred miles.

It is not necessary to know that this place is dominated by the spirit of fairy spirit and the spirit of death. It is not suitable for cultivation, but it has an impact on human cultivation, so naturally it will not come here.

As a result, he was relieved.

There is no need to be entangled with other strong men in this place.

Others are afraid of the gas of death, he is also afraid, but he has a way to stop the gas of death, the gas of death in this place has become a natural defense.



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