War God Supreme

Chapter 1160: Stealth Teleportation Array

Li Lingtian asked the Black Dragon King to find the boulder, and he and Nangong Mingyue looked at the environment here.

Fairy spirit is rich, but there is death gas across the kilometer, this place has become the intersection of death gas and fairy gas, fairy gas and death gas converge in this place.

In addition to the gas of death, the environment here is indeed a treasure land for cultivation.

A canyon of several centimeters in size, with two sides of the canyon are cliffs, inside which are birds and flowers, and the sound of springs flowing.

As long as you display some formations, it is a natural holy place for cultivation, and it is also an excellent paradise.



At this moment, a muffled sound appeared in the air.

The voice is dull but with wind, without looking, Li Lingtian knows what is going on.

I saw that the Black Dragon King did not know where a dozen huge stones were found. A dozen huge stones rolled in the air, and the momentum was so immense that the air was also banged and muffled.

In a blink of an eye, Boulder had already come to Li Lingtian, and finally landed on the ground like cotton.

Each boulder is tens of meters in size and is tens of thousands of catties, which can be handled lightly. It can be seen that the Black Dragon King has control over the power.

"Lord, are these boulders enough?"

The Black Dragon King came to Li Lingtian and asked.

"This seat needs nine, ninety-one, eighty such boulders."

"You get this seat."

Li Lingtian looked at the boulder, and the look on his face was a bit stunned.

This boulder, with a breath of silk on it, the death gas and the spirit of fairy spirit fuse on this boulder, creating a mysterious breath, but it does not affect the layout.

Originally, as a Divine Array Master, as long as the Divine Array Diagram and Heavenly Roulette were able to cast a powerful array.

However, after coming to the top of the sky, I have another view of the top of the sky. If you want to be safe, it is impossible to form a virtual array.

Only with powerful array tools can the array be built into a rock.

Seeing the boulder found by the Black Dragon King, I was extremely satisfied. It would be better to have such a boulder to create a formation.

"Okay, my subordinates will move in here."

After the Black Dragon King finished speaking, he quickly flew away into the distance.

Finally, back and forth seven or eight times, and finally got back eighty-one boulders.

The eighty-one boulders are all the same size, even neat and tidy, as if they were carved out, which made Li Ling Tianlenn a bit.

"You cut this stone like this?"

Looking at these identical boulders, Li Lingtian asked the Black Dragon King.

"Go back to the Lord."

"These boulders are not made like this by the subordinates, but they are like this. The boulders in that place were removed by the subordinates, which is exactly eighty or ten pieces. Found it."

When the Black Dragon King saw Li Lingtian asking him, he answered seriously.

I also felt puzzled. Generally speaking, Li Lingtian would not ask these trivial matters. These trivial matters are simply trivial things.

"not good!"

"Take this seat to see."

Li Lingtian felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. This boulder was not made by the Black Dragon King, it was made by others.

And looking at this stone, it must not have been made like this recently. It seems to be at least countless years.

If the Black Dragon King removed something forbidden, it would be over.



"Ling Tian, ​​there will be nothing."

The three quickly flew away into the distance, and while flying, Nangong Mingyue asked.

"Hopefully I'm thinking too much."

Li Lingtian did not answer, and now he cannot be sure.

Even if you can’t be sure, you can’t easily miss it. If something happens, it’s too late to regret.

The Black Dragon King was also depressed on one side. He didn't expect to find a stone and encountered these stones. If something really happened, it was his fault.


Soon, the three men landed.

"The Lord, the subordinates are the stones to move here."

The Black Dragon King pointed to a place 100 meters away and said to Li Lingtian.

However, after talking, it was discovered that Li Lingtian's attention had long fallen on the place where he moved the stone.

"Sure enough, you guys."

"You can also encounter these things when you move a stone."

"Hurry up and move the stone back."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was dignified. After looking at it for a moment, he turned around and said to the black dragon king beside him.

Shocked in my heart, I never thought that the place I chose was actually the location of the teleportation array into the death domain. Although it is uncertain, according to legend, there is a teleportation array in the top of the sky to the death domain.

This place here is a good formation, and it is still a teleportation array. In the top of the sky, there will be no second teleportation. Most of this is the teleportation array in the domain of death.

Moreover, no one came to see this place easily.

Similarly, these boulders are also loose formations. The boulders were originally a formation that blocked the teleportation formation below.

The death domain behind the teleportation array, the air of death constantly gushing out, must not move this teleportation array.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian quickly asked the Black Dragon King to move the stone back.

While speaking, I glanced at the Black Dragon King, and I could still encounter such a thing when I moved a stone.

However, I was curious, with the cultivation of the Black Dragon King, it was impossible to break this formation, and even if it was found to be impossible, why was the stone removed by the Black Dragon King.

"The teleportation array of the realm of death here?"

After the Black Dragon King left, Nangong Mingyue also smiled.

It's really funny to have the Black Dragon King move some big stones around.

After coming to Li Lingtian, he said to Li Lingtian.

"Although it is not certain whether this is the teleportation array to the death domain, he is definitely the teleportation array."

"We are here, don't disturb the things here."

Li Lingtian nodded, and would not talk nonsense until he was sure.

It is better to be careful than to be careless, lest you regret it.

"Boom, boom."

Soon, the Black Dragon King flew again with a dozen boulders.

The look on the Black Dragon King's face was also a bit embarrassing. I didn't expect my luck to be so unlucky. Finding a stone would encounter a horrible formation.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian discovered early, and if something happened, it would be impossible to make up for it.





Seven or eight times in a row, the Black Dragon King finally moved the boulder that he originally moved back.

Even his black dragon king's ninth-order ninth-level peak consummation practiced extremely well, back and forth several times, but also panting, and finally sat on the ground.


After the ninety-nine and eighty-one boulders were moved back, Li Lingtian made a consciousness and sacrificed the Divine Array.

The Divine Matrix was sacrificed, and a series of laws were displayed.

"The position of the East Palace."

"Leaving the palace."

"The position of Kan Palace."

"Divine place."

"Dry Moon."


Li Lingtian exhibited the Fa Jue one after another. When each Fa Jue point fell, Nangong Mingyue flew a huge rock and landed at the place Li Lingtian said.

Although he doesn't understand the formation method, he has been with Li Lingtian for a long time and understands the formation, at least the most basic one is known.

After half an hour, Li Lingtian put away the God Array and showed traces of sweat on his face.

He did not expect that it would be so strenuous to restore this formation.

Moreover, this formation can only be restored to the beginning, which is also his best efforts.

Nangong Mingyue came to Li Lingtian and took out silk to wipe his sweat.

"When you moved this stone, did any formation exist?"

Li Lingtian asked Nangong Mingyue to help him wipe his sweat, and asked the Black Dragon King.

He had to figure out what this formation started to look like, so he had a bottom in his heart.

"When I go back to the Lord, it's like this when I fall down like a stone."

"Just, just the subordinates moved them away."

"The breath of the formation above is also weak, otherwise it is impossible to move these stones with the strength of the subordinates."

The look on the Black Dragon King's face was awkward, and he explained the situation at that time.

"Nine-nine-nine, one-eighth, positive and negative."

"I didn't expect this formation to be a one-on-one before."

"Go, let's go back, this place, do not let people come, so as not to have any accidents."

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed several times, but he didn't expect that his formation was exactly the same as the original formation in this place.

You know, he casts this formation, which is also a special formation for defense and suppression. There are thousands of formations for suppression and defense. I did not expect this to happen so coincidental.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian and three men flew back to the previous canyon.

After going back, Li Lingtian pondered for a while, and then displayed the Divine Array and Heavenly Roulette, and displayed the cliff entrance in front of the canyon in countless sizes.

After the formation at the gate was completed, the gorge disappeared and became a giant arm. If it weren't for the priests, it would never know that this place was a gorge.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also cast countless arrays in the canyon. After the arrays were deployed, the canyon was completely a world.

Even the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, there is no way to attack ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After finishing everything, the Black Dragon King chooses the outermost position to practice, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue live in the innermost cave of the canyon.

Inside the canyon, it is ten miles in size, which is enough.

Li Lingtian exerted his formation and defense. Nangong Mingyue took care of the cave and everything he lived in later.

It took two hours to organize the canyon. This place is also the place where I will live for a long time.

By the time they finished this, the sky had gradually darkened.

At the same time, the breath of the entire space also changed rapidly. In the top of the sky, the spirit of the fairy disappeared and was replaced by the breath of death.

The terrifying air of death occupies the entire top of the sky, and looks terrifying, and even the realm of Li Lingtian Wushen feels the erosive power of the air of death, let alone other powerful ones.



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