War God Supreme

Chapter 1161: 5 line world wheel...



"Call, call."

The sky gradually darkened, the spirit of fairy spirits gradually disappeared, and came with a strong atmosphere of death.

The richness of the death gas is greater than that of the fairy spirit. These death gases are just like the variation of the fairy spirit, or the fairy spirit and the death gas. The rotation of the sun and the moon is average.

During the day it is the sun and the light is tremendous, and the spirit of the fairy is full of surprise.

The night is the moon, soft and cold, the spirit of death is ghostly.

With the darkness of death coming down with the darkness, even a powerful warrior such as Li Lingtian felt the death gas cold and bitter, constantly eroding the meridians and the true elements in the body.

Finding this problem, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

Looking at the Nangong Mingyue, I saw that Nangong Mingyue was like encountering cold wind in winter, and it was a little uncomfortable. This is also the cultivation of Nangong Mingyue Divine Phoenix and Wushen Sixth Heaven. It won't be so easy.

The Black Dragon King is a demon clan, with a strong body and little impact on this death spirit.

Li Lingtian's physique, even as the Black Dragon King, cannot be compared with it. There is no slight side effect on the breath of death. As long as he does not practice, there can be no problems.

However, if you go on like this, if you want to live for a long time, this will not work.

Even if they cultivate deep strength, they will not be used to it.

"Heaven and earth reincarnation, nine yin and yang."

"Five Elements World Reincarnation!"

Looking at the situation in the top of the sky, this is everywhere, and it is impossible to practice at all.

Moreover, he also had to guard against the invasion of death, and the expression on Li Lingtian's face changed.

The whole person was lost in contemplation. After half an hour, the expression on his face became excited, and then the Divine Array figure was displayed, ten commands, and a series of laws and regulations were displayed.

Formations of various sizes appeared, and it took hundreds of formations to stop.

Hundreds of formations are suspended above the canyon, but these formations are all connected with each other, and they are completely interlocked. The magical power of each other is exuded to form a horrible and magical formation.

Suddenly, the air of death in the canyon quickly transformed into the air of fairy spirits.

The death gas outside, after entering the canyon through the formation, also turns into fairy gas. These formations, like a filter, transform the death gas into fairy gas.

Moreover, the formation method also has the effect of gathering spirits, absorbs the death gas outside, and then drifts into the canyon after transformation.

So that the fairy spirits in the canyon can always be rich at night without worrying about the death erosion.

"I believe that the Shenwu Continent can do what the Lord does, and it will never exceed five."

The Black Dragon King looked at the rich fairy spirit, his face showing a happy look.

Although he is not afraid of this gas of death, he is really not used to living in the gas of death. Now how can he be unhappy if he turns the gas of death into a spirit of fairy spirit.

And while you were born in the spirit of fairy spirit, you also watched everyone else struggling in the gas of death. This feeling always has a sense of superiority.

Even if it is not made by yourself, it is a great magical power displayed by your Lord.

Gui Shun Li Lingtian made him feel that his choice was not wrong, right and wise.

My own is the myth of Dan Dao, the myth of Wu Dao, the myth of Zhen Dao, deducing the existence of myths. In the Shenwu Continent, Wu Dao Dan Dao and Zhen Dao are the most powerful existences.

The position is superb, and Li Lingtian occupies the myth of the martial arts Dao Dao.

"Along the way, there are people outside, there are days outside."

Li Lingtian smiled, with a confident smile on his face, because in Zhen Dao and Wu Dao Dan Dao, he had confidence, and few people could surpass him.

"Lord you rest, your subordinates went out to practice."

The black dragon king looked at the smile on Li Lingtian's face, and was frustrated for other strong men.

Fortunately, he followed Li Lingtian. Otherwise, even if he didn't become Li Lingtian's enemy, he would be beaten by Li Lingtian's anti-sky.

At this time, he naturally knew that he could not give Li Lingtian the light bulb.

After speaking, salute left, walked outside, and came to the mouth of the canyon.

Although it is in the formation, it is at the forefront. This is also a subordinate's responsibility. If there is danger, it should be kept in front.

"Moon Moon, you take a rest first."

"I just meditate."

Li Lingtian watched the Black Dragon King leave and turned to Nangong Mingyue.

This is the first time to enter the dreaded top of the sky. Legend has it that the terror of the top of the sky is known, but after coming to the top of the sky, you must be more careful.

Especially late at night, for a strong man, when it is absolutely the least heart, it will overturn in the gutter if it is not good.

Therefore, he should sit down in person and observe for a while before talking.


Nangong Mingyue whispered, and then walked into the cave, which was originally large, even if it was a dozen people, and there are three small caves in the cave, which is no different from the room.

But Li Lingtian now has to meditate to observe the changes in the top of the sky and cannot rest.

Li Lingtian also followed the cave, but sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, and Nangong Mingyue slept in it.

Seeing Li Lingtian guarding the hole, the whole person felt a burst of warmth and happiness.

This feeling of being protected and pampered is simply intoxicating.

At this moment, even if there is a great danger, there will be no fear at all, because Li Lingtian is guarding in front of him, and in his heart, no matter what the danger is, Li Lingtian will not fail.

Li Lingtian didn't think so much, but sat cross-legged and entered the empty space.

The consciousness monitors within a radius of a hundred miles, and dare not extend the consciousness farther.

You know that this is the top of the sky, and there are mysterious powerhouses everywhere, as well as fierce and extremely devilish heads, some strange people, if the consciousness to provoke them, it is to make trouble for themselves.

They have just come to the top of the sky and don’t know anything about it, so they can’t make enemies everywhere.





The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the temperature inside the top of the sky is getting lower and lower, and this breath also carries a heavy feeling, giving people a sense of oppression.

And the gas of death is getting stronger and stronger. The gas of death is twisted in the air like a thick fog, and looks terrible.

This situation alone is not something that ordinary people can bear. Naturally, it is even more difficult to survive here. If there is no strong enemy to chase, no one is willing to come here.

It's not so much that it's the top of the sky, it's better to say that it's a cemetery in Wanli.

Even if Li Lingtian had been to the Nine Nether City, he was shocked by the situation here. This place is more terrifying than the Nine Nether City, that is, if he is the other strong man, he must be ruined by such a situation.

Even if a normal person enters here, it will be nerve-wracking after a long time.

The sky is very dark, without the slightest light, this place is completely an endless **** on earth.

Time passed slowly, Li Lingtian was in the state of emptiness, absorbing the spirit of immortal spirit, strengthening his self-cultivation, and his spirit also recovered fuller with time.

In the emptiness, even the movement of an ant can be seen clearly within a hundred miles. Naturally, if there is danger, Li Lingtian can sense it in the first time.

Unconsciously, the air of death in the sky became weak, and finally disappeared completely, in exchange for a rich air of fairy spirits.

Li Lingtian opened his eyes because the sky had lightened up slowly.

The night of the top of the sky passed, so that Li Lingtian saw the horror of the gas of death. Although this place is not a domain of death, the gas of death is terrifying.

In such a place, you dare not practice the exercises at night, because as long as you exercise, you will absorb the energy of death, that is to find death.

At the time of receiving the power, there was only a trace of death in the sky, which was also because of the location they chose.

If there is nowhere else, there will be no breath of death.

Feeling the fresh breath in the morning, let him feel an illusion. If he had not personally sensed the death gas outside last night, he would never believe that the spirit gas of the daytime is the gas of death at night. This gap is too big. It's just ice and fire.

At this time, Nangong Mingyue also woke up and saw Li Lingtian practicing magical powers in the canyon. There was a smile on his face and a lazy smile. If he saw Li Lingtian, he would definitely be trembling.

It is only her that can sleep peacefully in such a dangerous place. It is naturally joy and happiness to think of here.

Mei Mu looked at Li Lingtian's concentrated practice outside, and couldn't help but look stupid.


When Li Lingtian practiced to the most critical moment, a detonation blast outside the canyon, the entire canyon almost turned over, and Li Lingtian's cultivation was also interrupted.

It is the most annoying to be interrupted to practice.

In this way, it is the biggest taboo in Shenwu Continent.

"Wow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nangong Mingyue sorted out her clothes, her body flashed, came to Li Lingtian, and looked at Li Lingtian.

"Go, go out and see."

Li Lingtian took the jade hand of Nangong Mingyue and walked outside.

I was interrupted to practice and became angry, but I didn't show it on my face.

In this top of the sky, there can be no chaos, at least not until you understand the top of the sky, so that you don’t know how to die.

The two figures flickered and came to the forefront of the canyon in a blink of an eye. I saw the formation tremble, and I knew that someone outside had attacked the formation without thinking.

This situation made Li Lingtian feel puzzled. With his position cultivation practice, few people can see this formation method at all, unless the other party is also a formation master, and the formation is the same **** formation master as him.



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