War God Supreme

Chapter 1171: Yuntian Plaza

Li Lingtian returned to the cave to rest, Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian with beautiful eyes.

The relationship between the two has become deeper and deeper in the past three years. Apart from not overstepping the last step, the others are very affectionate.

Gently leaned against Li Lingtian, with a happy smile on his face.

"Ling Tian, ​​how sure are you?"

Nangong Mingyue gently asked Li Lingtian.

She has long known that Li Lingtian is going to participate in the competition this time to compete for the name of the first strong man.

Now, hearing three tricks of peerless magic, Li Lingtian will definitely be excited.

"There is still some grasp."

"Five of the five-five, after all, the last battle will encounter Murong Yutian. Murong Yutian has not been defeated for a hundred years in a row. The other strong people have some understanding of Murong Yutian, but I don’t know anything about it. Respective means."

"Besides, in addition to Murong Yutian, other strong people are not easy to deal with, and all of them are the existence of Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacle. The means are powerful and unmatched, far exceeding the strength of ordinary strong people."

"However, although I have not reached the Wushen Nineth Heaven, I have also reached the peak of the Wushen Eighth Heaven Great Consummation, and all kinds of supernatural powers have also been brought into the realm."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while. Although confident, it was still difficult to face these strong men in the top of the sky.

After all, the Wushen Jiuzhongtian is a top-notch existence, and the magical powers are against the sky.

"I don't know what the three magical skills in the top of the sky are, so horrible."

"According to what they said, the three tricks of peerless magic are only the first trick, and no one has ever learned the second trick."

"If you get this peerless magical power, then by your thinking and wisdom, I believe that you can come to understand."

Nangong Mingyue heard several Wuyu old ghosts talking about the peerless supernatural powers at the top of the sky, and was very curious.

Although practicing this kind of magical power is only qualified for the first strongman, as long as Li Lingtian gets this magical power, Li Lingtian is strong and she is happy.

"Three strokes of supernatural powers should be good."

"I don't believe that the three magic skills are as magical as the five elements."

"I am now, the most powerful is the Five Elements Dao Law, and the domain of the sword and the sword of heaven, or the destruction of all directions of the sword sword, and the stars are falling, the treasure, is the measure of chaos."

"Only these supernatural supernatural powers and treasures can fight this Murong Yutian."

Li Lingtian is also curious. If he really has such a supernatural power, it is definitely a huge temptation for him.

Now, although there are many treasures and supernatural powers, not many can compete with Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

In fact, in order to play against the Ninth Heavenly Power, he can compete regardless of the moves and treasures he plays, but he can't be entangled with his opponents. He must decide the victory and defeat in a short time, otherwise something will happen.

This time, it was the biggest stage he encountered in his life.

In the battle with Shenzhou Peak Wushen, here are all the top Wushen strongmen, all of which are extremely abnormal.

Although the top of Yuntian does not represent the power of Shenzhou, the people in the top of Yuntian are all abnormal powerhouses of Shenzhou, otherwise they will not be chased by their opponents and enter here.

Now, if you want to stand at the peak of these strong men, you must come up with your most powerful means and magical powers.

"All of your magical powers have already reached the existence of transformation, as long as they play normally."

"Even if it doesn't work this time, there will be another time."

"Furthermore, even if we can't compete for the first time this time, we have to go out for some time anyway and wait until next year to fight again."

"With your talent and strength, why can't you be the first."

Nangong Mingyue said softly with a touch of comfort.

Leaning her head gently on Li Lingtian's arms, she didn't want to feel any pressure when she was competing for the first.

"Well, I understand this."

"Whether it is first or not, I have to go out once and look for three kinds of medicinal materials. Only then can I have the opportunity to refine the Nine-Pin God Divine Pill and prove the ninth-order Divine Pill Master."

"At that time, I had a greater advantage."

Li Lingtian nodded, and naturally he would not put pressure on himself for this competition.

On the contrary, the more dangerous and difficult he is, the more warlike he is. In the face of these top fighters of the Wushen Jiuzhongtian, naturally it is necessary to discuss.

In other places, such a thing is simply impossible to encounter.

"You take a rest first."

"Take a good rest for two days and show the most powerful means."

Nangong Mingyue left Li Lingtian, sitting behind Li Lingtian, slender jade finger on Li Lingtian's head and body gently massaged.

This relieved Li Lingtian's pressure and made Li Lingtian feel relaxed.

Gradually, Li Lingtian felt troubled for a while. Shen Jing fell asleep in Nangong Mingyue's arms while she was massaged by Nangong Mingyue's slim and jade fingers.

Looking at Li Lingtian's serene appearance, and the sharp angle with a determined face, Nangong Mingyue couldn't help but look stupid.

At the top of the sky, the annual competition for the first strongman started again.

In a square with a radius of thousands of miles, powerful people gathered continuously.

The competition for the first strongest is the biggest feast in the top of the sky, and the top of the sky is tens of millions of miles.

On the square, more than one hundred thousand strong people have gathered early in the morning.

The strong men who come here are all above the Emperor Wu, because these strong men can quickly leave even if they encounter any danger.

"Last time, the battle between Master Yunfeng and Master Zhantian was the most exciting. Although the two of them lost both sides in the end, they were the most likely people to compete with Master Murong."

"Master Yunfeng and Master Battle Sky are indeed powerful, but there are also Wuyu old ghosts in the south, and the terror is also extremely powerful."

"There are several strong men in the four southeastern and northwestern regions, and their strength is always the same. It is often luck and condition."

"These strongmen have the opportunity to compete with Master Murong."

"However, no matter how you fight, you can't beat Master Murong's last move."

"This time, I don't know who can fight Lord Murong."

"Remember Master Tianxiao has fought 16 times with Master Murong before and after, but they have not defeated Master Murong."

"Master Dongxue also fought eleven times with Master Murong, but he did not defeat Master Murong."

"Unfortunately, His Excellency Ling Tian in the south didn't shoot."

"Lord Tian, ​​but the strong leader of the battlefield and Dan Dao, has shot twice before and after. The first battle with the Wuyu old ghost, the second time was to defeat Feihe by one move. Got it."

"I don't know how powerful Your Excellency Ling Tian is."

"Yeah, even if Lord Ling Tian is not the opponent of Lord Murong, if he shoots, he is also a top strong. It is also a blessing to be able to see the Dan Dao strong like Ling Tian strong."

"Unfortunately, Your Excellency Ling Tian has been at the top of Yuntian for three years and did not participate in the competition twice."

"I don't know how this time. It is said that several perverts in the south have invited His Excellency Ling Tian."

"Actually, it is better not to fight the battle, so that he will not be injured and will not affect Dan Dao."


On the square, countless powerful people talked about each other, and the final voice of speech all said Li Lingtian.

In the top of Yuntian, perhaps Li Lingtian's strength is not the highest, but his reputation is indeed the biggest, because of his position and Dan Dao, and his generosity.

Distributing the panacea allowed countless warriors to break through the shackles, let countless strong men cultivate straight lines, and let countless strong men get out of the predicament. From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian did not charge a cent.

Even if some people do not know who is the top strongest in the sky, but no one does not know who Li Lingtian is.

Although Li Lingtian is in the south, Li Lingtian is not regarded as a person in the south, but as a person on his own side, because Li Lingtian does not distinguish between southeast and northwest, as long as he meets the conditions for seeking medicine.

Whether you are a strong man against the sky or whether you are a disciple of Wu Ling, the martial artist, Li Lingtian will treat him equally.

Moreover, what is even more shocking is that Li Lingtian never skimped on his cultivation experience. When communicating, he always talked about his cultivation experience and would not hide anything.

I often communicate with Li Lingtian, basically Li Lingtian helps solve the cultivation problem.

It is shocking to let countless strong people see it. The only explanation is that Li Lingtian's strength and talent are so strong that no one can surpass it. There is also Li Lingtian's cultivation position, with a broad mind.

Do not care about the slightest gains and losses, and achieve the avenue.

Yuntian top's strongmen come to the square to see the strongman's competition, they all want to see the collision between Yuntian top's top strongmen, and finally watch Murong Yutian's duel with other strongmen.

This time, more people look forward to Li Lingtian's appearance.

The main thing is that countless strongmen and martial artists have benefited from Li Lingtian, but few have seen Li Lingtian's true power.





At this time, four sounds of explosions appeared in the square.

After the explosion, all the voices of discussion were quiet.

More than one hundred thousand warriors were silent, so they dared not talk.



I saw that the center of the originally empty square slowly rose from the ground to a stairway with a size of nearly twenty miles. The mysterious and clear halo was exuded~www.wuxiaspot.com~The halo is very light, if you don’t pay attention If you don’t see it, you can’t see it at all.

The steps rose slowly, and then stopped when they rose to ten meters high.

Thirty miles away from this step, four small steps appeared in the southeast, northwest, and the steps were only a hundred meters in size, and there were more than thirty seats on it.

However, these four small steps are much higher than the huge steps.

Suddenly, five steps on the square appeared, and all the warriors knew that the war was about to begin.



At this time, a mask with a length and width of thirty miles appeared around the huge steps. This square blocked four small steps outside.

There is a mysterious breath on the mask. This mask is known to all warriors. This is the defensive mask, which prevents the powerful soldiers on the steps from striking the outsiders. ()

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