War God Supreme

Chapter 1172: Start of the test

After the appearance of the mask, countless warriors automatically retreated back, far away from the mask.

In the square, even if more than one hundred thousand martial artists retreated, but there was no slightest confusion, as if they had been drilled.

This is also the top of the sky every year to hold a comparison test, are more familiar with here.

Despite the obstruction of the mask, all the strong men stepped back to the back of the mask for about twenty miles before stopping.


After the first mask landed, the second mask landed out of thin air again.

The reticle landed and blessed it on the first reticle. The two reticles were fused together and merged into one.


The third mask landed, but this mask masked four small steps.

All the warriors on the square are separated by this mask, and a vacuum of hundreds of miles in size is formed in the center.





"call out."


Just after all the light masks were quiet, the sound of breaking the sky continued to appear.

One figure after another appeared in the air and landed from above the mask.

This mask does not cover the sky, but the power to prevent the explosion from destroying the space below 100 meters. As long as the warrior does not leave the ground, he will not be hurt by the strength.

As one figure after another landed, there were fewer and fewer positions above each small step.

At the same time, countless warriors are cheering.

"Master Battlefield."

"Master Xiaotian."

"Master Yunfeng."

"Yang Xiaosheng."

"Wuyu old ghost."

"Master Dongxue."

"The King of Blades."


Each burst of cheers represents the emergence of the strongest of the Wushen Jiuzhongtian pinnacle.

These strong men are all famous in the top of the sky.

The power is terrifying, the means is unprecedented, the action is shocking.

"Wuyu old ghost, don't you want to call His Excellency Ling Tian?"

Dong Yuetian sat on the seat on the steps and shouted loudly to the Wuyu old ghost sitting on the south side.

The other strong men also looked towards the south steps, curiously looking at Wuyu old ghost.

These masks are all transparent and will not block sight and sound, but will only block the strength and coercion of some strong men.

Dong Yuetian's voice was very loud, and the powerful people in the square could hear it.

"Haha, haha."

"Brother Dong, Your Excellency Ling Tian is here. Do you want to discuss with him one or two?"

"Anyway, I have tried my best. If Ling Tian can't come, it's your thing."

Wuyu old ghost also said loudly.

With a slight smile on his face, he is the clearest. Li Lingtian has promised to come to the test, although it does not appear now, it will definitely appear after a while.

"It would also be an honour to be able to see Lord Ling Tian's position."

"Your old ghost's position is already strong enough. Your position of Ling Tian is comparable to yours. Naturally, it is indispensable to learn one or two with him."

Dong Yuetian laughed. The strong man here, who is not a combative person, met a strong man and naturally refused to let go.

"Yunfeng, your strength seems to have improved a lot this year."

"Dong Xueming, this time, we must take care of your Dafeng Shen palm."

"Look at who can stand to the end this year and go to fight Murong Yutian."

"Last year, Xiao Tian didn't fight Murong Yutian for a long time, there should be more opportunities this time."


The strong on the steps are all cold.

Although there is a life-and-death battle in a moment, it is now more polite.

This is the war, when there is no war, there is no hatred, but in the war, they will take their lives to fight.

"Is this seat late?"

Just at this time, the sky heard a dull voice.

When the sound rang, the figure was already in sight.

All the strong men and warriors were quiet after this voice, looking curiously away.

Because this voice is really strange to these powerful men and warriors. The master of this voice must not have seen it before.

Everyone looked into the sky and saw three figures flying in the air.

A peerless beauty, a chic white figure, and a black figure exuding a strong atmosphere.

The three figures came to the square in a blink of an eye, and finally came to a stop over the mask.

Seeing these three figures, they all showed a curious look.

However, immediately the countless powerhouses and warriors seemed to understand something.

Because they have seen two of them, these two figures are Danxia Valley Nangong Mingyue and Black Dragon.

The appearance of these two people is to represent Li Lingtian in Danxia Valley. On the square, only a few strong men in the southern mask have seen Li Lingtian. Besides that, few people have seen Li Lingtian anymore.

In the top of the sky, the people who went to Danxia Valley to seek the remedy were all people who saw Nangong Mingyue and had never seen Li Lingtian.

Now, Nangong Mingyue and Black Dragon appear at the same time, and there is a young and elegant young person beside him. The identity of this young man is all surprised. Is it His Excellency Ling Tian?

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Finally see you, Da Ming Ru Lei Guan Er, but never see."

Long Yun, who was sitting on the west side, shouted loudly. Hearing the beginning, he could use what he called in front of Nangong Mingyue and Heilong. Apart from Li Lingtian, there was no second person.

Moreover, in the top of the sky, there are still a few people who use this title.

From this point of view, this young man was Li Lingtian, and he was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that the famous Daoist Power, the eighth-order Saint Pill Master, and the myth of Pill Dao refining the unique medicine, was just a young man.


"This seat really rarely discusses with you, isn't it coming today?"

"Everyone will be merciful."

Li Lingtian said loudly that his answer was no doubt that he admitted Li Lingtian.

This time, the whole square suddenly boiled.

I finally saw that mythical Ling Tian.

"Lord Ling Tian."

"He is His Excellency Ling Tian."

"I finally saw Your Excellency Ling Tian."

"I didn't expect that Ling Tian was so young."

"Really Lord Lingtian."

"This is the eighth-order Saint Pill Master Ling Tiange."

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Lord Ling Tian."


There was a cheer in the square. Li Lingtian used to hear his name and disappeared.

And the immortal medicine refined by Li Lingtian, where countless powerful people have benefited, a large amount of immortal medicine is distributed, without charging a cent, so that countless martial arts are respected.

Now seeing real people is naturally very exciting.

All of a sudden, Li Lingtian's popularity reached an extreme. Even if Li Lingtian could not compete for the first place, his popularity would not diminish.

Hearing that Li Lingtian was going to take action, all the powerful people were naturally excited.

Even all the Wushen Jiuzhongtian here want to see Li Lingtian's means.

Li Lingtian landed in cheers and sat down on the side of Wuyu Laogui and others.

Nangong Mingyue and Heilong are sitting in Li Lingtian on the left and right. Although they will not participate in the competition, their identity has also improved a lot because of Li Lingtian. Besides, there are still many seats in the south. The two naturally have seats.



After Li Lingtian was seated, he waited for more than ten minutes, and no one came to participate in the competition.

At this time, two figures appeared in the air, and finally landed on the east steps.

In the square at the top of the sky, the four steps are respectively on the southeast and northwest sides of the ring, headed by the east.

The two figures who landed made Li Lingtian feel a little surprised.

Because the two figures are two old men, but the two old men only have the state of Wu Sheng.

Among the countless martial arts superpowers, there are two martial saints, naturally feeling some inconsistency.

"The two of them are the people in the top of Yuntian. Although their cultivation practices are not high, they are mysterious space bodies, and they specialize in guarding the mysterious and different space of the top of Yuntian."

"Since I came here, they were both hosts who were competing for the first strongest."

"One is Kong Wu Wu, the other is Kong Yue Tian."

Wuyu old ghost saw a trace of surprise on Li Lingtian's face, and then began to speak and introduced the two to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian came here for the first time, and it was not normal to be clear.

"Thank you, Wuyu."

Li Lingtian was shocked after listening to Wuyu's words.

I did not expect that there is still a body of space in this world. With such a physique, practicing powerful space supernatural powers is simply shocking.

"The top of the sky is the annual competition for the first strongest."

"The rules of the competition, without further ado, will be able to hold the ring three times in a row, and be able to rest for a day, and wait until the next time to become a ring defender."

"At the end of the battle, challenge the top strong Murong Yutian, if you can overcome Murong Yutian, you will become the new top strong."

"The first strong man, enter the top of the sky to practice."

Wu Wu said aloud, and briefly said the rules of the competition.

The strong man in the four small steps glanced at him, and his eyes stayed on Li Lingtian for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The expression on his face was stunned.

Immediately the eyes shifted, and this little stay, no one found anything.

Not even Li Lingtian felt anything.

Listening to the rules of the competition, Li Lingtian had a deep heart, and Wuyu and other people told him that it was exactly the same as this, with no mistakes.

It seems that all the strong people not only compete for the first reputation, but also want to enter into the different space at the top of the sky.

"Okay, be the first to come next."

After Wu Wujie finished speaking, Huang Shijie's figure flickered and flew towards the central step. Without any hindrance, the figure easily entered the step.

When entering the stairs, when passing the mask, the mask is like a thin layer of ripples, and the mask recovers instantly after Huang Shijie enters the inside.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was shocked, and by virtue of his practice, he could not see the formation of this mask. ()

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