War God Supreme

Chapter 1229: Death is coming

In the air, the destructive Phoenix power is brewing.

The phoenix and phoenix transformed by Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue are constantly exuding the power of terror.

As the two's powers skyrocketed, the divine coercion in the air was even more terrifying.

"At all levels of cultivation, even today, no matter how great the price is, you will be wiped out."

"Otherwise it will be a problem for my Duanmu family."

Duan Muyu looked at the horror in the air, and the look on his face became unsightly.

Just at this moment, a flash of resolute flashed in his eyes.

The terrifying pseudo-shenzhen Zhenyuan was working, and at the same time, Zhenyuan was constantly changing, and Duanmuyu's face also showed a **** red color. At first glance, all the true Yuan was displayed.

The space in the sky became strange.

The raging of Phoenix's divine power and the reversal of the true elements on Duan Muyu made the space burst into anxiety.

"The destruction of heaven!"

Duan Muyu's face became more and more ugly, and the atmosphere of destruction raged across the space.

At this time, Duan Muyu's hands changed into a mysterious gesture.

With a light drink, the power of destruction exploded, and a world of destruction suddenly appeared within a thousand miles.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's eyes showed a horrified look.

He knew this trick best. The strong man in white in the Duanmu family last time used this trick to almost kill him. Now when he sees this trick again, he can't help feeling trembling.

The use of forbidden art attacks by the powerhouses of the false **** realm is exactly the same way of play.

The reversal of the true element, the use of magical powers of forbidden technique, poison and decisiveness made Li Lingtian feel trembling, but at this time, it was too late to change.

Nangong Mingyue also saw this trick, and his eyes were also horrified.

However, the phoenix divine power exerted by the two has now landed, and it is too late to change the moves.

In the sky, the destructive phoenix landed.

The vertical destruction of Duan Muyu also appeared at this time. Suddenly, both Shenfeng and Shenghuang disappeared into the world of destruction. Yun Tianling and Xiaobai also retreated early and left the world of destruction.



Between heaven and earth, there is complete destruction.

Shenfeng and Shenhuang, as well as Duanmuyu, disappeared.

The world that was completely destroyed was swallowed, and the phoenix divine power descended in the void, piercing the world of destruction.

At this time, the four war regiments have fought even harder.

Looking at the ruined world is shocking, but now it is impossible to change all this.

"Return to three points."

"Return to three points."

At this moment, two soft drinks in the air.

When the sound fell, the sky and earth became red, and the endless red light shone on the sky and earth.



There was no explosion, no sound, but the scream of destruction came.

Duanmutian and Duanmutie disappeared in the red light.

This sudden shock made Duanmuzhen and Duanmufeng stunned. They didn't expect Yun Tianhao to perform the same magical power at the same time. This magical power was extremely terrifying.

"Return to three points."

"Three points on the top of the sky return to the yuan."

"You are the people at the top of the sky."

Duanmuzhen and Duanmufeng both trembled. They have been beaten and beaten all along, and they have no intention of fighting. It is their long-term idea to find a way to escape, but they never thought that the two brothers were killed now, and there was no chance of even a trace of resistance.

The famous three-point return, but the peerless supernatural power on top of the sky.

The Duanmu family also sent people to the top of Yuntian, but they didn't get a three-point return.

Seeing the three-point return now, I suddenly understood that these people are all people at the top of the sky, but I never thought that Duanmujia and the top of the sky were in line.



In the ruined world, there were two clear voices of Phoenix.

I saw that Shenfeng and Shenhuang appeared strangely in the air. Although they looked embarrassed, they were not injured.

In such a ruined world, it appeared completely unharmed, and immediately shocked Duanmuzhen and Duanmufeng.

"Death is coming."

After the appearance of Shenfeng and Shenhuang, they became both deities.

Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, and suddenly a terrible air of death erupted throughout his body, and the air of death filled the space.

A bead was suspended above Li Lingtian's head, and the air of destruction continued to float out of the bead. The air of death spread to Li Lingtian's hands, and only a foot-sized light cluster of death air formed.

The Pearl of Death is the dignity and remnant left by the Lord of Death, the Lord of Death is the former Lord of the Temple of Heaven, and the Lord of the Temple of Heaven is the double cultivation of death and life.

There are two mortal spirits, one is death and the other is life.

In the same way, he has two identities, one of which is the lord of the holy temple, and the other is the lord of death, but few people know that both people are only one person.

Li Lingtian received the inheritance of the Holy Temple, refined the pearl of death and the remnants of the **** of death, and gained the consciousness of the remnant of the Holy Temple, making him control the endless spirit of death.

In an instant of time, the light of death gas condenses to the extreme.

With one wave of Li Lingtian's hand, the corpse of ruinous death gas bombarded Duanmuyu.

Duan Muyu reversed Zhenyuan's forbidden magical destruction and wanted to resist the phoenix's divine power and even wanted to kill Li Lingtian at any cost. However, he never thought of Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue, and he used his magical power to exterminate the heavens. Hidden in the space.

Take control of the magical endless space, in the space, they are the master.

Even if the sky is destroyed, the two of them have been hiding after they performed a terrifying space magical power, but they paid a heavy price, that is, Shouyuan, Shouyuan for a hundred years.


The ruined death air beam bombarded the defense exhibited by Duanmuyu with the force of erosion that destroyed the world, and a terrible explosion erupted.

The defense of the false **** realm is extremely terrifying, and it is hard for the **** of war to destroy it.

However, brine tofu, drop one thing.

The gas of death destroys the light group and ignores the defense. In a blink of an eye, it enters the defense. Without the defense, the strong man is like a slaughtered lamb.



The screams continued, and Duan Muyu continued to twist the whole person.

In the end, the vitality and Shou Yuan and the remaining trace of the true Yuan were swallowed by the breath of death.

In an instant, Duanmuyu disappeared into the air.

Duanmuyu in the false **** realm fell!






Just as Duanmu Yu fell, there was another scream in the sky, and Duanmu really disappeared.

Duanmuzhen fell, Yuntianhao and Yuntianyue, Yuntianbai and Yuntianfeng, bombarded the destructive attack on Duanmufeng at the same time, and was bombarded by four false **** realms, even the mid-term powerhouse, but also to disappear, not to mention an early stage 'S false **** realm.

The war did not end, but Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue returned to Xiaobai.

But Yun Tianhao's four people disappeared, and appeared in the sky in an instant.

Thousands of miles away, the detonating popping sound appeared, screaming screaming through the world.

Li Lingtian naturally understood that the martial arts strongman chased behind had been ruthlessly crushed and destroyed by Yun Tianhao and others. This is the price that Duan Mujia should pay.

"Congratulations to the young master for his strength."

"Even if the young master is only Wushen Yaetian, the strength is already comparable to the initial stage of the false **** realm."

Yun Tianling and Yun Tianxing saluted Li Lingtian and said happily.

Looking at Li Lingtian's strength, he was shocked and more excited.

"The Duanmu family, one of the ten super families, has countless thousands of years of history. It is not so easy to erase it."

"I don't know how many pseudo-spiritual strongmen there are in Duanmu's house, maybe there is something even more terrifying in it."

Li Lingtian smiled and agreed with the words of the two guards. His cultivation behavior was out of proportion to his strength. Wushen Yazhong’s cultivation practice, even in the early days of the pseudo-realm, was not necessarily his opponent.

This time, I really saw the horror of the false **** realm.

The difference between the false **** realm and the martial **** is a world difference.

Now, what he most wants to know is how deep the super families of Duanmujia and Gongsunjia are. The destruction of several false **** realms is not enough to shake Duanmujia.

"Ling Tian, ​​you can go to Huangfu's house."

"Even if the Huangfu family does not help you, it will tell you the approximate strength between the super families."

Nangong Mingyue held Li Lingtian's arm and said softly.

Shi Zhantianxue annihilated roar, lost a hundred years of Shou Yuan, small face pale and weak.

Even if she is the Seventh Heaven of Wushen, Shouyuan is nearly three thousand years old, and she has lost 100 years of Shouyuan.

It is not a temporary thing to want to recover, but Shouyuan can never recover.

"Not yet."

"The matter of the Duanmu family has not really begun. I will destroy several other cities, and slowly destroy them from the periphery to the core of the Duanmu family."

"The same is true of the Gongsun family, destroying the peripheral forces of the two super families."

"They will naturally chase me endlessly in Shenwu Continent, as long as they leave the base camp, I will break each one."

Li Lingtian shook his head. He wanted to understand the underlying strength of the two super families.

But it is not now. At least two super-powered peripheral forces have to be wiped out, and then they must be left.

"The young master is right."

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yun Tianhao and others appeared in the air, and the other Wushen strong men who had killed the Duanmu family had returned.

Hearing Li Lingtian's plan, Yun Tianhao agreed.

If Li Lingtian and a few of them wanted to deal with the Duanmu family and the Gongsun family, it would be too much to control.

With the sound of breaking the sky, four guards have come to Li Lingtian.

Soon, some storage bags were handed to Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian didn't say anything and put away the storage bags. For Yun Tianhao, they couldn't use wealth or treasure.

What they need is top-level treasures and top-level immortality, and these, the Duanmu family can not have, only Li Lingtian can give them.

These storage bags, they naturally look down on, but in Li Lingtian's hands, they can play a greater role and value.



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