War God Supreme

Chapter 1230: Duanmu Qingfeng


Li Lingtian put away the storage bag and looked at Yun Tianhao and others.

He doesn't want to reveal his true strength now, he will be annihilated when he meets his opponents, and will not let other powerful people know their strength.

If you let the opponent know their strength, it will be bad for them.

"Return to the young master, all hasten to deal with."

"There is no clue left, what is the young master's plan now?"

Yun Tianhao's respectful answer, then looked forward to Li Lingtian.

I don't know what Li Lingtian has any plans now. I just killed a few super powerhouses in Duanmu's house. I was very excited.

However, they can only use the strategy to lead the opponent's strongman out, and then destroy each one to kill them.

But this strategy can only be used once or twice. If the strong people who go out are destroyed too much, the other party will surely be fooled. When the time comes, the strong people sent by the other party are absolutely terrifying.

"Go around and go to Yunming City and destroy Yunming City."

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, a smile appeared on his face, which made people feel distraught.

Those who don't know, naturally don't know Li Lingtian's character.

However, following Li Lingtian for a long time, you will understand Li Lingtian's character and actions.

This smile, with endless killing opportunities, lore, no room for negotiation, seeing this smile, knowing that someone will suffer again.

"Go to Yunming City?"

"Go to Yunming City!"

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, several guards and Xiaobai were shocked.

I have just killed the five pseudo-god powerhouses of the Duanmu family, and also killed countless super martial arts warriors.

Qingping City has just been destroyed, now going to Yunming City, some adventure.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to have such a decision.

"If we go now, the other party will not think of it."

"However, we must make a quick decision and destroy Yunming City and then leave."

"The purpose is to prevent people outside Duanmu's house from staying in Tianya Haijiao, so that the popularity of Tianya Haijiao is low."

Li Lingtian said lightly, saying what he meant.

Hearing Li Lingtian’s thoughts, I understand that this is a good way.

Now the other party is in the process of Qingping City, and they don't know the fall of the five false **** realms, so in this way, the other party will not know Li Lingtian's strength, maybe he will be fooled.

"it is good."

"Brother is right."

"So be it."

Nangong Mingyue and others nodded and agreed with Li Lingtian's idea.

Afterwards, Yun Tianling steered the spaceship and took everyone to fly away.

Bypassing Qingping City, Yunming City flew towards the sixteen acropolises on the horizon. Yunming City and Qingping City were not in the same direction, and the distance between the two places was hundreds of thousands of miles.

Just after the Qingping City in the South was destroyed, Li Lingtian and others chose Yunming City in the North, and naturally no one would think of it.

Qingping City was destroyed, and countless powerful people fled.

The whole Qingping City was panic-stricken. Although millions of miles of Qingping City were vast, there was only one corner where Li Lingtian was destroyed, but tens of thousands of powerful people disappeared.

The devastating movements shook the entire Qingping City.

Not only Qingping City, but even the two nearby Acropolises, knew what was happening in Qingping City.

Suddenly, countless powerful people left Tianya Haijiao, daring not to be involved in the battle between Li Lingtian and Duan Mujia.

Because on the one side the Divine Martial Continent's first Holy Pill Master, on the other side of the Divine Martial Continent's top ten super family Duanmu family, there are two terrifying existences, there is no one to provoke.

Therefore, it is better to leave. Staying here will only suffer from the pond.

At the same time, countless Duanmujia strongmen came to Qingping City, looking at Qingping City, they were extremely angry.

The Duanmu family has been based on the Shenwu Continent for countless thousands of years, and no one dared to provoke it.

It has always been the Duanmu family who went to other families and forces to dominate the world. Where would one think that one day he would be savaged by others, and that he was just a martial arts strongman, and destroyed a large area of ​​Qingping City.

Come and go freely, completely looking at Duanmu's home with nothing.

In recent years, the Duanmu family has lost face several times, and sent people to kill Li Lingtian, every time there is no return, even the ancestors and hundreds of martial arts strongmen have disappeared with the smoke.

Now, Li Lingtian not only did not die, but came to make trouble in his base camp, which almost caused Duanmu's face to be lost.

"Li Lingtian, wait a minute to get you back, you must regret your coming to this world."

"Let you know that the Duanmu family is not any cat or dog that can provoke."

Duan Muxiu looked at everything in front of him and suddenly became angry. The Duanmu family, who had been arrogant and domineering, was being harassed in his own home, and he came and went freely, which was abhorrent.

When the Qingping City was destroyed, several strong men chased them out. In his eyes, several strong men wanted to capture a strong Wushen Realm, which was also in their hands.

I thought that when Li Lingtian was arrested and Li Lingtian was crushed, he was now excited.

Only by grasping Li Lingtian and killing Li Lingtian in front of the powerful in the world, in this way, the face lost by the Duanmu family can be recovered a little, and it also plays a role in killing chickens and monkeys.

"Homeowner, the people of Qingping City have gone a lot."

"This has a bad influence on Qingping City and my horizon."

"We have to think of a way to prevent the loss of Duanmu's people."

Beside Duanmuxiu, a young man followed, with a cold look on his face, his eyes constantly glancing in the air.

Looking at the strong men who were leaving, the young man said coldly that from the beginning to the end, there was no slight change in the expression on his face.

"Fresh breeze, you are still not suitable to be a homeowner, the choice of the third uncle is wrong."

"The third uncle will promise you that your sixth brother will be responsible for the burden of the back-end Mujia. With your talents and talents, one day the Duanmujia will reach the point of hegemony."

"This time, however, no matter what you do, don't sing back against your brother."

Duanmuxiu looked at the distance, didn't look at Duanmu Qingfeng around him, and said seriously.

It turned out that Duanmu Qingfeng's top genius in Duanmu's family has always been the heir cultivated in the family.

However, Duanmu Qingfeng is not interested in the seat of the head of the family, but obsessed with cultivation.

He is the youngest strong person in the pseudo-shenjing realm of the Duanmu family. Less than two hundred years old, he has achieved a pseudo-sacred realm, standing on the top of the pyramid of the martial arts of Shenwu mainland.

However, there is a more terrifying genius in the Duanmu family.

This genius is Tian Xue, one of the ten principal sons of Shenzhou. Duanmu Tianxue is more powerful than Duanmu Qingfeng, and he also controls the most powerful town house treasure and horror supernatural power of Duanmu’s family. All of the characters in the book are terrifying.

Duanmu Tianxue and Duanmu Qingfeng are two of the most genius figures in the Duanmu family.

It's just that Duanmu Qingfeng has always received less attention than Duanmu Tianxue.

However, with the strength and talent of Duanmu Qingfeng, the family cultivated Duanmu Qingfeng towards the head of the house, hoping to take over the seat of the house owner in the future.

In a super family, the head of the family is often not the most powerful, because the family does not need much strength, the real strong are the hermits and the elders in the family.

"Uncle San, Qingfeng knows."

"Brother's talent and strength are not much stronger than me, but his luck and opportunities are better than mine."

"Qingfeng is also a pseudo-deity, and naturally understands that in this world, not only strength and talent, but also luck and opportunity."

Duanmu Qingfeng nodded and sighed in his heart.

This is life, and the fate of being born in a big family is also the same as being born in a world where the strongest is respected.

The strongest should receive the best treatment. The difference between the first and second is completely different.

He naturally understands that the elders of the Duanmu family do not want civil strife in their families, especially the super core characters. If these core characters are in civil strife, the Duanmu family will decline and eventually disappear in the Shenwu Continent.

"Duanmu family, no one can despise."

"With the strength of several elders, it should be catching up with Li Lingtian."

"However, this Li Lingtian's strength is really too perverted, Wushen Yazhongtian has completely harmed my two pseudo-realms of the Duanmu family."

A trace of doubt appeared on Duanmuxiu's face, but the doubt disappeared quickly.

A few elders in a false **** realm, catching a martial **** realm, is simply as easy.

No matter how good Li Lingtian's body method is, he can only catch his hands in front of the false **** realm. The five false **** realms catch a martial **** realm, and there is no accident at all.

"Li Lingtian, the First Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

"Good luck, you were caught by several other elders."

"If you are staring at me, you must draw your soul and refine your soul, let you taste the power of Soul Destruction."

Duanmu Qingfeng's eyes showed a trace of vulgarity, and this trace of vulgarity, with a trace of strange, unspeakable strangeness.

In the eyes of the false **** realm, the strong martial arts realm is not seen in the eye at all.

No matter how many Wushen Realms, as long as a pseudo-Shenjing is smoothed out in an instant, Wushen Realm is at most a slightly larger ants in front of the pseudo-Shenjing.




All Duanmujia strongmen are waiting for the five false **** realm elders to catch Li Lingtian and come back, but at this time, the sky heard a burst of destruction, and the explosion shocked the world.

Because of the distance, the blast is very small when it reaches Qingping City, and only the powerful people above the Wushen Realm can hear it.

In this destructive blast, there is also a terrible atmosphere of endless destruction.

Finding this loud noise, Duanmu Qingfeng and Duanmuxiu were both a little stunned, and immediately reacted. The look on his face changed dramatically, and the whole person became furious.

Between the flashing figures, they disappeared into the air, and when they appeared again, they were already hundreds of miles away.



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