War God Supreme

Chapter 1234: Terrorist powerhouse

"Roar. [For more exciting novels please visit]"

Duanmu Qingfeng watched the devastating beam of light bombard, and the look on his face finally could not help changing.

Li Lingtian has not been put in his eyes, but was shocked by this ruined beam of light.

He doesn’t dare to look down on it at all now. After all, the fusion power of the two extremes is too far behind, and there are two kinds of divine power in it. Even if he is a pseudo-real powerhouse, he dare not have it Not at all.

The roar of the roar sounded, and the terrifying pseudo-real world real element was raised to the extreme.

With one hand, a stroke appears, and an aperture appears in the hand. When the aperture appears, the space also rotates.

In the aperture, a strange breath emanated.

This kind of breath, Li Lingtian did not know what it was.

However, even if I don't know what this kind of breath is, it makes people feel a flutter of heart, and the void trembles along with the aperture, and an endless aura flows towards the aperture.

Suddenly, the aperture formed an aperture of several meters in size. As Duanmu Qingfeng waved with one hand, the aperture greeted toward the beam.


The shocking sound of the sky rang at this time, and the beam of light bombarded the aperture before Duanmu Qingfeng was thousands of kilometers away.

A loud noise appeared, the aperture continually swallowed the beam of light, and the space continued to tremble.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian appeared in the air, and the look on his face also changed in shock.

Tofu is bitter in the brine.

I did not expect my desolation, with the power of ice and fire, the power reached an unprecedented level, but I did not expect to be blocked by the other party's aperture.

The power of the false **** realm really surpassed the imagination of the martial **** strong.

"Five Elements of Taoism."

"Five Elements Method."

Seeing Duanmu Qingfeng's aperture so magical, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

Suddenly the five elements of Taoism run, the space of five elements of Taoism rages, and the world changes its color.

'S power is against the sky, but he can't break the other party's aperture. He has lost his chance. Fortunately, the aperture that the aperture wants to completely resolve is not that simple.

At this time, it was time for me to take my lead back.

The Five Elements Eucharist is revealed, and the horrible Five Elements Taoism works.

Immediately, his eyes closed slightly, and the whole person felt the heavens and the Tao, feeling all the changes between the heavens and the earth, and then, turning gently with one hand, it was like turning the palm of the hand unintentionally.

The movements are chic, but this random chapter has changed strangely between heaven and earth.

The Five Elements Daoyi formed a strange power. This power came invisible around Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, in the turning of Li Lingtian's palm, a colorful light pressed against Duanmu's breeze, his movements were relaxed and relaxed, and he didn't seem to have the slightest power.


Li Lingtian waved his palm wisely, and his face was calm.

But in the eyes of Duanmu Qingfeng and Yun Tianhao in the distance, the look on his face changed dramatically.

Duanmu Qingfeng was shocked. He did not expect Li Lingtian to cultivate such a magical power. He thought that only his Duanmu family could control such magical power, but he did not expect that Li Lingtian had a martial **** realm and also controlled such a supernatural power.

This kind of magical power is not from the Shenwu Continent at all, but from ancient times.

Moreover, most of such supernatural powers can only be performed by the Celestial Powers, that is, the Celestial Powers, which is a name for the Shenwu Continent Powers.

Celestial supernatural power has exceeded the scope of attack, completely ignore the attack power, but can change the magical power of magic and unpredictable effect.



At this time, the beam of light was completely swallowed by the aperture.

But the mysterious and powerful ice power and fire power shattered the aperture.

Duanmu Qingfeng's body was shocked by the force of the horrible aperture fragmentation, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. Such a result was completely beyond his imagination.

Regret in my heart, if you don't use this magical power, you can't hurt yourself.

This result, Li Lingtian did not think that what surprised the two was that the ice power and fire power made the aperture shattered.

In this world, accidents often occur unintentionally.

I didn't expect that the powerful aperture can even invisibly resolve the attack, but it was destroyed by the two divine powers in the beam of light. This accident was not expected.

At this time, even if Duanmu Qingfeng regrets, regret is useless.

And the light of the Five Elements Dao Law has already been pressed towards him.

Although there is no power of terror, but Duanmu Qingfeng felt a wave of fear, a fear from the bottom of my heart, this fear has never appeared.

Did not expect to appear at this time.

"Tianfeng Qingyuebo."

"Condensation and illusion."

The expression on Duanmu Qingfeng's face changed, and then he waved with one hand, and a ray of blood appeared in the air.

Jingxue brought horrible pseudo-jingjing Jingyuan, the appearance of Jingyuan, the waves of space fluctuated, and at the same time, Duanmu Qingfeng's hands continued to wave, and a magical aperture appeared again.

When the aperture appeared, Jingyuan also burned.

In an instant, an aperture appeared again. Obviously, this time the aperture was much stronger than the initial aperture, and it also contained the essence of the pseudo-real world powerhouse.



The whole process looks a long time, but it is just a matter of time.

The colorful light of the Five Elements Daoist Method landed on Duanmu Qingfeng's Tianfeng Qingyue Wave. Suddenly, a snorting sound appeared.

The space was torn silently, and the sky and the earth changed dramatically.



Finally, the two magical supernatural powers that could not hold each other finally had results.

With the power and heavenly power of the five elements of heaven and earth, the multicolored light tears the aperture in a blink of an eye.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the figure was thrown out like a broken kite.

However, with a multicolored light on her body, the multicolored light could not be shaken off at all, just like being possessed.

"The power of Tianyuan."

"Ninghua Mang."

Duanmu Qingfeng continued to retreat, and a magical dharma was displayed. He wanted to release the five elements of the body, but there was no way to do it. The five elements of the law continued to devour the true elements he exhibited.

The prestige of heaven and earth attacked the mind and made the whole person truly afraid.

"Punish for the sky, sword of the sky."


Li Lingtian watched Wuxing Dao finally suppress Duanmu Breeze, and relaxed a little in his heart.

This Duanmu Qingfeng is also considered to be bad luck, extremely terrifying in strength, and the practice of false **** realm. In the false **** realm encountered by Li Lingtian, his power is almost the same as that of the giant.

But it was continuously hurt by Li Lingtian's ice power and fire power, and was finally suppressed by the five elements method.

The strong war is not only about supernatural powers, but also great opportunities and luck.

Impressed by the consciousness, Tiandao Roulette appeared before him.

A series of laws and regulations were displayed, and the atmosphere of heaven appeared in the sky.

Heavenly Dao's breath spread in the air, and there was a simple and immense long sword above the Heavenly Dao Roulette, which carried the Heavenly Dao's breath on it, punishing the Heaven's Dao's breath.

In a blink of an eye, the sword of heavenly path burst into a ruined heavenly path, and the long sword became a kilometer in size.

Heaven's prestige came, and the heavens above Jiuxiao landed endlessly.

The punishment in the sword of heaven is the first form of sword of heaven, and it is the horror power that Li Lingtian can control now. In front of the power of destruction, the sky does not tear a huge mouth.

With the initiation of Li Lingtian's decision, the sword of Heavenly Dao fell toward Duanmu Qingfeng.

The sword of ruining heaven and earth, with the power of punishment, torn the void and fell on Duanmu Qingfeng.

Seeing that Duanmu Qingfeng was about to vanish, Li Lingtian frowned, and the look on his face changed dramatically.

There was a slight tremor in space, and a huge crack appeared in the air.

At the same time, a huge palm appeared in the crack, and the palm fell like Jiuxiao, and the straight sword of the sky grabbed it.


With a loud bang, the palm was cut into pieces.

But just under the palm of his hand, Duanmu Qingfeng was entangled by a golden light, and then the destruction attack of the sword of Heavenly Dao from which Duanmu Qingfeng detached.

The destructive power of the sword of heaven, fell into the void, and finally landed on the sea.

On the surface of the sea, there was a thousands of miles of gulf. I don’t know how deep the gulf is, and the gulf does not end for a long time, like it is frozen.


"The disciples who killed my Duanmu family before and after should be punished."

In the void, a cold voice sounded, like a sky, with endless majesty.

The voice shook Tianhai, and Li Lingtian spurted out blood.

The look on his face changed drastically, and he didn't expect the strong man coming in the air to be so terrifying. He came across the boundary and could come here accurately, blocking his sword of heavenly path in time and saving Duanmu from the wind.

This can only be accomplished with more powerful cultivation and strength.

Speaking of being able to withstand his sword of heaven and earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian will not be shocked. After all, the power of the pseudo-spiritual strongman is terrifying, and his magical power is against the sky, and it is not impossible to resist his own sword of heaven and heaven.

But with one palm, you can block the sword of heaven and earth, and take advantage of the momentary effort to save Duanmu Qingfeng away. Such strength can only be described in horror.

In the face of terror and invisible coercion, Li Lingtian did not have the slightest resistance.

There wasn't even a chance to resist. The figure backed away, the blood on the corners of the mouth kept overflowing, and the look on his face was extremely ugly.


The voice from that void came again, but this time it was not aimed at Li Lingtian, but Yun Tianyue and Yue Tianfeng. Although they were separated by thousands of miles, they fought against the Duanmu family's two powerful gods.

But in the face of the coercion of this voice, there was no resistance at all to be bombarded and thrown out.

A pair of blood spurted out, and the look on his face was pale.


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