War God Supreme

Chapter 1235: Pseudo-Middle Realm


Yun Tianyue and Yun Tianfeng both spit out blood.

The kite swayed and flung like a broken line, and finally fell weakly.

Seeing that it was about to fall in the sea, Yun Tianling and Yun Tianxing's bodies flashed, catching Yun Tianyue and the two.


The figure flashed, and the four came to Li Lingtian, a terrified look in their eyes.

In the air, Duanmu Qingfeng was eroded by Li Lingtian's Five Elements Method. It was not so simple to remove it. I saw a white light shining down from the sky towards Duanmu Qingfeng.

The snow-white light was wrapped around Duanmu Qingfeng, but the magical light of the Five Elements Dao Law could not be lifted at all.

Duanmu Qingfeng was suspended in the air by the golden light, and the look on his face was extremely unsightly.

The other two early strong powers of Pseudo-Shenjing had a pale look on their faces, but they were very excited at this time, as if they saw a savior.

Just now, the two Duanmu family's strong men were attacked by Yun Tianfeng and Yun Tianyue before they stopped. In front of Yun Tianyue and Yun Tianfeng's profound and terrifying cultivation, they were also seriously injured.

If it weren't for the voice in the air, the two Duanmujia's strongmen would fall.

The two were suspended in the air, there was no look of fear at all, but a bit of cruelty, just like seeing Li Lingtian and others disappearing.

Yun Tianyue surrounded Li Lingtian, staring at the sky in horror.

They were all terrified. I didn't know to what extent that power in the sky was so powerful.

I haven't seen this strong man yet. I don't know how to cultivate into a realm, but I understand that this strong man is simply not something they can deal with.

But now I don't dare to run away. If I run away, the other party will come up with a magical power of destruction, so that you have no chance of resisting.

Li Lingtian's eyes looked at the void of Duanmu Void, and the consciousness scanned the space, but he couldn't find that powerful existence.

Seeing this, the look on his face could not help changing.

Shocked in my heart, the first time I met such a strong man, I was not sure.

His sword of heaven and earth also reached the peak of punishment. He never expected that someone could block it with just one hand.

It can be seen from this point that this strong man has reached a point of transformation. No one of them can contend with it. Otherwise, even the strongest peak of the early days of Yun Tianyue's false **** realm was also attacked by this voice. hurt.

More importantly, this sound is not a sonic attack, but the majesty of the strong with the strong and wounded the two.

Between the sky and the sea, the strong wind is twisted and the sea roars.

But no one spoke out, and the air suddenly contained a repressive atmosphere, which made everyone present feel the terrifying oppression.


The Five Elements Daoism in Duanmu Qingfeng's body in the air was gradually suppressed by that white light, but this was also temporary. It was not a temporary thing to want to completely lift the Five Elements Daoism.

At this moment, the golden light disappeared, Duanmu Qingfeng's figure trembled, the most stable suspended in the air, his face pale and pale.

Able to

It was indeed lucky to be rescued in front of him. If this terrifying strong man came one step later, Duanmu Qingfeng would fall.

When the golden light disappeared, there was a trembling of destruction in the space, and a huge palm was shot fiercely towards Li Lingtian at an extremely fast speed, which was beyond the imagination of the powerful.

Moreover, the palm with supreme majesty and endless power of destruction gives people a negative emotion that can't be resisted by the shaking of the mind.

"The track of heaven and earth."

Seeing the bombardment of the ruined palm, Li Lingtian's face changed dramatically.

But I was quite relieved in my heart. At least I saw this strong man's attack. Otherwise, this strong man's attack would be a disaster.

The true element of the whole body turned to the extreme, waved with one hand, shot out in response to the situation, and bombarded toward the palm of his hand.

"Return to three points."

"Return to three points."

"Skylight growls."

"Shenxiao thunder."

At this time, Yun Tianyue and Yun Tianfeng, Yun Tianxing and Yun Tianling, the four also bombed out the attack of destruction.

Two attacks bombarded toward the palm of the hand, and two attacks bombarded toward the space behind the palm.

Although the four people rarely join forces, they are all super powers in the false **** realm. In the face of such terrifying powers, the joints are also good practice. The two help Li Lingtian, and the two attack the invisible powers.

Even if you can't see the figure, you can find the approximate location of the opponent along the route of the palm attack. The three-point return attack, the size of a hundred meters, this area of ​​the attack can definitely find the other party.

Suddenly, the martial attack of the martial arts cooperated seamlessly, and they all bombarded the horrible palm and the powerful.

Space, endless destruction, the persistence of destruction tears the space continuously.

Duanmu Qingfeng and the other two strong men, their faces are shocked, their bodies dodge quickly, the attack of the five people together, plus the attack of the mysterious strong man, all within a thousand miles of destruction.


Li Lingtian's heaven and earth trajectory, bombarded with that palm with the power of the supreme heaven and earth.

At the same time, the two ancient artifacts of Sky Roar and Shenxiao Thunder also bombarded the palm of the hand, and the two three-pointers Guiyuan also bombarded each other at this time.

Suddenly, the space exploded continuously, the air was torn, and even the entire sea area was constantly toppled.






The trembling between the sky and sea was broken, and finally, the five attacks disappeared.

Li Lingtian threw his body towards the back, and then stopped a few miles before stopping. Yun Tianyue and others all retreated several miles.

The corners of the mouth are all blood stained, and the look on the face is horrified, there is no trace of blood.

The five joined forces and all performed horrible moves, two peerless magical powers. The power of two ancient artifacts, as well as a track of heaven and earth, did not shake each other, but were injured.

"Little Lord."

"You take the young lady and they go first."

Yun Tianhao came to Li Ling at this time

Around Tian, ​​a true element was injected into Li Lingtian's body to stabilize Li Lingtian's shaking mind.

In this situation, he knew that he had encountered a terrible strongman, and if he did not escape, Li Lingtian would be impossible to leave.


"Young Master, go away, we will join him to block him."

"Even if he is even more powerful and wants to kill us, it is not a temporary thing."

Yun Tianfeng nodded, and the expression on his face was very anxious. He asked Li Lingtian to quickly take Nangong Mingyue and they left here. With the strength of their several false gods, even if they were not opponents of the other party, but they wanted to pester each other and delay the time. Sure.

"Want to go?"

"With this idea, you all have to accept the punishment of the deity."

In the air, the terrifying strong man finally appeared.

In front of the joint attack of the five, he was also forced to show up, his face was pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

I can't see the injury, but I can be sure that the joint attack just now has a great impact on this powerful terrorist.

Indeed, the power of the five people can kill any ordinary pseudo-ideal powerhouse in seconds.

Now that this powerful terrorist can be unharmed, it is indeed shocking and frightening.

I saw that an old man in gray clothes was suspended in the air, with a sense of majesty on his face, and his body exudes a terrifying momentum. This momentum is completely unconnected with the old man. This is a strong man with extreme terror.

The space around him was also torn apart by terror's coercion and momentum, and it looked terrifying.

Pseudo-Middle Realm

Seeing the cultivation of the old man, Li Lingtian and others were shocked, and the look on his face became even more ugly.

I didn't expect this old man to be a strong man in the middle of a false **** realm. No wonder it is so terrifying, the level of horror is beyond the scope of imagination.

Yun Tianyue and others are frightened. This is the gap between the early and middle pseudo-real world. One peak of the early pseudo-real world can play against three or four ordinary early strong.

However, a mid-term powerhouse in the pseudo-real world can completely ignore the powerhouses in the early stage of the pseudo-realm. Even if the ten early-level powerhouses in the pseudo-realm are not opponents of the mid-level powerhouse in the pseudo-realm.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two, and the terrifying coercion overwhelmingly defeated the early strong.

"Mid-phase pseudo-realm."

"No wonder so, the Duanmu family is really willing."

Li Lingtian looked at the old man in the air, and the look on his face gradually calmed down.

At this time, even shock is useless, but instead leads to death.

Only a calm treatment can find a trace of vitality. This is the precious experience he got from the edge of countless lives and deaths. It is also the experience of countless powerful people, but there are very few people who can do this step, almost no one. Can do it.

When you meet a strong man with a higher level of strength than your own realm, you have not noticed for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have retreated in my heart, and I want to escape, where can I calm down.

"Junior, the deity doesn't want to do it."

"You solve it by yourself, otherwise, if you don't respect the hands, you will rejuvenate your soul and make you worse than life."

The old man's eyes looked like Li Lingtian, the look on his face remained the same, but he was shocked in his heart.

I thought of a Wushen Realm who is so powerful, and has caused the Duanmu family to be killed.

Now in front of his attack, he was not killed, and he almost killed Duanmu Qingfeng.

Such strength is completely beyond Wushen Realm and beyond their imagination.

When speaking, the tone is overbearing, like a dominating god.

At the same time, the real element of the body is constantly rotating, and the space is stirred by the real element. This world has completely become the dominance of this old man. Li Lingtian and others in this space are no different from a ants.


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