War God Supreme

Chapter 1236: Shield of Divine Gang



Between the sky and the sea, the terror and coercion in the middle of the pseudo-real world continued to crush.

The strong wind ravaged the space, tearing the space inch by inch.

The eyes of Li Lingtian and Yun Tianyue all looked horrified, but at this time, the expression on Li Lingtian's face calmed down.

Between lips opening Qi, began to spread the sound of a few words to the ears of several people.

"Yun Tianyue, Yun Tianfeng, the two Duanmujia strongmen that you two will start to kill, try to solve it in a short time."

"Yun Tianling, you go to contain Duanmu Qingfeng and divert this old immortal attention. Duanmu Qingfeng doesn't dare to use the true yuan now. You don't have the full assurance that you don't kill Duanmu Qingfeng, lest this old immortal deal with you."

"Yuntianhao and Yuntianxing, you two cooperate with this seat."

"Yun Tianbai, take the young lady and them away, if there is any threat, leave and return to the top of Yuntian."

Li Lingtian ordered that the situation in front of them would not allow them to be careless.

If one is not careful, the whole army will be destroyed.

There is not much hope for several people to join forces to deal with a false **** realm, let alone three people Duanmu Qingfeng on the side, three people is a huge threat.

Although his arrangement dispersed his fighting power, it was the best arrangement.

Several people looked at each other and expressed no objection to Li Lingtian's arrangement.

"Do it yourself."

After the arrangement, Li Lingtian shouted, disappearing strangely, and completely disappeared in the space.

This situation made the old man in gray felt startled.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to run away at this time. This situation was beyond his imagination. However, at this time, Yun Tianhao and Yun Tianxing had already cast the terrible three points.

The three-point return is the most terrifying peerless magical power. When encountering a pseudo-medical mid-term powerhouse, only such a supernatural power can threaten the mid-term powerhouse.

Yun Tianhao and the two of them naturally knew that the young master was not escaping, but used space magical power to find an opportunity. When he found the opportunity, he would be killed with one blow, and the power would be shocking.

At the same time, Yun Tianbai took the Nangong Mingyue to fly away.

Yun Tianyue and others also followed Li Lingtian's arrangement and attacked Duanmu Qingfeng and others. This situation is more like Li Lingtian abandoning his companions and fleeing.


The old man in gray saw Li Lingtian disappear and saw several pseudo-gods in the early stage without fearing him at all. Instead, he took the lead to deal with him, which was awful.

Moreover, in this way, the other party is simply a strong man who restrains their Duanmu family to let Li Lingtian escape.

With a roar, the devastating attack came fiercely towards Chao Yunhao.

Even in the middle of the false **** realm, he did not dare to underestimate the three-point return to the yuan, and was initially injured by two three-point return to the yuan and forced to appear.

Now again encountered such an attack. Naturally, I dare not care any more.

In the mid-terms of the Pseudo-Shenjing Powerhouse, the higher the cultivation level is, the less dare to be injured. This not only affects Shouyuan, but also affects the progress of cultivation mode.



. "

Yun Tianyue and the two have already fought against their opponents.

Duanmu Qingfeng was also not far from Duanmu Qingfeng by Yun Tianling, and an attack struck Duanmu Qingfeng.



The three-pointed red light was bombarded with the old man's attack.

Suddenly, the space oscillated, and the mysterious and horrible three-pointer Guiyuan exuded the magic power of devouring destruction.

For a time, the three stalemate together.

The power of three-point return to horror is as good as the supernatural powers of heaven, and it has exceeded the scope of attack. The mysterious power cannot be imagined.

However, the horror practice of the old man in the pseudo-real world in the early days, in front of the pseudo-real world, completely occupied an overwhelming advantage.


With a loud bang, the three-pointed Guiyuan disappeared, and Yun Tianhao and Yun Tianling were thrown out. The look on their faces changed and became ugly.

At the same time, the old man's attack was also offset by the three-point return, and his figure could not help but flick back quickly.

But at this moment, the look on the old man's face changed, and the look on his face became horrified.

I saw that I didn't know when I had retreated into a space crack. The space crack of endless destruction was destroyed. These powers of destruction made him feel a little scared.

More importantly, there are no space cracks, but there are space cracks behind him, just like this space crack is waiting for him here, specially prepared for him.

In front of his terrifying cultivation, the space crack appeared silently behind him, which really shocked him.

It is too late to come out.

From beginning to end, I don't know how this space crack came from. I don't know who cast this space crack. Was it caused by the war between you and the other party?

"Crack God Fist."

"Blade Blade."

Yun Tianhao and Yun Tianxing naturally knew that this space crack was exhibited by the young master, and such an opportunity was difficult to obtain.

Dare not hesitate, the terrorist attack bombarded the past.

In the face of such a crack, neither of them would be so stupid as to use the three-point return to the yuan. If the three-point return to the attack is carried out, the space may be destroyed.



Two devastating attacks bombarded the old man who was about to leave the crack.

On the one hand, to resist the terrible space cracks, and on the other hand, to resist the attacks of the two strong powers in the early stage of Pseudo God Realm, but also pay attention to the situation of Duanmu Qingfeng. If Duanmu Qingfeng fell here, even if Li Lingtian and others were extinguished. Killing can't make up for Duanmu's loss.



"The deity is going to set you down today."

The old man was beaten and beaten, and suddenly felt endless shame.

It is a shame that the strong man in the middle of the hall of false realm was calculated by such early strong men.

Moreover, when he was entangled, the other three pseudo-realms of his Duanmu family also faced a threat of terror.

When the clouds are gone, the power of terror burst out at the thought of this.

Suddenly, the domineering truth and power of the middle of the false **** realm were fully exerted to the extreme at this time, and his hands were swiped, tearing away fiercely toward the space crack, the space crack quickly shook, and finally disappeared.

The attacks of Yun Tianhao and Yun Tianxing also came again. The devastating attack screamed, and the look on the old man's face was horrified. Although it would not be killed by the initial attacks of several false **** realms, the injuries were indispensable.

"God unites."

"Shengang's shield."

Seeing the horrific attack coming, such a horrific attack, the two pseudo-spiritual realms joined forces at the beginning, and if they are not careful, Peking University will be half dead.

Immediately, a ray of essence and blood sacrifice came out, and the space suddenly shivered, and the strange and terrifying power landed from above Jiuxiao, forming a light shield with a size of ten meters in a blink of an eye.

The mysterious runes radiated above the light shield. As the runes flashed, the dazzling streamer flashed continuously.


The blast sounded, and the terrifying attack hit the shield of Shengang, and suddenly, a halo of destruction exploded in the space.

The shield of Shengang is also trembling constantly, as if it is about to be destroyed at any time.


"Dividing the world and balancing the world."

"The chaos measures the heavens and the heavens and the earth die together."

At this time, Li Lingtian, who had disappeared all the time, appeared in the air. When the figure appeared, the true element of the whole body had been turned to the extreme.

A ruler with a length of one foot has appeared in the hand. The ruler is black and white, like day and night, but in this black and white place, it produces a feeling of destruction.

I saw Li Lingtian one-handed, and a showdown was displayed. The fall of the showdown was above the chaotic scale.

Suddenly the chaotic scale ruled out a black and white light. The black and white light appeared, and the world entered a black and white world. In this black and white world, there was destruction and death.

Just like returning to the primitive era, the constant destruction between heaven and earth has no vitality.

Seeing the power of Li Lingtian measuring the ruler, Yun Tianhao and Yun Tianxing glanced at each other, and their strange flashing disappeared. When they appeared again, Yun Tianhao came to Duanmu Qingfeng.

Yun Tianxing came to the other two Duanmujia not far from the pseudo-realm, and at the same time exhibited the magical power of destruction.



Two screams resounded through the world, and the sound of the screams changed the look on the old man's face.

But at this time, it was too late to support, and the shield of his gods had just been displayed. The initial attacks of the two false **** realms were not resolved. Now we have to face the black and white world that Li Lingtian exhibited.

In front of the black and white world, the old man also felt the threat of death.

Above the chaotic scale, there is a mysterious and horrifying pressure, a unique pressure that treasures can possess.

Feeling this spiritual pressure, the look on the old man's face became horrified. He didn't know what kind of treasure this spiritual pressure produced. There was such a horror.

Not to mention him, even if Li Lingtian has refined the Chaos Scale, he doesn’t know the real order of the Chaos Scale, and he doesn’t know whether the ancient artifact is an innate artifact, or other treasures that are more against the sky.



"Poof~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, there was another burst of noise, and then a spurting sound sounded.

Another is the Duanmujia pseudo-shenzhen strong who vanishes.

Duanmu Qingfeng and the two strong powers of false gods disappeared and disappeared completely in this world. The look on the old man's face was furious, but he didn't dare to be angry because he now felt that he could not protect himself.

The destruction of the magical black-and-white world rose instantly, like the last ray of sunlight falling at night, or the ray of morning light when the night disappeared.

The chaotic scale was gently drawn out in Li Lingtian's hands, and the black and white world condensed into a ray of light. In this black and white world, this ray of light was dazzling.

The light fell straight down towards the old man, the world was quiet at the moment, and finally became silent.

Without the slightest sound, even the air was condensed, everything was still, the black and white light of the chaotic scale ruled down the sky, and the void was cut through with irresistible power of destruction.


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