War God Supreme

Chapter 1237: Chase battle

The chaotic scale ruled through the void, and a black and white light fell towards the old man.

This world has completely turned into a black and white world, and there is no more glorious color.

Looking at the ruined black and white light, the old man also felt the threat of death. His hands were constantly swiping, and magic tricks were running one after another. There was a terrifying atmosphere between heaven and earth.

"Pan Ruotianmang."

The expression on the old man's face in gray clothes was solemn, and there was more anger.

His arrival not only did not kill Li Lingtian and others, but also gave Duanmu a breeze, and now the three pseudo-ideal powerhouses of Duanmu's family are all gone, but Li Lingtian is intact.

What is more important now is that he is also in danger. For a mid-term powerhouse in a pseudo-deity, it is completely ironic.

If Li Lingtian were not killed, he would have no face in the Shenwu Continent.

A magical light appeared from the fingertips, and suddenly, this light was as dazzling as the stars in the night sky.



In the air, the light of the old man in gray will break the silent space.

A horrible light flooded the sky, and the light greeted the black and white light.

Immediately, a black and white ray of light in the sky and a silver ray of the old man in gray shredded the void like a meteor and slammed toward the other party.

The power of chaos to measure the heavens shook things and made the world silent.

This light is like dividing the world.

The two horrible rays collided fiercely in the air, and the whole world exploded suddenly, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, and the rays of destruction quickly spread out.

Where the light passes, everything turns into nothingness.

Both Li Lingtian and the old man in gray clothes disappeared in this black and white world, and Yun Tianyue and others had already flown thousands of miles away.

Looking at the ruined space, a horrified look appeared on his face.


Li Lingtian spurted blood out and threw himself out.

Immediately, the power of the impact, the figure disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already hundreds of miles away.

There was blood on the corner of his mouth, and his figure kept flashing.

"Heaven is gone."

"In a blink of an eye."

Li Lingtian's figure disappeared and turned into a huge **** phoenix. The **** phoenix spread its wings, its wings flickered in the air, and then disappeared.

For a thousand miles, this is the natural supernatural power of the Phoenix family. After controlling the emptiness of the heavens, the degree of control over the space is more profound.

Now showing the extinction of the heavens and the emptiness, a thousand miles away, and soon fled the world of destruction.

The blood on the corner of the mouth kept overflowing, and the expression on his face was pale and weak.

"Want to go."

"Want to go in front of the deity and dream!"

The old man in gray clothes felt that Li Lingtian had escaped, and the look on his face changed.

But after talking, a sip of blood spurted out.

Just before the attack of Chaos Measure, the destruction and pressure of Chaos Measure ruled him.

After being destroyed, Yu Jin finally wounded him seriously. Although it did not fall, it was the first time he could be injured in this way.

It was an insult to be injured by a young man from Wushen Yazhongtian.

Now seeing this martial arts strongman is about to escape, isn't this embarrassing him?

His body flashed quickly and flew away in the direction of Li Lingtian's disappearance. In a blink of an eye, both of them disappeared in the world of destruction, but this world of destruction was long gone in the air.



In the air, Li Lingtian turned into a **** phoenix, a thousand miles in an instant, and the speed of incredibly fast cut the space into a broken channel.

Even the chaotic scale can't kill this strong man in the middle of the false **** realm, and there is no longer any certainty. If he doesn't run away at this time, he can't go if he wants to go.

But the figure behind him was shocked.

The pseudo-real world was really strong in the middle, and he knew the other side as soon as he left. Although he was not as fast as him, after catching up, he could no longer get rid of the other side.

Even if you are in control of the heavens and the void, but the other party is in the middle of the pseudo-real world, the magic is magical, some secret techniques are even more shocking, maybe when you come to a secret technique, you will be caught.


"Prepare to enter the Emperor's chariot."

At this time, when Li Lingtian had just left the place where the war was tens of thousands of miles away, they saw Nangong Mingyue and they were all in the air, looking at the place where the war was anxiously.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian hurriedly shouted.

Immediately, the Emperor Chariot sacrificed.

After the Emperor Chariot Festival came out, he came to Nangong Mingyue and others in a flash.

Nangong Mingyue and others did not hesitate at all. While the tank was slowing down, it had already entered the Heavenly Emperor's tank. There was no slight stop in the whole process.

After everyone entered the Emperor's chariot, the Emperor's chariot burst into a roar.

The blazing speed burned the space, a thousand miles away.

The speed of the Heavenly Emperor’s chariot has now reached the speed of a thousand miles. With the Heavenly Emperor’s chariot, Li Lingtian will naturally not fly alone, flying alone as the body of the Phoenix, although it is also a thousand miles, but it will consume real dollars.

Moreover, the physique also has to withstand the terrible space friction, which has no advantage to oneself.

"Today, the deity does not put you down, and swears not to be a human being."

Behind the Heavenly Emperor's chariot thousands of miles, a burst of roar sounded.

The sound was terrifying, and the horrible sound waves stirred up the vast water column, which shook the sky.

The distance of thousands of miles, the speed of the Heavenly Emperor’s chariot and the old man in gray clothes are generally the same, and they are all fast.

Hearing this voice, Li Lingtian and others were shocked.

"This old guy can't really be killed."

"I didn't expect that in front of the devastating blow of the young master, I didn't suffer any serious injuries."

"We have to be careful. There are a lot of magical methods in the middle of the pseudo-realm. Neither the body method nor the supernatural powers are imaginable at the early stage of the pseudo-realm."

Yun Tianyue and others are terrified. In front of Li Lingtian's chaotic scale, they all feel the threat of death.

In the center of the attack,

The old man was not killed at all. Now listening to the voice, he is simply a person who has not been injured.

"The speed of the Emperor's chariot cannot be increased."

"We consume some real dollars first, and then we join forces."

Li Lingtian felt the threat of destruction from thousands of miles away, and the look on his face also changed.

The strength of the pseudo-real world in the mid-term is beyond his imagination. Now such a speed can naturally be consumed with the other party, but the other party's secret magic technique is not unsurpassed.

At that time, as long as the other party catches up, they and others will fall into crisis.


"As long as he comes to the back, we will attack him and consume his real yuan."

The respectful salute of Yun Tianling and others shocked Li Lingtian's strength.

Now I have waited for the first six false **** realms. When I met an old man in gray clothes, I only had to escape. It was almost speechless. The distance between the early and middle pseudo false realms was very different.

They did not expect that Li Lingtian's strength was so horrible that it could threaten the strong man in the middle of the pseudo-real world.


The roar of the terrifying Heavenly Emperor's chariot flight continued, and the breath behind it kept accelerating. After a moment of effort, the distance between the two was drawn to 5,000 miles.

This speed exceeded Li Lingtian's imagination.

Originally thought that even if the other party wanted to perform a horrible secret technique, it was not a temporary thing to want to chase it back, but now it has shortened the distance in a short time.

If this continues, it won't take long before it will be caught up by the old man in gray.

They were shocked, but the grey man in the back was also shocked. The degree of shock was greater than that of Li Lingtian and others.

He did not expect that Li Lingtian's flying treasures were so fast, which simply exceeded the cognition of the treasures of the Shenwu Continent.

Treasures of a thousand miles, within the mighty continent of the continent, never thought about it.

In the Shenwu Continent, the speed of the aircraft is the fastest, which is tens of miles in the blink of an eye. It is impossible to teleport. Such aircraft are generally used by low-level warriors, and the strong will not use the aircraft.

But now, I never imagined that a young man of Wushen Realm has such a terrible flying machine. It is a thousand miles away. Such a treasure is a peerless treasure.

With such a treasure, whether it is chasing or running away, it is a life-saving peerless treasure.

For thousands of miles, even the strong power of pseudo-realm can't do it, unless it is a secret technique.

Without using mysteries and consuming real dollars, you can be a thousand miles away. Who wouldn't envy jealousy for such a good thing?

Now, he has cast a horrible mystery and will speed faster than a thousand miles, but in this way, he cannot support it for a long time. If he cannot catch up with the other party in a short time and leave Li Lingtian and others, he will never be able to catch up later. .

Li Lingtian killed countless strong men in Duanmu's house, and the false **** realm also fell a lot. He came out to rescue Duanmu Qingfeng at the invitation of the head of the family, but did not expect Duanmu Qingfeng to be killed under his eyelids.

He was also calculated by a Wushen Realm, and he was seriously injured.

How can he tolerate such a thing, even if he can tolerate it, he will not be confused in Shenwu Continent in the future.

While shocked in my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also revealed in my heart


If you can kill Li Lingtian, you can get Li Lingtian's treasure, as well as this powerful flying machine, as well as several horrible treasures that Li Lingtian just displayed. These treasures are at least ancient artifacts. Maybe they are still ancient gems.

With these treasures, the Duanmu family will increase their strength a lot, and the losses can also make up for some.

"The world is in control."

Looking at the closer and closer distance, the look on the old man's face in gray clothes showed a faint smile.

Then the real element of horror in the whole body turned, his fingers were cut by a strong wind, a ray of fine blood appeared in front of him, between one-hand strokes, a mysterious halo appeared around.

At this time, the old man in grey clothes also stopped, and his hands would run a decisive action.

Suddenly the whole person disappeared in the halo, completely disappeared into the sky, and no breath left.


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