War God Supreme

Chapter 1252: Eastern Falls



The Emperor's chariot quickly flew deep into the sea, and even if the Nangong Mingyue could not refine the Emperor's chariot, he could control it for a short time.

Nangong Mingyue is in control of the Emperor's chariot, and he is more at ease.

There is no trace of space in the hidden air.

After the Heavenly Emperor's chariot flew away thousands of miles, there were several sounds of breaking the sky in the air. With the sound of breaking the sky, more than a dozen figures continually moved through the space.

It's so fast, it's thousands of miles in an instant.

The terrible pseudo-sacred realm of coercion kept the space continually shaking, but Li Lingtian could feel the weariness of these strong men without the sharp edge that started.

This is also a long time chase, three months, even if the birds are exhausted, let alone humans.

Even if they are strong in the false **** realm, they were tortured enough by Li Lingtian in this chase.

Li Lingtian and others have Heavenly Emperor’s chariots, which are extremely fast and do not need to consume the true yuan, but the strong man of the Gongsun family needs to consume a lot of true yuan, and also beware of Li Lingtian’s attack. This way, the consumption of the Gongsun family is really difficult for the powerful.



"Bang, bang."

"Puff, puff."

"Ah, ah."


On the sea, there was a shocking explosion, and a scream was screaming through the world.

One pseudo-real world was attacked without a second instant of attack. In a blink of an eye, dozens of pseudo-real worlds were all killed, and they completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

With one wave of Li Lingtian, a dozen storage bags fell into his hands.

Immediately, his body flickered, and the fast chariot of the Heavenly Emperor flew away, and Yun Tianhao and Yun Tianyue also followed closely.

But the two were still shocked by Li Lingtian's strength.

Just after the three people waited for more than a dozen pseudo-magic superpowers to pass them, they shot behind their backs.

Li Lingtian turned into a dragon, and under the huge dragon claws, every catch would destroy a false **** realm powerhouse. In a blink of an eye, several false **** realm powerhouses disappeared.

After the other false gods reacted, it was too late.

The air of destruction, the power of terror, and the domineering physical defense are simply invincible.

Both of them only killed three or four false **** realms before and after. At the beginning of the false **** realm, the top peak sneak attack on the tired and unprepared ordinary false **** realm was simply a spike. After the two of them killed three or four false **** realms, the remaining The people below were also killed by Li Lingtian.

In front of Li Lingtian, these strong powers of pseudo-deity were simply weak.

Although these pseudo-spiritual powerhouses have consumed dramas, there are not many real elements, and there is no precautions. They are all sudden sneak attacks, but these are pseudo-spiritual realms, even if they are bad, they are also pseudo-spiritual realms, not The God of War can be compared.

However, it is such a false **** realm that there is no slight resistance in front of Li Lingtian.

After returning to the Emperor Chariot, Li Lingtian and others continued to fly inside.

After a full month of flight, I finally entered the depths of the Bihai. I originally wanted to replace the Heavenly Emperor’s chariot with an ordinary spaceship, but I thought that the center might encounter a storm, and there are terrifying sea clan strongmen. Just continue Use the Emperor's chariot.


"Haha, haha!"

"The son finally entered the false **** realm."

"Comprehend the sword territory and spread the world."

"Li Lingtian, you have missed the appointment for five years, but you are not worthy of being your opponent."

Within the Shenjian Pavilion, within a thousand miles, a terrifying sword-man sword field erupted.

Within a thousand miles, there is a world of swords. The entire world of swords is full of destruction and sharp edges. Everything in the world trembles in front of this terrifying sword sword field.

An excited voice stirred in the air, except for excitement in the voice is disdain.

A contempt of the world radiated out, and the entire Shenjian Pavilion was full of excitement.

The **** sword son, one of the ten sons of Shenwu mainland, retired twice in ten years, and finally reached the realm of sword territory. Xiuwei broke through the shackles of the war **** realm and reached the false **** realm.

The sword-cultivator is invincible in the same rank, reaching the false **** realm, comprehending the sword domain, and becoming the first strong man after the sword saint.

The ten sons are all legendary characters, and their talents are terrifying.

Now the Sword Master has reached the false **** realm and realized that the sword domain, the whole Sword Pavilion is very happy from top to bottom, and invites the strongest people in the world to celebrate.

"The body of the Nine Infants, the Holy Beast fits."

"Son swordsman, hum, you reach the false **** realm, this son also reaches the false **** realm."

"Incorporating the body of Nine Infants, even if you comprehend the sword domain, it is not your opponent's opponent. The ranking of the top ten sons is reshuffled."

The celestial demon is transformed into a kilometer-sized body of nine babies, and among the nine heads, there is a faint voice.

The terrifying demon power filled the world, and the ferocious air shook the world.

At the same time, countless super-inverse monsters have risen against the sky, and for a while, news of the emergence of the strong has frequently spread throughout the east.

It makes the whole East Fall territory lively. Every strong man who rises against the sky is like a dazzling star, which shocks countless strong men. These strong men who rise against the sky are shining under the dazzling aura. The eyes of hundreds of millions.


In a fairyland-like world, a spaceship landed on the edge of the sea.

After the spacecraft landed, more than a dozen figures walked out from above, looking at the world like fairyland, with happy smiles on their faces.

"It's finally back to the east."

North Mingxue's small face showed a look of excitement. Noble and holy she, the emperor of the Shenyue Empire, now shows the appearance of her little daughter's house, with a hint of naughty look on her face.

If you let the powerful of the Shenyue Empire see, you must not drop your chin.

But at this time, they were all very happy. After flying for several months in the waters, I was finally able to be down to earth, and I was really happy.

In the sea, they did not encounter the above danger. After passing through the center of the sea, they replaced the Heavenly Emperor's chariot with an ordinary spaceship, so that it would not be visible.

But the speed of using ordinary spacecraft is much slower.

However, there were people who spoke on the spaceship, but did not feel lonely.

After five months, he finally left the Bihai and entered the territory of the East Fall.

Dongluoyu is known as the seven largest territories of Shenzhou except Tianyuxianyu and Shengjing. There are countless forces here, as well as super powers and super families, as well as the ten sons of Shenwu Continent.

There are also countless peerless powerhouses, where there are countless powerful legends.


"Go to our house and talk."

"In Dongluoyu, it is not as simple as Tianmuyu, the forces inside are intricate, and you have to be careful all the time."

Yun Yaoyao said, holding Li Lingtian's left arm.

On the other side and Nangong Mingyue, the two women are holding one by one. The situation is enough for men in the world to envy Li Lingtian, but Nangong Mingyue and Yun Yaoyao do not feel anything at all.

"Go to your house like this?"

Li Lingtian felt a little awkward, so he went to Beiming's home in a hurry, and felt a little inappropriate.

If there is any other place, he does not need to be awkward at all, because the other places are all interests, and if they are not good, they leave directly.

The Beiming family is the home of Beimingxue and Yun Yaoyao. He is not good to offend them, and he also has to take care of the faces of the two, so as not to embarrass them.


"Relax, they all know you exist."

"Among the ten super families of Shenwu Continent, the Beiming Family is not the most powerful, but it is the first for unity and accidents."

Bei Mingxue smiled and looked at Li Lingtian playfully.

The first time I saw Li Lingtian embarrassed, I was very happy.

It is indeed a curious thing to embarrass a character like Li Lingtian, and it is still a very small thing.

She also knows Li Lingtian's concerns, worrying that other things will embarrass them when the time comes.


"The big deal is to take the two of you and run away."

Li Lingtian nodded and promised to come down, and then joked.

In this way, Bei Mingxue and Yun Yaoyao felt shy for a while.

Afterwards, Li Lingtian asked Yun Tianhao and others to hide and practice, and steered the spacecraft to fly away. On the spacecraft, Yun Yaoyao and Bei Mingxue continued to tell Li Lingtian some super powers and super families in the east, There are also some super powerhouses, and legends of those peerless powerhouses.

But more still talk about things in recent years, because some things Li Lingtian will encounter.

Li Lingtian also had a general understanding of the East Fall, and a rough angle of influence appeared in his mind.

Hearing the words of the two, his face was full of excitement.

Although this place does not have its own strong enemy, this place has countless super powers, some unruly and unruly evil spirits.

If you want to stay in this place, it depends on your skills.

In the same way, the stronger the place, the more helpful to yourself. The place with vast resources is also rich in resources, and you have the opportunity to find the materials you need in this place.

At that time, the ninth-order Divine Pill Master of Dao Dao is just around the corner.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To prove the ninth-order Divine Pill Master, you must have a strong background.

After a month of flight, he finally entered Qingze, the territory of Beiming Family. Qingze is not the name of a city, nor the name of a family or power, but a place name, which is known to all the powerful people in the Eastern Fall. Place name.

Because there is a super family Beiming family entrenched here.

And the spirit of this place is extremely rich, and it can be regarded as the three super cultivation holy places in the East Fall.

After entering Qingze, everyone in Beiming's family received news of Beimingxue and Yun Yaoyao's return.

The spaceship passed through the endless fairyland-like world unimpeded and entered the center of Qingze.

Finally, the spacecraft came to an endless palace building and stopped. The endless palace building had no walls and no protection, but Li Lingtian felt the threat of terror in front of him.



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