War God Supreme

Chapter 1253: Strange atmosphere

A city without walls is often the most terrifying place.

Just like the Tianhe region, in Cangzhou, the Tianhe region is the only city without walls.

However, the defense of the Tianhe region is extremely powerful, because such a city is either an ancient **** array with a sky, or the strength in the city is so horrible that it can be used without the city.

This is the case with Qingze now, because the Beiming Family has an array of treasures with a unique ancient artifact. This array of treasures guards Qingze, which is hundreds of millions of miles in size.

The existence of this treasure is the strongest defense ever.

There is no place where this treasure is located, and no one dares to pay attention to this treasure. The main reason is that this treasure can only be opened by the Northern Ming Family, and it also requires the means of anti-sky to see this treasure.

Endless rolling mountains, endless rolling palace pavilions, this place gives people an illusion of coming to the fairyland.

Amazing and beautiful flying beasts, countless white cranes, and rare flying machines.

From time to time I see the disciples of Beiming Family flying in the air. There is killing in it, only peace. No matter it is the Beiming Family, or other disciples and strong people, when they come to this place, they must put down the killing.

If you start here, you will be ruthlessly killed.

However, there are special competition platforms in Qingze. These platforms are closely related to Qingze. As long as you start outside the platform, you will be killed by a mysterious attack.

Feeling the rich spirit of fairy spirits, Li Lingtian felt that he had reached the top of Jiuzhong Mountain.

The fairy spirit in this place is no different from the fairy spirit in Jiuzhong Mountain.

"Welcome the Grand Princess."

"Welcome the little princess."

When the spacecraft stopped, hundreds of figures flew out.

Seeing these figures, Nangong Mingyue and others were very surprised, because these figures were all girls, all young girls, and all of them were emperor Wudi's cultivating behavior.

Needless to say, these are the maids of the Beiming family, specializing in the waiters of Beimingxue and others.

The sound is like the sound of natural sound, and at the same time there are wonderful sounds of piano.

The whole scene is like the goddess of the Nine Heavens, and these maids are welcoming Beimingxue and Yunyaoyao.

This battle demonstrated the status of Bei Mingxue and Yun Yaoyao in the family.

Although these people are outside Qingze, Beimingxue is a disciple of the core of Beiming's family, and is also the golden treasure of the current owner.


At this time, a slight ripple appeared in the space.

After the waves and vibrations, a 100-meter-wide channel opened. Bei Mingxue glanced at Li Lingtian. The slim and jade hand stretched out and took Li Lingtian generously, and then flew inside.

This action made Li Lingtian stunned, but as a super strong man, he didn't show any slight expression change on his face, but it was natural.

Then Yun Yaoyao, Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai also followed closely. Yun Tianhao and others also followed behind and entered the formation of Qingze. After they entered, the rippled channel in the air disappeared and returned to its original state. .

"Is my father and mother well?"

On Beimingxue's face, a pair of noble and holy, the whole person is like a sage, and a giant's momentum is thousands of miles away.

People do not dare to give birth to the slightest blasphemy thoughts, extremely cold in the eyes.

This look made Li Lingtian feel a little strange. This feeling was only seen when he first met Beimingxue.

If Beimingxue was not holding him, he really couldn't believe she was Beimingxue.

Bei Mingxue, who is naughty and easy going, is completely two people, and now it is completely cold and noble and holy.

Immediately, Li Lingtian knew the status of Beimingxue, and it would be the same with the people below, only with his own relatives would be very casual.

"Back to the Grand Princess, the owner and wife are very good."

"I just miss the princesses and princesses very much, and I am very happy to get the princesses and princesses back."

The headmaid answered respectfully, and then saluted Li Lingtian and others.

They naturally know the origin of the characters around Bei Mingxue, and they dare not be indifferent.

However, Li Lingtian saw the super family's momentum from the maid's temperament, and there was a sense of being high, even the maid, not to mention other disciples.

Every family has family pride, and Li Lingtian understands this naturally.

"Go to the father and mother first."

Yun Yaoyao said at this time that it was indeed a kind of filial piety not to see his parents for more than ten years.

Even if you are tired, you must first ask your parents for peace, so that your parents can feel at ease.

Immediately, everyone flew into the depths of Qingze, not so much the depth of Qingze, but only a little inside the outer edge of Qingze.

The center of 100,000 miles deep in the real Qingze is not easy for anyone to enter. Only after the permission of the elders inside is eligible to enter. Beimingxue and others can naturally enter, but other people cannot enter.

Li Lingtian is not a member of the Beiming family, and naturally cannot enter, she will not naturally take Li Lingtian into it.

You should know that there is a holy place for the Beiming family and a forbidden place for all the disciples of the Beiming family.

After flying for half an hour, I finally came to the center of countless palace buildings.

Qingming Hall

The largest palace of Beiming family is also the place where all the disciples of Beiming family discuss things.

Bei Mingxue and other people live nearby.

When Li Lingtian and others came to the gate of the palace, there were hundreds of powerful Wushen Realms waiting.

"Lord Tian Ling drove Ling Qingze, Bei Ming Tian Xing was far away, and hoped that Ling Tian forgive sins."

A loud voice sounded, with supreme majesty in the voice.

When the voice fell, all the martial arts strongmen bowed to Li Lingtian.

Although Li Lingtian is only a strong player in Wushen Realm, Li Lingtian's strength is terrifying. Even Duanmu's family and Gongsun's family have suffered greatly.

What's more important is Li Lingtian's identity, the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, and a super Holy Pill Master who can refine the unique medicine.

This identity is enough to make all the Wushen Realm strong bow their heads.

Even if it is a pseudo-spiritual powerhouse, it should be polite.

"Your Excellency."

Li Lingtian had a smile on his face, but the smile was a bit unnatural.

You know, it is Bei Mingxue's father, who is also Yun Yaoyao's father.

I don't know how to answer it at all. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing. It's even more uncomfortable to face a superpower with a false **** realm. For a while, the whole person is unnaturally extreme.

Bei Mingxue also knew that Li Lingtian was unnatural, and his slender jade hands held Li Lingtian tighter.

Yun Yaoyao showed a sly smile, and it was rare to see Li Lingtian so embarrassed.

A group of people came to the palace and saw that there were only two people in the palace, a middle-aged couple, and the strongest of Wushen Jiuzhongtian.

The middle-aged man Fengshen Junlang is a handsome man.

The woman looked like she was in her twenties, and she looked absolutely beautiful. When she saw this woman, Li Lingtian couldn't help but glance at Yun Yaoyao, because this woman is so similar to Yun Yaoyao.

Beiming Snow God is like a middle-aged man, and Yun Yaoyao is like the wife of a middle-aged man.

"Dad, mother."

Bei Mingxue loosened Li Lingtian and saluted Yun Yaoyao's respectful middle-aged couple.

But the middle-aged man saw the appearance of Bei Mingxue and Li Lingtian, and the expression on his face was very cold. The whole person was completely like the two at the beginning. This situation made Li Lingtian puzzled for a while.

But he didn't care, because the first time he met, he didn't know the personality of the other party.

"Xue'er, Yaoyao, you are finally back."

Bei Mingxue's mother-in-law had a happy smile on her face. Although she only looked like she was in her twenties, she has been a person for hundreds of years.

"Lord Ling Tian."



Although the look on Beiming Tianxing's face was cold, the number of courtesies was not small.

He reached out and made a please gesture, instructing Li Lingtian and others to sit down.

Li Lingtian and others were also polite, sitting down and watching Bei Mingxue and Yun Yaoyao reminiscing with their mothers.

"Jiu Wen Ling Tian's great name, when I saw it today, it really turned out to be well-deserved, and the hero came out as a boy."

Bei Mingtianxing smiled, no matter how he looked, the smile on his face was very cold.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian felt even more unnatural. The whole person was a little awkward. This was the first time he encountered such a thing.

"Your exalted prize."

"At this point, it's just a trick."

Li Lingtian said lightly that although he did not want to offend Beiming's family, he would not grieve himself.

He didn't come to Beiming's family. If he didn't look at Beimingxue and Yunyaoya's face, he really didn't want to come to Beiming's family. His least favorite family is the family.

Now coming to Beiming's home, I always feel awkward.

He didn't know what was happening to him, and he started to do well, but the tone and expression of Beixingtianxing became cold in an instant.

"Dad, mother."

"We are a little tired, go back to rest first."

Yun Yaoyao naturally saw his father's expression and tone, and when he came in, he felt something was wrong.

But it is impossible to tell what is wrong.

Now feeling the awkward atmosphere in the hall, I quickly opened my mouth, and if I continued this way, the plane would be even more awkward.

My heart is also a little bit uncomfortable, but Brother Ling Tian came here but was treated like this.

Although his father was polite, he didn't feel a bit polite at all, and even felt a little dissatisfied.

In her mind, Li Lingtian is even more important, because the two of them knew each other first, and their parents were not around since they were young~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now it becomes like this, and they naturally prefer Li Lingtian.

"Okay, go rest."

Bei Ming Tian Xing said lightly, the expression on his face did not change at all.

However, after Beiming Tianxing finished speaking, Li Lingtian spoke.

"Sister Yaoyao, Sister Xue, you have also reached Qingze."

"I will leave first and wait until I have dealt with some things."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, and his speech was very polite.

Talking, with a faint smile on his face, he did not want to embarrass their sisters and parents. He had determined that this uninvited guest was not welcome here.

Instead of this, let's talk before leaving, so as not to make everyone more embarrassed.



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