War God Supreme

Chapter 1254: Cause and effect

Li Lingtian's words suddenly made people stunned.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to leave. According to Li Lingtian's character, this is definitely not the case.

Although Beiming Tianxing's expression and tone were a bit cold, they were embarrassed, and they all wanted to leave.

But after all, the homes of Beimingxue and Yunyao Yao, Li Lingtian proposed to leave, something different from before.

However, when I think about it, I also know that Li Lingtian’s idea is not suitable for staying here. I am not someone who came to Beiming, but a well-known person who has been left out here. It doesn’t matter if it is left out, if it is true Staying there is really not suitable.

Moreover, Beiming Xue and Yun Yaoyao's father in Beiming Tianxing get along like this, which is not good for anyone.

"Brother Ling Tian."

Bei Mingxue and Yun Yaoyao looked at Li Lingtian and knew they were sorry Li Lingtian.

But on the one hand are their parents and on the other the beloved.

For a moment, I didn't know how to do it. Suddenly, the atmosphere of the whole hall was depressed.

"Sister Xue, Sister Yaoyao."

"We are going first."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he stood up, his face calm, and the couple saluted north to the sky, and turned and left outside the hall.

Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai, as well as Yun Tianhao and others followed closely.

In a blink of an eye, a group of people left the hall.

After leaving, Li Lingtian flickered and quickly flew out of Qingze.

However, just after leaving, the voices of Yun Yaoyao and Bei Mingxue came from behind.

"Brother Ling Tian."

Anxious voice reached Li Lingtian's ear, Li Lingtian stopped in the air and turned to look into the distance.

Sister Yun Yaoyao and the two came through the air, and in a blink of an eye, the two came to Li Lingtian.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​we will leave here with you."

Yun Yaoyao looked at Li Lingtian and said seriously.

Li Lingtian didn't ask anything, nodded, and took everyone flying out of Qingze.

After leaving the Qingze Center, Li Lingtian exhibited the spacecraft, and finally Yun Tianling controlled the spacecraft. Li Lingtian and others entered the living room inside the spacecraft.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​I'm sorry."

"I already knew that, I won't take you to Beiming's house."

Bei Mingxue looked at Li Lingtian and said softly, she didn't expect that this would happen.

However, she already knew what was going on.

"It's okay, maybe I was too abrupt."

"Sister Xue, Sister Yaoyao, would it be too much for you two to come out like this?"

Li Lingtian shook his head, with a trace of guilt in his heart, he left, did not want to embarrass the two sisters Beimingxue, but did not expect that Beimingxue and Yunyao Yao also left Qingze.

The two sisters can stand on his side, what else can he say.

The only thing that can be done is to prevent their sisters from being wronged in the future.

"The problem is not with you."

Bei Mingxue lowered his head and dared not look at Li Lingtian, just like a child who had done something wrong.

This situation suddenly made Li Lingtian feel curious and puzzled.

The problem is not with Li Lingtian, but with Beimingxue.

I understand that the problem is not with Li Lingtian, because when I first went outside the Qingming Hall, Beiming Tianxing was very kind, but after Li Lingtian entered the Qingming Hall, the tone and expression of Beiming Tianxing changed and became cold. .

"Brother Ling Tian."

"The father saw the elder sister holding you, because more than ten years ago, the young swordsman had raised his father to his father."

"Seeing you together, it's not easy to explain on the Jianjian Pavilion."

Yun Yaoyao spoke softly and said the problem.

It turned out that when Li Lingtian and others came to the Qingming Temple, Beiming Tianxing was also happy. Because of Li Lingtian's identity and talent, Yun Yaoyao's marriage to Li Lingtian would be more stable for Beiming's family.

But after seeing Beiming Xue and Li Lingtian, Beiming Tianxing was stunned at the time, knowing that things were not easy to handle.

But because the face is not easy to say, the heart is extremely contradictory, so it caused an embarrassing scene in the hall.

With Li Lingtian's identity and strength, Beiming's family is naturally not a good offense. It is already remarkable to be able to make Beiming Tianxing like this. If he is replaced by other people, Beiming Tianxing has already shown off.

"It turns out this way."

"Sister Xue, please come."

Li Lingtian heard Yun Yaoyao's words and looked at Bei Mingxue with her head down.

Immediately stood up and walked out of the spaceship.

Bei Mingxue was stunned, slowly got up, followed Li Lingtian out, Nangong Mingyue and others were watching the two leave, and it was not easy to say anything. After all, this matter was too embarrassing, the matter was too big and not big, Say small, not small, but it affects the feelings of several people.

Li Lingtian did not get out of the spaceship, but came to another room.

After entering the room, Li Lingtian stood in front of the spaceship's window and looked outside.

Bei Mingxue slowly walked in, closed the door, and came to Li Lingtian.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​I didn't hide you intentionally."

"When I went to Xuanzhou, the young swordsman raised his father to his father. Although I did not agree, but for the future of the sword sword pavilion and the Beiming family, I know that this matter is impossible even if I don't agree."

"So I have been in the Xuanzhou Shenyue Empire without returning to Shenzhou, and at the same time I want to see and see you."

"But after seeing you, I knew I couldn't go back to Beiming's home, because my heart was on you, and if I went back to Beiming's home, my father would mention marriage."

"As time goes by, I also know that things must be resolved, so I took you back to Beiming's home. I didn't pull you before. This time I came back to let my father see it."

Bei Mingxue whispered softly that two strings of crystal tears were dropped on his small face.

Although he was close to Li Lingtian in the past, he didn't take Li Lingtian so naturally. Since he said that he would go back to the east and fall, Bei Mingxue became more intimate with Li Lingtian.

And when he came to Qingze, he took the initiative to hold Li Lingtianxiu intimately.

This situation puzzled Nangong Mingyue and others, but they didn't say it. It was only because the relationship between the two had escalated. I never imagined that this would be the case.

"Son swordsman?"

"Old opponent, I will solve this matter."

Li Lingtian said faintly that his opponent, who was born destined, could not hide. He missed the five-year contract and came to Dongluo first. There was no intersection with the Sword Master, but he never thought of Beimingxue and Shenjian. There is this relationship between the sons.

Bei Mingxue confessed in this way, what else can he say.

The two sisters always stood on their side as a man. If she was sad again, she would not be worthy of being a man.

But he didn't expect Beimingxue to like him. When Beimingxue started to hold him, he was still stunned, but he didn't show it. It turned out that Beimingxue had liked him for a long time.

Saying it now really shocked him.

The pride of the Northern Mingxuetian, the beautiful allure, noble and holy, rejecting thousands of miles away.

Even if he was casual with him, he thought it was because of Yun Yaoyao, why did he think this was the case in the middle.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​do you still blame me?"

Bei Mingxue heard Li Lingtian's tone was dull, and couldn't hear a little emotional change from his tone, and was a little worried.

I am a girl and I have never been in contact with men, but now I confess to Li Lingtian. If Li Lingtian refuses, I don’t know what to do.

Now, in front of Li Lingtian, she has no confidence.

Love makes her arrogance without any confidence, which is too much care for a person.

"Blame you?"

"I have never blamed you."

"It embarrasses you and Yaoyao's sister."

"I will handle this matter, and in the future, you will never be punished in the slightest."

Li Lingtian turned around and reached out to take Bei Mingxue into his arms and said gently.

Beiming Xuejiao's body shivered, and the whole person's body was already stiff, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Never had close contact with a man, let alone got hugged.

Feeling the palm of her hand around her slim waist, her body suddenly became stiff and weak, as if it was about to melt.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, he knew that Li Lingtian did not blame her, and accepted her likes.

For a time, the whole person was completely surrounded by happiness. The sweetness that could not be spoken in his heart, and the body was slowly snuggling in Li Lingtian's arms, enjoying the warm and intoxicating feeling.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​I like you."

Bei Mingxue's slender jade hand also held Li Lingtian, his small face looked up at Li Lingtian, and his small face was full of blush.

At this time, she is no longer a high emperor of the Holy Emperor, but a little girl in love, looking forward to a little girl who cares, and will never care about others.

Li Lingtian looked at the beautiful face, the ruddy little mouth, thinking of this temperament that was noble and holy and rejected thousands of miles away. Hearing this tender confession, his heart shivered.

It's more tempting than anything, it just makes people unable to survive.

At this time, everything is redundant.

Li Lingtian looked at the ruddy little mouth and kissed gently.


Bei Mingxue whispered softly, the whole person's body was as stiff as an electric shock.

The first time I approached the man, the first time I was so close, the first time I was so intimate, and the first time I kissed, this feeling made people tremble, but it made people unhappy.

The slim and delicate hands hold Li Lingtian tightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let Li Lingtian kiss, gradually, smooth and tender tongue meets.

Jiao also leaned tightly in Li Lingtian's arms as if to melt herself in Li Lingtian.

This feeling made her feel addicted, and her mind was completely blank, but she didn't want to lose this feeling.

Gradually, Beimingxue also became active, continuously asking for it, enjoying this wonderful feeling.

Unconsciously, the whole person has no strength as if he is going to melt completely, and an inexplicable expectation and desire in his heart appear, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

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