War God Supreme

Chapter 1257: Meet the God Sword Master again...

For a time, several super geniuses were jealous. (Starting)

The eyes glanced at Nangong Mingyue's four women, and a strange light appeared in their eyes.

Li Lingtian was completely ignored, and a Wushen youth was simply not worth considering.

Li Lingtian walked toward the square with a smile on his face. Since he met, it wouldn't matter if he would meet for a while. If he left now, it would be a bit impolite, and these geniuses who were doing so, they also had to find a chance to learn a lesson once.

Dare to move evil thoughts on your own woman, not forgive.

"Son swordsman."


"Two people, long time no see."

Li Lingtian walked in front of the two swordsmen, with a faint smile on his face, and said calmly, as if to say hello to his old friend.

However, those who knew it naturally understood that Li Lingtian had fought against both of them and also defeated them.

Encountered in this place now, it is inevitable to come again.

"Li Lingtian, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Cultivation is a lot of improvement."

Thundering Master looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and felt a trace of fear in his heart.

In the last war, he and Li Lingtian played against each other. Originally, relying on the ultimate strength of Wushen Jiuzhong Taifeng Peak, combined with the means against the sky, to kill Li Lingtian, who was a Wushen Wuzhong Tian, ​​was basically in his hands.

But I never imagined that there is such a perverted strong man in this world. Wushen Wuzhongtian displayed countless supernatural powers and finally beat him to death. Even the family’s false **** realm came out Li Lingtian killed.

Coming here now is really unexpected.

Over the years, he has been healing, and finally recovered his injury and entered a false **** realm.

Now when I meet Li Lingtian, I can say that I will never die, but this place cannot be used.

At the same time shocked Li Lingtian's cultivation speed, and within a few years, it reached the completeness of Wushen Jiuzhongtian Peak, which was beyond his imagination.

"You can come here, and this seat will not miss such an event."

"You are in the early stage of false **** realm, and it really exceeds the imagination of this seat. With the strength of your Duanmu family, you should reach the middle of false **** realm."

Li Lingtian said lightly, the smile on his face remained the same.

He knows clearly the behavior and strength of Master Thunder.

In that war, he wounded him with a chaotic scale and beat him to death. Finally, he was rescued by the strongman of Duanmujia.

As long as they are taken away by the Duanmu family, they will naturally not die.

The big family, for such a super genius, the full cultivation of nature, there is nothing strange in reaching the false **** realm.

"Huh, you're going to watch this time."

"Wait for you to deal with you after your son has resolved the matter here."

"Revenge for the strong man who fell from my grandson's family."

The son of Thunder was said by Li Lingtian, that the original arrogance suddenly lacked the slightest capital.

I am a super genius of Duanmu's family. I can't find much more than Duanmu Tianxue Tianxuezi. I have reached a false **** realm, I wanted to show off, but I didn't expect to be so ridiculed by Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian, you have already missed the five-year contract you said last time."

The swordsman looked at Li Lingtian against the thundering son, and there was a smile on his face. If the two killed each other, it would have endless benefits for him.

It's best if both of them are abolished, so that there are two super characters missing from Shenwu Continent.

Finally, I saw that Master Thunder no longer spoke, and Master Sword also stepped forward to greet Li Lingtian.

In fact, he also missed the appointment for five years, but now he says that Li Lingtian has missed the appointment.

However, he has the advantage to take advantage of it, because he himself is in the Eastern Landing. The agreement between the two is in Tiancang Mountain in the Eastern Landing Area. Li Lingtian obviously did not come to the Eastern Landing Area. He can naturally say that Li Lingtian missed the appointment.

"Missed appointment?"

"Do you think we still need to compare?"

Li Lingtian said with a smile, his eyes looked coldly at the young swordsman, with a faint smile on his face, but he was dreaded and shocked in his heart. Looking at the appearance of the young swordsman, the sword should reach a terrible level.

Now I want to use kendo to fight against the swordsman, there is not much chance of terror.

"There really is no need to compare."

There was a smile on the face of the young swordsman, and he was very happy.

Li Lingtian said that he was no longer his opponent, and he was naturally very happy.

But he wanted to turn it back. Li Lingtian meant that his swordsman was not qualified to compete with him. Five years ago, he was not qualified, and now he is also unqualified.

False **** realm, even more powerful, he can kill.

There are also a lot of false gods falling into his hands.

"Master Sword, Master Thunder."

"It seems that you have met old acquaintances."

"Aren't you going to introduce us?"

A young man in black, not far away from the young swordsman, said with a smile that he thought was smart and calm.

But his eyes glanced at Nongong Mingyue and Beimingxue and others.

The tone is disdainful, and the characters other than the ten sons are simply disdainful in the eyes, not to mention that the other party is just a young man of Wushen Realm.

What makes him uncomfortable is that there are four peerless beauties around this young man, a Wushen Realm. Even if there are such beauties by his side, it is just to make them uncomfortable.

"Mr. Dongling, this is His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, which is famous in Shenwu Continent."

"This is Beimingxue Fairy of Beiming's family, and he is also the fiancee of this son."

"This should be Fairy Yunyao, the second lady of Beiming Family."

"These two."

The swordsman introduced Li Lingtian to the youth in black. When he introduced to Beimingxue, there was a trace of surprise on his face, more of a killing intention, but this killing intention was against Li Lingtian.

It is a shame that his fiancée was with other young men.

Although it can be said to be with his sister, but such a thing is not something he can tolerate.

After introducing Beimingxue and Yunyaoyao, when I introduced Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai, I didn't know how to introduce it, because he didn't know Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai at all.

"She is my wife, she is my sister."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face remained the same, and he didn't care about anything. He simply spoke about Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai, and didn't say a name.

This looks really impolite, but he doesn't need to be inside others.

Suddenly, the look on Master Dongling's face changed, but he quickly put up with it. As a character of the Top Ten Masters, it was so simple.

At this time, of course, you can't make trouble with Li Lingtian, otherwise you will be regarded as an early bird.

When the gun shot the first bird, he naturally didn't want to be the first bird.

"Lord Ling Tian."

"This is the top ten sons of Dongling, this is the goddess of death, this is the virgin son, this son of thunder, you already know."

The sword swordsman looked embarrassed, and finally introduced the three people around him to Li Lingtian.

The whole person is very chic and looks handsome.

"It turns out that it is His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent."

"It's rude."

There was a trace of amazement in the eyes of the goddess of destruction, but the amazement flickered and covered up very well.

Immediately greeted Li Lingtian.

Although he is a top ten prince and does not take any genius in the world into his eyes, he does not dare to despise a priest like Li Lingtian.

Because this young man is not only the first holy pill master of the Shenwu Continent, but also the only holy pill master who can refine the elite medicine.

And in the past 20 years, there are also rumors of Li Lingtian. This Li Lingtian defeated the Sword Master and the Thunder Master successively. His strength is terrifying. Don’t look at the other party as a Martial God Realm, but it is an existence that cannot be easily provoked.

"Goddess is welcome."

"This seat is a bit tired, so I'll say goodbye first."

Li Lingtian said politely, holding a fist at the **** extinction son, he would leave.

People respect me for a foot, I am still a foot.

He also didn't want to provoke all the people all over again. These characters, either behind the super family, or super powers, or the super hermit strong as the backstage.

After that, he took Nangong Mingyue to leave.

But before they left, they were stopped by the swordsman.

"North Mingxue."

"Don't tell me when you come here, I can accompany you too."

The young swordsman came to Beimingxue and stopped Beimingxue's way.

He said flatly that the whole person was personable, and this look was enough to make all the women in the world fall for it.

On the one side, the four sons of Thunder Master looked at the Excalibur with a lively look.

The top ten sons can't tolerate each other, but they can't kill each other, but now they can see that the Sword Master is in trouble, they are all looking forward to it. No matter what the matter is, as long as they can attack the Sword Master, they will make them happy.

"Why should this palace tell you?"

"Now tell you that this palace is not your fiancee."

The look on Bei Mingxue's face was cold, and there was no slight change in the expression of the whole person. It looked noble and holy, giving a giant a thousand miles away. When speaking, he was also high above the ground.

She naturally knew that Li Lingtian was not good at this time.

If Li Lingtian came forward, it would definitely make things worse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And also let the swordsman transfer all of his anger to Li Lingtian, and also blame Li Lingtian for his love.

As long as she stands up to clarify herself, Li Lingtian will not have the notoriety of dear love.


"Can you say that again?"

The look on the sword master's face changed drastically, and the whole person's heart was angry, but he forcibly refrained from bursting out.

Seeing the four people behind him staring at him, he felt a sudden rage.

I didn't expect Bei Mingxue to say this, it just made him lose his face, and how to mix up in Shenwu Continent in the future.

When he spoke, he looked at Beimingxue coldly, Yu Guang looked at Li Lingtian, and looked at Li Lingtian's light and breezy expression.

Nangong Mingyue naturally did not know that at this moment, the swordsman had transferred all his hatred to Li Lingtian.


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