War God Supreme

Chapter 1258: Old friends meet

"Once again, you have listened. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

"This palace is not your fiancée. The man I like in Beimingxue is a man standing upright."

The look on Bei Mingxue's face was still cold. After he finished speaking, he bypassed the swordsman and came to Li Lingtian's side. His slender jade hand stretched out and took Li Lingtian's arm gently.

She is wise and smart, and has long seen the swordsman staring at Li Lingtian, and naturally hated Li Lingtian.

Now that such a thing has happened, simply say it.

The marriage between the families is not her original intention at all.

If the other women knew that their fiancé was the son of the Excalibur, they would definitely be excited to death, but she was not Beimingxue, and the man she wanted was a real man.

Marriage without a little family interest requires a man you like.

However, the Excalibur is not the kind he likes. If there is no marriage in the family, maybe it will be really tempting to meet the Excalibur, but the family marriage gives him a plan, the Excalibur is unfortunately ruled out In this world, everyone except the Excalibur has a chance, but the Excalibur cannot.

Ever since I heard Li Lingtian's legend, I was curious.

If a girl is the first man to be curious, this girl will fall into it.

After seeing Li Lingtian, he was completely occupied by Li Lingtian, and no one could ever replace this person.

With a character like her, no man dared to get close, nor did he have close contact with any man. However, as long as there is a man in his heart, he will always love it without any turning back, and he will have no regrets in his life.

Bei Mingxue's movements made the Excalibur suddenly stunned.

There is a faint smile on his face, too.

When looking at Li Lingtian, there was a trace of admiration. Li Lingtian, who did not expect this martial arts realm, was not only terrifying in strength, magical in pity, but even the iceberg goddess like Beimingxue.

Seeing the situation here in the distance, countless powerful people are envious.

The ten eldest sons got together, and the other strong men dared not come here, but they looked at it from afar.

Now seeing the scene of the Excalibur Master and Beimingxue, they are all excited.


"This is the marriage between Shenjian Pavilion and Beiming Family, and you have to be responsible for what you say."

"Li Lingtian, are you fighting against your son?"

The Sword Master did not expect this to happen, and this time, he became a laughing stock.

In a rage, a terrifying momentum burst out of his body, his eyes staring coldly at Beimingxue.

At last he spoke eeriely, and his cold eyes shifted to Li Lingtian. If it weren't the Jiutian Yaoyue City, he would have sacrificed his sword to turn Li Lingtian into ashes.

"It has nothing to do with the husband of this palace."

"He is the one whom this palace likes."

"Right? You are also worthy, don't look too high."

A look of disdain appeared on Li Lingtian's face. Originally, he also valued the swordsman, and he was a good opponent.

But now it seems that if you look at him high, even if you cultivate high, and your power is terrifying, it is just a simple-minded generation, embarrassing and useful, and it is not worthy of being an enemy of Li Lingtian at all.

Seeing the performance of the Excalibur, Li Lingtian has completely wiped out the fear of the Excalibur.

A look of disappointment appeared on his face, and he could not help shaking his head.

Nangong Mingyue saw what Li Lingtian looked like, and knew that Li Lingtian did not look at the swordsman in his eyes, but he now disdain to say something to the swordsman.

Immediately, he said lightly, the expression on his face was cold, but when he looked at Li Lingtian, his eyes were full of tenderness.

In this way, as long as he is not a fool, he knows how deeply Bei Mingxue loves Li Lingtian.

"Okay, okay."

"Very well, since that is the case, Hugh blames the boy for being ruthless."

The swordsman is so incoherent that it doesn't look like the top ten.

What is the difference between this and an ordinary warrior?

In this place, you can't do it, but you are insulted as countless powerhouses. Such a thing is undoubtedly a shame for him.

His identity as a swordsman son, one of the ten sons of Shenwu Continent, is the most talented arrogant son of Shenwu Continent, but now such things have appeared in him.

"Son swordsman, leave first."

"Son swordsman, leave."

Seeing the appearance of Master Sword, Master Destroyed and Master Thunder, as well as Master Dongling, they both greeted King Sword and succumbed at the same time, then turned around and left, walking towards the other side of the square.

Li Lingtian also took Nangong Mingyue and others to leave.

Leaving the Sword Master on the spot, in this way, I felt that I was insulting myself with the top ten.

One of the ten eldest sons of the daggers, the sword swordsman, as such, said nothing, and he didn't look like a strong man at all.

"Li Lingtian, the son will pump you up."

"Bei Mingxue, the son does not erase your Beiming family vow not to be human."

The swordsman looked at Li Lingtian and others leaving, and even the ten eldest sons disdain to be with him. He suddenly felt that the whole world was laughing at him, and the horrified anger in his heart rose to the sky, his eyes full of blood.

The horrible sword is wrapped around the body, and it looks terrible.


At this moment, a ruinous coercion was crushed down in the void, and the Excalibur had been suppressed on the ground without any resistance.

The square began to watch the lively strong, all quickly avoided, and quickly left the square.

A little episode can't affect the play of several people at all.

Instead, the feelings of Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue are more profound.

When I thought of calling Li Lingtian a husband, I felt shy in my heart, but it was more of happiness. Although I started to deliberately look good to the swordsman, I wanted to call it that way.

Along the way, Li Lingtian met several acquaintances, but all opponents.

Those who are able to come here are all super-powers against the sky. Naturally, the people he knows are opponents and have few friends.

With Nangong Mingyue and others, wandering around in a hurry, it has been a long time since shopping like this.

Moreover, when you shop here now, you don’t have to worry about someone working on them here.

Although the things in Jiutian Yaoyue City are extremely expensive, for Li Lingtian, they don't care about spirit stones at all. As long as they like Nangong Mingyue, they won't care about more spirit stones.

Besides, it’s always possible to relax, naturally, it will not waste your mood for the spirit stone.

Nangong Mingyue's four daughters also knew that Li Lingtian's wealth was shocking, and they did not look at the spirit stone.

After a day of shopping, several people returned to rest in the separate courtyard.

In this way, Li Lingtian and others are playing in the city every day. Here, even if they meet the strong of the Gongsun family and the Duanmu family, Li Lingtian will not have the slightest fear.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also heard a lot of news in the city.

Jiutian Yaoyue City, this time held the top ten son ranking battle.

And the top players in the Fengyun Rankings are also held together this time.

The qualifications of the top ten sons have changed from less than two thousand years to less than five hundred years. As long as they are within five hundred years of age, they are eligible to compete for the top ten.

As for the Fengyun Rankings, that is, the strongest within a thousand years can participate in the competition.

Moreover, the secret news is that the top ten sons and the fifty people in front of Fengyun Bang can get the chance to enter the Jiutian God City.

However, as long as there are places, the challenge will be accepted by the contestants. The winners will get the places, and if they fail, they will lose the opportunity to enter the Jiutian God City.

Although it is just a little rumor, these things are not groundless. There must be such a thing.

Li Lingtian got the news and had a calculation in his heart.

You can participate in the ranking battle of a top ten princes, or the Fengyun list.

Although it seems that the Fengyun Ranking is more difficult than the top ten son ranking battle, Li Lingtian believes that the top ten son ranking battle is more difficult. In the Shenwu Continent, countless super geniuses have emerged in these years. Most of these geniuses will participate in the top ten son ranking. war.

Now, he can only watch the changes.

He waited until the real competition, and then he looked at the situation and acted.

As time goes by, Jiutian Yaoyue City has more and more powerful people. The top 10 super families and 10 super powers all come to Jiutian Yaoyue City.

And there are also countless hermits who have come here, and what can be said here is the turbulent meeting.

The five people of Li Lingtian played in Jiutian Yaoyue City for a few days, and played all the fun places in Jiutian Yaoyue City.

On this day, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue and others saw familiar people on their way back to the single courtyard.

Seeing this person, Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile.

At the same time, the person on the opposite side also felt Li Lingtian's eyes, and then looked over here.

"Lord Ling Tian."

An old man dressed as a Taoist walked quickly towards Li Lingtian, with a happy expression on his face.

Between the golden brushes in his hands, he greeted Li Lingtian.

"Void Lao."

Li Lingtian's face is also a happy look. He has disappeared for more than ten years. I did not expect to meet an acquaintance in this place. This is not only an acquaintance, but also a benefactor.

During the last battle in Canghai, if it were not for the Void Master to use his avatar to resist the strong man of the Gongsun family, Li Lingtian would disappear.

And finally let Li Lingtian go to Tiandao Mountain to practice healing, avoiding the pursuit of the Gongsun family.

This love ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Lingtian will never forget.

Now seeing the Void Master, and also seeing the only acquaintance who is not an opponent in this place, I am naturally very happy.

"Void Reality."

Nangong Mingyue is also a salute to the vague old man.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Ling Tian's cultivation practice has reached such a degree."

"The cultivation practice of Nangong Fairy is also fast and fast."

Void Lao still used to look sloppy in clothes, and was shocked to see Nangong Mingyue's cultivation behavior.

As for Li Lingtian, he already knows about Li Lingtian’s affairs in Wanhua Holy Palace and Tianmu Domain. Even if Li Lingtian is as low as he is, he will not be puzzled. Even if Li Lingtian is as high as he is, he will not be shocked because he Already numb.

What's more, Li Lingtian's accomplishments are astonishing, no matter how high or low the cultivation is.


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