War God Supreme

Chapter 1263: 9 days Yao platform

The ranking battle of the top ten sons in Jiutian Yaoyue City is actually the shuffle of the top ten sons.

See who the Shenwu Continent defeated one of the ten sons to become the ten sons.

Moreover, the competition between the top ten princes and the battle list is actually a competition for places. The top ten princes have the opportunity to enter the places of the Nine Heavens.

In the same way, the top 50 of the Fengyun List also have the opportunity to enter the Jiutian God City.

Ninety-nine places, as for the extra person, there are naturally arrangements for the above.

Li Lingtian looked at the strong men not far from the mask, all of which were super evil monsters, and the top ten sons were aloof.

As for the Fengyun list, the same challenge to the previous fifty list.

Li Lingtian faced with a faint smile, looking at the challenges of the ten sons.

The ten eldest sons accept the challenges of other strong men. Each person can only accept two challenges. If they win both times, the position of the ten eldest sons will not change. If they are defeated by the challenge, they will no longer be the tenth eldest sons. Too.

Time is running out quickly. The first round of challenges of the ten grandsons is over. The ten grandsons are still the previous ten grandsons. No one can beat them at all.

On the contrary, it is the same-rank strongmen who are challenged, and all are defeated by one move.

Li Lingtian had been watching the battle of these powerful men, and was shocked. The ten sons were horrified.

False **** realm is also easy to defeat against pseudo **** realm, basically defeat by one move.

With such strength, Li Lingtian simply did not see the real killer of the top ten sons. The more such, the more terrified Li Lingtian was, to what extent was the strength of the top ten sons.

The ten eldest sons, when facing the strong men of the same rank or even more than them, are defeated as easily as facing the God of War, and the two are not in the same grade at all.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian was also disappointed.

The same is true for the following Fengyun list challenge, and it is not a grade at all between the same level of pseudo-realm.

Even if he didn't see the gap between these powerful men, Li Lingtian understood a little bit. These evil monsters, like themselves, are completely spiked in the same order.

When I meet them, I don't have much advantage at all, and even the realm has become the gap between him and the strong.

One day later, Li Lingtian took Nangong Mingyue four daughters back to the hotel's separate courtyard.

In the next few days, Li Lingtian rarely went to see such a competition.

Instead, he practiced in a separate courtyard and chatted with Nangong Mingyue and others.

Void and Void also came to Li Lingtian, knowing that Li Lingtian is not interested in such a contest, and he simply cannot see the killer skills played by these powerful men.

The arrival of the two was to inform Li Lingtian to go to Jiutian Yao Platform two days later.

After Li Lingtian was notified, he began to prepare.

Over the past few days, he has also been entangled in whether to take Nangong Mingyue and others in, and bring them in. He has a way, but he is worried about the danger.

The last thing about the Shenlong Ring cast a shadow on him. In case of such occurrence again, it would hurt several people in Nangong Mingyue. You must know that entering the Jiutian Shencheng is through space and into another plane.

Although the Dragon Ring was changed by him and Nangong Mingyue in the empty space, and was protected by the Pearl of Lost, it would not allow the Dragon Ring to appear in a space, but there are still some concerns.

In addition, the Tiandi chariot is also a treasure of space. In the Tiandi chariot, you can also take them through the space and enter the Jiutian God City.

After thinking for a few days, I didn't make a good decision.

"Mingyue, the day after tomorrow I will enter the Jiutian God City, otherwise you will wait for me here."

"Entering the Nine Heavens God City, there are many dangers, and when crossing the space, there will be dangers. I am worried that I will encounter the same thing as the last dragon dragon ring.

Li Lingtian found the four females of Nangong Mingyue and spoke out her worries.

After speaking, he looked at Nangong Yingyue four people.

There is no danger in waiting here. If you enter the Nine Heavens City, there must be danger.

"Ling Tian, ​​I know you are worried about us."

"But we are not afraid, even if it is dangerous to enter the Jiutian God City, we are happy together."

"If you leave us here, you will be concerned."

"The two of us have already done a good job with the dragon, and no other problems will occur."

"Besides, the Heavenly Emperor Chariot can also take us inside."

Nangong Mingyue knew what Li Lingtian was worried about, and he did not want the Dragon Dragon Ring to happen again.

However, if they stay outside, there is no guarantee of safety.

Although no one dared to do anything in Jiutian Yaoyue City, they did not even have a chance to meet the strong power of the pseudo-shenjing. Even if they were killed, there would be no movement.

Jiutian Yaoyue City, although it said that there would be no fighting, it also means that two people with similar strengths want to kill each other, but things that can be killed without big movements often happen here.

In their Wushen Realm, a pseudo-Shenjing Powerhouse could kill them silently.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​take us in."

"Inside we can also take care of your life."

Yun Yaoyao said softly that although it is dangerous to enter inside, it is safer than staying outside.

Moreover, they also don't want to let Li Lingtian take the risk alone, so that they will be worried, such waiting will make people crazy.

"Okay, I went inside. If you are in danger, you will enter the Heavenly Emperor's chariot or the Dragon Dragon Ring."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while and finally nodded.

If Nangong Mingyue and others stay outside, he will not be relieved.

Even after being brought in, even if he is in danger, he can also put them into the Heavenly Emperor's chariot and the Dragon Dragon Ring.

Afterwards, the four women began to prepare for what they would use after entering the Nine Heavens City.


After a few days of war, the top ten sons and the Fengyun list have been set.

There was no change in the top ten sons, and there were a few changes on the Fengyun list.

The top ten sons and the characters on the Fifty Faction List all have places to enter the Nine Heavens City, plus the top ten families and top ten forces, a total of 100 people, but only 99 places.

In the last fifty strong rankings, the first strong will automatically quit and give up the quota.

I don't know what the reason is to give up the first strong man's quota, but this matter is no longer important, because all the strong people are concerned about entering the nine heaven **** city.

Countless strong men rushed to the Jiutian Yaoyue platform, which was in the Jiutian Yaoyue Mountain Range on the edge of the Jiutian Yaoyue City.

The highest peak of the Jiutian Yaoyue Mountain Range is 10,000 meters high.

At the top of the mountain is a platform with a size of 100 meters. The platform is integrated with this mountain, just like this mountain is born like this.

Moreover, this mountain is completely a boulder, and the whole mountain has no vitality at all.

The night slowly came, and countless powerful men came to the Jiutian Yaoyue Mountain early.

There are thousands of strong men coming here.

But no one dared to get close to it. They were all a hundred miles away from the Jiutian Yaotai, because the Jiutian Yaotai had an atmosphere of endless destruction. Even the strongest might get killed instantly, and disappear completely Between this world.



In the night sky, the wind that destroyed the space was constantly raging, and the space was twisted.

Looking at the horrible scene, the countless strong men's faces are all changed dramatically.

This is the first time I have seen such a thing.

Although the Jiutian God City has been opened before, no one has seen it.

Nine old men were suspended in the air, their eyes fixed on Jiutian Yao Platform, and a dignified expression appeared on their faces.

The ninety-nine strong men who entered the Jiutian God City behind them also looked at Jiutian Yaotai.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Lingtian carefully looked at the Jiutian Yao Platform he was doing, and saw that this mountain, which was formed entirely by a huge rock, exuded a breath of terror and destruction.

This kind of breath constantly swallows the aura of space.

Looking at the mountain, Li Lingtian finally understood why no one had destroyed the mountain. On top of the mountain, with a terrible autonomous defense, it was like a treasure against the sky.

At the top of the mountain, a magical moonlight shadow constantly flashes.

As the bright moon in the night sky shone, the full moon light and shadow became more and more intense, and mysterious radiance radiated out.

Li Lingtian was totally attracted to the moonlight shadow, and his mind was also attracted to the past.

As a Divine Array Master, in charge of the Divine Array Diagram, and the Tiandao Roulette, it is natural to see that the moonlight shadow is a magical formation, a general formation formation, or a receiving formation.

The only connection between Jiutian God City and Shenwu Continent.

He was attracted by the moonlight shadow, and his mind entered the formation, but outside, the look of countless powerful men was shocked.

The expressions on the faces of the nine messengers also became more and more dignified.


The gray-headed messenger, headed, said lightly, his voice serious.

When the voice fell, the nine messengers waved their hands, and saw a mysterious fan-shaped jade piece appear in their hands.

The fan-shaped jade pieces in the hands of the nine messengers are exactly the same, the only difference is the color, nine colors.

After the appearance of the jade piece~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nine messengers will show the law together.

With the advent of the law, the jade piece exudes a mysterious atmosphere. Gradually, the nine jade pieces are connected.


A clear sound appeared, nine jade pieces were suspended in the air from the control of the nine messengers, and finally all merged together to form a round jade piece.

At the moment when the nine jade pieces merged, a tremendous silver-white light rose into the sky.

This light is exactly like the full moon in the night sky.

In the night sky, the full moon gradually reached the top of the sky. It was the time of the full moon. At this time, the full moon emitted a substantial silver light. The silver light collided with the light from the jade piece.

Suddenly, the two rays of light merged with each other, and the jade piece led the light to glide over the Jiutian Yao platform.



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