War God Supreme

Chapter 1264: Open failed

The jade piece emits a stunning silver-white light, which merges with the silver light of the full moon in the night sky.

The two rays of light turned into a beam of light. At the moment when the two rays of light merged, the jade piece moved towards the Jiutian Yao platform with the beam of light. Seeing this magical scene, all the strong men were excited.


With a loud explosion, the beam of light is linked to the Jiutian Yao Platform, just like the link between heaven and earth.

This beam of light became a channel for the nine-day platform to link to heaven, and the beam of light became a full hundred meters in size.

The halo above the Jiutianyao platform continued to rotate, with a ray of blue in the silver and white, which looked extremely beautiful.

With the shocking explosion, there was a mysterious breath between heaven and earth. This kind of breath did not belong to this Shenwu Continent at all, just like the one that was uploaded from Jiuxiao.

Holiness is described by only one word, that is holy, holy breath.



Many strong men are excited, but the look on the faces of the nine messengers is even more dignified.

The decree in hand is constantly being displayed. The decree enters the beam of light. There is no movement in the decree, just like a mud bull entering the sea, there is no movement.

No matter what the law is, it cannot drive this beam of light.

Gradually, there was a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth of the nine messengers, and the look on his face was pale, no different from the silver-white light.

Looking at the situation of the nine messengers, the top ten families, the top ten forces, and the top ten sons, these strong men showed a trace of worry on their faces, and their faces became increasingly ugly.

I thought to myself that this nine-day platform cannot be opened again.

It has not been turned on for more than one million years, and every time it fails to turn on, is it still not possible now?

All the strong men have a feeling of falling from heaven to hell.

For a time, the strong men near the entire Jiutian Yao platform had no sound at all. They all watched the movement of the nine messengers quietly, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

Although they didn't speak, they all knew that this time the Jiutian Yaotai and Jiutian Shencheng could not enter.

Time, one second and one second.

The full moon also slowly turned westward. If the formation above the Jiutian Yao platform could not be opened in a short time, the attraction force of the landing above Jiutian could not be opened. This time the Jiutian God City could not be opened again.

Over time, the look on the faces of the nine messengers became paler, but they didn't seem to give up at all.

However, even so, it has not been able to open the formation of Jiutian Yaotai.



The headed messenger gave up the decision, a pale look appeared on his face, sighed, and said lightly.

The voice fell, and the whole person seemed to be old for hundreds of years.


"Failed again?"

"More than a million years, why can't the Jiutian God City be opened?"

"Did something go wrong?"

"Is the Jiutian God City really a legendary one?"

"Hey, forget it, it's not like Jiutian God City."

"Is there something wrong with the Jiutian God City that prevents it from opening."


After the messenger finished speaking, all the strong men talked, their faces showing disappointment and regret.

Xu Ling's face was even more desperate. For him, it was imperative to enter the Jiutian God City, but he did not expect this hope to be broken at this time.

In the night sky, the full moon slowly turned westward, and the light above the Jiutian Yao platform slowly faded.

As if it would disappear at any time, seeing this situation, all the strong men gave up.

"It turns out this way."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded.

The voice was flat, with a sense of enlightenment in the middle. Although the voice was not loud, it was very prominent at this time.

Everyone inadvertently looked at the master of this voice.

When everyone saw this speaker, they all showed a trace of disdain and contempt.

However, the nine messengers looked at the man with a puzzling expression on his face.

"What did you find?"

The nine messengers looked at the person who spoke, and the expression on their faces was calm, but they were very curious. A warrior, Jiu Zhongtian, came here and entered the quota of Jiutian God City.

It is really puzzling, but this quota is from Tianmen, and they are not qualified to say anything.

Yes, this person is Li Lingtian.

When Li Lingtian came here, he was attracted by the formation on the Jiutian Yaotai platform. Until the light of the full moon fell, he had entered a state of emptiness and was led by a mysterious and powerful formation. Into a mysterious world.

Feeling the dim light, he also woke up at this time.

After waking up, I realized that the opening of Jiutian God City failed.

As a teacher of the Divine Array, he controlled the five elements of Taoism, controlled the Heavenly Dao Roulette, and enlightened the Heaven and the Dao. Naturally, he saw that there was a problem with this formation and the power of attracting. This problem was the reason for the failure of the opening of the Jiutian God City. The key reason.

"You show the law, don't give up no matter what happens."

Li Lingtian nodded, his face showing a confident look.

This chic look and self-confidence make people feel the illusion for a while, just like seeing a powerful person.

Only the powerful can have such a calm and calm confidence, as if everything is in his own hands.

Wushen Jiuzhongtian, facing the nine high-level messengers, had no fear at all, and spoke with a tone of command, which suddenly made all the strong men feel a little discomfort, but this discomfort soon Adapted, as if all this should be.

Moreover, the nine messengers did not have any dissatisfaction and opposition at all, and did not disagree with Li Lingtian's words.

This kind of situation felt a kind of weirdness around Jiutian Yao platform.

After the sound fell, he moved a few steps forward strangely, and no one could see his movements. The movement of the whole person was like flowing water, and the whole person was integrated with this world.

When Li Lingtian walked to the front, the nine messengers glanced at the same time.

The decree in hand continued to be displayed, and suddenly the air twisted, and the light above the Jiutian Yao platform shook again, and it became more and more intense.

But the price paid is that the nine messengers are constantly consuming horrible real elements.

The nine messengers have acted, but Li Lingtian has not moved.

All the strong men are extremely expectant, and even the Excalibur is very curious and do not know what Li Lingtian is going to do.

Li Lingtian hated him in his heart. Li Lingtian did not participate in the competition. He did not have the opportunity to teach Li Lingtian. He did not expect that Li Lingtian had a place, which made him feel the opportunity came.

However, the Jiutian God City cannot be opened, and this opportunity is gone.

Now, Li Lingtian stood out, and immediately felt tangled in his heart, expecting Li Lingtian to have a way to open the Jiutian God City while expecting Li Lingtian to be ugly now.

The god-destroying son, Dongling son, God soul son, Tianxue son, Jingle son, these evil devil, are curiously looking at Li Lingtian.

At this time, it was all tangled, and the entangled mood was exactly the same as that of the Excalibur.

"Nine Heavens Sword Song."

"Yaoyue Zhao Shenzhou."

"Nine Heavens Shining Moon Heart."

"What is everything?"

"When heaven and earth come together."

"Samsung reveals the God City."

Under the watch of all the powerful people, Li Lingtian's mood was extremely calm, with a trace of confidence in his eyes.

One-handed empty wave, the action looks like flowing water.

At the same time, the brows flashed and a stream of light appeared in the hands.

I saw that what appeared in the hand was a roulette wheel.

When the heavenly roulette appeared, there was a heavenly atmosphere between heaven and earth. Li Lingtian's whole person seemed to be ethereal, clearly in front of him, but in the eyes of all the strong people, Li Lingtian's whole person seemed to be on the far side of the sky, or in Jiuxiao Above.

This unreal feeling makes people feel very strange.

When the nine messengers heard Li Lingtian's voice, the look on his face changed.

Because the six sentences are only known to them, and no one knows them except them. Not to mention the four domains below Shenzhou, even the heaven domain, the fairy domain, and the holy land, no one knows except them.

Wan Wan did not think of an unobtrusive young man of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, but he easily saw the ruling of Jiutian Yaotai and the light.

Such a magical thing is beyond their imagination.

This is the first time someone with such a terrifying method has encountered it, because it has nothing to do with cultivation as strength, it is entirely talent and formation.

The young man's ability to do this is a miracle.

However, none of them were shocked. Instead, they displayed the Fa Judgment more quickly. The horror in their eyes turned into anticipation. I hope this young man will have a way to link Jiutian Yaotai and Jiutian God City.



At this time, after Li Lingtian's voice fell, he flicked at the eyebrow with one hand.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ issued a mysterious breath in his hand, a mysterious gesture casts a weird decision, the weirdness and mystery of this decision, even the nine messengers couldn't see exactly what it was.

Not even the nine messengers can see the law, let alone the other powerful ones.

Laws and regulations are constantly changing. Hundreds of laws and regulations have appeared in an instant. This speed shocked all the powerful.

At first glance, this action is a terrifying powerhouse, a prelude to magical powers.

A glimpse of the whole panther, you can see the speed of magical power during the war. It is a kind of horror to encounter such a strong man.

The full moon becomes more and more westward, and the light trembles more and more, as if it were all accidentally transformed into nothingness.

For a moment, all the strong men held their breath and dared not breathe out, worrying about breaking the silence of this strange space.



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