War God Supreme

Chapter 1265: Change track

The strong men around the Jiutianyao platform held their breath and dared not breathe.

Because they are worried that this strange and silent space will be broken, as soon as this silence is broken, all expectations will be reduced to nothingness.

However, around the entire Jiutian Yao platform, there were only nine messengers constantly casting laws.

The real elements of the nine messengers are constantly being lost, and there is no trace of blood on his face anymore, but this time there is no appearance of stopping at all, but a kind of decisiveness that will die to the end.

The legal decisions in Li Lingtian's hands are constantly being displayed, and the world has gradually changed.

The sky is full of mysterious air of heaven and mysterious cold air.


At this time, I don't know who was startled.

This horror broke the silence of the space, and at the same time all the strong men were horrified, as if they saw ghosts.

I saw that all the strong men looked at the void, and the full moon above the void appeared a reversed trajectory in front of Li Lingtian's decision.

The full moon crooked back toward the original track, and returned to the empty space.

If you don't look closely, you won't find this problem at all.

But here are all the super-strong Martial Gods and the Powerful False Gods. They naturally see the full moon in the sky. This full moon really went back.

Seeing this situation, when all the powerful people looked at the chic and elegant Li Lingtian, there was a horrified look in their eyes.

I did not expect a Wushen Jiuzhongtian, there is such a means against the sky, and the full moon is reversed. What is the difference between this and the time and space, it is simply earth-shattering.

This method is beyond the imagination of the warrior, even if it is a powerful person, it is impossible to do this step.

This is to turn the hand over the cloud to cover the rain, to change the prestige of the sun, moon and stars.

The nine messengers, among Yu Guang, also saw the full moon being changed in trajectory, and he was shocked in his heart.

"The power of heaven and earth."

"Fight to star shift."

"Nine days pick up."

"Power of Yaoyue, link!"

Li Lingtian was shocked and shocked by all the powerful people, and the whole person completely entered the state of ecstasy.

The situation outside is simply abandoned, and the whole person is connected to this heaven and earth. To what kind of mysterious feeling is it, this feeling makes people feel nostalgic.

The position is strong, and the sun, moon and stars are changed in a wave of hands.

All this is beyond the scope of martial arts.

Gradually, Li Lingtian found the problems of Jiu Tian Shencheng and Jiu Tian Yao Platform, and the law in his hand solved these problems together.

Unconsciously, the light of the full moon docked with the Jiutian Yao platform.

This opportunity for docking is only one in one hundred million.

And in these opportunities, the power of the heavens and the earth and the five elements of Taoism are also indispensable.

No wonder this nine-day **** city has not been opened for more than one million years. It turned out that it lacked the power of the five elements, the power of heaven and earth, and the opportunity of one in one hundred million.

Finally, with the final showdown, Li Lingtian introduced it with one hand, and the two rays of light immediately touched together.

In the ray of light, the array of light and shadow on the Jiutian Yao platform quickly turned.

The whole person became a link between heaven and earth completely, the power of terror stirred in the beam of light, and Li Lingtian's body rose slowly.

Nine pieces of jade flew strangely towards Li Lingtian. When he came to Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian's body trembled, and finally the jade disappeared without a trace.

"Go in."

At this time, the messenger headed by the nine messengers shouted loudly.

He is a super **** array teacher. Naturally, he knows that this beam of light does not have much time to support, and the young man’s cultivation is too low. If it is higher, he will be able to support it longer.

It is already against the sky to be able to open the Nine Heavens City. If you continue to delay, don't think about entering the Nine Heavens City.



The other ninety-eight strong men, who heard the messenger's voice, no longer dared to hesitate any more, and their bodies became streamers and entered the beam of light.

Suddenly, when all the strongmen entered, the beam of light trembled.

With a tremor, all the strong men disappeared in an instant.

The light linking the void and Jiutian Yaotai also disappeared, disappearing suddenly, like an illusion.

If not everyone just saw everything in front of them, they would treat it all as an illusion

All the strong men are in this uncomfortable feeling, looking at the full moon of the void, and the full moon of the void is westward, and the westward position is more skewed than when Li Lingtian began to cast a law to change the trajectory. Even more biased.

When I saw the position of the full moon, I felt an illusion.

It's like starting a full moon and changing its trajectory back to the positive sky is false. Because of the time, the current position of the full moon is the time to leave the positive sky, and the distance to change the trajectory halfway is also restored instantly.

"Is it an illusion?"

"The full moon has not been changed its trajectory?"

"How is this going?"

"Damn it!"

"Is it wrong?"

"But the channel of Jiutian God City was indeed opened."

All the strong men talked in a low voice, and were horrified by what they just saw. Such a thing has never been heard of before, but it is now seen.

It's almost hell, it makes people feel uncomfortable for a while.

However, this failed nine-day **** city was indeed opened by Li Lingtian.

"This illusion of discomfort."

"He also did not change the trajectory of the full moon."

At this time, the gray messenger opened his eyes, and the horrified look on his face had become dull.

He said lightly, looking at the full moon in the void, his heart was still shocked, and he did not recover from the shock from beginning to end, but he did not want to lose his gaze in front of these powerful men.

"Not an illusion?"

"It's not an illusion, nor is it changing the trajectory of the full moon. What is going on?"

"Isn't this contradictory?"

"Can Your Excellency tell one or two."

"Yeah, I hope His Excellency will be puzzled."

"Really there are such powerful means?"


Hearing the words of the gray messenger, it was all stunned, is this not contradictory?

Since it is not an illusion, it is true, but the messenger said that the trajectory has not been changed. This discourse itself is very contradictory.

Is there a third situation that fails.

"He is a very powerful Divine Master."

"The level of power has exceeded the expectations of the messenger."

"It is said that he did not change the trajectory of the full moon because his cultivation base is too low now, saying that what you see is not an illusion, because what you see is real."

"He changed the Jiutian Yaotai platform and the full moon at the same time, so that a strange trajectory appeared in the heavens and the earth, so in your vision, there will be a changed trajectory of the full moon."

"The messenger only sees a little bit, what's really going on, I'm afraid only he knows this world."

"Terrorist position is too terrifying."

The gray-cloth messenger looked at the moon in the void and said lightly, saying two powerful words in a row from his mouth.

Then I spoke out what I saw and the results of insight analysis. After I finished speaking, the figure flashed, and the other eight messengers also flashed at the same time. In an instant, the nine messengers disappeared without a trace.

The disappearance of the nine messengers left countless powerful men in shock.

It is unique to be able to tell horror and power from the mouth of a high-level messenger, and the messenger also said two powerful and two horror words in a row.

It is not difficult to hear from the tone of the messenger that he is not the young man's opponent in the line, and the two are not at the same level.

Naturally, it is not difficult for all the strong to hear the horror and power of this young man.

For a time, all the strong men were shocked to the extreme, and the look on their faces changed.

The top ten families, the top ten forces, and some hermit strongmen, all left Li Lingtian's horrible and handsome posture.

The Duanmu family and the Gongsun family, the two strong men naturally felt bitter smiles.

Both Huangfu's family and Beiming's family felt a little happy.

Other families felt a little worried.

Array Guild, Danshi Guild, Refining Guild, and some super powers, seeing Li Lingtian's adversity in addition to shock or shock.

The strong members of the Danshi Guild and Zhen Dao Guild did not see Li Lingtian in front. When they saw Li Lingtian, everyone was not good to say hello. It was regrettable that they missed all of them.

However, Li Lingtian claimed to be the first Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent, and the two strong men were also happy.

Because there is such a strong man who is against the sky, his own Danshi Guild and Zhendao Guild also have a bright face.

As the time went by, the night sky became colder and colder, and all the powerful people gradually left the Jiutian Yao Platform.

However, all the strongmen did not leave Jiutian Yaoyue City, but stayed in Jiutian Yaoyue City, because Jiutian Yaoyue City will open three years later, sending all the strongmen back.

The locations are all within tens of thousands of miles of Jiutian Yaotai. They don’t want their disciples and family geniuses to come back safely after being forged by other powerful people. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must know that there are countless treasures in Jiutian God City, There are countless treasures and supernatural powers, if you can get a little, it will be worthless.

Moreover, the Jiutian God City has not been opened for more than one million years. The treasures and medicinal materials inside are extremely rich.

The people who enter inside are all people who die in a lifetime, and the one who comes out is not a strong man who shakes the world. It is completely a transformation in it. Because of this, the family and forces will not let the outgoing disciples be threatened a little. .

Although nine lives, all hold a glimmer of hope and opportunity.

Because the people who enter it are basically Lei Yue Dragon Gate and Golden Scale Dragon.

What happened to the Jiutianyao platform suddenly spread throughout the Eastern Fall. Countless powerful people all knew Li Lingtian's power. Li Lingtian's reputation resounded in the world, and almost everyone knew it.



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