War God Supreme

Chapter 1476: Strong attack



The three figures landed, their eyes looked far away, and the original dignified look on their faces reduced the price.

At this time, the three of them were flying straight towards the center of the death domain, but they did not encounter a strong human being. All these made the three feel a trace of fear.

Originally, for the strong, he didn't believe in anything about monsters and ghosts, but when he came to this place, he felt a little fear, this fear even exceeded the oppression brought by the strong.

However, when he saw some buildings in the distance, the dignified expression on Li Lingtian's faces was relieved.

Although these buildings look unremarkable, they are inhabited.

After seeing human beings for more than a month, I was really relieved.

"Call, call!"

"Call, call!"

However, just as the three of them were going to the front, there were muffles in the air, and the strong wind raged through the air.

At the same time, there was terrible coercion in the air. This coercion was like destroying the ground. Even in the face of this coercion, Li Lingtian felt a strong oppressive force.

"Be careful."

Li Lingtian reminded, and at the same time Jiutian Shenwei broke out, and the terrifying Shenwei rushed into the air.

Under the cover of Nine Heavens Divine Prowess, the three figures flickered and flew sideways for a hundred miles.


"Not bad."

Nine Heavens Divine Power collided with powerful coercion in the air and suddenly made a muffled noise.

At the same time, a horror came out.

Obviously, I was shocked by Li Lingtian’s Nine Heavens Divine Prestige. Naturally, Li Lingtian’s Nine Heavens Divine Prestige has surpassed human coercion. In the Shenwu Continent, it is impossible to have a true God, and Li Lingtian’s Nine Heaven Divine Prestige is a patent of the True God.

In the Shenwu Continent, confronting Li Lingtian against divine consciousness and coercion, it was his own death.

The three of Li Lingtian came a hundred miles away and looked in the air.

I saw a middle-aged strong man suspended in the air, and his body exudes powerful power. The terrible aura makes the surrounding space torn apart. The space is broken like an broken mirror.

Looking at this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed. He didn't expect to encounter such a strong man in this place, which was beyond imagination.

If he hadn't seen Baili Sky Blue before, he would never recognize this strong man's cultivation as the realm.

After seeing Baili Sky Blue, I also know that the realm of Baili Sky Blue has surpassed the false **** realm and reached the terrible demigod realm.

Yes, the middle-aged strong man in the air is a half-godly strong man.

In the domain of death, after flying for more than a month, no one has seen it. It is better now. Seeing that the first human being is a semi-god power, such luck, Li Lingtian is speechless.

Doesn't it mean that there will not be a semi-divine powerhouse under the heaven domain, why is there a semi-divine powerhouse in the death domain.

This half-god powerhouse is too much, too, and one that is casually encountered is half-god realm.


Li Lingtian looked at the strong man in the air, and after a few changes on his face, he gradually calmed down.

This is the most basic quality of a strong man. In the face of even the strongest one, he must calm down in the first place. If he is not treated calmly, what he is waiting for is to fall, and the smoke will completely disappear in this world.

He opened his mouth to confirm the status of the powerful in the air.

The second is to remind Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai to prepare them for a war.

"Junior, when you see the deity in the pseudo-real world, you will not salute."

"Fortunately, the deity lacks several miners of mining, and you three are just right."

The middle-aged strong man in the air looked at the expression on Li Lingtian's face, and he couldn't help but stunned. He didn't expect that the three pseudo-jingjing juniors were so calm when they saw him.

In front of the demigod powerhouse, any false godland is the general existence of ants.

He naturally does not see the three false **** realms in his eyes, and grasping the three false **** realms is only to catch the miners.

At this place, all the powerful men were taken away by this guy and went to the center of the death domain to dig the precious materials like the purple gold mine.

"Three, hurry in."

It was at this time that a consciousness came over.

The consciousness reached Li Lingtian's ear, and Li Lingtian's consciousness glanced away in the direction of the sound, his eyes still looking at the strong in the air.

As the sense of consciousness passed, the place where the sound came was the place of the building.

In the building, there are more than a dozen strong men sitting cross-legged in it. There is a mysterious formation around the building, and all the buildings are heart-shaped.

At this point, Li Lingtian now found that he was shocked.

At first I didn't pay attention to it. I didn't expect these buildings to be a powerful array, and the resulting array was powerful.

Li Lingtian groaned for a while, and looked at the strong in the air. The voice reached Xiao Bai and Nangong Mingyue’s ears. The three looked at each other, and his body disappeared into the air strangely. When he appeared again, his body had come to the building. .

"court death!"

The strong man in the air watched the disappearance of Li Lingtian and suddenly understood what was going on. When Li Lingtian and the three came outside the building, a devastating attack bombarded Li Lingtian.

If Li Lingtian enters the formation of the building, he will expose the empty door behind him and be hit by the attack of the half-god powerhouse.

"Shenwu Xuantian sword."

"Power of the Divine Phoenix."

"Variety of real dragons!"

Feeling the destruction of the attack, Li Lingtian and the three simultaneously bombarded a terrifying attack into the air.

Suddenly, the air was constantly twisted and torn, and three attacks were bombarded with the air attack.


With a shocking explosion, a vacuum of a hundred miles in size appeared in the air. The power of destruction threw the three men fiercely and finally hit the building formation fiercely.

The corners of the three people's mouths overflowed with blood, and their faces were pale.

At the same time, the figure of the strong man in the air was also swayed. When thinking of the second attack, the formation had a mouthful, and Li Lingtian and the three had entered the formation.

After Li Lingtian Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue entered the formation, a strong hatred appeared in the air of the strong man's face, and turned and flew away towards the sky.

This situation is completely beyond Li Lingtian's imagination.

I never thought that the strong man walked so simply, and immediately thought that the strong man should know the strength of this formation, and it is simply impossible to attack this formation.

"Are you all right."

Li Lingtian looked at Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai with concern and asked.

The attack of the powerful demigods, they simply have no power to parry.

Even the improvement of cultivation behavior will not work, not to mention that the attack of the semi-divine realm was launched when they first appeared, and it is a sudden sneak attack. In such a case, it is a strange thing not to be injured.

"It's okay."

The two shook their heads. Although they were attacked by the demigod powerhouse, the two were one of the dragon clan and one of the phoenix clan. This injury had no effect.

Seeing that the two were fine, Li Lingtian was also relieved.

At the same time, his eyes looked at this place, this place is a small square, surrounded by more than ten buildings, these buildings are no different from ordinary people's houses.

However, at this time, it gave out a faint radiance. The radiance from more than ten buildings formed an invisible defense in this place.

In the center of the square, there were more than a dozen strong men sitting cross-legged, with a look on their faces.

These strong men are all for the existence of the pinnacle of the realm of false **** realm.

In such a place, Li Lingtian was also shocked when he met so many strong powers of pseudo-realm. He didn’t know what these powerhouses gathered here for.

"Welcome the three of you."

On the square, there are a total of thirteen strong powerhouses with the highest peak of false **** realm, three early false **** realms, two middle false **** realms, and one late false **** realm.

The strong man in the later period when speaking, the expression on his face was unremarkable, and there was no slight change.

"Why do you gather here?"

"Who is the demigod powerhouse who just attacked this seat in the air? I believe you should know each other. I don't know if you will analyze this seat."

Li Lingtian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a slight smile appeared on his face, and looked at the strong man in the late pseudo-realm in front of him, and was curious about the dozen strong men here.

"Under the solitary world, I did not expect your lord to see this guy's cultivation as a state."

"This guy seems to be the Four Commanders of Death."

"Whose exact person is not clear to us. It seems that there are at least three such guys in this place. He has reached the present state after cultivating the gas of death, but he is only controlled by the death lord."

"We have been trapped in this place for decades, and we cannot live without it."

Du Gu Shi Shui looked at Li Lingtian and the expression on his face changed a little, and then he recovered his coldness and numbness.

Then slowly spoke out the origin of the strong in the air.

Hearing Du Gu Shi Shui's words, Li Lingtian was shocked.

I did not expect that there is more than one semi-divine powerhouse in this place. My luck is really not bad luck. I have encountered a semi-divine realm. Looking at this, the more I enter the center of the death domain, the more semi-divine realm I encounter.

"You have been trapped here for decades?"

"Can't you leave this formation, or is this Death Commander outside?"

"What do the miners of the Four Commanders of Death mean?"

There are countless doubts in Li Lingtian's mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When he came to this place, he seemed to have gone to Mars. He didn't know anything. He glanced black and understood everything.

Then he looked at the water alone and asked.

"This formation cannot be broken, even if this formation is broken, it is impossible to leave here because this guy is outside."

"The miner he said is to grab the incoming human strongman to the center of the death domain to excavate the Geng gold mine and Zijin mine, and then extract the Geng gold and Zijin mine."

"The strong men who came in here were basically captured by them. We were also lucky to break into this formation and were not captured by them."

There was no slight change in the expression on Du Gu Shi Shui's face, and he slowly said things here.

For him, there is no hope of leaving in this place, here is to wait for death, just one more person can just be a companion.


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