War God Supreme

Chapter 1477: Angry

Listening to the words of Du Gu Shi Shui, Li Lingtian's faces changed constantly.

They never imagined that they had encountered these unlucky things as soon as they entered the Death Domain. They did not know that there were strange and dangerous things waiting for them.

It's no wonder that this time before I came in, I felt something was wrong and a crisis. It turns out that this domain of death is really not simple.

"It turns out this way."

The look on Li Lingtian's face gradually calmed down, and his eyes looked towards the strong man meditating and practicing in the center of the square.

These strong men are like statues, and completely ignore Li Lingtian's arrival.

Because in their view, the people who come in here are all strong human beings, and it is already impossible to go out.

Next, Li Lingtian and three people healed at the corner of the square, glanced around the consciousness, and looked at the whole square clearly. There were more than a dozen strong people in this place, and nothing else.

The three were not seriously injured, but were bounced a bit.

After two days of rate adjustment, it was completely fine. In two days, Li Lingtian carefully looked at the whole square. This place, it is not an easy thing to want to go out. It is just to meet the Four Commanders of Death after going out.

Moreover, the three of them didn't understand here at all. After going out, there were many dangers. Instead of taking risks in other places, it would be better to be safe in this place, and wait until there is a sure way to leave.

This is the strong man of his celestial division. Although this square seems to be unsolvable, it is impossible to prevent him from leaving.

Not to mention the materials of life and death, even the temple of death that I did not see, and there are powerful people in the semi-divine realm outside. It is simply helpless to go out.

"Brother, can you break this formation?"

"It seems that this square should have a passage, otherwise this place will get a square and formation for no reason whatsoever."

Xiaobai said quietly that although she didn't understand the battlefield, she still knew everything about this place.

It is inexplicable to establish a formation and a square in a deserted area of ​​death. Either this square is a teleportation array to a certain place, or this place used to be a very important place.

"Xiao Bai is right."

"Let's not go out first."

"After going out, you will be chased by the demigod powerhouses. We are not familiar with this place at all. If we escape into the dead end, we are done. Look at the difference in this square."

Nangong Mingyue agreed with Xiaobai after Xiaobai finished speaking.

He said to Li Lingtian that it was really puzzling to get a formation and square for no reason in this place.

This point, Li Lingtian also thought of it, but he did not see other formations in this place.

"Okay, let's wait for a while."

"Judge this formation based on the terrain and time changes here."

Li Lingtian nodded and came here for a day. The way to go out this way was to think of it, but he didn't know the origin and purpose of this square.

Just after the three discussed, Du Gu Shi Shui walked towards Li Lingtian.

The person who comes in here is the one who has the shortest time and wants to leave here the most.

"Three people, can there be a way to leave?"

Du Gu Shi Shui came to Li Lingtian and asked.

Although asked in the mouth, in fact, there is no slightest expectation in my heart. After all, the strongmen who have come here for decades have never thought of a way to leave. Li Lingtian and the three have just arrived, and naturally there is no way to leave.

"There is naturally a way to leave."

A slight smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, and he looked at Du Gu Shi Shui.

"Your Excellency has a way to leave?"

Du Gu Shi Shui originally asked this question at random, but Wan Wan did not expect Li Lingtian to say that there was a way to leave, suddenly surprised, and his face also showed a splendid color.

Being able to leave here is the dream of everyone here, but this dream has never been realized.

"of course."

"Just after leaving, you will be killed by the so-called Four Commanders, it is better to practice here."

"Is there a way to deal with the Four Commanders after you leave here?"

Li Lingtian said with a smile, the expression on his face was cloudless and breezy.

It’s as simple as leaving the garden.

"Of course."

"As long as your Excellency can leave here, we have a way to kill this demigod powerhouse, and there are countless precious materials in the hands of the four commanders."

"The four commanders are not together, but in the four directions of the Palace of Death, so as long as they find the direction, they will not be met by the other three."

Du Gu Shi Shui's words also surprised Li Lingtian and the three, just like Du Gu Shi Shui was surprised that he had a way to leave.

He could not think of the courage of the dozen powerful men facing the semi-divine realm of the Four Commanders, or any way to deal with the Four Commanders.

But he personally tried the power of the semi-godly strong, and almost fell into the hands of the semi-godly strong last time.

I just met this middle-aged semi-godly strong man, and he was also injured by a single move. The cultivation of the semi-godly strong man into strength is simply impossible to overcome because of the number of false gods. .

No amount of false **** realm is also the opponent of the half **** realm strong. The half **** realm strong man puts it bluntly, that is, the true **** is powerful, and the sky and earth change color and turn upside down.

"I don't know if you have any way to deal with the demigods."

Li Lingtian looked at Du Gu Shi Shui, and he was really curious. He didn't know how Du Gu Shi Shui and others could kill the Four Commanders.

The semi-godly strong man is simply not a pseudo-godly strong man who can deal with it. Now the solitary world water in the later period of the pseudo-god has said that there is a way to deal with the semi-godly strong man, which really shocked him.

But he has eaten the pain of the semi-godly strong, if he can deal with the semi-godly strong, then it can be said that the late strong can also deal with him.

"I don't know if there is any way for you to open this formation."

There was a smile on Du Gu Shi Shui's face, and he didn't mean to tell Li Lingtian.

Obviously, I don’t believe that Li Lingtian can leave here. Besides, he has already told a lot of secrets. Without getting some information from Li Lingtian’s mouth, he will naturally not tell Li Lingtian easily.

"This is the Sky Array Master!"

Li Lingtian also smiled, and he naturally understood that this solitary world would not tell him easily.

If you want to convince you, you have to show some sincerity.

He didn't lie, he just said his identity, this identity is enough.

It doesn't matter whether this alone world water recognizes him or not, the important thing is that he is the sky array master.

"Your Excellency?"

Du Gu Shi Shui was shocked, his face was shocked.

His eyes also looked at Li Lingtian curiously. He didn't expect Li Lingtian to be a Celestial Master.

He naturally understands the strength of the Sky Array Master. If it is really the Sky Array Master, this array can naturally be solved.

A pseudo-spiritual consummate strong man will naturally not lie, and in front of so many super strong men, he dare not play tricks.

"Now you can tell this seat how to deal with the four commanders."

"If you don't have full control to deal with the four commanders, this seat will not leave here easily. After all, it is dead to go out. It is better to wait here. This seat does not believe that he has never left here."

Li Lingtian showed a serious look on his face, and his body also exuded a strong momentum.

"Actually, we have no way to deal with the Four Commanders."

"However, as long as we leave here, he will not chase us down."

There was a smile on Du Gu Shi Shui's face, and when he looked at Li Lingtian, there was a trace of apology on his face.

This is obviously ridiculous. He didn't want to offend the person in front of him. Although he couldn't live without this, but with his cultivation, there was no resistance at all in front of this young man.

If the opponent is angered, the opponent can kill himself first.

"court death!"

When Li Lingtian heard the words of Du Gu Shi Shui, the look on his face was cold, and the body's momentum exploded. Suddenly, a horrible divine power crushed the water of Du Gu Shi.

The horrible divine power crushed the water of Du Gu Shi.


With a muffled sound, Du Gu Shi Shui was photographed on the ground by Li Lingtian's supernatural power, and there was no resistance at all.

In the late period of pseudo-sacred realm, in the face of the pseudo-sacred realm consummation, this should not have been the case, but how powerful Li Lingtian’s nine-sky divine power is, even if it is against the semi-divine realm, it has the power to fight against the warrior who is lower than his own cultivation. It is crushing ants.

While Du Gu Shi Shui was crushed by Li Ling Tianshen Wei, the other strong men all opened their eyes and looked at Li Ling Tian. His eyes were cold, even with strong hostility.

However, Li Lingtian didn't take these false **** realm perfectionists into consideration, let alone the false **** realm perfection, even the king could kill him. , Dare not easily do it.

"Your forgiveness."

"Your forgiveness of sins, I did not play with you in the next, what I said is true."

"Actually, this place is the site of the Four Commanders. There are his treasures here. After we broke into his site, we touched the prohibition and trapped us in it. The Four Commanders wanted to come in but couldn't come in, and we couldn't leave it. Here."

"So, as long as we leave here, he will not chase us down."

Du Gu Shi Shui finally felt terrified now, because he saw the killing intention in Li Lingtian's eyes.

This kind of killing intention, as long as he does not have a reasonable explanation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other party will ruthlessly kill him.

"Go away!"

Li Lingtian sneered, and Dushi Shishui threw himself out.

To deal with a strong man in the late period of pseudo-realm, there is no need to do anything.

After Dushishishui was thrown away, Li Lingtian glanced at the other strong men. These strong men wanted to deal with him, that is to find death, but now he will not kill these strong men.

This solitary world water began to call them in, which is also the key to spare his life.

However, he was curious why Du Gu Shi Shui could call them in, but could not leave this formation. Even his Tianzhen division did not see any difference.

This is his biggest doubt right now. It was very simple when the three of them started to enter, and they still let them go. Why did they not come out after they entered? You can leave here.


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