War God Supreme

Chapter 1485: rescue

The hall was silent and the corpse king was motionless, as if time had stood still at this moment.


A brief silence, a clear voice broke the silence in the hall.

All the strong men were horrified at this time, their eyes full of horror and fear.

I saw that the original mighty corpse king turned into two halves in front of Li Lingtian Dageng sword, and the golden edge appeared again after the corpse king turned into two halves.

However, after the golden edge appeared, it slowly disappeared, and the body of the corpse king collapsed.

With a sword, only one sword is needed to kill 13 corpse kings who cannot be shaken by the powerhouses of the Pseudo-God Realm. This is strength. The difference in strength allows them to see the gap between themselves and Li Lingtian.

After Li Lingtian finished everything, the Divine Sword disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had returned to Dantian.

With both hands pulled, Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai disappeared into the channel of light.

Seeing Li Lingtian enter the channel, all the strong men are extremely excited, because victory is in sight.



The sound of bursting into the sky, countless powerful people poured into the channel of light.

I don't know how long after that, the passage finally disappeared, and all the strong human beings arrested below left and returned to the ground.

Li Lingtian suspended in the air and looked at the strong human beings who came out of the light channel. The look on his face had become very dull. These strong men sought to cherish the materials in order to obtain their powerful resources in order to enhance their strength. , But in the end was caught by the four commanders as slaves.

After all the strong men returned to the ground, looking at the situation outside, there was a crazy look on their faces.

Below is the human hell, there is no chance to leave, waiting for them is exhausted or beaten to death.

Now rescued by Li Lingtian, it was completely beyond their imagination.

"This seat can break your ban."

"But your cultivation will fall into a realm, and you can never enter the domain of death."

Li Lingtian looked at the strong men below. These strong men were all imprisoned for cultivation, and True Yuan could not be used.

Moreover, the gas of death has not been able to strengthen them, but it is still constantly eroding their cultivation practices, and Shouyuan is also constantly losing. In this way, it will fall after how long it takes.

He thought of a way to absorb these strong men's cultivation and refine the erosion of death, so that there is still a hint of hope to keep them alive.

After talking, he looked at all the people.

"It's already a blessing to be able to leave this **** on earth."

"Thank you, Master Lingtian, for helping us out. Lord Lingtian is kind enough to rebuild us. I can't thank you enough."

"Don't talk about a realm, even if the cultivation is abolished, it will be worth living for a few years."

"Sir Lao Lingtian is tired."

"Thank you Lord Lingtian."


After hearing Li Lingtian's words, the expression on all the faces on the scene was stunned, and then excited.

Thousands of strong men present at the scene, all cultivated to exist above the God of Martial Arts, but were caught as slaves by the semi-godly strong men such as the Four Commanders, and it is better to die than life.

Now that cultivation is imprisoned, it is simply to wait for death. It is very exciting to hear that Li Lingtian can break their prohibition, and just drop a realm.

Originally, cultivation is the second life of the strong, and would rather die than cultivation.

But in these years, they felt desperate and preferred to spend their whole life in exchange for freedom and a short period of peaceful life.

Over the years, the heart of the strong has been wiped out.

Their false **** realm, martial arts realm, even if they fall into a realm, they can live for hundreds of thousands of years. As long as they do not die, enjoying hundreds of thousands of years of life is better than waiting for death in the **** on earth.

"Heavenly Roulette, sacrifice!"

Li Lingtian didn't say much. If he didn't encounter it, it wouldn't matter, but he has encountered it now, and it's still something he can do. Naturally, he won't stand idly by.

Besides, the current situation has not affected him.

Immediately, the Heavenly Dao Roulette Festival came out, and the Dao Dafa was displayed, the figure constantly flashing.

All the strong men dared not breathe a sigh of relief, and watched Li Lingtian play his formation.

Some of these strong men have heard of Li Lingtian’s name, but did not expect that Li Lingtian was only a low-level warrior a few decades ago. Now he has become a strong man in a pseudo-real world, and he has saved them.



With the wave of law, a slight breeze appeared in the air.

Gradually, as time passed, the air also twisted.

Within a hundred miles of the radius, there is no more breath of death, all filled with the breath of heaven.

Moreover, a multicolored mask appeared in the air. The mask covered all the strong men. Li Lingtian suspended on the mask, waving the law in his hand, and the whole person's movement was like a flowing water.

"Ba Yuan Yuan Yi Yi, stabilize the mind."

"Don't resist, otherwise the smoke will disappear."

Li Lingtian glanced at the strong man below, then spoke.

The voice was solemn and icy. After speaking, the consciousness suspended the Tiandao roulette in the air and allowed the Tiandao roulette to rotate.

At this time, when the consciousness moved, the pearl of death appeared in front of him. When the pearl of death appeared, the idea of ​​the **** of death in Li Lingtian's body worked.

At the same time, a colorful light radiated from the reticle. The colorful light scattered down and covered all the strong men. When the colorful light came into contact with these strong men, the orb of death in front of Li Lingtian turned.

The photomask continuously absorbs the air of death from the strong body below, and passes into the orb of death after passing through the photomask.

Li Lingtian's consciousness is connected with the Pearl of Death, and the spirit of death is constantly refined by Li Lingtian.

For a time, Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, using the orb of death to absorb the air of death, and the mask stabilized the breath of the strong underneath, and slowly the constant air of death poured out of the body of the under strong.

Thousands of powerful people are eroded by the gas of death, and it is not a temporary thing to want to clean up.

All the strong men sit cross-legged, holding Yuan Shouyi, and letting the flow of death in the body go out, at the same time, the body's cultivation practice and Zhenyuan are also constantly lost, and they are lost together with the breath of death.

At the beginning, I felt a bit unhappy, but only later became quiet.

They understood that it would be impossible to live without solving the breath of death.

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, as well as thirteen Pseudo-Shenzhen Great Consummation Powerhouses, all protect Li Lingtian not far from Li Lingtian's side. The 13 Pseudo-Shenjing Powerhouses are shocked to Li Lingtian's approach.

A strong man achieves such cultivation, and has such courage and heart, which is beyond the imagination of the human nature of the powerful martial arts continent.

The strong men in the Shenwu Continent all hang high without concern.

Now, Li Lingtian has rescued thousands of strong men, and he has also taken risks to solve the anger of death for these strong men.

What is called the strong, this is the strong, cultivated to be advanced, strong, and powerful, and will not lose human nature for a small gain or loss.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian does this, and he will never put these strong men in his eyes, because these strong men cannot threaten him.

The rescue of these powerful people is only for the same kind.

If other strong people would definitely not do this.


"Hoo, hoo!"

The air in the air is twisted, and the multicolored mask absorbs the air of death more and more quickly.

The speed of rotation of the Death Orb is also faster. When the Death Orb rotates, the world seems to rotate with it.

Seeing this situation, the thirteen pseudo-divine powerhouses all took a step back, because the strength of the death gas exceeded their resistance, and if they did not retreat, they could only be eroded and destroyed by the death gas.

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, both of them exude a faint power of demon, and they are not afraid of these death spirits.

The look on his face was calm, and his eyes were all on Li Lingtian, with a heart on Li Lingtian.

All the strong men are curious. They are curious about the appearance of Xiaobai and Li Lingtian. They are exactly the same. One is the male version of Li Lingtian and the other is the female version of Li Lingtian.

The cultivation practices of the two are exactly the same as the complete and perfect pseudo-realm, and they both exist against the sky.

The appearance is the same, the clothes are the same, even the charm on the face is the same, but Xiaobai has a little more softness and femininity, and the smile on the corner of the mouth is more gentle.

Time, one second and one second.

The expression on Li Lingtian's face was more and more dignified, and the gas of death was stronger than he had imagined.

Although there are death beads to absorb the death gas, his refined death gas has also reached a limit, and the death gas continues to ravage him.

If you go on like this, if you want to absorb the death of the strong people below, you can't absorb it at all.

"The Blade of Death."

With a light drink, the Blade of Death sacrificed out, and the Blade of Death was suspended in front of him, and the gas of death continuously entered the Blade of Death.

There are the Blade of Death and the Pearl of Death absorbing the gas of death at the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian's pressure has been reduced a lot.

"Death comes, compresses."

With the passage of time, the absorption of Death Qi by the Pearl of Death and the Blade of Death has also slowed down. Li Lingtian’s pressure is even stronger, because the Pearl of Death is already full of Qi of Death, and the Blade of Death is just a treasure. The absorption of death gas is also limited.

Looking at the dying air that was pouring in, Li Lingtian's face was constantly changing, and at the end, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. With one hand, a wave of light appeared in front of him.

The light cluster compressed by the gas of death, this light cluster is also a magical skill he came out of cultivation and enlightenment-death is coming.

However, it is now necessary to strengthen this death advent. Only by compressing the gas of death into the advent of death can the gas of death excluded from the body of the powerful below be refined.

Gradually, the light group in front of Li Lingtian became stronger and stronger.


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