War God Supreme

Chapter 1486: Ming Binger's...

The gas of death became stronger and stronger, and finally formed a huge light group.

The light group enveloped Li Lingtian inside, like a cocoon. Li Lingtian kept compressing and refining the gas of death in this light group, while the strong man in the multicolored light mask, the gas of death in the body kept losing At the same time, not only is the gas of death, but also the power of life and cultivation.

Finally, all the strong men fell to a state, and almost all of the death gas in the body was absorbed.

With the loss of Zhenyuan and Xiuwei, the expression on everyone's face was pale and weak, but there was no more breath of death on the face and more vitality.


Li Lingtian sighed in the light mass in the air, slowly refining and compressing all the gas that absorbed the death.

After half an hour, all the gas of death was disappeared by refining, the blade of death was put away, and the light mass of the gas of death was compressed into the pearl of death.

After doing everything, the look on his face gradually relaxed.

With one hand waving, the multicolored mask disappeared, and all the strong men appeared again in the air.

"Thank you Lord Lingtian."

"Thank you Lord Lingtian."

"Master Ling Tian's life-saving grace, the disciple will remember forever."

"Lord Tian's great grace, the younger generation will never forget."


After Li Lingtian landed, all the strongmen saluted Li Lingtian respectfully.

The look on his face is very sincere. If Li Lingtian does not appear this time, they will have to wait to die below.

Li Lingtian waved his hand, and thanked these powerful people for nothing.

There are no interest disputes now, and if there is an interest dispute, these powerful people will never remember any life-saving grace.

He saves these strong men only for his own heart, and at the same time gets the strength of death of these strong men to strengthen his own strength, only to use each other.

Wanting these strong men to repay their gratitude, he will definitely not be such a fool.

"You leave the domain of death."

"According to your current practice, there is no problem living for hundreds of years and thousands of years."

"However, if you want to give full play to the strength of your current state, you are just looking for death."

Li Lingtian glanced at everyone and said lightly.

The cultivation of these powerful men has fallen into a realm. As long as you don’t do it, it will not be a problem to live for hundreds of thousands of years, but if you exert the power that appears in the realm, you will find yourself dead.

In other words, the late pseudo-realm can only exert its strength in the middle of the pseudo-realm.

After finishing speaking, wave your hand and let these powerful men leave here quickly.

Afterwards, all the strongmen greeted Li Lingtian and steered the spacecraft to fly away.

The speed is faster than Li Lingtian's imagination, it seems that no matter what kind of strong man, the speed is the fastest when he escapes.

"Sir Ling Tian."

"I heard that Ling Tian had been to the Ming family when he was in Xuanzhou. I wonder if this happened?"

All the strong men left in succession, but a middle-aged strong man in the early stage of the pseudo-real world stayed. The expression on his face hesitated and changed several times before finally asking Li Lingtian.

When speaking, it looks very restrained.

It's like being afraid of Li Lingtian. Indeed, he had heard of Li Lingtian's methods, and now he has also witnessed Li Lingtian's defiance. Faced with such a strong man, he is naturally afraid.

"Ming Family?"

"There is a member of the Ming family here, why do you say that?"

Li Lingtian was stunned, and looked sharply at the strong man. This matter really has something to do with him.

Because Ming Yan'er of the Ming family has an older sister in Tianyu, there is no news to date.

Speaking of the Ming family, this strong man reminded him of Ming Yan'er's sister.

"In the next waiting for Liping, there is a nephew named Ming Binger."

"But Sister Sister was calculated by Xianyu Power, and Binger was also taken away."

"When Sister was dying, let me tell the people of Ming family about this matter, saying that she did not take good care of Binger."

Hou Liping saw Li Lingtian's sharp eyes, his body shivered, and his face was pale.

He congratulated on what he knew, and after he finished speaking, the whole person sighed with relief, as if relieved.

Li Lingtian listened to Hou Liping's words, the look on her face remained the same, but she was shocked.

I didn't expect that things might have changed. I originally wanted to find Ming Binger in Tianyu, but it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack in Tianyu. Now that there is news, something goes wrong, and things are really twists and turns.

As the consciousness moved, the space fluctuated a bit.

A Jiao Ying appeared not far from Li Lingtian. After seeing Li Lingtian, he came to Li Lingtian and saluted Li Lingtian.


"Sister Mingyue, Sister Xiaobai."

The person who came out was naturally Ming Yaner.

Ming Yan'er was puzzled, why his son told her to come out alone, although he was curious, but did not show it.

After saluting, he stood beside Li Lingtian, looking very clever.

Li Lingtian ignored Ming Yan'er and looked at Hou Liping all the time.

When Hou Liping saw Ming Yan'er, his face kept changing, and it took a long time to calm down.

"This this……"

"Master Lingtian, is she Bing'er or sister?"

Seeing Ming Yaner's appearance and charm, the look on Hou Liping's face changed, and suddenly Ming Yaner was regarded as Ming Binger, but when I thought about it carefully, there was some difference between this girl and her nephew, that is temperament.

Her teacher and nephew had a cold temperament and rejected thousands of miles away, and although the girl in front of her was exactly the same as her teacher and nephew, even the charm was the same, but the temperament was different. The girl had a more gentle and intimate feeling.

Moreover, this girl is obviously with Li Lingtian. When you think of this, you know that this girl is Ming Binger's sister. Otherwise, there can be no one like him in this world.

"Yes, Ming Bing'er, you should look like her."

Li Lingtian's eyes shifted from Hou Liping. With his consciousness and knowledge, he could naturally see that the strong man in front of him did not lie. It was really impossible to lie in front of him.

From the response of Hou Liping, it can be seen that Ming Binger looks exactly like Ming Yaner.

"Master Lingtian, Binger looks exactly like the fairy in front of me."

"Even Shen Yun is the same, is she really Bing's sister?"

Hou Liping looked at Li Lingtian's question and knew that Li Lingtian was testing him.

However, seeing Ming Yan'er's cultivation behavior, he was shocked. The people around Li Lingtian were all powerful people with a false sense of perfection.

This girl is Ming Bing's sister. They are the same age. Ming Bing'er is no more than the Wushen Realm, but Ming Bing's younger sister's pseudo-realm is fully completed. This is the gap.

"Tell Ming Binger about this."

Li Lingtian saw Ming Yan'er excited, reached out and patted on Ming Yaner's shoulder gently, a soothing smile appeared on his face.

"The master of Bing'er is Bing's Martial Soul. When he encountered Bing'er while traveling, he learned that Bing'er was Bing's, and he was poisoned by Xuanyin.

"Sister Sister is a cousin underneath. Although they rarely practice with each other, their relationship is not bad."

"A year ago, at the birthday feast of my father's millennium, the mysterious strongman came, planned for the sister, and took Binger away."

"When I left, I left a mysterious character, which was heard by some of my father's colleagues. This mysterious character represents the Xianyin Temple of Xianyu."

Hou Liping slowly told the story a year ago. The Hou family was only a small family in Tianyu.

When such a thing happened, the Hou family knew that the Ming family had a relationship with Lord Lingtian, the First Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, and thought of Li Lingtian, but when he went to Linglan Tiancheng, Li Lingtian and others had already left Linglan Tiancheng.

Finally, I inquired that Li Lingtian went to the Tianmu domain. Finally, with Li Lingtian's trail into the death domain, I did not expect to be caught as a miner after entering the death domain.

Counting, Hou Liping and Li Lingtian entered the death zone with their feet, but Li Lingtian confronted the four commanders in the formation, and Hou Liping was caught by the four commanders and thrown into the mine.


"Why don't you find this seat when this seat is in the sky."

"I will tell this seat after the accident."

After listening to Li Lingtian, seeing Yan Yaner's pale face suddenly raised a trace of anger in her heart.

With cold eyes, Zhao Houping looked at the past, and the air suddenly froze. The strange force of destruction was like crushing Hou Liping into ashes.

The thirteen pseudo-real world great consummates are all trembling, and their faces are uneasy.

This is the first time they have seen Li Lingtian anger. In their eyes, Li Lingtian is very gentle and a dashing character, but when he is angry now, it is completely discolored.


Hou Liping did not expect Li Lingtian to be angry. When he saw Li Lingtian's anger, the whole person trembled, and he knelt down involuntarily, prostrate on the ground, and dared not take a breath.

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian angry, knowing that Li Lingtian was really angry this time.

They all know that Li Lingtian's character will not be easily angry, but for the people around them, they can anger the devil for 30,000 miles.

The two reached out to pull Li Lingtian's arm and motioned for Li Lingtian to get angry.

Feel the movements of Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian's anger also slowly suppressed, reaching out and gently stroking Mingyaner's hair.


"All of the Hou Family's false **** realms entered the fairy realm. If one of them stayed in the heaven realm, they would all disappear."

"Go and find Ming Binger in Xianyu. Then Zhanzuo will go to Xianyu personally. If Mingbinger has a little problem, you'd better not let this Zeng see you.

Li Lingtian comforted Ming Yaner, turned to look at Hou Liping, and said coldly.

The voice is flat, but it is like an oracle.

"Farewell next."

"Master Ling Tian's order, the Hou family did not dare to violate it at all."

Hou Liping heard Li Lingtian's voice and quickly stood up and bowed back a few steps. After speaking, he flashed and left quickly, disappearing between heaven and earth in a blink of an eye.


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