War God Supreme

Chapter 1492: Charge the death knot...

"It's really the crystallization of death. www, .168."

"Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, at their speed, you want to come in here for a while."

A smile on Nangong Mingyue's face, her manners and demeanor, the whole person is very charming, coupled with noble and holy, it makes men all over the world crazy.

During the speech, he stepped back a few steps, and watched Li Lingtian's method of removing the crystal mask from afar.

Only by removing the crystal mask can the crystals of death inside be removed.

The crystal of death is the crystal formed by the gas of death and the essence of the gas of death. It is extremely powerful and magical.

If the strong cultivator of death gas gets this death crystal, he can use the death essence in the death crystal to impact the realm, but the general strong people dare not use it, because the power of this death crystal is too powerful, even if it is a false **** The powerhouse also bears the power that cannot be crystallized from death.

Death Crystal can not only help the strong to hit the bottleneck, but also a horrible treasure. The power in the Death Crystal can directly destroy the pseudo-God Realm strong, even if it is a semi-God Realm strong, even a careless one will be destroyed.

Similarly, the crystal of death can also be the precious material of alchemy and the material of the refiner.

More importantly, this crystal of death is rarely seen in this world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is unique.

It can be said that this crystal of death is more cherished than the unique ancient artifact. The strong usually prefer this crystal of death to the ancient artifact.

This time, countless powerful people are crystallized against this death.

They naturally would not have thought that while they were still in the Palace of Death, Li Lingtian was already moving this death crystal.

The Palace of Death, the real Palace of Death is this crystal palace, a total of six layers, each layer has a strong prohibition and formation, the same, each layer has treasures cherished.



Li Lingtian Shi directed the music to play, just like playing the piano.

The whole figure flickered and looked very chic, but the look on his face was dignified.

Because this crystal mask is very difficult to break, it is not forbidden by the general formation method at all.

Time, one second and one second passed, but no matter how changing Li Lingtian's law is, this crystal mask cannot be shaken, and this crystal mask is still repelling his law and breath.


At this moment, Li Lingtian's eyebrows stretched out, a smile appeared on his face.

The Dharma decision in the hand stopped, the consciousness moved, the orb of death was running, and with one hand, the orb of death appeared in the hand, and a powerful and strong breath of death emanated.

The orb of death appeared, trembling in the second floor of the crystal palace.

In the second floor, the gas of death is extremely strong. The gas of death in this place is almost in essence. After the death bead comes out, it suddenly merges with the gas of death here. Between the rotation of the bead of death, all death Qi also turned up with it.



Inside the crystal palace, there was a slight wind sound, and all the death gas turned with the death bead, forming a burst of airflow, and all the death gas was continuously absorbed by the death bead.

When absorbing the death gas here, it is completely different from the last time that the death gas of those strong people was absorbed. The death gas in this place is like being refined, and there is no impact on the death bead at all. .

Seeing this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face also changed, and he did not expect that the Pearl of Death began to take a look at the breath of death in this place.

It's impossible to stop, and he didn't want the Death Orb to stop, because the more Death Orb devours the gas of death, the stronger it will be.


The gas of death in the Crystal Palace gradually became thinner.

But at this time, a mysterious radiance radiated above the pearl of death, the mysterious radiance was extremely dazzling.

And this brilliance has a mysterious connection with the death crystal in the crystal mask, and they are connected with each other. For a time, the crystal mask was completely ignored.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's face showed a soothing smile. What he thought was almost the same as this. Sure enough, it was still the death pearl and the death crystal.

Even if there is no connection, at least the pearl of death has the same attributes as the crystal of death.



Gradually, the crystal mask gradually melted and dissipated like ice and snow, and the melting place was the mysterious radiance, which means that the mysterious radiance passed through the crystal mask.

In a blink of an eye, everything became so sudden.

Just as the crystal mask was pierced, the crystal of death suspended with the hole of the crystal mask.

Suddenly, a breath of death emanated from the bottom of my heart, and the entire second floor of the entire crystal palace was transformed into a blood-red color, exactly the same color as the death crystal, which looked mysterious and scary.

The dazzling light emanated from the crystal of death. For a time, the crystal palace also shook mysteriously, just like this crystal of death was the core organ of the crystal palace.

Looking at the crystallization of death, Li Lingtian and three people stared at him staring surprisedly.

At the same time, the six half-god powerhouses who had just entered the first floor of the Crystal Palace were shocked to see the blood-red light from the second floor, and their eyes showed greed.

"Crystal of death!"

"It's the crystallization of death."

"He has touched the crystal of death."

"The legendary first day array division is really powerful."

"Sky array division is the sky array division."

"The crystal of death was taken by him."

The five half-divine powerhouses and the demon king, looking at the light from the second floor, were all horrified and excited.

However, they are only on the first floor. If they want to reach the second floor, it is not so simple. If they want to go to the second floor, they have to go through the countless prohibitions and formations in the first floor.

And to enter the second layer, there is a transmission channel, you must open the transmission channel to enter the second layer.

Watching Li Lingtian bring the crystal of death out, the six super powers are all shocked and excited, and more greedy.

However, when thinking of Li Lingtian's reputation and strength, he was afraid.

Although Li Lingtian is only a strong man with a pseudo-real world consummation, but with Li Lingtian's reputation and cultivation as strength, he will not be afraid of the semi-godly real powerhouses, and the advantages of these strong people's minds will be completely invalid in front of Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian looked at the blood-red death crystals spinning in the air, and the look on his face was very excited.

This death crystal is better than imagined, and its power and quality are more magical than imagined. Even if you don’t use this death crystal to impact the bottleneck, but this death crystal has a great help for your cultivation strength.

At that time, if you make good use of this crystal of death, you will be able to bring yourself to the point of death to a magical level and become your own killer.

Thinking of this, the look on his face became happy.

Seeing the crystal of death constantly absorbing the gas of death here, Li Lingtian slowly waited, seeing that the gas of death here was almost absorbed, the consciousness moved, the consciousness controlled the pearl of death, and put the pearl of death away .

As soon as one-handed void is grasped, the crystal of death is caught in the hand. The slap-shaped diamond-shaped blood red crystal is exuding a mysterious and domineering atmosphere. No matter how you look, it is impossible to be an ordinary crystal.

Now, he also has no time to look at this death crystal, because the following strong men have quickly rushed here.

If they meet with these strong men, these strong men must be to kill him to seize the crystal of death.

Everyone is innocent and guilty of crimes. Most of the strong men who come here are for this death crystal, but now this death crystal falls into his hands, and naturally becomes the object of attack and kill.

Without any hesitation, the consciousness sacrificed a mysterious jade box.

The jade box put the crystal of death into it, and then several seals sealed the jade box together, and finally put it into the Netherworld Ring.

This Nether Ring is not the same as Death Qi, but it is similar.

Naturally, he would not put these things into the dragon ring and the heavenly treasure ring or the **** phoenix ring, and even less likely to fit into the holy ring.

"There is only one piece of death crystal in this world."

"I heard that death crystals can help the strong to hit the realm. It is this piece of death crystals that can be used hundreds of times."

Nangong Mingyue saw that Li Lingtian had collected his death crystals, and said.

Although she has always followed Li Lingtian, she has read many classics.

In general, they are practicing, or accompany Li Lingtian, or just reading some classics, and as time goes by, there is a lot of knowledge in their minds.

Even Li Lingtian does not necessarily know much about Nangong Mingyue.


"Crystal Death is for those who don’t have the Elixir, or for those who are half-god and higher, because they don’t have the powerful Elixir, they use such extreme items to stimulate themselves to hit the bottleneck and fight for life and death. A breakthrough was made in the hair."

"We have a panacea and don't use this death crystal."

"However, with this death crystallization, my death spirit will reach a more terrifying level~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian smiled, stretched his arms around Nangong Mingyue's slim waist, and kissed his lips on the forehead of Nangong Mingyue , Suddenly let Nangong Mingyue blush, after all, there is Xiaobai here on one side.

Although Xiaobai is a character like Li Lingtian's sister, she is also a sister.

But after all, Xiaobai was not Li Lingtian's woman. She was also embarrassed when Xiaobai was so intimate.

"Don't, just when I don't exist."

"Brother used to be intimate with Meier before me."

Xiaobai smiled when she saw Nangong Mingyue.

Speaking seriously, she was with Li Lingtian for the longest time. Naturally, when Li Lingtian was intimate with other girls, she was also present and naturally saw it.

However, at that time, Xiaobai was not transfigured, just like a pet. If Xiaobai transfigured, Li Lingtian would naturally not be intimate with other girls in front of Xiaobai. ()

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