War God Supreme

Chapter 1493: Death Beast

After Li Lingtian heard Xiaobai's words, the expression on his face was hard to look. *Issue*Think*Book*Academy*First*Send a hey, interesting college

This embarrassment made him almost self-confident.

"That was before you were unconverted, okay."

Looking at Xiaobai, Li Lingtian can only admit defeat. If he doesn't explain, other people will definitely regard Li Lingtian as some unscrupulous person, although Nangong Mingyue and others know his character and character.

But it is still bad to be misunderstood. After talking, I pinched it on Xiaobai's delicate and perfect face.

"Sister Bai, Ling Tian is intimate with them in front of you, are you still shy?"

Nangong Mingyue joked when she saw Xiaobai.

In front of her sister, she would not be shy at all.

Immediately, Xiaobai's joke came, and the second floor of the originally terrifying Crystal Palace became a bit ambiguous, and the three of them were much easier.

"Sister Mingyue, you."

"I heard my brother chased you for a long time before."

"Oh, I can't tell you, brother, you have to teach your lady well."

Xiao Bai Xiao blushed, but then thought, no matter what he said, he could not say that Nangong Mingyue had to give up. If he continued, he would definitely be the one who suffered.

However, he paid attention to Li Lingtian. When he was talking, the little hand held Li Lingtian's hand and kept shaking.


"Wait after leaving the Palace of Death, dare to bully my little white, hum!"

Li Lingtian was amused by Xiao Bai's appearance, and couldn't help laughing after he finished speaking.

Nangong Mingyue heard Li Lingtian's words, and suddenly her face flushed. She was the one who came, and naturally knew what Li Lingtian meant.

Immediately, Xianxianyu twisted around Li Lingtian's waist, let Li Lingtian Xiu become a deep strength, but now there is no defense at all.

However, I immediately felt the touch from the slim hands, and the pain disappeared instantly.

Looking at Nangong Mingyue, I saw Nangong Mingyue lowered his head, and his face was flushed.

Later, Li Lingtian took a short break and began to look at the formation organization on the second floor.

With the experience from the first floor, Li Lingtian soon fixed his eyes on the ground altar. If the crystal ground is not paid attention to, the pattern and the altar will not be seen at all.

In this crystal palace, although there are six floors inside, but if it comes inside, it is an independent world, with the sky above it, not the ground above.

If you want to go up, you can only go up from the ground pattern teleportation array, provided that you have the ability to open this teleportation array.

"The formation is getting harder and harder."

"This formation, although it's just a common formation, can be opened even by the average strong."

"But it's too expensive."

After Li Lingtian carefully looked at the pattern, he said lightly, the expression on his face was also very serious.

This formation is indeed simple, and it only requires a powerful array of strength.

To turn on this teleportation array, either it needs a powerful and terrifying real element, or it needs to be solved with a line.

In this world, everyone has everyone's strengths and strengths.

Li Lingtian is a celestial master, and the cultivator is a celestial master.

Other powerhouses will not be in battle, but they have a powerful true element.

"As a result, the following strong men will catch up with us faster."

"Unless we get up as soon as possible to get the treasure, otherwise we will be caught up."

"Five and a half gods, a demon saint king, the situation is not good."

After listening to Li Lingtian's words, Nangong Mingyue's face was serious and solemn. This matter was already in front of me. It was just a matter of time. I will definitely face six super powers.

Therefore, the only thing to do now is to go up first, take the treasure above, and then find a way to solve a few strong things.

"Yeah, there is no simple prohibition in this place, as long as the Wushen Powerhouse can open it."

"The following half-godly strong men, if one, I can still deal with it, but the few together, there is no way at all, can only take one step and one step."

Li Lingtian opened his mouth, showing dignity never seen before.

Seriously, he hasn't met a few demigod powerhouses, let alone contacted a demigod powerhouse.

Even if it's a hundred-mile sky blue with a semi-divine realm, there hasn't been a real battle. At that time, it was an escape.

When he met the four commanders, he also used tricks.

In other words, up to now, he has encountered a total of three semi-godly powerhouses. He has no understanding of the demigodry powerhouses, and he does not know the true strength of the demigodry powerhouses.

Not knowing the strength of the opponent is definitely a disadvantage to the war and has a certain impact on the war.

And now I have met six and a half **** powers at once, and there are still powerful interest disputes, and even one is the enemy of life and death. Under such circumstances, the natural situation is not good.

"Brother, you should open this place first."

"And, we destroyed this place, don't show traces."

"When we get to the top, we try to take out some treasures to show our strength, and the other party has some concerns."

Xiaobai groaned for a moment before finally speaking.

She was right. No one came in this death palace. I don’t know what treasures there are.

And as long as they remove the traces of this place, the strong people coming up below do not know if there are treasures. When they reach the top, as long as they take out some treasures, other strong people can’t easily do it, at least they will not fight in chaos. .

Moreover, when the time comes to show some killer skills that threaten the life of the demigods, the demise of a few demigods, even if they want to kill others, they must first consider the consequences.

"Well, you wait on the side first."

"I lift this prohibition."

Li Lingtian nodded, his brows spread out, and there was a smile on his face.

Immediately waving his hands, the powerful air of death will open the prohibition of the teleportation array.

This teleportation array can be opened with array method and power.

However, it is the fastest to open with the array method. Similarly, it can be opened with Zhenyuan, but there is no breath of death. After all, this place is the breath of death. In the Palace of Death, using Zhenyuan is simply yourself. Find yourself uncomfortable.



For a moment of kung fu, a gray light flashed above the teleportation array.

Looking at the light of the teleportation array, they all knew that the teleportation array was turned on. Li Lingtian stretched out his hand and pulled Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue on the teleportation array. The light above the teleportation array flickered, and finally the three were submerged in the light.

When the flash of light stopped, the three had reached the third floor of the Crystal Palace.

But when they came to the third floor, the expressions on the three people's faces changed, and the whole body's horrible cultivation burst into strength.

Because there is a huge death beast in the third floor of the crystal palace.

The holy beast level exists, which is called the demigod.

Ten meters long and three meters high, the whole body exudes a terrifying breath of death. The demon's power and death gas exploded at this time, and huge eyes stared at Li Lingtian's three people as if they were to devour Li Lingtian.


Seeing the appearance of Li Lingtian and the three, the death beast suddenly roared.

The sound rang, deafening, and at the same time, a crushing coercion crushed, and the death force crushed the three men mercilessly, as if they were to crush the three to ashes.

"Xiaobai, you are on the side, and I will deal with it with Mingyue."

Li Lingtian saw that Xiaobai wanted to start, and quickly stopped it.

At this time, Xiaobai is the most powerful, and naturally cannot be injured by a dead beast.

Now, save Xiaobai's strength, and when other strong players come up, Xiaobai will play a powerful advantage.

Besides, although this death beast is equivalent to the human semi-divine powerhouse, it is far away from the human semi-divine powerhouse, because the death beast has no treasure, no powerful IQ, and no human cunning.

Therefore, the powerful death beast is better than the powerful human demigod.

After hearing Li Lingtian's words, Xiaobai expanded his strength, but he didn't do it.

Nangong Mingyue started, and the power of the destructed Divine Phoenix was displayed.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue glanced at each other, and the terrifying spirit of the Phoenix was displayed.

The power of the Divine Phoenix and the Power of the Divine Phoenix, two kinds of ancient coercion were exerted to their extremes at this time. Both of them were great perfect pseudo-real powers, and their cultivation strength reached a terrifying level.

At the same rank, their great perfection pseudo-realm is not far from half-god.

Moreover, the power of the gods and gods and phoenixes of the two were passed down from the noble race of the ancients. In the face of this death beast, not only did they not have the slightest fear, but a strong fighting spirit rose.

"Phoenix is ​​flying!"

"Phoenix cracks!"

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue showed off the magical power of the Phoenix family.

These supernatural powers are natural supernatural powers of the Phoenix family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The higher the cultivation level, the more powerful and powerful the supernatural powers of Phoenix.

Two huge phoenixes and phoenixes are suspended in the air, and the breath of flames ruining the heavens and earth destroys the entire third floor of the crystal palace. This breath of flames is like melting the heavens and the earth.

The rich death gas in the space is constantly torn apart, almost into the real death gas, trembling in front of the breath of flame.


Seeing Li Lingtian's attack, the death beast roared continuously.

The power of the holy beast that destroys the earth is displayed, and each attack carries the air of death, full of pure air of death.

For a moment, two phoenixes and a huge death beast kept fighting, and the entire crystal palace could not help shaking and shaking, as if it was about to collapse and collapse at any time.

Xiaobai watched carefully on the side and protected the two. As long as the two were in the slightest danger or were not right, she would immediately rescue the two. ()

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