War God Supreme

Chapter 1494: Phoenix Supernatural Power...

"Phoenix magical power-Shenyan!"

Shenfeng was suspended in the air, and the power of the destruction of Shenfeng exploded to the extreme.

Just a few strokes of Phoenix magical powers could not hurt this death beast, so Li Lingtian was shocked and shocked by the defense and strength of the death beast. I did not expect that the death beast was bombarded by the power of the two people, and there was no harm.

Seeing this situation, Shen Ling, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, glanced at Nangong Mingyue, and at the same time, the two made a sound of Fengming, and the flames that destroyed the heavens and earth were working.

The Phoenix is ​​a fire by nature, a noble fire, a fire of destruction, and burns the fire of all things in the world. After the state reaches the completeness of the false **** realm, the Phoenix magical power has reached a terrible level.

This is also the reason why he let Nangong Mingyue stay outside. With the help of Nangong Mingyue, the two teamed up to display the Phoenix magical power, which is definitely a killer skill that destroys the world.

Power of Divine Phoenix Power of Divine Phoenix, plus the power of Divine Phoenix and Divine Phoenix, the power of destroying the heavens and the earth unfolds at this time.

All of a sudden, the third floor of the entire crystal palace was filled with flames of destruction.

The flames have formed countless phoenixes. The phoenix circulates in the air, and hundreds of flame phoenixes flood the entire palace, just like destroying this palace with the power of flames.

But in a moment of kung fu, all the flame phoenixes turned into two huge phoenixes, one divine phoenix and one divine phoenix.

Both Shenhuang and Shenfeng merged together, and the phoenix disappeared suddenly. In exchange for the flame of destruction, Shenyan carried the power of God, that is, divine power, the power of the true God.



Suddenly, the flame of destruction bombarded the dead beast.

The whole process seems to be a long time, but the real time is only in the blink of an eye.

In a blink of an eye, Shenyan has bombarded the death beast. The horror of Shenyan is beyond the death beast's imagination, and also beyond Li Lingtian's imagination.

I saw the death beast growl, and there was a desperate look in his eyes, but there was no slight resistance, and there was almost no resistance, not no, but too late to resist.

The flame of destruction bombarded the death beast, the death beast erupted instinctively, and the death halo erupted.

After a muffled sound, the flame of destruction penetrated through the air of death. After the huge body of the death beast trembles, it was transformed into ashes by the flame of the death beast, and it truly became a dead beast.

The air of death and destruction in the air spread to the third floor of the Crystal Palace, and then slowly calmed down until the flame of flame disappeared.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue turned into deities, and the look on their faces was shocked.

Neither of them thought that the power of Shenyan had reached such a level that it was beyond imagination.

Although the two have always used this trick as a killer, preparing to use the **** flame to threaten the demigod powerhouse, but did not expect Shen flame to be so terrifying.

Under one blow, even the half-death level of death beasts have no resistance at all.

But soon the two realized that Shenyan was supported by divine power and was naturally terrifying.

Both realms have reached the peak of the pseudo-god realm. Although it is not a semi-god realm, some aspects have surpassed the semi-god realm and approached the true god.

The gods and phoenixes are all true gods. With divine power and flames, all kinds of ruinous fusion of heaven and earth have reached a level of horror beyond imagination.

Shen flame destroys the death beast of the half **** level, the air gradually calms down.


The two sighed at the same time, shocked by their own means.

But both faces were happy, with smiles on the corners of their mouths.

"I didn't expect that the power of the two of you to display the flames is so horrible, it really is a union."

Xiaobai is also shocked by the power of the two, and with a shock and smile in her eyes, she said to them.

Although he knew the power and horror of Nangong Mingyue, he did not expect it to be so strong that the Dragon and Phoenix families were indeed the most powerful race in the world.

I also understood why Li Lingtian let Nangong Mingyue help him outside. It turned out that it was not so simple to let Nangong Mingyue serve him, but the power of the two teamed up to destroy the world.

"Envy, envy."

"My brother and I were originally husband and wife."

Nangong Mingyue heard Xiaobai say this, and his heart was suddenly sweet.

Now that she also knows her strength, the two teamed up is absolutely ruined. In this way, she can really help Li Lingtian and help Li Lingtian. It is her happiest thing.


"You are my brother's lady, my brother's is mine."

"Giggle, giggle!"

The expression on Xiao Bai's face was stunned, and then he hummed.

But as soon as Meimu's eyes rolled, she said happily, and when she had finished speaking, she laughed, like a silver bell.

When Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue heard Xiaobai's words, they suddenly stunned. They didn't expect Xiaobai to say such words and were choked by Xiaobai's words.

However, instead of saying anything to Xiaobai, he opened his eyes and looked at it here.

The third floor of the Crystal Palace is the same as the first and second floors, exactly the same.

In the center of the Crystal Palace, there is a crystal step, an altar of teleportation array, and a crystal mask.

The only difference is that in this crystal mask, there is no longer a crystal of death, but a gray plant two feet high. The gray plant grows in a rich liquid of death, without roots, but it is very stable.

There are seven gray flowers growing on the gray plants. Although the flowers are gray, they look amazing.

I don't know how many thousands of years this flower has existed. It's time to bloom.

Moreover, in the middle of this plant, there are seven fist-sized gray fruits, which exude a mysterious and attractive luster.

Seeing all this, Li Lingtian was completely dumbfounded, and the look on his face kept changing, as if he had seen a ghost, and then the look on his face became excited and surprised.

It's like seeing a peerless baby.

"Flower of death!"

"The fruit of death!"

"I didn't expect it to be the flower of death and the fruit of death."

"It takes no effort to break through iron shoes and find nowhere."

Li Lingtian said to herself, the look on her face was amazed and excited, her body could not help shaking, these excitement and shaking.

As the master of the Divine Martial Continent of the Divine Martial Master, seeing the extinct material that can refine ten anti-celestial elixirs, it is naturally impossible to be excited. Seeing these two things is like seeing a peerless treasure.

Yes, the objects in this crystal mask that are several times larger than the second and first crystal palaces are the flower of death and the fruit of death.

Even if he has never seen the flower of death and the fruit of death, but with his knowledge and experience, and the description of the blood moon, he has determined in his heart that this is the flower of death and the fruit of death.

The ten geniuses, treasure treasure refining the feather feather, finally saw the flower of death and the fruit of death.

It's like witnessing a miracle, because he doesn't believe that there are these things in this world, but after seeing them, let him know that they really exist, and naturally he is happy.

It's like a warrior who doesn't know that there is a true **** in this world. After seeing the true god, he must be happy in his heart.

Seeing the flower of death, I saw a glimmer of hope.

"This is the flower of death and the fruit of death?"

"Although it seems plain, it gives a mysterious and inexplicable temptation."

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian's face change, and when they heard Li Lingtian's words, they all immediately turned their attention to the crystal mask and became curious about the flower of death and the fruit of death in the crystal mask.

They all said openly, and the expression on their faces was also surprised. They didn't expect this to be the flower of death and the fruit of death.

"Not bad."

"This is the flower of death and the fruit of death."

"And looking at this year, the fruit of death has been a million years old, and the flower of death is also opened once in a million years."

"Seven flowers of death, and seven fruits of death, this is the number of death."

Li Lingtian nodded conscientiously, and had already determined the flower of death and the fruit of death.

The look on his face is serious and solemn, because after seeing two cherished objects now, we must find a way to take them away, and we must make sure that the flower of death and the fruit of death can not be moved at all, so that nothing will happen. .

Moreover, the following strong men will also come up.

Although it takes a little longer for the first floor to enter the second floor, it does not take much time for the demigod powerhouse, and the time from the second floor to the third floor is even shorter.

They have now entered the second floor, which is faster than Li Lingtian expected.

If you don’t take away the flower of death and the fruit of death now, and when the other powerful people arrive, you will be able to get some, but only one-seventh.

Being able to get all of it by one person, but only one-seventh in the end, is naturally a bad mood.

If other items are forgotten, but this flower of death and the fruit of death, in this Shenwu Continent, only he can refining the elixir, if it is wasted by other people, for a **** For Master Dan, it is undoubtedly a shame.

Thinking of this~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian turned around this crystal step.

This crystal stair is integrated with this crystal palace. If you destroy this crystal stair, you will spur this crystal palace. When it is destroyed, you and others will vanish in a blink of an eye.

Such things, he naturally does not want to see.



After a full ten minutes, Li Lingtian stopped, and the look on his face was bland and relaxed.

With a wave of one hand, the air of death was displayed, and the pearl of death was suspended in front of it.

Suddenly, the bead of death constantly absorbs the gas of death, just like the situation of the second layer, the bead of death absorbs the gas of death of this third layer.

The orb of death constantly rotates, and the death gas forms a stream of ruined death. The third floor of the entire crystal palace seems to turn with it. ()

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