War God Supreme

Chapter 1495: The flower of death,...

The continuous rotation of the death orb will devour devastating death gas. *Intention*thinking*book*school*first*post

The gas of death on the third floor of the Crystal Palace is becoming thinner and weaker as time goes by.

At this time, Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, a mysterious legal decision point on the death orb.

Suddenly, a radiance radiated from the Death Orb, and the radiance shone toward the crystal mask.



A subtle sound appeared, the crystal mask was melted in front of the radiance of the death orb, and the crystal mask disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Just as the crystal mask disappeared, a more terrifying air of death erupted.

And this qi of death seems to have spirituality, or a certain consciousness, and rushed towards Li Lingtian fiercely, as if to destroy Li Lingtian.

This is the breath of death of the flower of death and the fruit of death. This breath is no weaker than the crystal of death, and even more innumerable.

More importantly, this flower of death and the fruit of death were condensed and bred with the gas of death. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is more powerful than the crystal of death.

Feeling the destruction of death and the consciousness of death, a trace of enlightenment flashed in Li Lingtian's mind.

The remnant of the **** of death runs, and the remnant greets the death consciousness.

The invisible battle ended in an instant, and the seemingly eliminating the invisible awareness of death was weak, but it was terrifying to the extreme, and it was also extremely dangerous. If Li Lingtian had the remnant of the death god, he would be destroyed before this one.

The consciousness of death disappeared and the look on Li Lingtian's face was pale and weak. Just this moment, the whole person had a battle with the **** of death and wandered back from Guimenguan.

After the consciousness attack of the flower of death and the fruit of death, there is no slight threat to Li Lingtian, and a familiar breath is felt in Li Lingtian, and the flower of death and the fruit of death are quiet.

However, the terrifying and intense air of death flooded this space, and Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue's two daughters only had the power to defend against the air of death.


Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, a resolute look flashed on her face, as if she had made a difficult decision.

Immediately after the consciousness moved, with one hand, the plant above the crystal step slowly left the step, and even the liquid of death in the crystal mask of the step floated.

At this time, a crystal box about a meter in size appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

This crystal box is almost the same as the crystal mask, but this crystal box does not have the slightest gas of death. However, at this time, Li Lingtian displayed the terrifying gas of death, protected the plants with the gas of death, and transplanted the plants to Inside the crystal box, the liquid of death also entered the box.

At the same time, the consciousness mobilized the crystal box and moved towards the meditation ring.

The crystal box disappeared in the end, and when it appeared again, it was already in the Dark Ring.

Li Lingtian's consciousness was observed in the Mingshen Ring, and finally the dignified expression on his face gradually relaxed, and even a hint of smile appeared.

Because, all he had to do was to transplant this plant and transplant it into the Ring of Hades. If the transplant failed, the flower of death and the fruit of death would disappear.

Without the flower of death and the fruit of death, there is no chance to refine the Feathered Pill.

That is to lose this opportunity forever, he is betting on his chances of success and failure. If he loses, he doesn’t have to think about the feather of Danhua. If he succeeds, he will solve the fruit of death and the flower of death. Storage issues can even turn this plant into your own personal belongings.

Now, he succeeded, and the transplantation of the flower of death and the fruit of death was successful.

There is no slight change in the meditation ring, and although there is yin and qi in the meditation ring, although the yin and qi are different from the qi of death, they have little effect.

Moreover, Li Lingtian opened up an independent space inside the meditation ring. There is no slight air of Yin and Ming in this space. On the contrary, it is filled with the air of death.

In this way, the plant can settle in the Hades.

After doing everything, Li Lingtian was relieved.

The whole process looks easy, but for Li Lingtian, it is even more uncomfortable than facing a half-god powerhouse.

After all, he is the Divine Pill Master, the No. 1 Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent. What a pain it would be if he lost the opportunity to refine the Shipin Feathered Pill.



At this time, there was a muffled noise inside the crystal palace.

The three obviously felt the slight trembling of the Crystal Palace, the trembling and muffled feeling, the look on Li Lingtian’s face changed, because they knew that the sound and trembling was that the strongman below was turned on with the powerful repair Prohibited.

In other words, in a very short time, the following demigod powerhouse will come to the third floor.

"They are coming up."

There was a dignified look on Xiaobai's face.

Although I can't see the following situation, I can think of a situation where six half-magic realm teamed up to open the ban.

The six and a half **** powerhouses naturally don’t want to see themselves behind a false godland power butt, and watching the fake godland powerhouses take the treasure in front of them, it is naturally angry.

Although he was injured during the war with the three commanders, and flew here with all his strength, exhausting their real elements, it was unwilling to think of a false **** realm to take the treasure in front of them.

"It looks like they are coming up soon."

"Ling Tian, ​​otherwise we will show the magical power of space hidden here and wait for them to go up."

Nangong Mingyue also spoke and said seriously to Li Lingtian.

The strong guys below are all demigods.

If it is a half-deity, they are not really afraid, but the six half-deaths are strong, they have no chance to fight back. Seeing this situation, they have to hide in this place and let a few half-deities. The strong go up first.

After talking, I looked at Li Lingtian, to see what decisions and methods Li Lingtian had.

"You stare a little first."

"I use the line to start this teleportation."

When Li Lingtian was speaking, there was no slight delay, and his figure flashed to the front of the teleportation array. With a sense of consciousness, the divine array was displayed.

The golden light flashed continuously in the air, and between Li Lingtian's ten-finger fingers, a series of laws and regulations were displayed.

The decree continued to shoot down on the Divine Array. The Divine Array also shook slightly. The golden light became more and more intense, and the dazzling light made the woman blind.

When Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian, they looked at the sky seriously. If the six and a half gods came up, they would try to contain them. Although there was no chance to contain them, Also try your best.



Bursts of law and order brought a breeze, and the air of death swirled in the air.

The golden light of the Divine Array is getting stronger and stronger, and finally it is like the vast golden light of the blazing sun shining on the third floor of the crystal palace.

At this time, a ray of light radiated from the teleportation array, which corresponded to the golden light, and the ray of the teleportation array became stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai smiled on their faces, because the teleportation array had already been opened.

As long as the teleportation array is turned on, they will be able to enter the fourth floor. As for the other strong men, they will be temporarily left on the third floor. Other things will be said at the time. At least they will not be encountered by a few strong men now.

However, just when the two were happy, the look on their faces suddenly became difficult to look at.

Because at this time there was a breath of powerful destruction in the air. At this time, the breath of destruction, even a fool, understands what is going on. It is not that the six and a half gods have come up.

The space trembled and fluctuated, and six figures appeared in the sight of three people.

The atmosphere of ruined heaven and earth was crushed towards the three people, as if they were to be crushed into ashes.

The coercion and momentum of the demigods are extremely terrifying, and six simulants appear at the same time. This coercion and momentum can be imagined. Seeing the figures of the six men and the expression on the faces of the three Horrified.


Influenced by Li Lingtian's body, he awakened the shocked Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue.

After hearing Li Lingtian's voice, Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue didn't hesitate at all, their bodies disappeared in place, and when they appeared again, they came to Li Lingtian's side, and the three stepped into the light of the teleportation array.

Seeing the three enter into the teleportation array, the look on the faces of the six and a half divine powerhouses changed, and the flashing figure also followed into the teleportation array.


But Li Lingtian and the three broke out a devastating attack, bombarded towards the flying body.

The destructive power exerted by the three people at the same time makes the flying figure forcefully stop in the air.

Just under this meal, the teleportation array has started to rotate, and the intense light has formed a space-time channel, and it disappears in a blink of an eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Six half-god powerhouses stay in the third floor to roar Roaring, it looks ugly to the extreme.


I watched Li Lingtian and others enter the fourth floor again. The treasures in the first three floors were all searched by Li Lingtian, and they could only watch from behind.

Now I finally arrived on the fourth floor, and I met Li Lingtian, but it was a second late.

Moreover, if it were not Li Lingtian's attack, they also followed the teleportation to the fourth floor.

The powerful half-god realm was blocked by the pseudo-god realm. This insult was really furious.

But the thought of Li Lingtian's cultivation as a strength, and that lofty status, also made several half-godly strong men feel dreaded.

You know, Li Lingtian is the No. 1 Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent. The first day array division has a very high status in the Shenwu Continent. It is almost the supreme supremacy of the Supreme. Even the semi-Divine Realm Powerful should also be polite and not dare to provoke three points. ()

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