War God Supreme

Chapter 1496: Purple Thunder Celestial Array

But at this place, they will not care about their status for the sake of treasure. Mobile phone read www,. 168.

They only care about strength and means. However, they thought about Li Lingtian’s reputation and strength, as well as the fact that he had heard of Li Lingtian’s extermination of the Four Commanders.

Now, Li Lingtian has been hated into the bones.

Looking at the disappearing teleportation array, the faces of the six and a half gods were full of anger.

Without any hesitation, the figure flashed and landed in front of the teleportation array. A powerful group of real elements were displayed, and they wanted to open the teleportation array and enter the fourth floor.

They don't want to watch Li Lingtian own the treasure on the fourth floor.

What's more, just after sending the array, I believe that even if Li Ling's Tiantian division's means, it may not be possible to quickly obtain the fourth-tier treasure. As long as he catches up now, he can shoot when Li Lingtian takes the treasure.


However, Li Lingtian naturally thought of the six and a half gods.

Thinking that the following demigod powerhouses are definitely going to fight for time, they have just launched an attack against the six demigod powerhouses, and have offended the other party, and there is no room for a little work.

After they come up, they must be attacked.

The fourth floor is definitely more difficult than the previous one. Even if you are a Sky Array divisionist, if you want to take the treasure from the fourth floor and enter the fifth floor, it will take a long time.

The strong men below these times have come up long ago.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian was solemn.

When he first entered the fourth floor, Li Lingtian hurriedly let Nangming Mingyue and her two girls give way.

"Xiaobai, Mingyue, prepare the two of you."

"I will prohibit the formation of the law here, and when they come in, they will be directly locked in the prohibition."

"This way, you can buy us time."

Just after Li Lingtian teleported to the fourth floor, he did not even look at the situation in this place.

Immediately began to practice formation, no matter what, even if this place is dangerous, there is no danger of six half gods.

Moreover, when he came here, he was shocked that this place is not the gas of death, but the extremely rich fairy gas. Although the richness of the fairy gas is not as good as the Jiutian Temple of the Jiutian God City, the richness of this fairy gas is The air of death from the third floor is much stronger.

There is a rich fairy gas in the death palace, and there is no slight death gas in this fairy gas, which is simply unimaginable.

Moreover, there is a powerful death beast on the third floor, but there is no threat in this place.

Feeling that it was safe for the time being, Li Lingtian was at ease.

After finishing talking, the Tiandao Roulette Festival was released.

After the Tiandao roulette festival came out, plus the fairy spirit here, Li Lingtian's hands continued to be displayed, and the heavenly air in the Tiandao roulette exuded.


What shocked Li Lingtian was the fairy spirit of this place.

The rich fairy qi exceeded his imagination, and he was equally happy. Fortunately, this place is fairy qi. If the death qi, it will be much harder to cast the heavenly roulette.

This is luck. When faced with danger and want to cast a formation, this place happens to be immortal.

I was happy and shocked in my heart, but there was no slight slack in my hand, and mysterious laws were displayed.

Suddenly, the methods of the Sky Array Master were fully exerted to the fullest.

Mysterious ancient **** arrays were displayed at this time. For a moment, hundreds of ancient **** arrays appeared in the fourth floor of the crystal palace.

Both Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue also watched carefully, protecting Li Lingtian.

Although this place seems to be safe without threats, some potential threats cannot be found at this place, so even if it is safe, they dare not care.

In ten minutes, more than 300 ancient **** arrays were displayed.

More than three hundred ancient **** arrays appeared near the teleportation array. With Li Lingtian’s path cultivation practice, as long as the other party came up through the teleportation array, they would be pulled by his ancient divine array, trapping these incoming strong men in the ancient divine array. .

Even if six half-divine powerhouses enter the ancient **** array, they will be temporarily trapped. As long as they can trap these powerhouses for a while, he will have the opportunity to take the treasures here and then go to the fifth floor.

After everything is done, the final law is displayed.




At the time when the final decree was cast, a horrified thunder and muffled noise appeared.

More than three hundred ancient **** arrays are linked together, interlocking, and become a super-destructive super ancient **** array. This kind of formation, even if the semi-god powers see it, is shocked.

Moreover, this formation has a terrifying power of attack. As long as the formation is forcibly bombarded within it, the force of terror will erupt.

This is also Li Lingtian specially prepared for the six half-divine realm strong, half-divine realm means against the sky, terrifying strength, if you see trapped by the formation, you must tear the formation.

Above the formation, a purple arc flashed, Li Lingtian looked at the purple arc on his face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is Purple Thunder Celestial Array?"

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue looked at the formation, and looked at Li Lingtian with a puzzled look on their small faces.

"Not bad."

"One of these formations is the Purple Thunder Celestial Array."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, in the ancient formation method, there was a terrifying Destructive Array called the Purple Thunder Celestial Array. This formation had no defense at all, but it was the main attack. The Purple Thunder attack destroyed the world.

I believe that even the strongest demigods will be disgraced.

"Brother, you are getting worse."

Xiaobai looked at Li Lingtian and smiled on the beautiful face.

Nangong Mingyue also laughed. Although this formation could not destroy the demigod powerhouse, the pseudo-moodframe powerhouse would have to vanish, even the demigodland powerhouse would be miserable.

"No way."

"Hopefully these formations can stop these powerful demigods more."

"You guys are watching, I will look at this place first."

Li Lingtian shook his head, and then began to look at the fourth floor of the palace.

It's not too short to be here, but I don't have the opportunity to look at the situation in this place.

After all, it is important to stop the other strong men first, otherwise, even if you look at it clearly, the other half-godly strong men come here, and the three of you will be in danger.

His eyes glanced around, and his consciousness looked at the crystal palace with a radius of a hundred miles.

Soon, everything in this place was clearly observed. This place is exactly the same as the third floor.

A crystal step, there is nothing else.

However, the difference between this place and the third floor is that this place is immortal. The third floor is full of death gas, and the fairy gas in this place is more intense than the death gas in the previous three floors.

In the center of the crystal steps, there is a crystal mask. Inside the crystal mask, there are Li Lingtian's heart-trembling items.

A piece of milky white diamond crystal, a magical plant, with ten milky white flowers growing on it, and ten magical fruits, all of which are incomparable and give a strong temptation.

More importantly, everything in this crystal stair is with a strong life force.

A powerful vitality is born in it, just like the dead can also be resurrected in front of this diamond crystal.

Seeing crystals and fruits, and flowers, Li Lingtian's face changed constantly.

"Crystal life!"

"Flower of life!"

"The fruit of life!"

Li Lingtian said to herself, the expression on his face kept changing.

His heart was shocked. In his life, the items and treasures that can shock him can only be said to be few.

However, coming to the death palace shocked him several times.

The first time is the death crystal and the flower of death, and the fruit of death.

Now come here and see the crystal of life and the flower of life, as well as the fruit of life. Such treasures can be called peerless in Shenwu Continent.

Not to mention that the entire world is extinct, but in Shenwu Continent, there is absolutely only this place with these things.

Shipin Yuhuadan, ten kinds of genius Dibao medicinal herbs, finally saw four of them.

And also got the crystal of death and the crystal of life.

The crystal of life and the crystal of death, perhaps he does not need to be used to attack the bottleneck of martial arts, but it is of great help to his cultivation behavior. It can be said that these two things fall in his hands, compared to the value of other powerful players. It's going to be large.

Because, his undead body and the power of life, and the power of death, these two things are needed.

If he could integrate the crystal of life and the crystal of death, his undead body and the power of life would be more powerful, to an unimaginable level of horror.

"This is the legendary flower of life and fruit of life!"

"It's really magical. In this crystal of life, although it is forbidden, it can feel the powerful life force."

Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai were shocked when they heard Li Lingtian's words.

Although the two of them have seen the contents of this crystal mask, they probably understand what this thing is.

However, Li Lingtian said it differently, because Li Lingtian's knowledge and experience ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and the cultivation methods will not make this thing wrong.

"It is the fruit of life and the flower of life."

"The crystal of life did not expect to survive in the palace of death, and the position is one level higher than the fruits of death."

"It is beyond imagination."

"Wow, shout!"

Li Lingtian nodded and replied.

But just after I finished speaking, I heard a wave of air distortions in the Crystal Palace.

At the same time, a ray of light appeared in the air, and six figures appeared in the light.

These six figures are not who the six half-divine powerhouses are.

He did not expect that these demigods came so fast, which exceeded his expectations, but fortunately, after he came up, the formation was cast out. If the delay is one cent, the formation will not be set. Things It's troublesome. ()

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