War God Supreme

Chapter 1497: Temple of Death 4...

After being sent from the teleportation array, the six half-real powers were introduced into the array by the mysterious light.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's heart calmed down a little bit, and he naturally had strong confidence in the ancient **** array he had built. As long as these strong men entered the ancient **** array, they could temporarily be trapped for a while.


After Dongfang Shengtian waited for the teleportation, there was an excited look on his face.

Because in the afterglow of sight, I saw that Li Lingtian and the three did not start to take the treasure. The treasure was still in the crystal mask on the crystal steps.

Seeing this situation, I feel a little more balanced in my heart, because the more you go to the top, the more powerful the treasures appear to be. This is the inertia of the world, and the more places where the treasures are stored, the more powerful they are.

Naturally, the Crystal Palace in the Palace of Death has a total of six floors, and the more treasures above it, the better.

The treasures in the first three floors were taken away by Li Lingtian before they saw them. Now they came to the fourth floor. When they saw the treasures intact, they felt much better.

As long as the treasures of the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors are not taken away by Li Lingtian, the treasures in the first three layers are nothing.

However, just after seeing the situation of Li Lingtian and others, he suddenly found something was wrong.

Because after the teleportation, the light of teleportation in space was suddenly pulled. Although it was only a simple traction, it changed the trajectory of their landing. When they found it, they and others had already entered a mask array.

Found this situation, shocked.

Now, even a fool knows that Li Lingtian, the Divine Martial Artist on the first day of the continent, moved his hands and feet. This formation was specifically built for them.

"Li Lingtian, hateful!"

"Junior, dare to calculate the deity."

"Li Lingtian, look for death."

"Damn, damn, **** extremely."

"Junior, you are so abominable."

Suddenly, five people from Dongfang Shengtian scolded, the anger on the face of the Heavenly Demon Saint King was staring coldly at Li Lingtian.

However, no matter how angry they are, they dare not mess up with this formation.

They are super strong, have surpassed the martial arts, surpassed the pseudo-god, and become a demigod.

The power is terrifying, the means is terrifying.

However, in the face of the mythical Celestial Master, they dare not carelessly, because they might attack the formation when they are angry, maybe they just hit the Celestial Master’s tricks, such things, they don’t want to do it a second time. .


"Be restless, restless."

"Temporarily stay in the formation, and then you will be released from this seat."

"Alternatively, you can attack this formation. Everyone is a semi-divine powerhouse, and the existence of gods will naturally not care about this small formation in this area."

"Genre, grace, grace!"

Li Lingtian turned around and looked at the six half-real powers in the formation, a faint smile appeared on his face, his expression was light and windy, his mouth was wide, and his voice came out.

A faint voice passed into the formation, and came to the six half gods.

At the end, the right hand waved dashingly, calmly and calmly.


"Giggle, giggle!"

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance and actions, Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai couldn't help laughing anymore, and the flowers were trembling.

They didn’t expect Li Lingtian to be so humorous. At this time, after trapping the six and a half gods in the formation, they also asked the other party to be restless and to pay attention to the demeanor. Isn’t this a mad rhythm? .

Before, they had never seen Li Lingtian so humorous, but now they found that Li Lingtian's humor all laughed.

However, a fake **** realm not only does not escape in the face of the half **** realm, but instead teases the half **** realm strongman, but also a fake **** realm teases the six horrible half **** realm strongmen.

I believe that in this world, Li Lingtian is alone, and only he can do it.

Artists are bold, and only with powerful means and strength to dare to face the semi-godly strong.

"Li Lingtian, are you looking for death?"

"If the formation is removed now, the deity guarantees that it will not do anything to you."

Dongfang Shengtian was so popular that he wanted to take Li Lingtian away, but this time, he couldn't do it.

As soon as they were seriously injured, Zhenyuan was exhausted, and if they went it alone, they were not sure to defeat Li Lingtian.

Secondly, Li Lingtian's power and horror began to hear that Ling Yunsong and others said that Li Lingtian's killing of the four commanders was all about Li Lingtian's terror and power.

If they really started with Li Lingtian, none of them would be fully sure when they were in their heyday.

What's more, they were seriously injured, and Zhenyuan was almost exhausted. If they were trapped and tortured again by this formation, it would be an injustice.

"court death?"

"You have found the wrong person. If you are in front of other false gods, you are still a character."

"But, in front of this seat, hehe."

"Furthermore, are you a fool in this position? Is your IQ low, or is your IQ low?"

"This is the most unlikely request that I have seen here."

Li Lingtian glanced at Dongfang Shengtian, and his eyes were disdainful. The look at Dongfang Shengtian looked like an idiot.

It is an idiot to make such a request.

Did they think of him Li Lingtian as an idiot, or were they idiots?

After that, he turned and walked slowly towards the crystal steps, his eyes kept looking at the crystal steps.

Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai both looked at the formation to protect Li Lingtian.

Although it is said that there are formations that trap six and a half gods, but after all, these six people are all half gods, and any one can kill Li Lingtian.

Now the six are gathered together, Li Lingtian offended them all, the situation is really not very good.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the formation is, it does not bring them a little sense of security. Only staring at these strong men will be relieved a little.




As Li Lingtian walked towards the crystal steps, Hu Yanyunxiao and others were anxious.

Because by the means of Li Lingtian Shenwu Continent’s first day formation, we must break this

The local ban is not a big problem.

If Li Lingtian broke the crystal mask to get the treasure inside, they would not agree.

Moreover, through the array and the crystal mask, but you can see the objects in the crystal mask, and recognize the life crystal and the fruit of life and the flower of life.

Seeing such cherished peerless treasures was shocking.

These things are all treasures that have anti-celestial benefits to the semi-divine realm. If they are obtained, the cultivation base will rise in a straight line, and Shouyuan will skyrocket.

It's just that Li Lingtian is now trapped. Looking at Li Lingtian to take these treasures, they are naturally not reconciled.

There is no hesitation at all, only a risk.

Suddenly, a devastating attack erupted, and the strength of the demigod powerhouse was at its best at this time.

The attack continually bombarded the formation, and for a while, the attack was continuously bombarded by the demigod powerhouse.

But just as the six half-god powers started, the purple thunder arc of the Purple Thunder Celestial Array burst out, and all the arcs bombarded the six half-god powers.



I saw the look on the faces of the six and a half divine powerhouses changed, and I wanted to regret that it was too late.

Although the formation trembles under the bombardment of the semi-divine powerhouse, the purple arc of the purple thunder arc attacked them. Watching the arc coming, the faces of the six semi-landform powerhouses were ugly.

Without the slightest resistance, the arc hits six and a half gods.

In an instant, the six and a half gods were paralyzed, their hair soared, their faces were black, and their clothes were ragged.

In this way, the two daughters Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue saw it, and suddenly they couldn't help laughing, even if they were afraid of the means and strength of the demigod powerhouse, but when they saw the appearance of the six demigod powerhouses, they thought I can't bear it anymore.

His whole body was ragged, his hair soared, and his face was scorched black. Where is this demigod powerhouse? Even the style of a warrior is gone. It is completely a beggar who was struck by thunder.

"It's a group of idiots, but it's a pity."

Li Lingtian turned around and glanced at the formation behind him. When he saw the appearance of a few half-god powerhouses in embarrassment, he said lightly.

Then he turned around and glanced out, and glanced at the crystal mask.

After a moment of kung fu, Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and Tiandao Roulette Festival came out.

The breath of Heavenly Dao above the Heavenly Roulette radiated out, and suddenly the breath merged into the fourth floor of this crystal palace. The powerful and mysterious Heavenly Dao breath blended with the immortal breath.


"call out!"

After Li Ling's Tiantiandao roulette festival came out, he didn't stop. The ten commanded movements kept playing, and the expression on his face was dull.

The fairy air in the space created an airflow with Li Lingtian's decision, but this airflow is a rich fairy air. Looking at such a rich fairy air, Li Lingtian moved.

While casting the method to open the crystal mask, at the same time, absorb the rich and pure immortality with the heavenly treasure ring.

Gradually, with the passage of time, the rich fairy spirit on the fourth floor of the Crystal Palace slowly disappeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ into the heavenly ring.



bsp; A slight sound makes the crystal mask disappear.

The flower of life, the fruit of life, the crystal of life, are exposed to the air at this moment.

The powerful life force surged towards Li Lingtian and felt the life force. Li Lingtian's Shou Yuan was like an increase of hundreds of years, and the whole person was revitalized.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was shocked, but he quickly turned his consciousness and sacrificed a huge crystal box.

At the same time, a series of laws and regulations were exhibited, transplanting the plant of the flower of life into the crystal box, and collecting the crystal of life. After a moment of effort, Li Lingtian transplanted the plant of the flower of life into the dragon dragon ring, but this plant was planted The place is a space of the dragon ring, with a strong and rich fairy spirit.

Only in this way can we ensure that the flower of life and the fruit of life will not die.


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