War God Supreme

Chapter 1502: Reaper's Mount

"Pearl of life?"

"Eye of death?"

Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai, as well as three half-real powers and two primordial spirits, were shocked and puzzled when they heard Li Lingtian's words. phone-reading

They may know the Pearl of Life, but they will not know the eye of death.

I don't know what these two are.

However, these two things are definitely not so simple in the fifth floor of the Palace of Death.

"Yes, this is the pearl of life and the eye of death."

Li Lingtian nodded, and now he is 100% sure that this is the pearl of life and the eye of death.

In legend, the **** of death has a mount called the eye of death. This mount is powerful and unmatched. It has a devastating eye that penetrates through time and space, and its eyes can destroy the world.

But this is just a legend, no one has really seen it.

Now that Li Lingtian sees this exquisite death beast, and other death beasts protect this crystal staircase, and the pearl of life protects the death beast, he has already thought of the eye of death.

If he had not seen this death beast with his own eyes, he would not believe that this is the eye of death. The eye of death is not the name of a demon at all. It is better to be a supernatural power than the name of a demon. .

However, when he saw the three eyes of the death eye, he knew that this was the death eye of the legendary mount of death.

Although I don't know what happened, this death eye has indeed been injured and sleeping, and finally used the vitality of the life pearl to protect the death eye.

Then, between the destruction of Li Lingtian's hands, a series of mysterious laws were displayed.

The Mingshen Ring opens, and the Eye of Death and the Pearl of Life enter the Mingshen Ring.


Just put the eye of death and the pearl of life into the Netherworld Ring. The pearl of life trembles for a moment. With this slight tremor, the connection between the eye of death and the pearl of life suddenly breaks.

Because his life force and life pearl have a connection, this connection makes the connection between the death eye and the life pearl break.

This situation did not make him think.

I never imagined that a trace of life force in my body affected the Pearl of Life.

The eye of death is getting smaller and smaller. Although there was no vitality at all, it now looks weaker and weaker, just like it is about to disappear.

Seeing this situation, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the eye of life and the eye of death appeared in front of him. The eye of death became smaller and smaller. The eye of life was not connected with the eye of death at all. Without the support of the power of life, the eye of death would dissipate.

"The power of life!"

"The power of death!"

Seeing that the eye of death was about to disappear, Li Lingtian felt a moment of regret in his heart. Without any hesitation, the true element worked, and the vitality of the body was exerted to protect the eye of death.

At the same time, the power of death also appeared in front of him. The power of death wrapped around the eye of death, and the power of life slowly entered the body of the eye of death. The power of life was obtained, and the eye of death stabilized.

Li Lingtian was also terrified, because this death eye was not restored with the breath of death, but with the power of life. With his cultivation and the trace of life power in his body, he could not support the eye of death at all.

At this time, he could only try it with the power of death, either the eye of death disappeared, or the eye of death was stabilized by the power of death.

However, what he did not expect was that the power of life and the power of death operated at the same time, so that he was full of life and death.

Moreover, the power of life in the body was quickly exhausted, but the power of death was continuously radiated.

Without the power of life to balance the power of death, the power of death suddenly destroyed turned against Li Lingtian.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian's face suddenly turned pale.

"The Pearl of Death!"

Impressed by the consciousness, the orb of death was sacrificed. If you want to use the orb of death to absorb the power of death, or you will be torn by the power of death.

But what he did not expect was that the orb of life was automatically suspended at the moment when the orb of death came out.

The power of life that had originally disappeared exploded at this time, and the power of life surged out, suddenly colliding with the power of death.

In an instant, Li Lingtian became the destruction point of death and life. This kind of death and life has surpassed the mystery. Li Lingtian was torn by the force of death and the force of life.

The orb of death and the orb of life continuously rotate, the mysterious light flashes in the air, and Li Lingtian becomes two centers of light.

The gas of death is gray, and the gas of life is green.

The two forces are getting stronger and stronger in front of the Pearl of Life and the Pearl of Death.

Li Lingtian's body was also suspended, suspended by the brilliance of the two beads.

At the same time, the eye of death also levitated.

For a moment, the two beads and Li Lingtian and the death eye formed a mysterious connection in the air, with a mysterious radiance between them, which pulled the four together.

Both Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue were shocked when they saw Li Lingtian.

But at this time, he did not dare to disturb Li Lingtian, lest Li Lingtian distracted his mind.

Dongfang Shengtian, Huyan Yunxiao, Gongyang Peak and the gods of Heavenly Demon Saint King and Cheng Tinghe, looked at Li Lingtian's changes, they were shocked, they can all see that Li Lingtian is in trouble now.

This trouble may disappear in an instant.

They were also shocked by Li Lingtian, who controlled the power of death and life. Even if they didn't know what Li Lingtian is now, they saw the power of death and life. Both of them were controlled by Li Lingtian.



Inside the fifth floor of the Palace of Death, the air bursts and the mysterious light shines.

In addition to the subtle spatial distortion of the sound, no sound can be found.

Everyone looked at Li Lingtian and the eye of death in the air, and two magical and powerful beads.

The look on Li Lingtian's face is constantly changing, and his heart can no longer be described as shock and shock, because he is now completely a carrier, the pearl of death and the pearl of life confront each other, and the magical power makes his body constantly change.

Death, two magical mysteries of life circulate in his body, mysterious death and life are floating in his mind, and the whole person has entered a magical state.

When he became the battlefield of the Pearl of Death and the Pearl of Life, some of the rest of the power of life and power of death entered the body of death at the same time, and the eye of death gradually changed with the power of life and the power of death.

Two mysterious forces gradually wake up the eyes of death.

The whole person of Li Lingtian also accepted the baptism of the power of death and the power of life. This time it was not the faint power of life or the power of death, but the baptism of the fusion of the two forces.

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian's eyes opened. At the same time he opened his eyes, the eyes of death also opened his eyes, but after his eyes opened, the third eye also opened.

In this third eye, with a mysterious world, a world that destroys the world.

A mysterious color formed by a green color and a gray color. This kind of look can make the world lose its color, make time and space burst, and penetrate all the power of destruction.

However, the connection between Li Lingtian and the Eye of Death, as well as the Pearl of Death and the Pearl of Life, made Li Lingtian and the Eye of Death communicate with each other and communicate with God.

In this way, in the past ten minutes, the body of the death eye has returned to a size, and there is also a breath of life on the body, but this breath of life carries a breath of destruction.

It is unclear whether it is the breath of life or the breath of death.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian's eyes looked towards the Pearl of Death and the Pearl of Life, with a mysterious power in his eyes.

Suddenly, the pearl of death and the pearl of life disappeared strangely, and at the same time entered Li Lingtian's eyebrows.

The eye of death also came to Li Lingtian. Although there was death in his body, in front of Li Lingtian, he was like a kitten, with gray fur, mysterious eyes, and the third eye hidden in the eyebrow. The eye of death looks even more mysterious.


With a slight sound, Li Lingtian's body fell down and fell on the palace.

He didn't pay attention to it either. He didn't expect it to fall suddenly, and the whole person almost fell.

After doing everything, Li Lingtian calmed down. Until now, he still had a lingering fear. Just now everything seemed calm, but it was one of the most dangerous times in his life.

Everything just now almost disappeared instantly.

Fortunately, there are the pearl of death and the pearl of life, otherwise, if there is no one, he will disappear.

Fortunately, he got the orb of life and recaptured the eye of death, which made his power of death and life more powerful. As long as it is controlled, it can make the gas of death and the power of life more powerful, The power of the Pearl of Life is maximized.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian, looked up and down, and asked Li Lingtian.

Xiaobai is also looking at Li Lingtian and the eye of death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how Li Lingtian is now.

Several other strong men also looked at Li Lingtian, and they were shocked to see that Li Lingtian could sustain it in such a horrible situation.

"It's okay."

"Let's go up and talk."

Li Lingtian shook his head, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Everything just now is indeed at its extreme danger. Fortunately, all this has passed. In this world, no pie will fall in the sky.

Opportunities and dangers coexist. Wealth, wealth and insurance are sought after, and where no danger can benefit.

Both harvest and danger are proportional, the more dangerous, the greater the gain.

He never believed that pies in the world could be dropped in the world. The danger had passed. He would naturally not worry about Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai. The most important thing now is to leave the fifth floor of the death hall and enter the sixth floor. ()

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