War God Supreme

Chapter 1503: The sixth floor of the Palace of Death

Li Lingtian put away the pearl of life and turned to look at the ground pattern.

This place is the fifth floor of the Palace of Death, and there is another layer at its peak. The further you go up, the stronger the treasure you encounter. You want to know what treasure is in the sixth floor above.

However, if he wants to enter the sixth floor, he still needs to use this line to open this place.

For his cultivation, there is simply no way to open the teleportation array with true elements, only the array.

The Divine Array is displayed, and the decision in hand is constantly waving.

Suddenly, a series of legal decisions were displayed from Li Lingtian's ten fingers. The ground pattern and the air pattern began to fluctuate. Li Lingtian's entire body seemed to be integrated with this crystal palace.


"Boo! Boo!"

With the show of law, the teleportation array showed a strong light, and the light was dazzling.

However, seeing these formations, Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, as well as Dongfang Shengtian and others, were all happy and showed more expectation in their eyes.

However, Dongfang Shengtian and others were gradually disappointed.

Because they know their current situation, and by virtue of their strength and current situation, they should never expect to enter the sixth floor.


The light is more and more dazzling, and the teleportation array is about to start.

But at this time, there was a strange twist in the air.

The light of the teleportation array was confused, and seeing this situation, Li Lingtian flashed a bit, and quickly left the edge of the teleportation array, flashing towards the side.

As he left the teleportation array, the teleportation array burst into light.

I saw that there were seven Pseudo-Shenjing Powerhouses in the Teleportation Array. Of the six Pseudo-Shenjing Pinnacle Peak Powerful Powerhouses, Li Lingtian knew three of them.

It's not Ling Yunsong and Chen Tianfang who are they.

As a celestial division master, he saw the strange changes of the teleportation array and knew that something had happened.

To open a teleportation array, it is nothing for his cultivation practice, but he did not expect an accident when the teleportation array was opened using the formation method.

At the moment when the teleportation circle is strangely light, you know what is happening. It must be that other powerful people are also using this teleportation array. The time used is earlier than the time he opened the teleportation array. Only in this way will his decision be beaten. Break.

His decision was interrupted, and there was a touch of coldness on his face. His eyes looked at Ling Yunsong and others.

Seven strong powers of pseudo-real world came to this place with a look of excitement on their faces.

However, as soon as the color of excitement appeared, it became difficult to look, and the look on his face became horrible, as if he had seen ghosts.

Because they saw that the three half-divine realms no longer have the ability to do anything at all, and the other two half-divine realms only had Yuanshen, and one of them had disappeared for a long time.

A few horrible super semi-godly real powerhouses have now come to an end.

When he looked at Li Lingtian and Xiaobai Nangong Mingyue, although the few pseudo-shenzhen powerfuls were shocked, they were not as shocked as Ling Yunsong and others.

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"Master Lingtian?"

When Ling Yunsong saw Li Lingtian, the whole person was petrified, and then exclaimed.

They couldn't think of seeing Li Lingtian in this place because they watched Li Lingtian leave the Palace of Death and go to Xianyu with their own eyes. Later, they didn't see Li Lingtian after entering the hall.

But I did not expect Li Lingtian to appear in the Crystal Palace of the Palace of Death first, and his appearance is still intact, without a bit of injury, but a few of the powerful gods are half dead.

This situation makes them strange not to be shocked and afraid.

More importantly, in order to prevent Li Lingtian from entering the hall, he deceived Li Lingtian and deceived a horrible strongman. The consequences can be imagined.

Facing Li Lingtian now, not only is it horrified, but more ashamed.

Li Lingtian is their life-saving benefactor, but they repay virtue with complaint.

"Very surprised?"

Seeing the horror of the three great powerhouses in the false realm, Li Lingtian grinned and said lightly.

The expression on his face did not change at all, but it was extremely cold.

These three guys clearly knew that a token could open the passage of the hall, but he didn't say it. Fortunately, he had already seen the flaws of these pseudo-spiritual powerhouses, so he simply left to see how these guys made trouble.

"Master Lingtian, why are you here?"

Chen Tianfang and the three didn't even know what to say.

Because they don't want to quibble, the world in which the strong dominates has no justification, and the offender will be punished. They don't want Li Lingtian to show mercy, but they want to know how Li Lingtian came in.

Similarly, I was curious about Li Lingtian's strange appearance.

For a time, everyone's eyes turned to Li Lingtian.

"If you come here, you still need to apply to you for registration?"

Li Lingtian stared fiercely at the three pseudo-ideal powerhouses and said coldly.

After that, he turned and walked towards the teleportation array.

The showdown was on display, and the showdowns were continuously waved, and the teleportation array suddenly shone again.



The muffled sound appeared, Li Lingtian flashed into the light of the teleportation array, and the two daughters Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue also came to Li Lingtian at the same time. The teleportation array started, and finally disappeared.

The three of Li Lingtian disappeared from the fifth floor of the Palace of Death and entered the sixth floor.

Watching Li Lingtian's departure, there was a quiet piece in the death palace.


A gust of wind appeared in his ears, and Li Lingtian and three people landed on the ground from the air.

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue held Li Lingtian's arms tightly. After the three of them landed, the light of the teleportation array also disappeared. The three of them glanced around and looked at the general situation in this place.

When I saw this place, a disappointed look appeared on my face.

Because this place is only ten miles in size, an empty hall with nothing in it.

Seeing all of this, the faces of the three people were all puzzled. According to the truth, this place should be the same as the previous layers.

But there is nothing here, an empty piece, and there is nothing else in this place except for the dense death gas.

"How is this place like this?"

"It's completely different from the previous layers."

Nangong Mingyue looked at the surroundings, and there was a trace of puzzlement on his face.

Because the first five floors are all the same, forming a habit. Now that I see the situation in this place, I am really not used to it. When I speak, my consciousness is still glancing around.

A strong man, when he arrives in an unfamiliar place, must first clarify his situation.

"Really, I didn't expect the sixth floor to look like this."

"Brother, you will see if there is a place to leave."

Xiaobai also took the topic, and finally looked at Li Lingtian.

It has been a while since the three of us came here. The first five layers of treasures were all put into the pocket by Li Lingtian. According to common sense, the sixth layer of treasures is more than the previous ones.

But now I don’t see any treasures, let alone treasures, there is not even a single stone. Naturally don’t talk about treasures.

Since there is no treasure, you should leave here and leave the domain of death.

"Look at the situation here first."

"It feels to me that this place is not that simple."

"And, it's not so easy to leave."

Li Lingtian nodded, and then began to look carefully. Every inch of this place was carefully looked at again. For the super pseudo **** realm, the existence of the sky array division, the first thing to do is to see if there is a formation method.

Because this place is sent by teleportation, it must be related to the formation method.

The ground, the air, and the top are carefully checked one by one.

Even the changes in the air were carefully reviewed by Li Lingtian, and he felt the speed and changes in the air flow. These are all things related to the array.

However, what disappointed Li Lingtian was that there was no formation and no breath in this place.

I didn't even find anything strange, just like this place can only be in and out.

The three of them searched for ten minutes and found nothing strange.

Seeing this, the three men's faces appeared dignified, and their eyes looked at each other.

None of them are ordinary people, one is the Phoenix of the Phoenix family, and the other is the princess of the Dragon family, but there is no way to meet the situation in this place.



At this time, there was a faint light in the space.

The light appeared in the air, and a faint light and shadow appeared on the ground. The light and shadow were weak and gray. If you didn't pay attention, you would never see the light and shadow on the ground. The light and shadow disappeared in a flash.

Soon, the light disappeared, a dozen figures appeared in the air, and finally landed on the ground.

When the light appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian knew who was coming, and he was not surprised by the coming people.

These people, natural Dongsheng Shengtian and others, and even the primordial gods of the Heavenly Demon Saint King and Cheng Tinghe followed. When they saw the two primitive gods coming in, Li Lingtian still fluctuated.

After all, there is no Yuanshen of the flesh, and he dare not teleport in space and time.

However, the primordial **** of the semi-divine realm is already solid and extremely strong. Compared with the primordial **** of the martial **** strong, I don't know how many ten thousand times stronger.

Dongfang Shengtian, Gongyang Peak, Huyan Yunxiao, Cheng Tinghe, Heavenly Demon Saint King, five and a half gods strong.

Ling Yunsong, Chen Tianfang, Mu Haoyun, as well as three strong men in black, as well as an old man in white, seven super powers with the pinnacle of the perfection of the pseudo-realm peak, after a total of a dozen people landed, they were shocked.

Shocked by the situation inside the sixth floor of the Palace of Death, it was exactly the same as when Li Lingtian and the three men came up, and everything in this place was beyond my expectations. ()

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