War God Supreme

Chapter 1504: Hidden powerhouse

After living in the two-world small world, you will surely attract attention. Although you are the honorary elder of the East River City, you really depend on yourself for what really happened.

Tomorrow will organize the Chongtian Small World, take their own people to live in, and then use their power to gather popularity and build their own power.

Although all this is premature, it must be calculated slowly.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was meditating, several girls also spoke much quieter, worrying that Li Lingtian was disturbed by thinking.

After a long time, watching the night deep, the other girls went back to bed.

Li Lingtian stood up and shook his head, throwing everything away.

Things that are not resolved, don't bother too much, things can't be solved.

With a faint smile on his face and a calm mood, he glanced at Huangfu Yuyan's room and Li Lingtian walked straight over.

When he went in, Huangfu Yuyan was already sleeping, but he was not asleep, lying half in bed and wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing Li Lingtian coming, a trace of redness appeared on the small face, and then he calmed down, and the time spent by the two together was constant, and they could naturally let go.

It was supposed to be up, but Li Lingtian waved her to not get up.

"Liangtiantian World, although it is a good place, is definitely being watched by other forces, what do you think."

Li Lingtian untied his clothes and slowly lay on the bed.

"No matter what matters, there are advantages and disadvantages. At least we don't see any danger now. After that, when we get in, as long as we have the strength, we will be able to hold our feet, and the big deal is gone."

"Since they give you this place and give you the status of honorary elder, it is mutual use."

Huangfu Yuyan naturally leaned on Li Lingtian's chest and said softly, very happy in his heart, because when something happened, Li Lingtian still wanted to discuss with her.

In terms of appearance, she is already peerless, and she is all over the country, but she is still worse than Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng, and Shun Meier, but this does not affect Li Lingtian's liking for her.

"Well, you are right. They know my identity and dare to give me such a place. Naturally, I will not waste this good place."

"After we enter, we will establish more formations, which can at least block some low-level warriors."

"Even if you are a strong man secretly sent by Youzhou, we can kill them. Besides, this place is the Tianhe region, and the strong people of Youzhou dare not come easily."

Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan in his arms and swam gently on Huangfu's smooth and tender back.

Feeling the trembling of Huangfu Swift's delicate body, Li Lingtian looked at Huangfu Swift, seeing that Huangfu Swift's face was blushing, and she was looking at him with a wink.

"I thought."

Huang Fu Yuyan said softly, the voice was very small, just like the sound of mosquitoes, if Li Lingtian was not strong, he could not hear clearly.

It is the most tempting for a peerless and clear beauty to say such a thing.

Li Lingtian kissed her ruddy little mouth, and her hands were moving, stroking and kneading on Huangfu Yuyan's proud chest, causing Huangfu Yuyan to moan and twist her delicate body.

All the clothes on the two of them disappeared, and the room was covered with clouds and rain, and there were endless moans.

I don't know how long it took before the room became quiet.

Huangfu Yuyan fell asleep with satisfaction, and Li Lingtian also slept with him.


In a secluded courtyard in the west city of Donghe, the entire courtyard is full of prohibitions and formations.

And there are very few people coming to this place, and it is almost rare to see someone enter or leave the courtyard.

In the middle of the night, a woman in her twenties turned into a twinkling figure, like a raccoon cat.

"Elder, that person's identity has been found out, it is Qingzhou Li Lingtian, this is his information, you look at it."

The woman's face was calm, the water chestnut was distinct, her eyes were clear, and the whole person gave a sense of ability.

If Li Lingtian saw this woman, she would be able to tell at a glance that this woman was the woman he asked for the news last time, but he did not expect someone to find out everything about him.

"Li Lingtian, I seem to have heard of this person somewhere."

"By the way, his information is enough. Although I can’t remember who mentioned the name for a while, I must not move this person to avoid trouble. Our Crystal Pavilion has not yet fully established its foothold in the Tianhe region. So be very careful."

The elder is also called a woman in black. Her face is calm, even if she is integrated into the street, it is the kind of opportunity to forget at first glance.

But the body exudes a strong breath, and actually reached the state of Wu Emperor. A woman can reach Wu Emperor, which is really not what ordinary people can do.

"The disciple understands, don't know what the elder has commanded?"

"Nothing is going on, go on."

"Disciple quits."

The woman flashed out and disappeared into the night, blending into the night sky like a ghost.

The courtyard is also very quiet, no breath appeared.

The black woman closed her eyes and pondered, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, the woman in black opened her eyes, and her eyes showed sharp fierce awns. These fine awns are not what ordinary women can show up at all.

"It turned out to be him."

"Last time, the cabinet leader seemed to mention Li Lingtian. Pay attention to this person. I don't know if the cabinet owner is an enemy or a friend with this person?"

The woman in black said to herself, thinking that a year ago, a new pavilion appeared in the Crystal Pavilion, young and beautiful, as beautiful as the goddess of the Nine Heavens.

Even if she saw this cabinet leader, she was trembling with heart, and this cabinet master also made her pay attention to Li Lingtian.

This thing has not been forgotten, but there are so many things that I can't remember it for a while.

At night, there was no trace of noise in the courtyard, and it was silent again.

When Li Lingtian woke up, it was already dawn.

Tang Qingyue and they have already got up, but they all know that Li Lingtian is in Huangfu Yuyan's room, and now they will not laugh at Huangfu Yuyan, because all this is normal.

Although there is no wedding yet, they are both married.

After Li Lingtian and Huang Fu Yuyan got up, they saw the wash, and then took Tang Qingyue and others to take a veterinary car, and quickly ran towards the two worlds.

After the two disappeared, the veterinary car parked under the two-world small world.

After a few girls came out, they looked at the beautiful mountain, they were all very excited.

The mountain peaks are extremely dangerous, but the scenery is beautiful. More importantly, the aura is rich in this place, with the fire aura on one side and the ice aura on the other.

In the middle of this mountain, there is the Five Elements Aura, which is also the power of the formation.

These formations played by Li Lingtian are hidden. As long as they are not attacked, these formations will not appear.

"This place is a two-world small world, it's really beautiful."

Seeing this mountain peak, Ji Yi was immediately happy. She was an elven princess. She was naturally fond of natural beauty. This two-fold world is a natural world.

"Well, we will practice here in the future."

Li Lingtian nodded and walked towards Ji Yi when he came. Tang Qingyue saw the appearance of Li Lingtian and Ji Yi, with a faint smile on his face, and then several people followed him into the mountain.

Only when you really enter the inside will you know how rich the spirit inside is.

It is imprisoned outside by the formation method, and the aura here will not flow out. Even before, Li Lingtian here is only a natural circulation, and will not let the spirit flow out.

Entering the mountain, Li Lingtian opened all the bans, and the outsiders want to come in, it is not so simple.

Several people came to the top of the mountain and found a huge natural cave, and there are seven or eight caves of different sizes near this cave, so that they can live and practice here.

Moreover, the environment here is also the best, with countless waterholes.

After Li Lingtian and others entered the cave, Ji Yi naturally wanted to live on the side.

As for the things in the cave, Li Lingtian couldn't control so much.

Because there are a few girls here, he is almost superfluous, and girls are most concerned about packing up their rooms.

After arranging Tang Qingyue and them, they left the cave and wandered aimlessly among the peaks.

The ice and fire spirit veins here are definitely created for him. With such a good place, it will naturally not waste practice.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Lingtian walked towards the deepest part of the mountain peak. This place is also where the Ice Spirit Vessel and Fire Spirit Vessel alternate. Cultivation in this place is definitely a multiplier.

Although I came here yesterday, I didn't look at it carefully. Li Lingtian looked at a huge cave in front of him. On one side of the cave was a world of ice sculptures, but on the other side it was like a fiery hell.

Seeing this cave, Li Lingtian was also very curious. When I came here yesterday, the cave was still very calm. There was nothing unusual. I didn't expect it to be like this today.


His body was just near the cave, and he stopped suddenly, his face showing a startled look.

In the cave ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ actually came a breath, this breath is clearly the breath of a strong man, and is still using this ice fire spirit vein to practice.

Encountered such a thing, he was naturally shocked, this place is already his own territory, yesterday did not find the existence of this strong man, did not expect to find it now.

In the place where he lives, there have been foreign strong men, so how can he feel at ease to practice.

It was discovered that it hadn't really settled down yet. It was also a big blessing among misfortunes. If a strong man broke into this quietly while practicing, he wouldn't die even if he had ten lives.

Discovering this situation, the body's breath was shielded, and the consciousness was retracted, staring at the cave carefully, paying attention to the movement in the cave.

Next, the breath of Yungong fluctuated in the cave, and with the experience of cultivation, this strong man had reached the critical period of breakthrough. When encountering such a thing, he couldn’t let it go. He flashed quietly and entered silently. Into the cave.

But everything he saw suddenly made Li Lingtian's heart tremble. ()

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