War God Supreme

Chapter 1508: Mysterious light

Xuanyuan Yingying and Ji Yi came out to protect the law, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai also had much relief in healing. Baidu's interesting academy debuts at interesting academy

Although it is not said that the injury will be completely restored, it is necessary to stabilize the injury and leave with a certain strength.

Now Li Lingtian, although there are still consciousness can be used, but there is no real element, even if there is a reverse Tiandan to restore the true element, but dare not use it, because the injury is really terrible.

The injury at this time was so severe that he could not shoot.

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue healed beside Li Lingtian to stabilize the injury, and Li Lingtian also began to recover.

Time, day by day, finally on the sixth day, Li Lingtian opened his eyes.

His injuries have stabilized temporarily, as long as he does not encounter too powerful opponents, there will be no problems.

Originally, according to his injury, he wanted to continue to convalesce. Only with continuous recovery can he be completely repaired. Stopping now, it will be more difficult for him to heal in the future, at least it will take more time.

However, the current situation cannot really give him peace of mind for healing, because in the crystal palace of this death palace, it is simply not safe.


Li Lingtian got up and wandered around in the Palace of Death.

Between one-handed swings, one piece of treasure returned to the hand, and one storage bag came to the front.

These treasures and storage bags were left behind by some strong former demigods and pseudo-gods. Now that these powerfuls have fallen, the treasures left behind cannot naturally be wasted.

Collecting these storage bags and treasures, Li Lingtian came to the beginning of the teleportation array.

Although the formation of the teleportation array cannot be seen on the sixth floor, these are completely nothing in front of Li Lingtian, because when he first came up with Ling Yunsong and others, he saw the secret of the teleportation array in the light of the teleportation array. .

Therefore, during the battle between the True Demon Master and the Battle of Elimination, Li Lingtian was able to turn on the teleportation array again, only that the teleportation array was interrupted by the attack of two half-god powerhouses.

Now, to leave here, it is necessary to turn on the teleportation array again.


"call out!"

"God array, sacrifice!"

Li Lingtian's Fa Judgment was displayed, and the Fa Judgment of the battlefield was mysterious and mysterious.

The mysterious breath appeared between the waves of the final decision, but as the final decision swept, the expression on Li Lingtian's face became dignified, because the teleportation array that could have been opened easily, now has no slight movement.

Immediately, the Divine Array figure was sacrificed. After the Divine Array figure appeared, the decisive decision became faster.

However, after a full ten minutes, the look on Li Lingtian's face became ugly, and finally he had to put away the Divine Diagram.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​how are you?"

Seeing Li Lingtian's expression, Xuanyuan Yingying knew that there was a problem with this teleportation array.

He asked softly, looking up at Li Lingtian with a small face.

"This teleportation array cannot be used."

"It's like being overwhelmed by something. I can't accept the traction of a decision."

Li Lingtian turned and looked at Xuanyuan Yingying and said.

The look on his face was extremely ugly. If there was no such teleportation array, it would be delusional to leave this place. He didn't want to be trapped in this place forever.

"Overwhelmed by things?"

"Are you overwhelmed by the breath of the decision you cast, so that the teleportation array cannot receive your decision."

After Xuanyuan Yingying heard Li Lingtian's words, her face showed a curious look.

She is not a line master, and naturally does not understand the truth of the line.

However, she knew that Li Lingtian was an array strategist and the most powerful array strategist of Shenwu Continent. Even Li Lingtian felt difficult, naturally, it was not easy.

"Yes, it is like that."

Li Lingtian nodded and replied. After answering, he stopped talking, as if contemplating.

After a long time, Li Lingtian was in contemplation, Xuanyuan Yingying and Ji Yi kept looking at Li Lingtian.

"Big Brother, you are talking about the air of death overwhelming the teleportation array."

"Aren't you able to refine the gas of death, even if you don't refine it, put away the gas of death, so that there is no gas of death, and then cast the law, you try, see if this works. "

Ji Yi's beautiful face looked at Li Lingtian, pure and beautiful, exuding a rich life aura and wood aura.

She has followed Li Lingtian for decades, but her appearance has not changed at all, she is still fifteen or sixteen years old, and is more and more beautiful and charming.


"It turns out this way."

After Li Lingtian heard Ji Yi's words, he looked at Ji Yi seriously and was looked at by Li Lingtian like this. Ji Yi didn't feel the slightest discomfort, but instead showed a small smile on her small face.

But Li Lingtian had a little doubt about Ji Yi's words, as if he didn't understand.

But then suddenly realized, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Because I was confused for a clever life, I ignored the simplest things. It turned out that this teleportation array was overwhelmed by the gas of death, and there was a war of the strong. The gas of death twisted and fluctuated, giving him the opportunity. Calm, naturally flooded the teleportation array.

I am in the chess game, and Ji Yi is out of the game.

Hearing Ji Yi's words, I soon understood it.

Then, as soon as the consciousness moved, the pearl of death was exhibited, and the pearl of death constantly absorbed the breath of death.

For an hour, the gas of death in the sixth floor of the death hall slowly disappeared, and finally became thinner, but the pearl of death did not stop.

The orb of death constantly rotates, just like to absorb any trace of death here.

Li Lingtian didn't care at all. Anyway, there is no other strong man in this place. It is the death bead that absorbs the gas of death, not that he absorbs the gas of death. Besides, the more the death bead absorbs the gas of death, the more powerful it is. The more benefits he has.

Gradually, the gas of death on the sixth floor of the Palace of Death was absorbed into the pearl of death.

Just when the last trace of death gas disappeared, a powerful change took place on the sixth floor of the Palace of Death.


Space, a subtle sound appeared.

I saw a light curtain appearing on the sixth floor of the Palace of Death, the light was like a separate room.

This situation is the same as the side hall where the blood moon deity of the Underworld Netherworld Temple is located. The light cut this space into a separate room of 100 square meters. Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian and others were horrified.

Wan Wan did not expect that the sixth floor of this nothing-desperate death palace would have another cave.


Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue also opened their eyes at this time, looking at the situation inside the death palace, the expression on their faces changed.

Xuanyuan Yingying and Ji Yi both looked at this light and were surprised in their eyes.

This ray is not gray, which is different from the breath and color in the death hall. The color of this ray is sky blue, which looks like the sky.

Moreover, these blue rays are constantly fluctuating, like a ripple, or a breeze blowing like a calm lake.

However, in this light, there is a kind of destructive pressure, giving people an irresistible suppression.

Li Lingtian looked at the light, and the look on his face changed.

He walked towards the light step by step. When he came to the light, he waved his hand and instructed Xiaobai and others not to follow in. He had the spirit of death, so he didn't have to worry too much, but Xiaobai did not have his physique.

Coming to this light, Li Lingtian felt a real sense of death, just like under the sickle of the **** of death.

This oppressive force made Li Lingtian's face dignified.

The breath of death in the front is all the breath of the natural world, just like the spiritual and fairy qi of the mainland. Only after the strong humans absorb it can they strengthen themselves.

The same is true for the breath of death. It is just the general breath of this world. Although the strong human beings are not suitable, it does not mean that the breath of death is stronger than the spirit and immortal qi. It is just that the strong human beings are not suitable for alien breaths.

Now, the coercion of this ray of light is like a super strong person refining aura to exert the power of turning against the sky, that is to say, it is not autonomous, but artificial.



In the light, there was a faint mysterious halo, and the subtle sounds continued.

Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand elegantly, a bead suspended in the palm of his hand.

The gray glow of this bead radiated out. Naturally, this bead was the pearl of death. After continuously absorbing the gas of death and the refining of Li Lingtian, the pearl of death was now very powerful.

The glorious glory above the death pearl protected Li Lingtian. The original death gas in Li Lingtian became stronger and stronger. The whole person seemed to be covered by a light shield, forming a light shield defense.

After doing all the preparations, I walked towards the light step by step and wanted to go through this light and enter into it.

My heart trembled, my face dignified, because the light was magical and terrifying, but it exuded like a breath, so Li Lingtian could not refuse this temptation.


Just when the gas of death and the light shield touched the light around Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a slight sound suddenly sounded, like ice water pouring onto the red hot iron.

However, Li Lingtian's gas of death and light shield were like a stone thrown into the lake with a wave of ripples, and then there was no response.

Li Lingtian walked in slowly, and just entered the room of the light, a crushing coercion crushed down.

The coercion of death is simply to crush people into ashes, and to feel the sudden coercion, the nine heavenly powers of Li Lingtian broke out at this time.

Jiutian Shenwei gathers the coercion of Jiutian Shencheng and has the power of Jiutian creation.

In terms of coercion, no one in Shenwu Continent can compare.

Now encountering horrible coercion and crushing, Li Lingtian's Jiutian God Wei burst out suddenly. The Jiutian Shenwei and the light in the light were crushed together. Just when the coercion and Shenwei were crushed together, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed dramatically. . ()

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