War God Supreme

Chapter 1509: Scary passage

Just when Jiu Tianshen Weishi exhibited, the pressure of destruction collided with Jiutianshenwei, and the look on Li Lingtian’s face changed dramatically.

Because when his Nine Heavens Divine Prestige was exhibited, he was crushed fiercely.

Although Jiu Tianshenwei is extremely powerful, his cultivation base simply cannot exert Jiutianshenwei to the extreme.

The pressure in the light was mysterious and terrifying, just like the divine power of the true God, he crushed him directly, and a spit of blood spurted out, and his face became pale.

At this time, Li Lingtian's mind flashed, and the air of death burst out.

After the air of death erupted, the pressure of destruction disappeared.

The coercion disappeared, the light room became calm, the light fluctuated slightly, and the look on Li Lingtian's face was constantly changing. Everything was just too horrible. If it were not for death, he would be crushed by coercion.

It is now clear that although Jiu Tianshenwei is powerful, he does not have the cultivation of Qitianshen as a realm, and he cannot exert Jiutianshenwei to the extreme. He just cast Jiutianshenwei, and Jiutianshenwei was actually crushed without actually being exhibited.

Casting the Nine Heavens Divine Prestige in the Palace of Death is simply death.

Thinking of this, the aura of light flashed in my mind, and then the gas of death was displayed. The gas of death really resisted the coercion.

Now I want to come, the whole person still has a lingering fear, the vest is cold, and the cold sweat scared out by everything just now.

Everything in the light room, Xiaobai and they could not be seen outside, but Xuanyuan Yingying clearly felt the fluctuation of Li Lingtian's mind and heart. Such fluctuations were obviously injured.

But she did not dare to say it, lest they worry about Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue.

At this time, they naturally did not know that Li Lingtian was now shocked beyond remembrance. His eyes were full of horror and excitement, and the whole person stood blankly in the room formed by the light.

I saw that there were two subtitles of light and shadow in the room formed by the light of 100 square meters. It is better to say that it is two subtitles.

Each rule is only a hundred words, the font is exactly like the light, flashing in the air.

The two light and shadow subtitles are suspended in the air, each of which is about two square meters in size. The two subtitles are two meters apart, overlapping each other. Behind the light and shadow subtitles is a distant passage.

The light channel is like a space-time channel linking heaven and earth.

However, Li Lingtian clearly felt the pressure of destruction from the passage, which was banned at the entrance of the passage.

And he also felt that this coercion was the coercion that began to crush his nine gods, and he felt a little fear of this passage in his heart. More importantly, when he looked at the passage, he seemed to be The human mind is devoured.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian hurriedly turned his eyes away and dared not go to see this passage again.

Although I don't know where this passage leads to, it will definitely not be in Shenwu Continent, but a more terrifying place. He has no sense of adventure, because the feeling this passage brings to him is destruction.

With his current cultivation strength, as long as he enters this passage, it will be turned into ashes, which is the most basic cognition and induction of a strong man.

After his eyes shifted, he looked at the two subtitles.

When he saw the font on the subtitles, the expression on Li Lingtian's face was shocked.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

hiss! hiss!

Just when Li Lingtian's eyes touched the first subtitle, the font on the subtitle suddenly turned, the font was disordered, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Seeing the first font rotate like this, Li Lingtian's figure flickered and looked towards the second subtitle.

The second subtitle also flashed at this time, and the fonts were garbled, so it was not clear at all, and I did not know what these fonts represented.

And these fonts are ancient seal, if you don't pay attention, you can't see these fonts at all.

Now under the rotation, all the fonts above have completely turned into a pattern.


Li Lingtian saw that both the light and shadow fonts were like this, and her eyes quickly shifted, her head lowered.

However, after waiting for a while, the font continued to rotate, and it didn't mean to stop at all. This situation surprised Li Lingtian. This was the first time I saw such a situation.

Although the last time I saw the magical change of three strokes of magical power in a different space, the change of the three strokes of magical power is completely different from this one.

After pondering for a while, the consciousness moved, and the consciousness glanced away at the first subtitle.

In a moment, when the consciousness and the subtitles are in contact, just when the consciousness and the light and shadow are in contact, the light and shadow turn faster, but Li Lingtian's consciousness enters the light and shadow.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian stood blankly in his place, and the consciousness turned inside the light and shadow.

Time, seconds passed, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed constantly.

After a few minutes, the first light and shadow subtitles disappeared, and Li Lingtian's consciousness was recovered. Long after the consciousness was recovered, Li Lingtian recovered.

What happened just now, what he saw in the light and shadow subtitles for his own consciousness, is completely beyond his imagination.

After a moment, Li Lingtian glanced towards the second light curtain.

The consciousness is the same as the first time, but this time is different from the last time.

Last time was less than a few minutes, but this time, half an hour passed, and half an hour later, Li Lingtian's face was pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

And the whole person was like seeing ghosts and ghosts, and his expression kept changing.

He was only slightly better until the consciousness was withdrawn at the end, but even then, he stayed for more than ten minutes before recovering.

"It's terrifying, terrifying!"

Li Lingtian said to himself, after finishing speaking, his eyes looked towards the distant passage, and his eyes were separated from this passage, with a look of dread and fear in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, the figure walked out quickly, leaving the room formed by the light.

"Big brother."


"Ling Tian."

"Brother Ling Tian."

Seeing Li Lingtian go in for so long, he was extremely worried.

Now when I see Li Lingtian coming out, they are all greeted, and his eyes are looked at Li Lingtian. It is only a little relieved to see that Li Lingtian is not injured.

But looking at Li Lingtian's look is not good, and the spirit is also weak, all curious.

"It's okay."

Li Lingtian looked at the light behind him, and the look on his face could not help changing.

After speaking, with one hand stretched out, a world of flames and a world of ice and cold appeared. When these two extreme worlds of terrifying attributes appeared, Li Lingtian folded his hands together.


Hands merged together, the world of ice cold and flames merged together.

A beam of light burst out, and the beam of light hit the light straight.

The shocking sound of the sky appeared, the light trembling continuously, and the light was destroyed by Li Lingtian's beam of light.

But at this time, the original space-time channel burst into a terrible coercion, just like the wrath of a strong man, and pressed hard against Li Lingtian.

"Ming God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, stretched out one hand, and the Mingshen Ring opened.

I saw a ray of destruction appearing in front of me. The white ray of light was surrounded by flames of destruction. There was no pause, and the white ray of light bombarded the passage of time and space.

This white light is naturally the destruction attack of Emperor Chi tomorrow.

After the fusion of the Six Treasures of the Underworld, the power of Chi tomorrow emperor reached the middle-class congenital artifact, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of times before.



With a loud bang, the space-time channel and the attack of Chi tomorrow emperor blasted together.

At the same time, Li Lingtian and others heard a roaring sound, like a terrifying monster, or a roar of a strong man, specifically a beast or a strong man, which could not be distinguished at all.

However, the anger in this roar made people tremble.


With a click, the space-time channel disappeared.

What is left is a trembling anger, which will not disappear for a long time in the hearts of several people, Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, Xuanyuan Yingying and Ji Yi, the look on their faces is also white, I don’t know behind this channel What exists.

After a long time, several talents recovered.

"Brother, what did you encounter inside, what happened?"

Ji Yi looked at Li Lingtian, curious and puzzled on her small face.

Because Li Lingtian came into the light, it took more than an hour to come out. After coming out, there was blood on the corner of his mouth, his face was not beautiful, and he was mentally weak.

Coupled with the fact that there is no slight change, Li Lingtian's shot to destroy everything in this place naturally makes people feel puzzled.

"We don't say this now."

"Leave here first and tell you later."

Li Lingtian shook his head, and when he had finished speaking, he walked to the front, and the Fa Jurisdiction was exhibited.

In a moment of kung fu, a radiance appeared on the ground, and the radiance turned into dazzling light.

The light flashed and the pattern of the teleportation array appeared in the sight of several people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whoo! Whoosh!

call out! call out!

After a mysterious law is carried out, the light of the teleportation array is more and more intense.

Gradually, the light stabilized. Li Lingtian glanced at Xuanyuan Yingying and others, his figure flickered into the light of the teleportation array, and Xiaobai and others followed the flashing figure into the teleportation array.

Just as the five entered the teleportation array, the teleportation array made a burst of sound, and finally the light turned.

In a blink of an eye, the teleportation ray of light disappeared, and Li Lingtian and others also disappeared. The sixth floor of the Palace of Death was silent for a day without any movement.

Li Lingtian and others appeared on the fifth floor of the Death Hall. After arriving at the fifth floor, they opened the teleportation array again and teleported downwards again and again.

In less than half an hour, the figures of Li Lingtian had appeared outside the Crystal Palace of the Palace of Death.


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