War God Supreme

Chapter 1510: King Linglan visits

After leaving the Crystal Palace in the Palace of Death, Li Lingtian took the Xiaobai four and flew outside.

This is by no means a long-stay place. If you stay in this place for a little longer, you will be more at risk. I don’t know what strange things happen in this place.

He is seriously injured now, he doesn't want to be beaten passively in this place.


The sound of breaking the sky kept ringing in the air, and Li Lingtian and others quickly flew out, with four tokens, unimpeded along the way.

Within a few days, he had left the center of the death palace, and finally drove the spacecraft out of the death domain.

A month later, Li Lingtian and others returned to Tianyu.

Go back to the Super Cave Mansion in Linglan Tiancheng, Tianyu, and then go home, finally feel at ease.

"finally come back."

Xuanyuan Yingying looked at Dongfu and was very happy.

This time after leaving Tianyu for more than two years, he came back again. As always, Tianyu has not changed at all.

"First rest for a while to recover the injury."

Li Lingtian also had a faint smile on his face. This time he went to the death domain. The purpose was achieved, and it exceeded his imagination. But the danger encountered was also terrifying, and he almost stayed in the palace of death.

On the way, although he didn't recover from the injury for more than a month, he just stabilized it.

Now, where it is finally safe, we must restore our injuries.

After settling in, Li Lingtian healed his injuries in his room and recovered his injuries. This time in the Palace of Death, although there was not a long battle, he was not badly injured.

You must know that these strong men are all against the sky, and all of them are beyond his imagination.

It was lucky to be able to return safely.

There are many crises, but there are a lot of treasures and benefits. The things you get are all geniuses and treasures that can be said to be unique.

The crystal of death, the flower of death, the fruit of death, the eye of death, the flower of life, the crystal of life, the pearl of life, the fruit of life are all unique treasures in the world.

There are quite a few strong men who have entered, six and a half **** realms, dozens of pseudo **** realms, but he is the only one who comes out, and he gathers all the wealth together.

One will reap the benefits and leave the Palace of Death safely.

However, up to now, I still have a lingering fear in the space-time channel, thinking of the channel, my heart is still shaking.

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue were curious about what Li Lingtian saw in the room where the light was formed. Li Lingtian also told Xiaobai what they had. After listening, Xiaobai was also scared.

The two light and shadow subtitles are supernatural powers. Until now, Li Lingtian did not know what the supernatural powers were.

However, there was a hint of speculation about that channel. That channel should be a terrifying interface to the upper realm, and it was still related to the domain of death, but the channel was terrifying.

It was so scary inside the passage, not to mention the end of the passage, he didn’t want to know what was terrible at the end of the passage, because he didn’t want to pass through the passage.

Therefore, at the last moment, he used a powerful supernatural power to destroy the passage.

Now, the peace of mind can heal the wounds and restore his injuries.

"I got a lot of treasures, but it provokes a few strong men."

"Reaper, Demon Race, is not so good to deal with."

Li Lingtian calmed down, his face showing a bitter smile.

Although the annihilation avatars among the top ten guardians of death are killed, they have offended the annihilation, and there are deaths above them.

However, it calmed down afterwards, because he was still at least in Shenwu Continent. As for the things in the upper realm, it was later. Now what he had to do was to improve himself, strengthen himself, and solve the matter of Shenwu Continent.

Inside the cave house, Li Lingtian and others were at ease to practice healing.

Time, as the days pass, is three months.

Three months later, Li Lingtian's injury has recovered, and Xiao Bai and others have recovered.

During the recovery period, Li Lingtian fully integrated the Pearl of Death and the Pearl of Life together. The power of life and death was shocking. Although he has not yet exerted his power, Li Lingtian can use the two beads of life and death to strengthen himself. Deity.

It is difficult for Xiu to reach the pinnacle of the realm of pseudo-realm.

Even if they are Xuanyuan Yingying, they have the eight-level and nine-level panacea, there is no way to break through, because to enter the semi-divine realm, not only the anti-celestial panacea, but also the powerful natal artifact, the opportunity, the need Opportunity.

However, Li Lingtian now does not want them to use the unique ancient artifacts as natal artifacts, but wants to use innate artifacts.

Now Xuanyuan Yingying them, only a few people have innate artifacts, so Li Lingtian has to find a way to get the innate artifacts, using the innate artifacts as Xuanyuanyingying and other people's innate artifacts.

Besides, Jiu Pin's Transcendent Pill can also break through the realm, but the time required is not two days a day.

The Pseudo-Shenjing Great Consummation impacted the Semi-Shenjing, the panacea, the artifact, the opportunity, the opportunity, the opportunity. Even if it is satisfying, it still requires a lot of time. This time is not one day or two days, but one year or two, or even more. Long.

Now Ming Yan'er's sister has been taken away by Xianyu's strongmen. They naturally can't delay, so they can only deal with some things before they break through.

The fact that Li Lingtian and others returned to Linglan Tiancheng was also known to the king of Linglan.

On this day, Li Lingtian and others were preparing to leave Linglan Tiancheng to go to the fairy land, and King Linglan came to visit.

However, after King Linglan came to the cave, he met Li Lingtian alone.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​long time no see."

After seeing Li Lingtian, King Linglan's face clearly showed a blush, opening to break the silence of the hall.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. What's the matter with Fairy Linglan?"

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, he was embarrassed.

After all, something happened with Fairy Linglan last time. Now he pretends to be just like nothing. He is really not used to it.

I saw King Linglan wearing a light green shirt, and the whole person was a goddess who stood proudly for nine days. His white skin was smooth and tender, and Li Lingtian's eyes quickly turned away.

Although something happened with King Linglan, at that time he was completely vague and basically knew nothing.

He knew that King Linglan had come here and had to see him alone. There must be something wrong.

"Are you going to Xianyu?"

When King Linglan saw Li Lingtian looking at her, she jumped incessantly.

After taking a breath, he calmed down his mind and said softly.

The man in front of him likes to adore himself, and he is willing to do something confused with him.

The rulers of the magnificent Lantian City, the pinnacle of the pseudo-realm peak, and the ten kings conferred by the fairyland, are completely a little girl in front of this man.

"Well, I will go to Xianyu in two days."

"There are some things that need to be resolved."

Li Lingtian gave a nod and answered.

He was not curious about why King Linglan knew it, because with the power of King Linglan, these things would naturally be known.

Another thing is that the Hou family went to the fairy land. Linglan Tiancheng naturally knew that to know these things, it was not difficult at all.

"Xianyu is not heaven."

"Even if it is one million heavenly domains, it is not as good as a fairyland. It can also be said that the distance between the two is not close to the number, you should know this."

"In the early days of Baili Sky Blue Semi-Divine Realm, it has just reached the early stage. In Immortal Realm, the semi-Divine Realm powerful person has the same status as Tianyu's false divine realm.

"You don't know anything about demigod,"

When King Linglan spoke, he dared not look at Li Lingtian with his head down.

The voice is very small, but the tone is like a good friend, slowly speaking out some basic things of Xianyu. After finishing speaking, he summoned the courage to look up at Li Lingtian.

When she looked up at Li Lingtian, she discovered that Li Lingtian was looking at her and suddenly made her heart beat faster.

"The power of Xianyu, although I haven't seen it, but I can know some."

"When the seat was in Qingzhou, the most powerful person was Wu Zun. It was different in Cangzhou. In Cangzhou, Wu Zun was only at the bottom. In Xuanzhou, Emperor Wu was also at the bottom. Wu Shen was the most powerful."

"Come to the southern region of Shenzhou Cang, Wushen is nothing. The heavenly pasture region and the east falling region are more powerful, but compared to the heavenly region, it is very different, and so is the fairyland."

"Semi-mirror strong man, I have met a few hundred miles of sky blue here. Linglan Fairy is here, you should know some."

Li Lingtian looked at Linglan Fairy and said.

He naturally knows two different regions, and his strength is also very different. This is the same as the gap between the warriors, Wu Sheng and Wu Shen.

Although the fairy field is powerful, he hasn't seen it, but at least he doesn't think that the fairy field is the same as the sky field. If that is the case, he is not Li Lingtian.

When I spoke, I was curious. King Linglan was the only queen in Heaven. His identity was also mysterious.

Now hearing the words of King Linglan, it is clear that King Linglan knows a lot about Semi-Divine Realm.

A king knows that half gods are normal or not, but he does not have such familiarity and understanding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let alone a woman.

"The half **** realm is the same as the pseudo **** realm."

"In the early, middle and late stages, the pinnacle is perfect."

"However, the only difference is that the gap between them is too great. In the early and middle stages, it's like the martial arts encounters the martial arts. The semi-divine realm has great powers, the means is against the sky, and the waves are turned upside down."

"Moreover, among the demigod powers, sometimes they cannot be measured by the realm, because the demise of the demigod powers is strange, and some of the demigod powers are only high in the realm, but there is no natural power and natural power. There is also a difference between the two, so you have to be careful not to think that you can deal with the early demigods without being afraid of all the demigods."

After Lord Linglan calmed his mind, he slowly spoke out some things in the demigod.

Li Lingtian really did not know about these things. Now after King Linglan said it, Li Lingtian probably knew something in his heart.

After listening, Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile. King Linglan didn't know what Li Lingtian's smile represented. ()

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