War God Supreme

Chapter 1512: Cross-domain transfer array

There are no idlers on the small square. Those who come here use teleportation arrays. Chivalrous guest*Chinese*text*web*first*post

When Li Lingtian came to this teleportation square, there were also forty or fifty people in it. These strong men were all false gods.

However, none of these strong men teleported away, because when the teleportation array needs to open at noon, this is the rule of Linglan Tiancheng. Only this time, the strongest guarding the teleportation array is the most time.

Besides, these rules are more or less superfluous and deliberate.

Overlord terms, whoever calls you to use the teleportation array, to use this teleportation array, you must obey the rules of others.

Forty or fifty strong men are waiting at the edge of the teleportation array, waiting for the teleportation array to open.

There are dozens of teleportation arrays in the front, and the strong ones are waiting to be used. Only a huge teleportation array is unused. This teleportation array is surrounded by powerful formations and prohibitions. The formation method is not something that the average strong can do.

"Master Lingtian, which teleportation do you need to use?"

Wushen Jiuzhong took Li Lingtian to the square and said to Li Lingtian respectfully.

He did not dare to ask Li Lingtian where to go, because this is the secret of a strong man. If he inquires about the secrets of other strong men, he would have committed a taboo against Shenwu Continent.

He did not ask Li Lingtian where to go, but asked Li Lingtian which teleportation array he needed to use.

With Li Lingtian's identity, all rules can only be thrown away.

"Which teleport array is used in this seat."

The largest teleportation array in the center of Li Lingtian Chao Square pointed. When pointing at the teleportation array, there were exactly two pseudo-shenzhen great perfect strongmen on the edge of the teleportation array looking at Li Lingtian.

"Master Lingtian needs to use a cross-domain teleportation array!"

The look on Wushen Jiuzhongtian's face changed, he did not expect Li Lingtian to use the largest teleportation array.

You know, that teleportation array has not been used twice a month, and Li Lingtian now wants to use the largest teleportation array.

This largest teleportation array is a cross-domain teleportation array, which consumes a huge source of power, and the spirit stone is also amazing. Most people cannot use this teleportation array at all.

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he wasn't speaking anymore. Wushen Jiuzhongtian was pestering on one side, and he didn't know how to be good for a while. With his status, he couldn't get in touch with the strong man who opened the cross-domain teleportation array.

But, at this time, a pseudo-real world great consummate came over.

"Seen Lord Ling Tian."

"The message came from the day before yesterday, saying that Lord Ling Tian needs to use a cross-domain teleportation array, and here is waiting for Lord Ling Tian."

The strong man in the pseudo-real world met Li Lingtian with a salute and said politely.

The other strong men waiting for the teleportation array to see this strong man in the pseudo-real world congratulations on Li Lingtian are very curious, I don't know what kind of person Li Lingtian is.


Li Lingtian nodded. He naturally knew who the person above was. In Linglan Sky City, the person he knew was a Linglan King. Ling Lan King was the ruler of Linglan Sky City. These things were naturally a command. Things.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​will you leave now?"

Seeing Li Lingtian's calm complexion in the pseudo-real world, I was shocked and admired.

Only such a strong man can be indignant and invisible at any time, and nothing is revealed on his face.

For them, King Linglan is the supreme existence for them, but it is totally inappropriate to see Li Lingtian now.

"Well, leave immediately and turn on the teleportation array."

Li Lingtian still nodded, and simply said nothing after speaking.

A cloud on the face was light and breezy, as if nothing was being appreciated, and the eyes of other powerful people were completely ignored.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​wait a minute."

The strong man of the Pseudo-Shenzhen Great Consummation had finished speaking, and quickly saluted to leave and walked towards the other side of the square.

Li Lingtian didn't pay any attention to it, but just waited. With his cultivation practice, it was very simple to open this teleportation array, but he didn't want to do it.

There is a special strongman to open the teleportation array, he will naturally not go out.

In less than a moment, seven pseudo-realm great consummation strongmen came out of the passage from the beginning of the pseudo-realm great consummation, plus eight at the beginning.

Suddenly there were so many false **** realm great perfect powerhouses, which immediately shocked the powerhouses in the teleportation square.

The eight false **** realm strongmen, plus the one on the edge of the formation, the nine false **** realm great consummates came in front of Li Lingtian and respectfully greeted Li Lingtian.

"Miss Ling Tian, ​​Lord Ling Tian is well."

The faces of the nine Pseudo-Spiritual Great Perfectionists respect Yu Cheng. Between the salutes, they are entirely performed in the manners of the juniors.

This situation immediately shocked the other four or fifty strong men.

You must know that these strong men are all close to the existence of the king, and they are all strong men who control the cross-domain teleportation array. In Linglan Sky City, there are more than 10,000 people under one person.

But at this time, they saluted a strong young man. They naturally didn't know that these strong men were Array Masters, Divine Array Masters, and Divine Array Masters were naturally far away in front of Tianzhen Masters. Describe the gap.

However, after hearing the voices of the nine Pseudo-Gods of the Great Perfection, they all understood it and knew who the young man really was.

This young man is the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent and the first day array division Li Lingtian.

Seeing such a situation, all came over and came to Li Lingtian.

"I have seen Lord Lingtian!"

"I have seen Lord Lingtian!"

Forty or fifty pseudo-spiritual strongmen salute Li Lingtian respectfully.

Li Lingtian nodded and waved these strong men to get up, his face was dull, a cloud was light and the wind was light, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, the whole person was chic and elegant.

After the nine Pseudo-Spiritual Great Masters salute, they retreat respectfully and come to the front of the cross-domain teleportation array.

At the same time, ninety-nine and eighty-one Need Spirit Stones were on display. Eighty-one Need Spirit Stones came out, and finally the Need Spirit Stone fell on the altar of the teleportation array, just when the Need Spirit Stone fell on the altar , All spirits are turned into rich and pure spirits.

The aura of terror merged together to form a powerful spiritual pressure.

The Need Spirit Stone is extremely pure, extremely rare, and consuming eighty-one Need Spirit Stones at once is indeed a luxury. However, in order to open this teleportation array, only the Need Spirit Stone is used.

In this situation, the other pseudo-ideal powerhouses are shocked.

The general teleportation array only needs some ordinary inferior spirit stones, but to open this cross-domain teleportation array, it needs so many supernatural spirit stones, which is simply terrifying.

After a series of decisive actions, the nine pseudo-goddess great consummates are all **** array masters.

From this lineup to start this teleportation array, one can imagine how far this teleportation array is going, and how vast the project is.

Li Lingtian looked aside, his face light and breezy.

If this teleportation array is to be opened by him, only a very simple decision is needed, because he is a Sky Array Master, who controls the heavens and the Tao, and the display of the decision is naturally very simple.



With the unfolding of countless ways of law and the power of the best spirit stone, the teleportation array has been shaken up, and the mysterious light unfolds above the altar.

Gradually, the light above the altar became more and more intense, and the movement became bigger and bigger.

In the end, the teleportation array opened, and the nine Pseudo-Shenzhen Great Consummates supported the terrifying real elements together, forming a powerful point of light.

Glowing, intense.

The altar, spinning.

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, flew towards the teleportation array as soon as his figure flashed.

The teleportation array opened and Li Lingtian was overwhelmed by the light.

"Tell her, thank you very much."

In the light came Li Lingtian's voice. When the sound fell, the light also disappeared. Li Lingtian had disappeared above the teleportation array, and he had no idea where he had gone.

Watching Li Lingtian leave, all the strong men are envious, and the look on their faces is with a look of worship.

It wasn't until the square was quiet that all the strongmen reacted, because Li Lingtian had already left the domain with the teleportation array.

Although they don't know where Li Lingtian is going, they will definitely not be in the sky, because this teleportation array is a cross-domain teleportation array.


Fairyland, the most powerful place in the entire Shenwu Continent.

Indisputably, Xianyu is unmatched in terms of resources and strength.

There is a metaphor for the strong, even if all the resources and strength of the entire Shenwu Continent add up, it is not as powerful as a corner of the Immortal Realm. In the other parts of the Shenwu Continent, the Wushen is the most powerful, but in the Immortal Realm, the Wushen is nothing. .

In Immortal Realm, the status of Wushen Powerful is like the martial spirit of Qingzhou, or in Immortal Realm, the status of Wushen is similar to Wuzong of Xuanzhou.

These strong men are completely inconspicuous in the fairy field. The status of Wushen is optional. In some big forces, they can only exist in the middle and lower levels. Only the strong of the false **** realm has a little status~www.wuxiaspot. com~ However, even if it is a false **** realm, in the powerful and mysterious place of Immortal Territory, it is similar to the low-level Martial God in the Eastern Fall.

In other words, the real powerhouses in the fairy realm are pseudo-deity and demise.

This is a rough metaphor for the fairy field, but even this analogy is far from describing the power of the fairy field. The power of the fairy field cannot be described. Only the strong of the real fairy field knows the strength of the fairy field.

There are not only powerful forces, but also powerful imperial dynasties, as well as a powerful alliance of free training, and some mysterious races.

In this place, it is the real Shenwu Continent.

The strong people in other parts of Shenwu Continent look up to the power of the fairy land, and envy the strong people in the fairy land, because in the fairy land, there are all spirits of fairy spirits, which is like a fairyland.

Here, only what you can’t and can’t think of, nothing you can’t get, provided that you have the strength to defy the sky and have shocking and vulgar means, otherwise you can only be at the bottom here, and never have a day to come. Only the trampled by the strong. ()

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