War God Supreme

Chapter 1513: Tianxinyu



In the dark night sky, the torrential rain spilled into the earth like hail. phone-reading

Thunder continued in the sky, and the arc struck the void, illuminating the dark night sky from time to time.

This situation is like the end of the world.


A tremendous electric arc splits the night sky, and the entire sky is as bright as a flash, and the light is dazzling.

Under the terrifying arc, countless beasts shook and roared.

But in this torrential rain, from time to time, there was the sound of destruction and screams.



The shocking sound of the sky, the voice of the powerful war, the war, the sky is falling apart.

It was completely leveled within a hundred miles.

At this time, more than ten sounds and shadows flashed and flew away into the distance. The speed of these lights and shadows was generally uniform. When flying, all people were protected by a smaller figure.

These lights and shadows are flying in front, and there are countless lights and shadows constantly chasing behind.

"Qingfeng, you took the prince out of here."

"The person they deal with is this palace. Never let the prince fall into their hands."

More than ten lights and shadows traversed in the air, and the smaller figure in the middle stopped at this time, and said to a middle-aged strongman around him, that the middle-aged strongman's armor stretched out like it was The guards in the palace are average.

The whole body exudes a powerful sense of terror, the peak of the false **** realm is the perfect one, and cultivation has reached an extreme level.

This strong armor, known as Qingfeng, holds a three- or four-year-old boy in his arms. The boy has been cast by the strong at this moment and is sleeping.

"Queen, your subordinate takes you away with the prince."

"After you pad, let's go."

Qingfeng shook his head and said to the woman in palace dress. After that, he said to the dozen or so other strong men, who were all strong men in the pseudo-real world.

But at this moment, it has completely become the dog of the bereavement.

Everyone is armored, with scars on his body, and the whole person's breath is weak. Obviously, the war has consumed the drama.


Hearing the command, a dozen or so powerful powerhouses without any hesitation turned around and lined up, with the true elements running all over the body.

Seeing this situation, Qing Feng stroked with one hand, and a force entrapped the palace-dressed girl, so she had to run away, but at this time, there were more than a dozen black figures in the front, and black ones in the back. Figure.

For a time, more than fifty people in black clothes surrounded everyone. These black people exude a faint light shield, but in the faint light shield they exude a ruinous atmosphere of destruction.

All of them are the pinnacle of the perfection of the false **** realm, and one foot has entered the half **** realm.

The ruinous atmosphere is constantly crushing Qingfeng and others. These powerful people, no matter the quantity or strength, are comparable to Qingfeng and others. Moreover, these black figures have no slight injury, and the spirit is in a state of full prosperity.

Seeing Qingfeng and others surrounded, all black figures showed strange smiles on their faces.

"The deity likes to watch unnecessary struggles."

These strong men in black, with a smile on their faces headed insidiously, looked at the encircled prey, and their eyes flashed with a strange brilliance.

When speaking, one-handedly waved and ordered the other powerful to attack.

Suddenly, the war started, and more than fifty strong men in black continued to destroy the armor guards.


"Ah, ah!"

For a time, dozens of armored guards fell one by one.

In front of more than fifty strong men in black, these armored guards were scarred and were completely slaughtered.

In a moment of kung fu, only Qingfeng and palace-dressed women were left in the whole field.

The eyes of the woman in palace dress were full of despair and unwillingness, her lips were bleed by herself, and she looked at the strong man in black with hate.

"Don't you just want the Tianxin jade in this palace?"

"As long as Qingfeng leaves them, this palace will give you Tianxin jade."

"Otherwise, this palace and Tianxin jade will die together, don't even want to get Tianxin jade."

The woman in palace dress glanced at all the men in black, and looked at the boy in Qingfeng's arms, showing kindness and affection in her eyes.

After finishing speaking, with one hand stretched out, I saw a round and colorful jade pendant in the hand. The jade pendant had the size of a slap and a circular hole the size of a finger in the center. It looked mysterious and dazzling.

In the heavy rain in the dark night sky, the colorful jade pendants light up within a thousand kilometers, which looks absolutely beautiful.


"You dare to destroy it, the deity will surely crush you."

Seeing Tianxinyu in the hands of a woman in a palace dress, all the strong men in black showed a greedy look in their eyes, but they were more excited,

The strong man in black in the head heard the words of the woman in palace dress, and then said loudly and violently.

"Giggle, giggle!"

"This palace counts to three, if you don't let them go, this palace will destroy it."

Crazy colors appeared on the woman's face in the palace dress, and she laughed madly, and a true element was running. As long as her thoughts moved, her jade pendant would be turned into ashes.

She knew that no matter whether Tianxinyu was handed over or not, they would not let them go. If the other party did not let Qingfeng leave, she would destroy Tianxinyu, and no one would benefit.

As long as Qingfeng left, she could take the prince away. For the prince, she could do everything.

The strong men in black and others looked at the women in palace costumes, and they were all stunned. If they really destroyed Tianxinyu, they would not be able to save them even if they were crushed.

For a time, the whole scene was very strange and depressed atmosphere.

The torrential rain was still falling, and the thunder and lightning tore the void.

Just at this moment, Qingfeng's eyes flashed a strange.

This trace of weirdness passed away, and no one noticed the change in Qingfeng's eyes.

"Queen, I'm sorry."

Qingfeng looked at the woman in the palace and said, when the sound rang, a ray of light appeared in the hand, and the light flashed, and he bombarded the woman in the palace, the power of destruction directly entered the woman in the palace, the palace The woman was numb and could not move at all, even Zhenyuan was imprisoned.

This sudden change is beyond the scope of everyone's imagination, and I did not expect Qingfeng to take action against his master.

For a time, all the strong men in black were shocked and looked at Qingfeng and the women in palace dress.

The woman in the kimono was puzzled and hated in her eyes. She never thought of her most trusted subordinates, and she would take action against her, which made her totally unacceptable.

"Zheng Yuming, the mission of the deity is completed."

"Hey, can't think of it."

Qingfeng ignored the palace-dressed woman at all and reached out to take the Tianxin jade from the palace-dressed woman.

Looking at the boy in his arms, he threw it with one hand, and the boy threw it into the void.


"Ah, ah!"

Hearing Qingfeng's words, the woman in palace dress immediately understood that her subordinate had always been hiding from her spy, and when she responded, she regretted that it was too late.

But seeing Qingfeng throwing the boy away, the whole person is almost crazy, but there must be no movement in the whole body.

Watching the boy fly away into the sky, he disappeared into the rainstorm in a blink of an eye.

The three- or four-year-old boy didn't do anything at all, so being thrown out like this would be absolutely mortal.


"Queen, are you really a queen?"

"You are just the queen's sister, haha."


The look on Qingfeng's face was extremely unbearable. The whole person was like a demon, laughing loudly.

When the voice fell, one hand stretched out, and a force of destruction came to bombard the woman in the palace, completely destroying the woman in the palace.


With a loud explosion, the power of terror bombarded the place where the harem woman stood, but the harem woman disappeared strangely.

In this situation, everyone was surprised.

Qing Feng was also shocked. His own magical power, imprisoning the woman in palace dress and disappearing in front of his destroyed magical power, was beyond imagination.

Just as everyone was shocked, the woman in a kimono spookyly appeared a hundred meters away.

However, beside the woman in the palace dress, there was an extra light and shadow. Inside the light and shadow was a young man in white. The young man was rich and handsome.

In the hands of this man is a boy. The boy is still asleep because of the prohibition.

The expression on the face of the woman in palace dress was terrified. She was almost stunned by what had just happened. She didn’t know how she was moved away, but the whole person was still insanely hated when Qingfeng killed the boy. Among.

At this time, she did not know that there was a character around her.

At the same time, on the faces of the other powerful men, there was a shocked look, staring at the young man in white in the light and shadow.

"Who is your Excellency?"

There was a hint of murder in Qingfeng's eyes. At this time, even if someone was against them, it was simply death.

He didn’t know who the young man was, how the young man saved the boy, or how the young man saved the kimono woman, but it didn’t matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tianxinyu had already got it, himself There are more than fifty false gods in the great consummation, and it is quite easy to pinch a young man to death.

"Who is this seat?"

"You are not qualified to know, a group of ants."

Li Lingtian glanced at Qingfeng disdainfully and said lightly.

Yes, this young man in white is Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian, who came from Tianyu with a cross-domain teleportation array, did not expect that he would use the teleportation array in the morning, but it was a stormy night when he arrived here.

And just after leaving the space-time channel of the teleportation array, a strong wind rushed head-on, terrified, thinking that the strong man was counting him.

When the consciousness glanced over, it was discovered that a three or four-year-old boy was thrown up, grabbed the boy with one hand, and grabbed the boy in his hand. The whole person was also hidden in the air, looking at the situation below.

When Qingfeng finally saw the shot to kill the woman in the palace, he shot. ()

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