War God Supreme

Chapter 1517: Xuanyin Temple

Star City

From a distance, it looks like a sleeping dragon, or like a continuous mountain range.

The huge and majestic atmosphere, the flying spacecraft flying swords endlessly flew into the city, and there were countless powerful men flying out of the sky, and the popularity of the entire Star City reached a peak.

This sky city alone is hundreds of thousands of miles in size, and there are countless acropolis around it.

Li Lingtian rode the spaceship and flew directly towards the east gate of the star city, stopping at the place one hundred miles in front of the gate.

With a glance at Nangong Mingyue and others, and with a sense of consciousness, they took Nangong Mingyue and others into the Dragon Dragon Ring. For the first time, they came to Immortal Territory and went to the heavenly city here. Naturally, they didn't want much movement.

He didn't want to let the powerful people in the whole fairy field know his existence, so this was not the life he wanted.

Moreover, if it is too high-profile, it is easy to cause the distortion of other strong people's minds. It is inconvenient for him to walk in the fairy field in the future. The breath changed and then walked towards the gate.

Arriving in front of the city gate, Li Lingtian applied for a token to enter the main city directly, and flew directly towards the main city.

With decades of experience, it is easy to handle these simple things.

After entering the main city, Li Lingtian found an inn in a quiet place. The two largest single courtyards were just enough for them to use.

However, it was also a room for two people. After temporarily settling down, Li Lingtian left the inn, but Bei Mingxue had to go with him.

Li Lingtian had no choice but to take Bei Mingxue. The other girls knew the relationship between Bei Mingxue and Li Lingtian. Although they didn't reach any relationship, the relationship between them was very deep.

After the two left the inn, they walked towards the square.

Bei Mingxue held Li Lingtian's arm, with a happy smile on his face.

She is an unparalleled beauty, one of the ten fairies of the Shenwu Continent, the emperor of the Shenyue Empire, the noble and holy, the object chased by the pride of hundreds of millions of days, but she disdains the pride of these days, to Li Lingtian I like it very much.

Although Li Lingtian changed his breath, but his appearance and temperament did not change at all, and Bei Mingxue did not change, still as beautiful and holy as before.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​where are we going?"

Bei Mingxue also followed Yun Yaoyao to call Li Lingtian the younger brother of Ling Tian, ​​which is already used to it.

Seeing Li Lingtian not talking, she was very curious and did not know where Li Lingtian was going.

"We go to the square and find someone to inquire about Xianyu."

"Then buy the jade jade map of the Chunyang Empire."

Li Lingtian always had a faint smile on his face, and said while walking.

Hearing from others that he is not at ease, he still has to understand it himself, at least ask a few more people, if one person doesn’t work, then two people and three people.

This point, Beimingxue is naturally clear.

The Star City is also a powerful city in the Chunyang Empire. This city is also one of the 128 cities in the Chunyang Empire. Each city is countless times stronger than the ten heavenly cities in the sky.

It is conceivable that an empire has a size of more than a dozen celestial domains. It is impossible to imagine how big the entire fairy domain is.

Such a heavenly city can naturally hear a lot of news, because this is the fairy field, the stage of the strong, not the remote places like the Cangnan region.

Moreover, there are countless strong men in this heavenly city. There are many strong men above Wu Zun everywhere, and few strong men below Wu Zun, unless they are some folks or livelihood warriors.

Even in this place, Emperor Wu Shengwu God can be seen everywhere, even if it is a false **** realm.

The Pseudo-Shenzhen Powerhouse here is similar to the Emperor Wu in Cangnan Region, with the same cultivation practices, but the status has dropped a few grades.

Soon, Li Lingtian and Beimingxue came to the Star Plaza.

The Star Plaza has a size of hundreds of miles, and there are countless powerful transactions on the square. Some people here also post missions to accept missions.

The square, no matter where it is, is one of the places with the most information.

To understand the power of a city and some news, the square is the best place. Countless strongmen came to an unfamiliar city. The first thing is to inquire about the situation of the city in the square and the news of Shenwu Continent in this place.

"The juniors pay their respects to your lord, and the fairies."

"I don't know where I can help you and the fairy."

When the two came to the square, a few martial arts strongmen came over to greet Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue.

The eyes of these people are extremely hot. From the temperament of Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue, it can be seen that the two are not simple. If they can serve such characters, there will definitely be a lot of rewards and rewards.

Li Lingtian's eyes looked at several Emperor Wudi's strongmen. Wherever his eyes passed, several Wudi Strongmen lowered their heads, daring not to look at Li Lingtian's eyes.

"Just you."

By virtue of his cultivation and knowledge, it is natural to be able to see the details of these strong men at a glance.

The inner and insight experience of each strong man can not be seen, but it is only aimed at the average person, but Li Lingtian’s consciousness and magical skills of cultivation can see this.

He reached out and pointed at one of Emperor Wudi's strongest players, Liu Zhongtian, and said lightly.

After that, he walked towards a teahouse in the square.

The selected Emperor Wu Emperor was very excited, and followed Li Lingtian quickly. Finally, Li Lingtian came to the teahouse and chose a private room by the window alone.

"Young man Yang Chen, I don't know where to serve the lord and the fairy."

After Li Lingtian and Beimingxue were seated, Yang Chen saluted Li Lingtian and Beimingxue.

After saluting, he bowed and stood in front of the two, waiting for Li Lingtian's instructions. In other places, a Wudi strongman is already a party overlord, but in these places, the Wudi strongman can only be the bottom.

"This Li Lingtian."

"I want to know some of the situation in the Chunyang Empire, as well as the distribution of forces and some recent major events."

"If you are satisfied with this seat, this seat will not treat you badly."

Li Lingtian waved his hand and let Yang Chen sit on the opposite seat. He didn't like to put on the shelf. Enwei and Shi Yuxia made him reach a point where he was at ease.

Treat these strong men in front of you, as long as you give him a little grace, the other party will be very grateful.

"Okay, the juniors will know everything."

Yang Chen's respectful salute was seated. After Yang Chen's seat, the folks in the tea house presented precious tea.

Next, Yang Chen slowly said some things about the Chunyang Empire.

"Pure Yang Empire is the four major empire of immortal territory. The cultivation of the younger generation is the realm, and they can only know some things in the Pure Yang Empire, and they don't know anything outside the Empire."

"Not to mention the Emperor Wu, even if the Wu Shengwu God is strong, he has not necessarily left the Chunyang Empire. In the Chunyang Empire, there are a total of 128 heavenly cities, each of which is countless billions of miles away. Big."

"There are countless superpowers in the Pure Yang Empire. These forces are all under the rule of the empire."

"These forces restrain each other and compete with each other. The biggest competition is the power of some super powers, because these powers are all false gods and demigods."

"However, even if these forces compete, they cannot shake the foundations of the empire, because the empire controls countless powerhouses..."

After half an hour, Yang Chen finished talking about some things about Chunyang Empire.

These things are all he knows, and they are also well-known things in the Pure Yang Empire, but these things are only accessible to the super strong, because the low-level warriors can’t even walk out of a big city, and naturally don’t know the outside world.

Li Lingtian was drinking tea while listening to Yang Chen. The expression on his face was calm, but he was shocked.

Shocked the power of the Chunyang Empire, shocked the vastness of the immortal territory, and the vastness was beyond description by the superpowers.

But now I have some understanding of the Chunyang Empire. The power of this empire is completely a Big Mac, an existence comparable to the Shrine. Although it is not comparable to the Shrine, it is definitely a super giant in the fairyland. No one dares to provoke easily.

"Do you know Xuanyin Temple?"

After listening to Li Lingtian, he groaned a little, and asked slightly.

I am quite relieved because of my name, I don’t know much in Immortal Territory. At least the strong men below Wushen don’t know who Li Lingtian is.

In this way, you will not be recognized by other powerful people, and the trouble is relatively less.

"Xuanyin Temple, of course I know."

"Xuanyin Temple is the ten super powers of the Pure Yang Empire. The forces are extremely terrifying. Even the three most powerful cities in the Pure Yang Empire are not necessarily opponents of the Xuanyin Temple."

"As for how powerful Xuanyin Hall is, the younger generation is not clear. After all, the younger generations are just hanging around some places near the star city."

"That Xuanyin Temple is hundreds of millions of miles away from here~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a dozen days away from the city, and the juniors just heard some rumors."

Yang Chen heard Li Lingtian ask him, he did not hesitate at all, he said everything he knew was a brain.

Because he is relying on this to eat, if the other party does not get what he wants to know, the other party must be unhappy, and he is poorly paid.

In order to please Li Lingtian, Yang Chen said everything, including some secrets of the forces in the Pure Yang Empire. Li Lingtian was also satisfied with Yang Chen.

"This is your reward."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, the consciousness moved, and the consciousness entered the dragon dragon ring and started to move.

Immediately the consciousness exited, a storage bag had appeared in front of him, and then he waved with one hand, and the storage bag flew towards Yang Chen. At the same time, Li Lingtian's eyebrow appeared a delicate lotus-shaped rune, a blood-red rune demon. Very different.


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