War God Supreme

Chapter 1518: Buy clothes

Seeing Li Lingtian's blood-red runes, Yang Chen's face changed dramatically.

Although I don't know what is going to happen, I feel a bad feeling, and this bad thing is against him.

Just when Li Lingtian's eyebrows changed, Li Lingtian's blood red lotus-shaped runes flashed. Suddenly, Yang Chen's eyes froze, and finally the whole person passed out.

When Yang Chen woke up again, Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue had long since disappeared.

Yang Chen didn't know why he was in this place. He was just chatting with other powerful people on the square, but now he is here.

But seeing a storage bag in his hand, his face was even more puzzled.

When the exercises are performed, there is no slight problem in the whole body. It is like sleeping for a while. The consciousness is running. Everything just now is blank.

Shocked and puzzled in my heart, I gradually realized that I should have met a strong anti-nature strongman. After getting some news, I erased part of his memory.

Fortunately, I just lost a little bit of memory. It should be that after I received the task from the square, the memory between when I woke up was erased.

Thinking of this, I felt terrified, and my body shivered.

Because such strong men are all demigod realm strongmen, only the legendary demigod strongmen have such means. As for other strong men, there is simply no such means.

It is already human nature without killing him. If he is killed, or his memory is erased, he will be helpless.

After a long time, Yang Chen calmed down slowly.

Although he is the bottom of existence in the fairy field, but in any case, he is a powerful Emperor Wu, who has survived for hundreds of years in this Shenwu Continent.

Under curiosity, the consciousness moved, and the consciousness entered the storage bag.

When he saw the wealth inside the storage bag, the look on his face changed.

Five billion inferior spirit stones, a unique artifact, and a jade jade.

Seeing these things, the look on Yang Chen's face changed, and he quickly put it away and quickly left the teahouse. During this time, he dared not come out to do things again.

In the same way, I dare not inquire about what strong man I met, because such a strong man dares to let him go, but also has the ability to erase him at any time.

In a world where the strong dominates, the other party has done all that is kind and polite.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​the map jade jade has been bought."

"You accompany me to buy some clothes. I haven't bought clothes for a long time."

In the afternoon, Li Lingtian and Beimingxue walked on the luxurious streets of the star city. The men and women were chic and elegant, and the women and men were like the gods of the Nine Heavens. The two were together. No matter where they were, they formed a beautiful scenery.

Bei Mingxueyu held Li Lingtian's arm in his hand, a sweet smile appeared on his face, and his chest was full of firm chest. From time to time, Li Lingtian's arm was touched, causing Li Lingtian's heart to wave.

Although he had a deep relationship with Bei Mingxue, he did not become a husband and wife. This feeling was too irritating, making him almost unable to hold it. Bei Mingxue's body shivered from time to time, and his face flushed.

After the two got some news, they felt much easier.

Because this Xuanyin Temple is not one of the two palaces in the first palace, so they feel a lot easier.

Although the Xuanyin Hall is the super power of the Pure Yang Empire, it is better than the One Palace and Two Halls.

After leaving from Yang Chen, I found Wuzhefang City, where I bought a lot of jade maps, as well as some classics of Chunyang Empire and Xianyu.

Although these jade jade consumes a lot of spirit stones, they feel very worthwhile, because at least they already know the names of the first palace, the second palace, the three guilds and the four empires in the fairyland.

A palace is naturally a shrine.

The second hall is the Promise Hall and Zixiao Hall.

The three guilds are naturally the Danshi Guild, Array Guild, and Refining Guild.

As for the four major empires, he knows that there are even some super alliances and some super existences, these are giants in the fairy field.

Moreover, there are countless loose repair alliances and loose repair powerhouses, as well as countless other races.

He didn't care about other things, because now he only needs to know that Xuanyin Temple is not one palace and two halls. As for other things, it has nothing to do with him now.

As long as his strength improves, no matter what powerful forces and powerful alliances he has, even if the four empires and one palace and two halls provoke him, he will also erase it, because he is Li Lingtian, the reincarnation of the Jiuyang Saint.

After hearing Bei Mingxue's words, a slight smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, turning his head to look at Bei Mingxue.

A girl asked him to buy clothes together. Even if he was a fool, he knew the meaning of Beimingxue. Besides, the two had deep feelings, and some things didn't need to be said at all.

When I saw Li Lingtian looking at her, Bei Mingxue's face was red. This look was like a full-fledged little girl. Where is Lord Shengdi?


"Go, what beautiful clothes you want to buy, I will help you choose."

Li Lingtian smiled, reached out and stroked Bei Mingxue's small face.

Bei Mingxue showed sweetness and happiness with a blushing small face. The small hand holding Li Lingtian's arm was tighter, and his chest was tightly attached to Li Lingtian's arm.

The two walked on the luxurious and wide avenue, and Beimingxue was intoxicated with happiness.

Soon, the two came to a luxurious atmosphere of clothing store, this clothing store, there are countless treasures of jewelry, these jewelry are powerful treasures, but also specifically created for girls, the price is also very expensive .

Because girls like beautiful jewelry, and this jewelry is a magical treasure, naturally cherish the most.

"Welcome Your Excellency and Fairy to Yunmengfang."

"Yunmengfang Yunlan serves you and the fairy."

When Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue came to Yunmengfang, the eight beautiful maids standing at the door bowed respectfully to the courtesy. The courtesy was thoughtful and gave people a feeling of high grade.

After these maids saluted, a 28-year-old woman walked out of them. The women respectfully saluted Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue.

These people are extremely toxic, and at a glance, they can see that Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue are the masters who are not short of money. If they are well served, rewards and commissions will naturally be indispensable.

"It's hot outside."

"Have you and the fairy take a break in the elegant room first. Rong Yunlan will introduce the jewelry and clothes of Yunmengfang to you and the fairy. What requirements do you and the fairy have? We will meet the two of them as soon as possible."

Seeing that Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue did not speak, Yun Lan made a gesture of reverence and said while walking.


Bei Mingxue replied, and followed Yun Lan to a elegant room. The simple room was not simple, but instead looked fresh and refreshing, giving a warm feeling from the bottom of my heart.

After the two of them sat down, a maid brought two cups of iced tea. Although both of them were strong in the pseudo-real world, they would not be affected by the weather at all, but drinking iced tea on a hot day was indeed a treat.

"Is the fairy choosing first, or your choice first."

Yun Lan took a stack of drawings of the clothes. The drawings on the drawings were all beautiful drawings of the clothes, and there are brief introductions below, with the ranks and benefits of the clothes, and the price of the clothes.

Li Lingtian took the stack of drawings and then carefully checked with Bei Mingxue and they had to say that Yunmengfang's clothes were beautiful.

Seeing these clothes, Bei Mingxue was very happy. Li Lingtian helped Bei Mingxue choose a dozen sets of beautiful clothes.

Finally, Yun Lan took a dozen sets of clothes in front of Li Lingtian and took them to a fitting room with a shocked look. Li Lingtian and the two entered the fitting room.

In the fitting room, Li Lingtian looked around. There were thirty or forty square meters in it. There was a coffee table and chairs in it. There was also a huge crystal mirror and a dressing room.

After the survey, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, forbidden to show several times, all the breath in the whole room was wiped away.

After finishing, Li Lingtian sat on the chair in front of the coffee table and looked at Bei Mingxue with a smile.

"I'm going to change clothes."

Bei Mingxue saw that Li Lingtian had banned this room. She felt relieved and felt sweet. With Li Lingtian by her side, she didn't have to worry about anything. Moreover, seeing Li Lingtian was so intimate, the whole person's heart was quickened.

Immediately, he walked towards the room with a set of purple clothes. The room had no door, only a curtain, and he could vaguely see the inside. Although it was vague, it was a great temptation.

Sitting in front of the coffee table outside, Li Lingtian saw the Beimingxue changing clothes behind the curtain, and the whole person's blood was sprayed.

The seductive body, despite the curtain, gave endless fantasies. The scene of blood spray flashed through my mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian forcibly turned his head to not look, But even if he didn't look at it, the curtain tempted him like a huge magic.

Similarly, Bei Mingxue discovered this situation, but by this time, he could not care about anything at all, and the man outside liked it.

Little blushing, I don't know how to change the clothes, after changing the clothes, I waited for a while and waited for the mood to calm down before I went out.

When I walked out, when I saw Li Lingtian looking at her, she suddenly turned red.

However, she likes Li Lingtian to look at her like this, if other people, she is not strange that the other side is frustrated, now Li Lingtian looks at her like this, she is regarded as a kind of pride, a kind of happiness.

Li Lingtian stared blankly at Beimingxue. The beauty of Beimingxue was absolutely thrilling, enough to make the world's men crazy.

Purple light shirt, snow-white skin like jade gloss and tender, beautiful face charming, the entire person is difficult to compare with her even the goddess of the Nine Heavens.


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