War God Supreme

Chapter 1519: Hou Jia Hou Yu

"how about it?"

Bei Mingxue saw Li Lingtian's appearance, her small face suddenly flushed.

Then he asked, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere, and looked at Li Lingtian seriously.

"Very beautiful!"

"Although I haven't seen the Goddess of the Nine Heavens, Sister Xue is definitely not comparable to the Goddess of the Nine Heavens."

Li Lingtian said seriously, his eyes looked at Bei Mingxue.

If you look at a girl like this in other places at other times, it is definitely frivolous, but at this time, it is definitely an appreciation, because here is only Bei Mingxue and him.

Hearing Li Lingtian's praise, Bei Mingxue was like eating honey in his heart.

Next, Bei Mingxue changed all the other clothes again, and everything she wore on her was absolutely beautiful.

In the end, Li Lingtian made all the clothes well. Although these clothes did not have any defense and attack, but the workmanship was extremely exquisite and the quality was also very good. At least these clothes were the first time they encountered such good clothes.

Sixteen sets of clothes, a total of more than 60 million inferior spirit stones, this price is also the price, if the general warrior, simply look up.

Take Beimingxue back to the separate courtyard in the inn. After returning to the inn, it was already very late.

Bei Mingxue gently kissed Li Lingtian on the cheek and ran away. He returned to his room and Li Lingtian also returned to his room.

One night without words, the next day, Li Lingtian took Bei Mingxue and others to leave the Star City.

After leaving the Star City, Li Lingtian drove the spaceship and flew away.

"Ling Tian, ​​are we going directly to Xuanyin Temple?"

Huangfu Yuyan asked, the expression on his face was very serious.

Comparing myself and others who have just come to Immortal Territory, they would provoke Xuanyin Temple without any knowledge of Immortal Territory. It is indeed a bit improper. Although it is important to save people, it must be arranged.

"Of course, the time has been delayed for a long time, and it can't be delayed now."

"After going to Xuanyin Temple, we made plans again, and after clearing up the situation, we rescued Ming Bing'er."

"If there is another conspiracy in Xuanyin Temple, then I will flatten his Xuanyin Temple to the ground."

Li Lingtian said lightly that in this world, there is no reason to say, as long as you have the means and strength to go against the sky, no reason is necessary.

Now it’s up to me, but it’s impossible for the other party to reason with him. Since the other party doesn’t reason, then he won’t reason with him either. The other party’s super powers are all alone. Forget the destruction of the sound hall.

"I think about these things. You should inform the Danshi Guild and the Battle Guild and the Refining Guild."

"Although we will not rely on the three major guilds, we will tell them that they will not let them have other words to say."

Tang Qingyue spoke at this time. When he spoke, he looked at Tang Qingyue.

After Tang Qingyue finished speaking, they all published their own analysis, agreeing with what Tang Qingyue said.

"Yes, if we go directly to Xuanyin Temple, if successful, the three major guilds will say that we did not take the three major guilds into account. If they fail, we will not find them."

"Yeah, if we go to say hello, even if the three major guilds will not come forward, there will be nothing to say in the future."

Huangfu Yuyan and others agreed with Tang Qingyue's words because it was only a notice.

Let the three great guilds know that Li Lingtian has come to Immortal Territory, and he has to work on Xuanyin Temple.

If Xuanyin Temple really did against Li Lingtian, then Li Lingtian had nothing to say.

"What you said makes sense."

"Anyway, we are just a notice, the initiative is still in our hands."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, he will naturally not be influenced by others, and naturally will not be influenced by others. Although he notified the three major guilds, he still needs to do it, not because of the three major guilds. stop.

Besides, although the three major guilds are super powers, the real power and strength are not strong, but their own influence is strong, and all the warriors in the world are respected.

He Li Lingtian is the first Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent. Even without this title, he is still the First Divine Practitioner of Shenwu Continent and the First Celestial Division. This is hard power.

"In fact, there is no need to pass the notice to the guild headquarters, as long as it reaches the three guilds of the Chunyang Empire."

"At the same time, also pass your words to Chunyang Empire to see how the movement and performance of Chunyang Empire."

Yun Yaoyao said his thoughts. This thing happened in the Chunyang Empire. The Xuanyin Hall was ruled by the Chunyang Empire. It would be unreasonable if the Chunyang Empire was not notified.

"This is good, I will first pass the news to Chunyang Emperor Capital, wait for us to reach the Xuanyin Temple, and then pass the news to the three major guild branches of the Chunyang Empire."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, thinking about things before and after.

Originally he wanted to pass the news to the three major guilds, but this was also a bit inappropriate, because he came to the Chunyang Empire, this place is the Chunyang Empire, and he must face the Chunyang Empire to some extent.

Besides, if the Pure Yang Empire really protects the Xuanyin Temple, then the Pure Yang Empire will favor Xuanyin Temple against him. However, he believes that the Pure Yang Empire will not be too stupid to deal with him.

After discussing the decision, Li Lingtian drove the spacecraft to the Xuanyin Sky City where the Xuanyin Temple was located.

If you want to go to Xuanyin Temple, if you just fly, it will take at least a year or two. Therefore, Li Lingtian has to choose a teleportation array and use the teleportation array to transfer between these sky cities.

In this way, although the cost of the spirit stone is huge, it does not take much time, and a few days at most is enough.

After the decision, Li Lingtian called Huangfu Yuyan and others into the Dragon Dragon Ring, and a single person used the teleportation array to send towards Xuanyin Tiancheng.

For three days, Li Lingtian teleported among more than ten heavenly cities, and teleported to the Xuelietian City near Xuanyin Heavenly City by a long-distance teleportation array. At the cost of the teleportation array alone, he consumed thousands of them. As much as 100 million.

Xuelie Tiancheng, in the Pure Yang Empire, can be regarded as the top ten Tiancheng, but it is too far away from Xuanyin Tiancheng, because Xuanyin Tiancheng has a Xuanyin Temple.

When I came to Xuelie Tiancheng, what made Li Lingtian happy was that the strong men of the Hou family were in Xuelie Tiancheng and Xuanyin Tiancheng.

Although the Hou family is not the top ten sky city and super powers in Tianyu, its strength is also extremely powerful.

Li Lingtian warned Hou Liping in the domain of death. Hou Liping passed on Li Lingtian's words to the family. The strong family suddenly felt an unprecedented force of oppression.

If Li Lingtian was angered, the Hou family's dissipation was just a matter of time.

Therefore, the Hou family's thousands of pseudo-spiritual powerhouses entered into the fairy field, and after being transferred to the fairy field, they knew the location and strength of the Xuanyin Temple clearly.

But they didn't dare to provoke Xuanyin Hall. They could only hide in the sky city around Xuanyin Hall, waiting for Li Lingtian's arrival.

With this strength of the Hou family, as long as a strong man comes out of the Xuanyin Temple, he can be turned into ashes.

They are not fools, Li Lingtian's Defying Heaven is absolutely trembling, and Li Lingtian is also the first Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent.

Such a character is definitely not something that any of the characters and forces of Shenwu Continent can provoke. If it is possible to stand in Li Lingtian, it is an honour. If it is standing in Li Lingtian, it is a nightmare.

"Seen Lord Ling Tian."

As soon as Li Lingtian came to Xuelietian City, a middle-aged man with a pseudo-real world came to Li Lingtian. He respectfully saluted Li Lingtian with a serious look on his face.

The same is the pseudo-real world great consummate, but in front of Li Lingtian, all the pseudo-real world is scum.

In other words, although Li Lingtian is a false **** realm, his strength has already surpassed the false **** realm, and has even entered the semi-god realm. Unfortunately, the realm has not been reached.

"Xuelie Tiancheng, how many people are there in your Hou family?"

Li Lingtian walked and talked, but did not stop at all.

He knows that even if it is sent from the heaven domain to the fairy domain, it is random. It is absolutely impossible to gather the strong people from the top, unless the Hou family understands the fairy domain and discusses the place of convergence in advance. .

"Master Lingtian, under Houyu."

"In Xuelie Tiancheng, there are 71 people, in Xuanyin Tiancheng, there are more than 130 people, and in the other three Tiancheng around Xuanyin Tiancheng, there are 200 people in total."

"We have determined that Bing'er Fairy is indeed inside the Xuanyin Temple."

"There is no danger for the time being, but we dare not act rashly. Please ask Mr. Ling Tian to settle down first, and then report this matter to Mr. Ling Tian."

Hou Yu respectfully said his name.

He did not feel that he had lost his share in front of Li Lingtian, even if it was also a pseudo-spiritual consummation, but Li Lingtian was the first Divine Pill Master and the first day array division of Shenwu Continent, and Li Lingtian’s strength was against the sky, and the means was universal. The half-god powerhouse is not necessarily Li Lingtian's opponent.

"It's best~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian nodded, and then Hou Yu led the way and took Li Lingtian to a relatively remote mansion in Xuelietian City. The mansion was quiet and covered a large area.

Even if you live with a few hundred people, it is not a problem. There are a lot of maids and servants in the mansion. In this way, it looks like a native.

But in the center of the mansion, no one dared to get close, because this is where the Hou Jiaqiang gathered.

"Seen Lord Ling Tian."

When Li Lingtian entered the center of the mansion, more than twenty superpowers recognized Li Lingtian. The look on everyone's face was shocked, and more was envy and respect.

The Divine Martial Continent, which is respected by the strong, can only be respected by the strong.

As long as you are strong enough, you will be respected by other strong men, even the strong men of the same rank will respect you, because this is your strength.


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