War God Supreme

Chapter 1524: The boiling sound...

Xuanyin Temple

The three most powerful forces in the Chunyang Empire are so powerful that even the three most powerful cities in the Chunyang Empire cannot be matched. Baidu interesting college

You should know that the Chunyang Empire ruled the entire empire, and within its territory, it was ruled by the Chunyang Empire. However, there are countless large families and forces in the Chunyang Empire. These families and forces must abide by the jurisdiction of the Chunyang Empire.

Although the Xuanyin Palace is also under the rule of the Pure Yang Empire, the power of the Xuanyin Temple prevents the Pure Yang Empire from daring to move them easily. This is power and strength.

The strength of the Pure Yang Empire can erase the Xuanyin Temple, but it also has to pay a great price.

Moreover, there is also a reason for the movement of the Xuanyin Hall of the Pure Yang Empire. A reason for satisfying all the forces and powers of the Pure Yang Empire, or it is the arbitrary power.

Besides, Xuanyin Palace is the power of his own empire. If the Pure Yang Empire deals with Xuanyin Palace, it will definitely cause the restlessness of other forces and families. If Xuanyin Palace is erased, the empire will suffer a certain loss no matter from which aspect .

The best way is that these powerful forces of Xuanyin Temple and the family kill each other, when the empire comes forward to end the situation and pick up the cheap.

Xuanyin Temple, entrenched in Xuanyin Tiancheng, ruled the entire Xuanyin Tiancheng.

The entire Xuanyin Tiancheng is the power of Xuanyin Temple, and has absolute control over its own territory.

Even if the empire's army and the strong come, it won't help.

The powerful Xuanyin Hall is divided into outer hall, inner hall, and elder regiment.

No matter how powerful the Xuanyin Temple is, no one can imagine, because there are countless false **** realms in the outer hall alone, there are ten legendary demigod realm strongmen, and as for the inner hall and the elders, that is Unimaginable.

Therefore, there is another giant in the Chunyang Empire, which can be said to be a state of the country.

On this day, Xuanyin Tiancheng heard the elders of Xuanyin Temple and the elders of Dongyue Tiancheng.

This news suddenly spread quickly in Xuanyin Tiancheng. The entire Xuanyin Tiancheng is almost unknown to everyone. You must know that the ten elders in the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple are the strongmen in the early half god, the elders of Dongyue Tiancheng. It is also a strong demigod.

The demigods' powerful means pass through the sky, and the world changes color when they wave their hands.

Although it is a discussion, the battle between the two half-shenzhen powerhouses must be turned upside down. You must know that Dongyue Tiancheng is one of the three major heavens of the Pure Yang Empire and one of the three most powerful heavens.

As we all know, Dongyue Tiancheng and Xuanyin Tiancheng are at odds. At this time, they will learn from each other, although they will learn from each other.

Want to suppress Xuanyin Tiancheng of Xuanyin Temple with his own Dongyue Tiancheng.

"The ten elders in the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple and the elders of Dongyue Tiancheng have a discussion. It is a terrifying battle. It would be an honor to see the battle of the strongest half gods."

"I heard that the two half-god powerhouses are extremely powerful superpowers, representing the two heavenly cities."

"I don't know where Elder Ten and Shaotian Elder are discussing?"

"You don't even know this, it must be in Xuanyin Square. Xuanyin Square is one of the three largest squares in the entire Chunyang Empire. It is also the most fortified square. Even if it is a semi-divine realm war, it cannot be shaken. Xuanyin Square."

"Although our Xuanyin Tiancheng is at odds with Dongyue Tiancheng, there are very few halves of the gods who openly fight."

"I heard that Elder Shaotian is the youngest elder in Dongyue Tiancheng, whose strength is earth-shattering, and he had grudges with Elder Ten in his early years. He has been retreating from the past years to practice the God of Shaking God. It's against."

"I heard that Ten Elders and Elder Shaotian had a discussion, and there were other strong men from other nearby Tiancheng to watch the game and be absolutely fair."

"This time, it seems that our Xuanyin Tiancheng has been lively."

"What is hilarious, I think this situation is not right, hey!"


The ten elders of Xuanyin Tiancheng outer hall and Dongyue Tiancheng shook the elders in the battle of Xuanyin Tiancheng.

For a time, Xuanyin Tiancheng was extremely lively, and the news was everywhere.

Li Lingtian naturally got the news too. After getting the news, he immediately felt puzzled.

I did not expect that such a thing happened, so that he did not know what was going on. Was his whereabouts exposed, or else he would encounter the elders of the Outer Temple Ten and the Dongyue Tiancheng when he came here, this It's a coincidence too.

Besides, although Xuanyin Tiancheng and Dongyue Tiancheng are at odds with each other, there is no such open battle, although it is only a contest of the strong players below.

"What do you think."

"This time things are too ridiculous."

Li Lingtian was a bit distressed for the whole person. He had just come to Xuanyin Tiancheng for two days and got the news.

Moreover, the news came out the day before him, but he got the time late, that is to say, before he arrived, the battle between Elder Ten and Elder Shaotian had been agreed.

In this way, it is not to raise the vigilance of Xuanyin Temple, and it is much harder to save Minger from yourself.

"Brother, I don't think this is a good thing."

"According to the rumors, Elder Ten and the opponent who shook Elder Tian, ​​thousands of years old opponent."

"And Dongyue Tiancheng and Xuanyin Tiancheng have always been inconsistent, this matter is well known to everyone."

"Another problem you haven’t found yet is that Dongyue Tiancheng is the three most powerful heavenly cities in the Chunyang Empire. It is impossible for two heavenly cities to be united, so there will not be at least between Elder Shaotian and Ten Elders. conspiracy."

After hearing Li Lingtian's rumors and news outside, Xiaobai pondered and analyzed it.

After a while, he expressed his views.

After all, Dongyue Tiancheng won’t be so stupid as to offend Shenwu Continent’s First Divine Pill Master and the first day array division to please the enemy.

Whether it is a personal reason or the interests between the entire Tiancheng, Dongyue Tiancheng and Xuanyin Tiancheng cannot be united. This is her view.

"Brother, you should see the situation clearly."

"This time, the elders of the ten elders met with the elders who shook the heavens. They also met important strongmen in the heavenly cities of Xuelietiancheng and Dongmingtiancheng to watch the battle, and even the strongmen of the other two heavenly cities were also invited."

"Although there are only a few strong men in the three major sky cities, plus the strong men in the sky city around Xuanyin Tiancheng, this is not a lot of calculation. These strong men came to watch the battle and all met the elders of the sky."

"On the surface, it is a battle, but it is an invisible suppression. Even the Temple of Xuanyin, they dare not openly offend these heavenly cities."

"So, although the situation is unclear, at least these heavens will not be aimed at you."

"You think about how the Pure Yang Empire exists, even if it is in turmoil, it is only a matter of easy to suppress it. With the strength of the empire, it is natural to be able to see the movement of the heaven below. If there is something wrong, the empire must be Come forward."

Ji Yi also said his analysis. The three-person team must have our teacher. Although Li Lingtian thought of many things, one person's ideas will inevitably lead to a dead end. One's judgment may be arbitrary.

When encountering problems, he naturally has to consult the ideas and opinions of those around him.

"You two are right."

"This matter is indeed a bit strange."

"But anyway, even if it is a trap, at least it is good for us, that is, the other party will let us know the location of Ming Binger."

"Xuanyin Temple, even if it is Longtan Tiger's Cave, I have to break in."

A confident smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face. He had seen more things. Even now, even in the Pure Yang Empire, he dared to break into it.

What's more, he is here to save people, and his own people are in the hands of opponents. It is impossible for him to watch and be hurt by his opponents. This is not his style.

"The three of us joined forces, and even the three half gods are not afraid."

"We just can rest for two days, two days later is the time for the elder Ten and the elder Shao to discuss."

Xiao Bai and Ji Yi both smiled when they saw Li Lingtian.

The relationship between the three people is naturally needless to say, the feelings are deeper than those of relatives and siblings, and the three lives are closely related to each other.

After deliberation, Li Lingtian was relieved.

However, he did not take a break, but let Xiaobai and Ji Yi rest, left the inn by themselves, looked around Xuanyin Square, and looked around the situation of Xuanyin Square.

The main reason is to see the defense of this square. As a Sky Array Divisionist, I naturally don’t want to be calculated by the array method at a critical moment.

After a day of research, I had some confidence in my heart. When I returned to the inn, I rested peacefully, restoring my mental state to its peak state and preparing to meet various challenges.

"Which song is Dongyue Tiancheng singing?"

"Exactly at this critical moment, is it possible that Li Lingtian found Dongyue Tiancheng?"

"This should not be the case. Li Lingtian is the Divine Pill Master and the Celestial Master. Even if he is looking for it, he is also looking for the Danshi Guild and the Array Guild."

Among the palaces in the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple, the five and a half centuries are like statues sitting on the palace chairs. On the throne, a black middle-aged strong man sits.

The five elders didn't have the slightest breath, but they gave a dangerous feeling, like a time bomb.

The breath of the middle-aged strong man sitting on the throne is exactly what they thought. The terrifying coercion and momentum are like a sheathed sword. The breath of destruction will shatter the surrounding space.

He is the elder of the outer hall of Xuanyin Temple~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the elders of the outer hall.

For this time, the elders of other places were transferred back.

But Wan Wan did not expect that at this critical moment, the elders of Dongyue Tiancheng came to make trouble, which was beyond their expectations.

"It's just a coincidence that this is the case."

"Be aware that although Li Lingtian is against the sky, he is not as powerful as a semi-divine realm. Even if he is a strong man in a semi-divine realm, Dongyue Tiancheng will not openly be the most right for him to come to Xuanyin Temple for him."

Eight elder Wang Lingcheng said, his face relaxed.

Even if Dongyue Tiancheng came to fight against Elder Ten, other people would not dare to chaos. With the cultivation of Elder Ten as strength, even if it is not the opponent who shakes Elder Tian, ​​it might not be defeated.

Besides, the other strong men are here to watch the war. The number is not large, and there is no meaning of a war. It is simply not a concern.

As for whether this matter is related to Li Lingtian, I haven't paid any attention to it at all. ()

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