War God Supreme

Chapter 1525: Powerful gathering

Was fooled by the man in black.

It was found that the seal was intact, and the two did not continue to stay. After all, the seal was intact, and their stay did not help.

But not long after they were there, the figure in black suddenly appeared at the seal, looking at the corner of the seal mouth in front of him with a meaningful smile.

There was no result this time. The Blood Gate Gate Master returned to the Blood Gate Base Camp, while Lin Fan returned to Lingxiao Palace, which was originally intended to end the removal of Lingxiao Palace. When he returned, Lingxiao Palace had already begun to act. Even if you stop drinking, it seems that it is not very useful. Since it is so, then Lin Fan is still absolutely, and moved the base camp of the Lingxiao Palace into the eastern universe.

Today’s Lingxiao Palace is not what it used to be. It has a large number of cosmic crystals. Even if it is not a problem to recreate a continent in a short time, as early as a few days ago, Ling Yun found a new brand in the Eastern Universe. China's continent, and the Lingxiao Palace was also constructed in full swing.

In just one week, Lingxiao Palace has evacuated the entire reincarnation of the mainland. After all, Lin Fan has Beidou space. For the sudden withdrawal of Lingxiao Palace from the central universe, the five forces and the father of sin did not know what happened.

In any case, Lingxiao Palace has been developing in the Central Universe for such a long time, which is considered entrenched. At this time, it seems not wise to choose to leave to enter the Eastern Universe.

So what happened.

After thinking about it, the five forces still can't think of a reason. With the five forces today, even if they can't join forces, they can't do Lingxiao Palace. What's more, today's Lingxiao Palace has already joined the Blood Gate Alliance. Let's not talk about Lingxiao Palace. In the end there is no chaotic true emperor sitting in town, just the chaotic true emperor of the blood gate master is enough trouble.

The removal of Lingxiao Palace did not hide anything at all. It can be said that it was a big fan. According to Lin Fan’s previous meaning, it was already good to move in a month, but he underestimated the power of Lingyun and Lingxiao Palace. Things that can only be done in one month are actually done in just one week.

The Eastern Universe, a brand new continent, is also called the reincarnation continent. The Lingxiao Palace has settled down. Although the new reincarnation continent still needs to be built, the Lingxiao Palace has just entered the Eastern Universe less than a few days before it happened with the Liuli Palace. Friction.

But you must know that the five major forces re-entered the continent of the gods and regained control of the five universes, while the eastern universe is in the hands of the Liuli Palace. This time Lingxiao Palace settled in the eastern universe. Think about it, the two major forces There must be friction.

Both seem to want to try this time, so they did not stop the fight between the people underneath, but the high level did not dispatch. In this way, the two immediately started the war, but the final result was that Liuli Palace could not resist Lingxiao Palace In the end, if Lingxiao Palace took the initiative to stop, I believe it would not be difficult to drive Liuli Palace back to the mainland of the gods.

It was precisely because of this collision that the five forces finally knew that the strength of Lingxiao Palace had reached a terrible point. In just a few days, Liuli Palace could not resist the defeat, and this friction, Lingxiao The palace didn't use its full strength at all, and terrible didn't use even 1% of its power.

The central universe, a desolate continent, a desolate peak.

On the south side of the mountain top, there are six people standing, namely, the father of sin in the evil city, the chaos ancestor of the chaotic city, the glaze ancestor of the Liuli Palace, the black ancestor of the Black Prison Gate, the devil ancestor of Devil Island, and It is the killer of the four alliances.

But to the north of the mountain top is Lin Fan and the Blood Gate Master standing in the universe. In the universe, the Blood Gate Door Master is called the Door Master Patriarch. It can be said that the eight people who are standing on the top of the mountain today are It is the most powerful other person in the universe, and also the most powerful eight people. The eight people represent Sin City, Chaos City, Black Prison Gate, Liuli Palace, Devil Island, Kill Gate, Blood Gate and Liuli Palace. When the forces join forces, then the entire universe is composed of eight forces.

This time, the eight super powers gathered on the top of the mainland. The initiator was the five chaotic emperors, and Lin Fan did not come alone, but called the blood door master. No matter what, the blood door master always They are all genuine chaos emperors.

"Lin Fan, I didn't expect that we would be able to meet for so long, don't come unharmed." It was the Black Prison Ancestor who spoke at the main palace of the Black Prison Gate. The Black Prison Ancestor handed the token to Lin Fan to let He let him leave, but the final result, so the people who hate Lingxiao Palace most now are Black Prison Ancestor and God of Kill.

"Black Prison Ancestor, I actually wanted to meet you a long time ago, but I just never had a chance."

"Well, without further ado, first hand over the token I gave you."

The black jail token, Lin Fan took a black token from his arms and waved his hand. With a whizz, the black jail token went towards the black jail ancestor, and the black jail ancestor grabbed it with his backhand.

Regarding the Black Prison token of the Black Priest, Lin Fan had no interest at all and asked: "I don't know what happened to the five of you. If there is no other thing, then we will go first."

"Lin Fan, don't be arrogant here, now is the time to resolve the grievances between us."

Hearing the voice of the father of sin, Lin Fan sneered. The grievance between the father of sin and himself, without the need to speak to each other, he knows it clearly. After all, he got the mysterious body of the blackbird. The father of sin has never been able to break through the realm of Chaos Emperor. Since then, the father of sin has always wanted to put him to death, but unfortunately there has been no chance. Now on this continent, the entire continent is only eight of them. Once the two sides are at war, One hundred percent is bad for both of them.

"Father of sin, do you even have to shame, Huang Li is my wife, you actually want to get his body of mysterious Yin, everyone will comment on me, who is right or wrong in this matter."

Hearing this, everyone, even the five great chaotic emperors, despised the father of sin one by one, and the chaos ancestor said coldly: "The father of sin, I really did not expect that you are shameless to the extreme, you Lie to our opponent Lingxiao Palace, it turned out to satisfy your selfish desire, shameless."

With that said, the five emperors of Chaos actually walked aside slowly, keeping a distance from the father of sin. Seeing this situation, Lin Fan was also a little shocked. I don’t know what the five emperors of Chaos really meant. There is a trace of grudge between the five chaos emperors, and the five chaos emperors have no reason to help him.

Don’t say that Lin Fan and the Blood Gate ancestors don’t know clearly, even the father of sin doesn’t know what happened, after all, they have already agreed between them, and the alliance of the two sides will deal with Lingxiao Palace together, but now, five Actually, he seems to draw a clear line with him.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. We didn't see your true face before. We didn't expect you to be a shameless person. Now that you see it clearly, of course we must draw a clear line with you."

"Okay, just cancel the covenant. Without the five of you, I will definitely keep this person today."

The father of sin has full confidence and can kill each other with his strength. After all, the other party is just a Chaos King. Chaos King and Chaos True Emperor are basically two different levels of existence. Chaos King is in front of Chaos True Emperor, It is basically the existence of ants. As long as the Chaos True Emperor is willing, even the Chaos King is not an opponent.

But at this time, the Blood Gate ancestor who had not spoken came out and said with a smile: "If you want to deal with Brother Lin, first ask me if I agree or disagree."

Seeing the blood gate master suddenly came out, the face of the father of sin also changed instantly. He was confident to deal with Lin Fan, and he had the confidence to deal with anyone, but in the entire universe, only six people could not afford him In addition to the five chaotic emperors, then the blood ancestor in front of him.

But you know, whether it is the five chaos emperors or blood gate ancestors, six of them have achieved chaos emperor long ago, and he only broke through to chaos emperor a few years ago. What the result will be is completely conceivable.

In fact, the father of sin was very depressed. He never thought that the blood ancestor actually helped Lin Fan so much. If so, wouldn’t it be difficult for him to want revenge today.

At the beginning, I thought I could get help from the five great emperors of Chaos, but now the situation is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Eight of them split into three waves, and he is the weakest side.

"Okay, okay, okay, you are really cruel, I will come back to find you one day sooner or later."

"Father of sin, if you do not leave, I believe you will not be able to go out in the future." In fact, everyone also knows clearly that no matter what, the father of sin is a chaotic true emperor, once the war starts, even I am afraid that the father who can kill the evil will also lose.

"Humph." The father of sin left without a word, because he knew very clearly in his heart that even if he stayed, he would not get the slightest benefit. Instead of this, it would be better to think of other ways to deal with the crowd. At this moment, he It was a complete break with everyone.

After the father of sin had left, Lin Fan looked at the five chaos emperors in front of him and asked, "Now that the father of sin has gone, the five have nothing to say, despite speaking."

Lin Fan is not a fool. Of course, he knows that the five Chaos True Kings do this, and they must have other purposes. After all, there is no free lunch in this world. What’s more, there is a relationship between him and the Black Prison Ancestor Life and death grievances are impossible to solve, even if the Black Prison Ancestor does not pursue them, then the God of Killing, no matter what, he has always destroyed the four alliances. If the Killing God can bear it, it is strange.

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