War God Supreme

Chapter 1529: Genie

"Dageng Sword!"

"Ming God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

"Dark God Ring-Hades Blade!"

"Ming God Ring-Colorful Spirit Mountain!"

Seeing the ruined light and shadow rolling down, the look on Li Lingtian's face became pale. Baidu interesting college

At this moment, no longer dare to hesitate, Dageng Excalibur waved out, and the golden edge fell towards the light and shadow, but the light and shadow only appeared a mouth, and the mouth immediately closed.

The light and shadow did not stop at all, and landed without a trace.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's face was constantly changing, and for the first time he encountered such a terrifying existence.

The Mingshen Ring opened, and the attack of Chi tomorrow emperor erupted. The power of Chi tomorrow emperor was the same as the result of Dageng sword, and there was no slight obstruction to light and shadow.

The Pluto Blade on the Pluto Blade was bombarded with mighty power, and suddenly the light and shadow shook and shook, but it was not broken.

At this time, Li Lingtian had already felt the erosion of the Devil's Devil's Qi, and the true solution of the Holy Demon was in operation.

It was found that although the power of the magic power below was terrifying, it could not pose a threat to him for the time being.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian landed quickly, and in an instant, the whole person had landed under the abyss. With cultivation and knowledge, this abyss was dozens of miles deep.

As he landed on the ground, he watched the horrible light and shadow continue to fall down, and his consciousness moved. The colorful Lingshan in the Mingshen Ring was displayed, and suddenly three huge spiritual mountains rose into the sky, blocking the light and shadow of the ten-mile high place.

The three colorful Lingshan Mountains are like Optimus Prime, and the terrifying spirit pressure blocks light and shadow.

The mysterious and terrifying power of light and shadow is constantly fighting against the spirit pressure, but the powerful pressure of the colorful Lingshan Mountain and the power of the innate artifacts. Light and shadow want to defeat the colorful spirit mountain, it is not a matter of a moment.

Seeing Lingshan blocking light and shadow, Li Lingtian was relieved temporarily.

However, he did not dare to have the slightest care and relaxation. After sweeping his consciousness, he could see this place clearly.

It's okay not to look, when I saw this situation, the look on my face changed dramatically.

Ming Bing'er was found, but he was stunned by the powerful magical energy, and his breath was very weak. What made him discolored is that in this place, it was only a few square meters in size, but there was a huge demon inside. monster.

Said the Demon Strong is not like the Demon Strong, saying Warcraft is not Warcraft.


"It's a spirit!"

Seeing this powerful Mozu monster, Li Lingtian could not help but exclaimed.

I saw that the Demon monster was ten meters tall, like a giant of the Demon Race. After seeing this Demon Monster, Li Lingtian thought of the Demon Beast in his Holy Ring.

None of this was terrifying to him. What was terrifying was that the monster monster exuded a terrifying magical energy.

With this magic energy, it is definitely not comparable to the early stage of the semi-deity, that is to say, this spirit demon is already equivalent to the middle stage of the semi-deity.

It's very difficult for me to deal with even the ordinary early strong men in the semi-god realm. Now is it a demon in the middle of the semi-god realm. Isn't this desperate?

There are lights and shadows of destruction and horror on the bottom, and there are spirits that are equivalent to the mid-half of the gods. It is desperate, but at this time, Li Lingtian calmed down.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the Dragon Ring opened.

Ming Yan'er appeared in front of him. When he came out and saw the spirit coming over step by step, the look on his face was terrified.

At this time, she did not know what Li Lingtian wanted her to do.

"Go quickly and protect your sister."

"She is not fit to enter the Dragon Ring now, protect her heart with Zhenyuan, and come to help you after this seat solves it."

After Li Yantian waited for Ming Yaner to come out, he said to Ming Yaner, his eyes kept staring at the spirit demon, the spirit demon walked over step by step, and the ground shivered every step.

A terrifying demon qi came over, and Li Lingtian felt a trembling heart when he felt the powerful devil qi.

"Son, be careful."

Ming Yaner looked at the powerful genie coming over, and looked at Ming Bing'er in the distance. She was worried about Li Lingtian and her sister at this time. At this time, she knew that she could not be delayed. In front of Ming Binger.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhenyuan exhibited and used Mingyuan to protect Ming Binger who passed out.

Ming Bing'er has only Wushen Realm. In front of such pure and terrifying magic energy, he can't bear the erosion of magic energy at all, leading to the present coma.

When Ming Yan'er's Zhenyuan infused, Ming Binger woke up slowly.

After waking up, I saw a girl who looked exactly like herself, and that kindred's sense of blood let her know that the girl in front of her was her sister, and her fellow sister Ming Yan'er.

At this time, his sister saved herself, and her strength was countless higher than herself.

"younger sister!"


The two sisters shouted at the same time, and the two looked at each other, both showing a happy smile.

The loved ones meet again in more than ten years, the natural excitement is extremely.

However, at this time, all faced with life and death, can only expect Li Lingtian to withstand the light and shadow in the air, can find a way to defeat this spirit, or else the three will fall here.

Ming Bing'er looked at the figure in the distance, although he could not see his face, but from the back he could see that this person was a young man, and he was also a chic and elegant figure.

Even in the face of powerful and unmatched spirits, it can give people a sense of security, just like this back view can block any strong enemy and danger in the world.

"Dageng Sword!"

Li Lingtian watched the demon coming over step by step, and the terrifying magic power was constantly crushed.

The Jiutian Shenwei in his body also erupted at this time. The horror of Jiutian Shenwei exceeded the imagination of the powerful continent of Shenwu.

Powerful coercion crushes each other, but Li Lingtian’s Nine Heavens Divine Power is even powerful, but it’s a pity that the cultivation is too low.

What's more, this demon in front of him is equivalent to the horrible existence of the mid-half-real world, and the difference between the two is a few worlds.

The Dageng Excalibur was exhibited without any hesitation. Between the waves of one hand, a golden edge was cut over. The golden edge ignored the distance and cut the space directly in half.

The golden swordman's head fell on the demon. When the giant arm of the demonman was blocked, the golden blade was offset.

This result is completely beyond the scope of Li Lingtian's imagination. To know the innate artifact of the middle grade of Dageng Sword, plus the realm of gold, and the sharpness of Dageng sword, even if the semi-divine realm is not careful, Extermination, but in front of this spirit demon, there is no use at all.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian once again recognized the power of the spirit, and the mid-semi-realm is simply not what he can imagine now.


The spirit demon had arrived in front of Li Lingtian, and a huge arm directly bombarded it, torn the space directly, and a space crack went straight to Li Lingtian.

"Bingyan Nine Heavy Heavens-Nothingness!"

Li Lingtian withdrew the Dageng Sword, and his consciousness moved. The ice **** and the fire **** at this time, the divine power of the two gods worked, and with his hands raised, an ice cold world and a flame world appeared behind him.

After the two worlds emerged, they merged together. Suddenly, the power to destroy the rage broke out.

Then, Li Lingtian folded his hands together, and a beam of light bombarded the spirit demon.

The breath of destruction torn and twisted in the space.


With a shocking explosion, the pillar of light collided with the arm of the demon.

Suddenly, the thunderous sound tore the space, and a ruined light curtain unfolded, and all the light curtains passed through were destroyed.

In the face of such a devastating attack, the demon just stepped back a few steps.

Instead of damaging the spirit, it angered the spirit.



A huge arm continuously bombarded Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian's figure kept flashing, but the spirit demon seemed clunky, but the speed was extremely fast, and the attack of the spirit demon also locked Li Lingtian's qi. Li Lingtian simply Can't dodge.


The destructive attack bombarded Li Lingtian's body. Even Li Lingtian's defense was instantly destroyed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He was bombarded four or five times in a blink of an eye.

The last time, Li Lingtian's body hit the stone wall fiercely, and the ground was shaking for a while. Li Lingtian was almost hit by the whole person.


Watching Li Lingtian defeated and fell to the ground, Ming Yan'er and Ming Bing'er were both worried.

At this time, the demon's huge body exploded, and huge fists bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely. If it hit, Li Lingtian would settle down.

"The true solution of the devil, the gas of the devil!"

Li Lingtian felt the magical power of destruction, and the whole person was not good anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No longer could care about anything else, the consciousness moved, the holy demon's true solution worked, the spirit of the demon's holy demon burst out, pure The spirit of the Sacred Demon greeted him straight towards his fist.

There is very little sacred gas, only a ray, but this sacred gas defies everything in the space and goes straight to the fist.

Ming Binger saw that Li Lingtian was performing such a weak attack at this time, thinking that Li Lingtian was fooled, but Ming Yaner did not think so, because she knew that Li Lingtian’s character and habits would not lose her place in a critical moment, and she was against Li Lingtian. Cultivation knows a lot about strength, and naturally knows the horror of the holy spirit.

Just as Li Lingtian exhibited the spirit of the holy demon, the spirit demon was stunned, and his eyes were puzzled and shocked.

It did not expect that Li Lingtian would have such a pure devil qi, and by virtue of its induction, Li Lingtian exerted a devil qi that was more pure than that of his spirit demon. This is why it is not shocked.

In a moment of kung fu, the spirit of the holy demon bombarded with fists.

The seemingly weak energy of the Sacred Demon not only was not wiped out in front of the fist of destruction, but instead wrapped the fist, and the gas of the Sacred Demon entered directly into the fist and went straight into the body of the spirit. ()

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