War God Supreme

Chapter 1530: Devastation

Long Dahe God of War, at this time also transferred the attack to Li Lingtian. Endless light and shadow destroyed countless demons. Long Da came to Li Lingtian. The powerful dragon clan physique helped Li Lingtian resist the countless attacks of destruction.


Li Lingtian shouted, and quickly flew away from the Chaoshen God.

The God of War is a place that can really resist the attack of the demon. The least low-level demon can't attack him. Even if it is to fight, it will only fight with those super devil. It will not let some low-level demon attack.

Although the low-level demons don't have much threat, but tens of thousands of attacks hit you, even the gods can't eat it.

After returning to the Ares, Li Lingtian took a breath and mobilized the True Element, and the True Element in the meridian circulation stabilized the injury. Now he is facing all powerful Demon Races.

"Li Lingtian, surrendering the drawings of the Forbidden Demon Formation can take your life."

Commander Yannan looked at Li Lingtian's strength and was shocked. Wu Zun's strong man ignored him completely. In his eyes, everything under the Emperor Wu was a ant, but he did not expect that the Wu Zun human in front of him was so terrifying.

He also grasped to wipe out Li Lingtian, but he also had to pay a heavy price.

If he can do it without hands, he will take the drawings of the Forbidden Demon Array in his hands. This is also a task. This is neither a risk nor a good thing to complete the task. He naturally has to think about it first.

"Haha, take my life and look in the mirror."

"If you want to ban the demon **** array drawings, you try your best to use your true skills. If you can only speak big words in front of the son, it will not work. How many people who speak big in front of the son are not in this world."

Li Lingtian laughed loudly, as if he heard the best jokes, not looking down at the dozens of martial arts strongmen across from him.

All the strong men are shocked. Such a character, in the face of the Emperor Wu Emperor, is so calm, so envious.

"You ungrateful animal."

"Bendi will let you see what a real powerhouse is like today."

The muscles on Yan Nan's face were distorted. He did not expect a Wu Zun to dare to ridicule him like this.

After that, the terrifying demonic energy was on display, the same was true of the other demons. Suddenly, the entire sky was dark and the earth was dark.

"You will die without bragging."

With one wave of Li Lingtian's hand, all the strong men displayed True Qi and True Element, and merged True Qi and True Element into the defensive array, allowing the other party to attack.

The God of War’s defense, coupled with the true energy of the 20,000 strong ones, even the Demon Race cannot be broken for a while.

Li Lingtian calculated secretly that his eyes looked away intentionally or unintentionally. I saw the kung fu for a while. Tens of thousands of warriors have already flown far away. As long as they delay for a little longer, these warriors will leave Qingzhou and escape the Demon Race. Whether they can enter Cangzhou by their siege is their character.

Now use the true qi and true elements of all the warriors to resist the attack of the demon, and also consume the opponent's true elements.

Either the opponent's strongman does not take action, in that case, the Ares' defense will not be threatened. If the opponent's strongman takes the shot, the defensive array is threatening, but it can consume the opponent's energy and magic energy.





The God of War has never been heard of the attack. Sixteen silver pillars continually emit a tremendous amount of light and shadow, and each blow is destroyed by countless demons.

At this time, countless powerful people of the Demon Race have displayed their terrifying demonic energy and bombarded towards the God of War.

The defense on the Ares is trembling constantly, but there are 20,000 fighters who are really qi and true, and there is no sign of breaking.

"It looks great."

"Defense with all your strength."

"Defense formations are all on."

A brutal smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, and then shouted to all the warriors, and also allowed the formation masters in the Ares to open the most powerful defense of the Ares.

Looking into the distance, at this time tens of thousands of warriors have disappeared into the sky, and all the warriors have fled separately, so that they will not be destroyed by the powerful demon at once.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was also relieved, and the whole body's true element was running.

"Brother, do you want to use true spirit beads?"

Ji Yi saw a bead appearing in Li Lingtian's hands, a shocked look appeared on her small face. She didn't know the power of the true spirit beads before, but now she understands that this true spirit bead is completely destroyed.

"Yes, when encountering such demons, the demons of the film are really rare. This true spirit bead is also where it exerts its greatest power."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face became more and more intense, and some relatives behind him, including Nangong Mingyue, puzzled at the beads in Li Lingtian's hands.

At this time, the defense of Ares was all turned on, and then it was transmitted to Ye Feng, so that Ares was ready to escape.

The power of the True Spirit Pearl destroys the world, even if the Ares defense is fully open, it does not dare to guarantee that it will not be destroyed by the True Spirit Pearl.

Arranging everything, Li Lingtian's body flickered, suspended in the air, the Ares stopped the attack strangely, and retreated to the back at the fastest speed.

This situation made countless Mozus stunned, but when Li Lingtian came out, he attacked Li Lingtian.

At this moment, I saw a brutal smile in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth. His fingers flicked, the thunder wing on his shoulder moved, and his body disappeared into the air.

The space is twisted, and a force of destruction appears in the entire space, just like this space is a bomb to be burst.

Found this situation, countless Super Devil also felt wrong, but this time, it is too late.

"Retreat, retreat."

"Hurry back."


At this time, the sky and earth burst apart, within a hundred miles, completely reduced to ashes, even if hundreds of thousands of demons, most of them fell, and countless Wuzun Wudi, even a little chance of resistance No, it was just destroyed.


Li Lingtian's body flashed and was hit by a devastating impact. The whole person entered into the Ares, and the defense of the Ares was broken.

The Ares shook, but it continued to retreat, very fast.


Another spit of blood spurted out, and Huangfu Yuyan and others hurried to Li Lingtian's side to support Li Lingtian.

Ye Feng had ordered it already. After the Ares retreated, he changed his direction and flew, which was opposite to the direction of the warriors of the Dragon Empire.

The demon were caught off guard, and the Ares was just a chance to escape.

The sound of roaring masterpiece, the speed of the Ares is increased to the fastest, almost the same as the warrior's teleport.

Watching the Ares fly to the sky in an instant, the blood of the mouth of the commander-in-chief was distorted, and the look on his face was twisted. With such a devastating blow, hundreds of thousands of demons were damaged.


There are only three true spirit beads in the elven family for countless tens of thousands of years. Li Lingtian's current cultivation practice directly exerts the power of the true spirit beads.

Under one blow, hundreds of thousands of demons, a total of 300,000 were destroyed in an instant. Under the true spirit beads, not to mention Wu Zong Wu Huang, even Wu Zun Wu Emperor, must be killed.

What's more, under no circumstances, no one can dodge at all, there is no chance of reaction, and it is naturally a piece of destruction.

This true spirit pearl has taken away nearly thirty martial arts emperors, hundreds of martial arts emperors, and now there are only a dozen martial arts emperors and nearly two hundred martial arts emperors.

Commander Yannan was also injured, but the injury was not serious. He watched the Ares escape and hurried up.

All other demons also quickly hunted up.

For a while, the Ares accelerated to escape, and hundreds of thousands of demons in the back continued to chase, but as time passed, the lower demons in the back were thrown away.

Only Wu Zun and Emperor Wu were entangled in the God of War. There were also sixteen silver pillars behind the God of War, and sixteen devastating lights and shadows were constantly bombarded.

The Ares, there is a front, back, right, left, up and down, there are places to attack, all-round attack and kill.

Although the attack of God of War can't destroy the Emperor Wu now, it brings a huge threat to the demon races that are chasing behind. If you are not careful, you will be bombarded and killed.

The God of War escaped, and did not lock the strong, but used the attacks of the fifth and sixth-order Nedan to cause trouble to the demon who were chasing.

"Ye Feng, what's ahead?"

Li Lingtian adjusted her breath a bit, and Tang Qingyue wiped the blood from the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth with silk silk.

Immediately shouted to Ye Feng, wanting to know the route ahead.

"Go back to Young Master, and you will leave the territory of the Dragon Empire in front of you. After a hundred miles, you will find the boundless sea."

Ye Feng did not hesitate, he directly said the previous route. For the route of the Ares, Ye Feng has already studied it. This is what he must do as a subordinate.

The God of War is so huge that he needs to study it carefully. As long as the God of War enters the boundless sea, he can get rid of most Demon races, and fighting in the sea is also beneficial to the God of War.

"Okay, speed up the flight and fight in the boundless sea."

Li Lingtian said loudly, looking at the 20,000 warriors below.

"Do your best to kill the demon."

"Do your best to kill the demon."


Twenty thousand warriors also know that this is the most critical time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other warriors of the Dragon Empire have basically fled to life, and now they are still alive.

All demons must be killed to enter the boundless sea smoothly, and then cross the boundless sea to enter Cangzhou.

"Meier, help me recover from my injury."

Li Lingtian did not hesitate and walked towards the room. Shun Meier also knew what Li Lingtian meant.

His current injury, if he is recuperating, is not good for a few days, but in the face of a powerful Demon race, he must stabilize his injury in a short time.

To stabilize the injury in a short period of time, she must be asked to help.

The other girls knew that Li Lingtian and Shun Meier were both practicing. At this time, the restoration was the fastest.

The two walked towards the room. The others watched the God of War and the countless demons chasing behind them, and they were very worried. ()

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