War God Supreme

Chapter 1532: Chasing after



The huge spaceship flew through the clouds, and within a blink of an eye.

After flying for a full day, the spacecraft never stopped, and it didn't mean to stop at all.

On the spaceship, Ming Yan'er and Ji Yi helped Ming Binger to heal the wounds and expel the devil qi from his body. Originally, Li Lingtian cultivated the true solution of the Holy Devil. He was the easiest to solve this little thing.

But he didn't want to have too much contact with Ming Binger. Besides, now that he was not completely out of the threat, he couldn't put his mind on Ming Binger's injury.

In fact, Ming Bing'er was not injured, but her cultivation level was too low to resist the erosion of the devil qi. Finally, she was eroded by the devil qi. As long as the devil qi was expelled, Ji Yi and Ming Yan'er could solve this problem. solve.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, the magic energy in Ming Binger's body was expelled, and the whole person was now a little weak, and there was no other discomfort.

One day's flight, with the speed of the spaceship, I don't know how many miles have been flown.

But the spacecraft still has no plans to stop.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was light and breezy, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. Xiao Bai and Ji Yi saw Li Lingtian's smile, and they couldn't understand it because they knew that when Li Lingtian showed such a smile, it must be Someone is suffering, or someone is already suffering.

At this moment, they do not know who is being teased by Li Lingtian.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?"

Ji Yi couldn't help it, and asked, Li Xiaotian looked up at her face with a small face, and Xiaoxianyu shook Li Lingtian's hand continuously, and she looked coquettish.

Xiaobai also looked at Li Lingtian curiously, while both Ming Bing'er and Ming Yaner looked at Li Lingtian.

There was a curious look on everyone's face.

"Don't look behind."

"There are a bunch of fools in the back, which are already exhausting."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face was even stronger. After he had finished speaking, the whole person almost laughed.

He has long discovered that the strong man chased after him, a semi-godly strong man, and hundreds of pseudo-godly strong men, although hidden very well, but in front of him Li Lingtian, have nothing to hide.

The magical power of heaven and void, as long as it is in the space, cannot escape his eyes.

Moreover, the peak of his pseudo-realm was consummated, and the strength of his consciousness had reached a terrifying level, even the half-godly strong person could not match it.

The present consciousness has been able to extend beyond the death of thousands of miles. The general false **** realm is the perfect peak powerhouse, and the consciousness can only extend the distance of thousands of miles. The strongman in the back regards Li Lingtian as an ordinary false **** realm. Followed thousands of miles away.

But they did not know that they were doing this. They were just covering their ears and stealing their bells. They thought Li Lingtian could not see them, but they never thought they were like clowns in front of Li Lingtian.

After a day's flight, the strong man in the back almost died, but the strong man in the back never gave up and did not come up.

Seeing this situation, it is strange that Li Lingtian does not laugh.

"A bunch of fools?"

"Are you tired?"

"Giggle, giggle!"

"Brother, you are too funny."


Brother, if they knew you were playing them, they wouldn’t be angry. "

When Xiao Bai and Ji Yi heard Li Lingtian's words, they suddenly felt stunned, but they immediately understood it.

After understanding it, they all smiled.

For decades with Li Lingtian, they naturally knew that Li Lingtian's character, although Li Lingtian was the first Divine Practitioner of the Shenwu Continent, the first day array division, or the legend and myth of the Shenwu Continent, was so funny when doing things.

It's exactly the same as a child, if other powerful people know that Li Lingtian is playing with them, don't blame each other.

Ming Yan'er and Ming Bing'er also kept laughing, but they didn't look back, because they were worried that the strong guys behind knew they had found them, so it would definitely not be fun.

Ming Bing'er was shocked and curious in his heart. The dashing and elegant young man in front of him was the first day array division of the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, but did not expect such fun.

Faced with countless super strong chases, there are still strong players behind in the mood to play.

The person who can do this is either a fool or cultivated to be strong against the sky, and does not look at the strong behind.

Obviously, Li Lingtian is definitely not a fool, but a legendary figure of Shenwu Continent.

On Xiu Wei, he is a powerhouse with a pseudo-real world.

On talent, there is nothing magical in the world.

In terms of strength, the practice of the false **** realm can defeat the semi-god realm without failing once in a lifetime.

In terms of status, he is the first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent and the first Celestial Division of Shenwu Continent.

In terms of qualifications, he has become a pseudo-real world of the Great Consummation after a hundred years of failure.

All this, all the arrogance of the heavenly continent of the Shenwu Continent, and all the strong ones, who can compare with it, and who can compare with it. Compared with Li Lingtian, it is simply the difference between Yun and Yang.

Moreover, this man is also chic and elegant, rich and handsome, enough to make all the women in the world fall for it.

"Brother, what about the people behind?"

"Do you want to solve it or leave it behind?"

After a while, Xiaobai asked.

The spaceship has been flying for a day, and it doesn't make much sense to continue like this.

"and many more."

"After exhausting their real dollars, find a place to solve them."

"It was forged with Liangzi of Xuanyin Temple. It is impossible to untie it. Since that is the case, kill one of them, and there will be one less in the future."

Li Lingtian said lightly that he already knew the strength of the strong men in the back, and he had a bottom in his heart.

There is not much problem with a demi-god, and in an open place, he is at an advantage, and the distance between himself and the demi-god is reduced a lot, so that it can really be a means of seeing some powerful demi-god. And strength.


"Sister Bai and I will fight for the big brother."

"Look at how powerful the demigod is."

Ji Yi also said that she has now reached the pinnacle of pseudo-realm peak, and with the power of Xuantian Divine Bow, the confidence of the whole person has soared, even if he meets the strong power of the half-god realm, he will have the power to fight. Powerful gods may also fall.

Following Li Lingtian for a long time, Li Lingtian's eyes and expression,

They all know what Li Lingtian is going to do.

Now, it is natural to know that Li Lingtian wants to really compete with the semi-divine realm, so that he can also check his own strength and check that there is a big gap between him and the semi-divine realm.

All they have to do is to help Li Lingtian protect the law and help Li Lingtian when Li Lingtian is in danger of life and death.

"Xiaobai will solve the other false **** realms by then."

"Ji Yi is on the spaceship, don't let go."

Li Lingtian reached out and stroked gently on the hair of the two women, showing a warm smile on her face.

In his heart, Ji Yi and Xiao Bai are even closer than their sisters.

Now both of them are already pseudo-spiritual consummate powerhouses. Not only is he not a burden, but he can help him. Naturally, he is very happy, and more is watching them grow up.

The first time I saw Xiaobai, Xiaobai was not born. Xiaobai was also hatched by him with Jinlong using dragon gas. Later, Xiaobai followed him until he became transfigured. The two never separated.

The same is true for Ji Yi. When he first saw him, Ji Yi was in the Crystal Palace and was able to wake up for a month for hundreds of millions of years. He could never escape this prohibition. Li Lingtian rescued her and stayed with Li Lingtian.


The two women snuggled up next to Li Lingtian and hummed softly, looking very clever.

The whole scene is very warm and envious.

The spaceship, flying constantly, is like never stopping.

The six elders in the back are chasing after hundreds of pseudo-spiritual strongmen. After a day, even the pseudo-semi- and semi-sacred realms are exhausted.

But even if you are exhausted, you can't give up.

It can't be thrown away, nor can it be caught up, which is the most disastrous.

They never thought that such a thing would happen one day, a semi-god realm with hundreds of pseudo-god realms, just chasing a pseudo-god realm strongman, when there was a dilemma.

Catch up, maybe it will disappear, and if you don’t, you will lose it.

The whole day followed the spacecraft carefully, exhausted physically and mentally.

"Damn, if you are caught up by Lao Tzu, you will be sorely smelt."

"You will die if you don't brag. If you can defeat him, the six elders will catch up and kill him. Will it still look like it?"

"What time will it fly?"

"Could it be that he found us and was playing with us on purpose?"

"However, even if it is so, we have no way."

"Stop talking, as long as you find his base camp, then the strong players in our Xuanyin Temple will kill him."

"Base Camp? We are stupid. This Li Lingtian has just come to Xianyu. Where is there a base camp?"

"Do you think we don't know this, but we can't do anything about these things."


Along the way, hundreds of half-god powerhouses were hotly chased, and the whole person was half tired, but they dared not relax.

Gradually, some powerful people began to complain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the end, they all felt a little impatient, because such a chase has no meaning at all.

The other party flew non-stop for a day, and had already left Hyun Yin Sky City for hundreds of millions of miles.

At such a long distance, it takes a long time for even the strongest of Xuanyin Tiancheng to come over.

Besides, it is a taboo to enter other Tiancheng sites. It is normal for a few strong men to enter other Tiancheng. If a lot of super strongmen go to other Tiancheng, they will definitely be targeted by other Tiancheng strongmen.

They are not fools. They flew in one day, and the other party was either planning to leave Chunyang Empire or teasing them after they were discovered.

This helplessness gave them a rhythm to run away, but it didn't take long for this helplessness to be over.

Because the spaceship in front stopped strangely and did not leave, but suspended in the air and stopped steadily.

This situation caught all the powerful off guards and did not know what to do.


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