War God Supreme

Chapter 1533: Battle 6 Elders

The six elders took hundreds of Xuanyin Hall's false **** realm strong chase, but they never dared to catch up and meet Li Lingtian.

Although he did not look at the false **** realm in his eyes, Li Lingtian was able to escape inside the castle and also wounded the Elder Nine. No matter what method he used, it was Li Lingtian's skill.

He didn't want to go to this muddy water, and there was no way to follow Li Lingtian.

Taking these pseudo-spiritual powerhouses is also in case, in case you meet Li Lingtian, you can also use these pseudo-spiritual powerhouses to contain Li Lingtian so that he can leave safely.

A full day's flight, even if he was half divine, was exhausted and half dead.

At this time, the spaceship in front stopped strangely, the speed of the spaceship was a thousand miles in the blink of an eye, and the speed of tracking behind was also very fast. Now the spaceship suddenly stopped, and the strong chase behind it suddenly stopped the car, both The distance between them was shortened and found by the other party.

Moreover, the other party is empty and confusing, and it can be seen within tens of thousands of miles. It is impossible to hide.


When the elders of the Six Elders were shocked, the spacecraft turned around and flew towards them at this time, and came to the opposite side in an instant, the distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

In just a few seconds, the spacecraft has arrived in front of everyone and is floating steadily.

This situation makes everyone feel at a loss, not knowing whether to move or leave.

The situation on the spaceship is clearly visible. A young man, three young women, and three girls are extremely beautiful, and Qingguoqingcheng cannot describe their beauty.

"Are you all tired?"

"Since you are tired, then rest."

Li Lingtian opened his mouth, the expression on his face was calm, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and the whole body exudes a chic and elegant atmosphere. This situation has nothing to do with the strong.

But that's how it made everyone's heart tremble. This is an invisible pressure, an invisible fear.

Between the words, his eyes glanced at all the strong men. The look in his eyes was also dull, like a cloud of light and breezy talking to a friend.

"Li Lingtian."

The look on the faces of the six elders kept changing. At this time, there was a dilemma. If you did it, you would not have a certain degree of confidence in your heart. If you fled, you would be embarrassed.

If it spreads out, a powerful demigod realm chased a phantom realm with hundreds of false realms, and later ran away without any action. I don’t know how frightened the powerful martial arts continent was. What other faces will linger in Chunyang Empire in the future?

"This seat is enough, you are worthless."

"I don't like anything that has no value."

Li Lingtian said lightly that the look on his face had not changed from beginning to end.

When the voice fell, he didn't do it, but the white woman next to him moved, and between the flashes of the white woman's figure, a terrifying and terrifying dragon burst into his body.

The figure was also transformed into a colorful sacred dragon when flying out, a colorful sacred dragon 100 meters in size.

The destruction of the sky was filled with the air, the dragon power of the Holy Dragon burst out, and the air in the space was twisted, and the space was torn into fragments. Hundreds of pseudo-real powers felt the threat of death.

Without waiting for them to react, the colorful Saint

The dragon has exploded, and the power of destruction is unfolding in the power of the false **** realm.

The power of the holy dragon is exactly the same state as the semi-god realm. The power of the colorful holy dragon is much more horrible than the strong man in the early days of the semi-god realm. Now dealing with these pseudo-godly strong men is totally worthless.

In front of the multicolored holy dragon, hundreds of false **** realm strongmen are completely ants. The battle between the dragon and the ants is completely slaughter, completely crushed, and powerfully crushed.





The sound of the bombardment of destruction, shocking the world, shook the space.

Hundreds of pseudo-spiritual powerhouses continue to fall, and they have absolutely no strength to parry.

Long Wei shook his mind, and Long Li tore his body. The Pseudo-Shenjing Powerhouse became weak at this time, and they also found how vulnerable they were in front of this colorful Saint Dragon.

In between, the body of the multi-colored holy dragon was in the strong power of the pseudo-spiritual realm. Wherever it passed, the strong power fell, falling down one by one, and there was no vitality when it fell.

Ming Yan'er and Ming Bing'er were shocked to see this scene.

Ming Yan'er is better. She knows that Xiaobai is the princess of the dragon clan, but she didn't expect that Xiaobai was so horrible after being transformed into a colorful sacred dragon. The false **** realm had become an ant in front of her.

Even more frightening is Ming Bing'er. She is a Martial God Realm. Although she doesn't know how powerful the Pseudo God Realm is, she has seen the war of Pseudo God Realm. In the face of the Pseudo God Realm, she can't even count the ants.

But with so many powerful pseudo-realms, since a Jiaodidi girl turned into a ruthless crush.

She never thought that the beautiful and beautiful Xiaobai was so powerful, it was completely beyond her imagination.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of pseudo-spiritual powerhouses fell to more than thirty.

"There's nothing about you there."

"Let me see today how powerful the demigod is."

"Look at how powerful your Xuanyin Temple is, dare to provoke this seat, is it possible to find death?"

The six elders saw the multicolored sacred dragons constantly destroying the powers of the false **** realm. These powers are all super powers in Xuanyin Temple.

Although the false **** realm is not taken seriously, at this time, if the colorful holy dragon kills all the false **** realm and then join hands to deal with him, then he will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, the figure flashed, the destructive power of the whole body was displayed, and the demi-power was about to bombard the colorful Holy Dragon.

But at this time, a terrible crisis appeared. The crisis came from Li Lingtian above the spacecraft. I saw that Li Lingtian's face was dull, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was a faint light group in his hand. A breath that destroys death.

The light cluster shot straight at him, the space, trembling and tearing suddenly, the light cluster came to him in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the look on the face of the six elders changed drastically, and he did not dare to hesitate at all.


With a shocking explosion, the light group and the power of the demigod collided together, and the light group was broken up. Yu Jin, the force of the demigod, bombarded Li Lingtian at a very fast speed.

The power of the demigod, powerful and terrifying, even under the active attack of the light group, was also destroyed by the demigod's power, and Yu Jin also bombarded Li Lingtian.

"Death is coming."

Li Lingtian's face was shocked, although he knew a lot about Semi-God, and knew that Semi-God was powerful.

But I did not expect that the other party could crush his death gas under the passive. Seeing the power of the demigod bombarded, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, a more terrifying death gas burst out, and the death gas formed A ray of light.

The magical power of the coming of death is exhibited. The coming of death is enlightened from the spirit of death and the pearl of death, and the power is shocking. At this time, when it is exhibited, the power reaches a terrifying level.


Another explosion, the power of the demigod was cancelled, and the attack of death also dissipated.

Two magical powers can only counteract the attack of the powerful half-divine realm. Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart, but the expression on his face was very calm. After all, this is a semi-realm. Fortunately, his magical powers and exercises are against the sky. False **** realm, not to mention the war, it was suppressed in the face of the coercive power of the half **** realm.

"Death Blade!"

Without a slight pause, after the death came to resist the power of the demigod, Li Lingtian cast the blade of death.

Speaking of Xiu Wei, he is certainly not an opponent of Semi-Divine Realm, but his strength is strong.

In this world, to say that the fastest way to perform supernatural powers, it is Li Lingtian.

Almost half of all kinds of magical powers have been practiced to the point where they are instantaneous. When they come in hand, they don't need to exercise at all. Such an instantaneous speed is simply a horror.

Impressed by the consciousness, the gas of death was exerted.

The slender blade of death is as horrible as a sickle of death, and it exudes a rich air of death. What is more terrifying is the ray of Hongguang, which makes people feel trembling.

The innate artifact pressure of the Blade of Death broke out, and the pressure of death was terrified at this time. Even the six elders in the semi-divine realm felt the negative emotions of death.

By the time he reacted from the negative emotions of death, Li Lingtian's blade of death had been cast.

I saw that Li Lingtian exhibited the blade of death and waved it with one hand. The ray of red light of the blade of death fell towards him with the air of destruction. Hongguang came to the front regardless of the speed of space.

"Juekong, Tianbo God's Secret!"

Seeing the air of death and the arrival of Hongguang, the look on the faces of the six elders was horrified.

No longer dare to hesitate at this moment, the look on his face became resolute, as if an important decision had been made.

At the same time, with one hand swiping in the air, a mysterious breath broke out. At this time, a space fluctuation of ten meters in size appeared in front of the six elders. The space fluctuation was like a calm lake thrown into a stone Generally rippling up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Click! "


The attack of the Death Blade, bombarded on the ripples, suddenly made a burst of subtle sounds.

The space trembled strangely, and in a blink of an eye, the attack of the Blade of Death disappeared, and the ripples also disappeared at this time. The whole process was just in a blink of an eye.

Although the power of the powerful Death Blade has been resisted and disappeared, the power of the innate artifact has been solved so easily.

In front of the mighty power, the elders of the six elders were forced to retreat fiercely, and their bodies backed away for dozens of meters before stopping. The look on their faces was red and white, and their eyes showed horror anger.

/>Dangtang semi-godly powerhouse, in front of a false **** realm, was restrained everywhere. He was led by his opponent to walk his nose, and was finally forced to retreat, but the opponent stood on the spaceship and did not move for a while. 'S identity is reversed, as if he is a pseudo-god and Li Lingtian is a semi-god.


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